THURSDA Y; T4O + : 1942
Conference Leaders Delay Action On Freshman Eli
Heads Reserve Right to Change
Decision, Elect Aigler President
Big Ten Endorses Football in 1943 by Waiving
Nine-Game Limit, Allowing Teams to Play Away
AN -
Phi Delts Nose Out Betas For I-M Mat Title
PEM Class, Varsity Mermen
CHICAGO, Dec. 9.- ()- The Big
Ten's faculty representatives. voted
today to delay action on making
freshmen eligible for varsity teams
but reserved the right to meet again
9n 24 hours notice any time a critical
shortage of athletic manpower de-
By tabling a proposal to abandon
the freshman rule, a measure for
which many of the representatives
Detroit Liquidates
Minor League Club
DETROIT, Dec. 9.- (A)- The De-
troit Tigers, once one of baseball's
foremost owners of Minor League
talent, are going out of the chain
store business with the sale of their
top feeder club and sole remaining
property of a former extensive farm
Ernest Lorbeer, President of the
Beaumont club of the Texas League,.
disclosed today that Detroit was liqui-
dating its holdings in the Texas City
where in a dozen years of ownership"
Detroit developed Hank Greenberg,
Schoolboy Rowe and other talent for
three American League pennant win-
---. Be A Goodfellow
Bookmaker Jack Doyle
Dies of Heart Attack
JACKSONVILLE, Fla., Dec. 9.-
(W)- Jack Doyle, Broadway's official
odds-maker, died today. He was 66.
The husky-voiced veteran of New
York's "real Broadway" succumbed
to a heart attack at a hotel here. He
had stopped off in Jacksonville for
a few days en route back to New York,
after visiting Miami for his health.
held a sympathetic attitude, the con-
trol group kept the issue alive but
agreed there was no need to use first-
year men at this time.
Prof. Ralph W. Aigler of Michigan,
newly-elected President, and Prof.
Frank E. Richart of Illinois, Secretary
of the group, discussed the meeting
and said that varying reports on how
rapidly- the teen-age university stu-
dents .would be. called to the armed
forces -resulted in the motion to table
the proposal.
Favor Continuation of Sports
The representatives agreed with
yesterday's statement of the athletic
directors that the intercollegiate
sports program should be continued
during the war, but said this policy
should be followed only so far as
schools may find means of support-
ing such activities.
In line with this statement the
representatives not only endorsed the
1943 football season but also made it
possible to extend schedules from
nine games-a limit set last spring
for next year's grid cards-to 10, with
the stipulation that the extra con-
test be with aservice team. Since
some schools already have sched-
uled one or two Army or Navy elevens,
they may expand this list to include
one more.
Waive Some Rules
Waived for the duration was a Con-
ference rule prohibiting a Big Ten
team from playing a non-league op-
ponent on a neutral field within 150
miles of another member school. Spe-
cifically this will enable Illinois to
oppose Great Lakes in basketball in
the Chicago Stadium-which lies in
Northwestern's legal territory-but
the .general .feeling was .that it ap-
plied as well to football, thus permit-
ting Big Ten schools to bring their
non-conference games into such pla-
ces as Chicago's Soldier Field.
Come one, come all and come early
to Matt Mann's big water show, Swim
Gala, tomorrow night at 7:45 p.m. in
the Sports Building pool.'
For if past performances are any
kind of indication, the huge nata-
torium will be jammed to the rafters
with spectators for Matt's eighth ver-
sion of "Ringling in the water." And
Matt warns that only 1,000 spectators
can be accommodated.
Vying for top billing on the pro-
gram will be a selected group of Phys-
ical Education for Men students and
Matt's freshman and varsity tank-
men. The PEM students will give a
demonstration of modern warfare in
the water.complete to the 'last detail
while Matt's swimmers will put on
their usual show of speed in the
water with a number of intra-squad
One of the top events of the varsity
part of the show will be the 300-yard
medley relay with five teams compet-
ing. On paper the trio of Pat Hayes,
Harry Holiday and Lou Kivi is slight-
ly favored but not far behind are the
other groups of Jerry Stenbuck, Loren
Papenguth, and Bob Heath; Jim
Skinner, Ted Horlenko and Chuck
Fries; Irv Einbinder, John McCarthy
and Mert Church; and Dave Levy,
John Aigler and Ace Gory.
Other events will feature back-
stroke, breaststroke, diving and free
style competition between Matt's
_________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________-
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Daily Sports Editor
* * * *
UNWITTINGLY, The Daily has established a tradition. It rarely runs
an editorial, column or what-have-you on the much maligned subject
of sportsmanlike conduct of athletic crowds. That is a distinction.
