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December 06, 1942 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-12-06

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H E iv - ri1 AN, .y,



War Production
U.S. Is Only Country Today
Outproducing the Axis Nations
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Dec. 5.-American war production in 1942 has fallen
a little short of the mammoth goals set by President Roosevelt in all major
categories except merchant shipping, the Office of War Information dis-
closed today, but nevertheless reached such a pace that this country alone,
is outproducing the Axis.
Revealing some figures carefully kept secret heretofore, OWI said in
a reviewo f the war's firs't year that' _ _






Destroyers Left in Jumbled Wreckage

Bad Year for 'Fifth Column'
Says FBI in Report to Nation
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Dec. 5.-America's home defense stood firm against
the enemy within during .the first year of war, the Justice Department
showed today in a summary of its activities.
It was a bad year for the "fifth-column" of spies, saboteurs, seditioists
and traitors. It was bad also for draft dodgers, contract cheats and pro-
The .G-Men had been preparing before Munich, and they were ready
when President Roosevelt ordered them into action in September, 1939, as
the coordinators of all United States counter-espionage activities.
Statistics Given
Attorney General Biddle gave this statistical summary of the results
during the first year after Pearl Harbor:
1) 57 spies were convicted, and six executed.
2) 8 traitors have been convicted, and four sentenced to death.
3) 80 saboteurs have been con-

production totaled:
1. 49,000 planes.
2. 32,000 tanks and self-propelled
3. 17,000 anti-aircraft guns larger
than 20 millimeter.
4. 8,200,000 tons of merchant ship-
ping* ,
At that time the figures were con-
sidered breath-taking in this coun-
try.- The Axis radio scoffed at them
as fantastic and absurd.
OL ,in its review, called the rec-
ord "impressive and observed that
there were some compensating fac-
tors in the categories where goals
were not met.
Contentment Unwarranted
"An increasing proportion of our
planes are heavy bombers," it point-
ed out. "In addition to tanks and
self-propelled artillery, many thou-
sands of scout cars and half and full-
track carriers have been produced
which are as essential to a well-
rounded mechanized force as are
tanks themselves. Many, many thou-.
sands of anti-aircraft machine guns
have been turned out."
But, OWI admonished, there
should be no cause for contentment
in the figures themselves "or in the
fact that we are now out-producing
the Axis in armaments'."
'Close to the Bare Muscle'
"The production tasks of 1942 seem
easy compared to those which lie
ahead," it continued. "In 1942 we
were still living off our peacetime
fat. We are now close to the bare
muscle and we can only proceed by
toughening and increasing that mus-
"In the next year our program
calls forhso great an increase in mu-
nitions production that we shgll have
to produce two-thirds again as much
as we did in 1942."
The goals which Mr. Roosevelt set
last January were 60,000 planes, 45,-
000 tanks, 20,000 anti-aircraft guns
and 8,000,000 tons of merchant ship-
Otherwise, OWI gave no hint as
to the production goals set for 1943.
When announcing this year's pro-
duction aims, Mr. Roosevelt called
for an output of 125,000 planes, 75,-
000 tanks, 35,000 anti-aircraft guns
and 10,000,000 tons of merchant
shipping in 1943. Since then, pro-

duction plans have been revised in
the light of war experience with
greater emphasis placed on shipping
and heavy bombers.
Discussing prospective, difficulties
ahead, OWI dealt at length on the
manpower problem. "A year ago
7,000,000 persons were employed in
war work," it said. "Now the total
has risen to 17,500,000. 'In 1943 we
will need to add at least 5,000,000 to
our working and fighting forces. And
by the end of that year nearly all
of our working population will be