But being a firm believer in the speed-up axom to break tradition
to insure results, we hereby remove The Daily's distinctive trait from
the traditional class. And if you ever want to blast tradition from its
lofty peak, just remember nothing more is necessary than a typewriter
and a willing night editor. A combination of this sort, free-thinkers
tell us, can do anything.
SO THIS COLUMN is devoted to breaking tradition and a discussion
of Michigan sportsmanship. It all came about like this. The Bench-
comber was viewing Monday's basketball game with Michigan State from
the press box, when somebody at his elbow made with a "Tch, tch." As-
suming that the grieved person was sorrowing over the way the game was
going, State being ahead at the time, the Benchcomber said nothing.
Then the person at the elbow grabbed aforementioned elbow and
demanded that Benchie write a column on the unsportsmanlike Wol-
verine fandom attending the cage tussle. Well, the Benchie is always
willing to oblige, but the column isn't exactly what the demander
THE CRITICISM of our observer was that Michigan fans didn't give
the other team a chance. His main point was the vast amount of
noise occurring whenever a visiting player stepped to the foul line for a
free toss, and the immediate hush that came over the crowd whenever a
Wolverine was in a similar position. Furthermore, he told us nothing like
that ever took place when Michigan participated in a hardwood struggle
away from home.
Since we didn't especially think his argument valid, feeling that
it is only natural for a home crowd to let its sentiments be known, we
checked with Bennie Oosterbaan, Michigan basketball coach, If any-
thing, the philosophical mentor had little else but praise for Michigan
cage fans. "They never abuse an official," he commented, "and they
don't abuse opposing players any more than is done anywhere else.
I think our fans should be praised rather than criticized. We have
less booing than most places and our fans always act as fairly as ex-
pected of any partial group."
Q UITE FRANKLY, we were glad to hear Bennie speak these words. He's
the kind of a person, you see, who doesn't color the facts. And we
trust that Michigan fans will eliminate any semblance of unsportsmanlike
action and preserve the Wolverine reputation for good sportsmanship.
And, finally, in reply to those people who contend that sportsmanship
is much more evident in other schools, we offer the age old proverb, "The
grass always looks greener in the other fellows' yard." Which reminds us,
we'll probably have to shovel the snow off the front walk when we get
home for Xmas vacation.
New Champs
Collect Three
Class Crowns
Gillett, Cobble, Snyder,
Tops in Their Weight;
ATO Finishes Third
Taking three of the eight divisional
championships, Phi Delta Theta be-
came wrestling champs of the frater-
nity league last night when they
nosed out Beta Theta Pi, 25-20. Other
point scorers were Alpha Tau Ome-
ga, 9; Sigma Phi Epsilon, 8; Sigma
Alpha Epsilon, Chi Phi and Psi Up-
silon 5 each; Phi Gamma Delta, 4;
and Chi Phi, 1.
Pacing the Phi Delts to their vic-
tory were Ed Gillett, winner in the
136 pound division, Milan Cobble,
155 pound champ, and Howard Sny-
der, top man among the 165 pound-
Cops Close One
In the 121 pound class Louis Klein-
stiver, Beta Theta Pi, pinned Rufus
Teasdale of Alpha Tau Omega after
the two had battled on even terms for
several minutes. Only after Teasdale
took the "referee" position was Klein-
stiver able to turn the trick.
The finals of the 18 pound class
was a see-saw affair between Doug
Chanter of Psi Upsilon and Ralston
Hayden of Beta Theta Pi. Chanter
spurting in the closing minutes of
the contest, pinned Hayden and gave
his team the only five points that
they earned.
One of the most thrilling matches
was that between Gillett and Jack
(Easy) Vaughn in the finals of the
136 pound division. Vaughn, hailing
from Phi Gamma Delta, had an un-
canny ability to get out of trouble as
fast as he could get into it, but he
got into it just a couple times too
often as Gillett outpointed him 7-5.
Holcombe Shows Skill
The class of the 145 pound division
was Allan Holcombe of Sigma Alpha
Epsilon, who beat Don Lauren of Beta
Theta Pi in the semi-finals and then
went on to turn back Bob Templin
of Sigma Phi Epsilon with an exhi-
bition of scientific wrestling.
In the 155 pound class Cobble came
home with the bacon as he started
off his evening by defeating Harvey
Jones of Phi Delta Theta and finished
it by stopping Bob Sundquist of Beta
Theta Pi. Sundquist had earlier in
the evening pinned Bill Cranston of
Chi Phi,
Copping the 165 pound crown was
Snyder of Phi Delta Theta. Snyder
was hard pressed in his final match
by Paul Prozeller of Sigma Chi, out-
pointing him by only 10-8.
Hedges Beats Grey
The closest match of the evening
was in the 175 pound division where
Bill Grey, Sigma Phi Epsilon, and
Bill Hedges, Beta Theta Pi, supplied
the excitement. With a last second
surge, Hedges gained the referee's
decision, 7-6.
Rudy Smeja of Alpha Tau Omega
and Jack Emmett of Phi Delta Theta
hooked up in the finals of the un-
limited weight class with Smeja hav-
ing too much ability for the hard
fighting Emmett. Early in the match
Emmett suffered a bloody nose that
lent color to the rest of the match
as he and Smeja both looked like
Indianswith war paint on by the
time Smeja succeeded in pinning his
Michigan's basketball squad has
height, speed, and experience. Re-
flecting on the Wolverines' chances
this year, Coach Bennie Oosterbaan
stated, "What we need most is time;
time for organization; time to dis-
cover what these boys can do."
The main contingent of varsity
football players on the quintet
worked out for the first time this
week. Oosterbaan has not had a
chance to see what Merv Pregulman,
Don Robinson, Walt Freihofer, and
Bob Shemky can do, but expects to
find plenty of use for them in future
games. Shemky plays at both the for-
ward and guard positions, but is still
Three Wolverine gridders, Al Wis-
tert, Merv Pregulman and Julie
Franks were chosen by the Iowa Sea-
hawks on their all-Opponent team
while George Ceithaml was accorded
runner-up honors by the Cadets at
Gridders Report to Oosterbaan;
Wiese Earns Berth at Forward
UI41 OWto
back up.your lit
FANCY words are O.K.-but
efore you try living up to
them, try dressing up to them-
with Arrow Shirts.
Your favorite Arrow will very
possibly be Gordon, a fine ox-
ford-because it's a swell all-
purpose shirt. In regular or but-
ton-down collar. Sanforized la-
bel (less than 1% fabric shrink-
age.) $2.50.
Get some Arrow ties too. $1 up.
Arrow Gordon Is B. S. 0. C.*
(Continued from Page 2)
e' zy, , o
pV/ LS4 Ye//o
d°&e 1 agtsf
Aa Js'C e, oyejt
Public Health Assembly: Dr. Haven
Emerson of Columbia University and
the De Lamar Institute of Public
Health will give an address on "Pub-
lic Health Aspects of Heart Disease"
to an assembly of students in the
School of Public Health on Monday,
December 14, at 4:00 p.m. in the audi-
torium of the Kellogg Building.
The annual Charles Lathrop Pack
Essay contest for students in engi-
neering-wood technology, pre-forest-
ry, and , forestry is announced. A
prize of $25 is offered. Inquiries re-
garding the rules of the contest may
be made at the office of the School
of Forestry and Conservation.
Varsity Glee Club: There will be
no meeting tonight.
Bowling for Women: The bowling
alleys at the Women's Athletic Build-
ing will be closed until after the
Christmas holidays.
4:15 p.m. on Wednesday, December
16, under the auspices of the De-
partment of Political Science. The
public is cordially invited.
University Lecture: Dr. Horace H.
Underwood, Lecturer under the
Board of Foreign Missions of, the
Presbyterian Church Board of the,
United States of America, will lec-
ture on the subject, "Recent Experi-
ences in the Orient," under the aus-
pices of the Department of Oriental
Languages and Literatures, on Wed.,
Dec. 16, at 8:00 p.m. in the Kellogg
Auditorium. The public is cordially
Current Events Lecture will be giv-
en by Professor Preston Slosson un-
der the auspices of the Ann Arbor-
Ypsilanti Branch of the American
Association of University Women to-
day at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham
Lecture. Hall. Tickets may be pur-
chased at the door.
Medical Lecture: Dr. Charles Bren-
ton Huggins, Professor of Surgery of
the University of Chicago Medical
Are you a
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D O YOU keep close
labs on the number
of Arrow Gordon Ox-
ford Shirts in your
drawer? Be sure you
have enough, because
it's the. most practical
shirt in your drawer;
good for classes, dates;
good with all your
LWAYS in a top spot in campus popularity
polls is Arrow's Gordon Oxford shirt-with
regular and button-down collars. Gordon fits you
perfectly, because it is cut on the Mitoga form-fit
pattern. What's more, it can't shrink more than a
micrnnnic %. for it bears the Sanforized label.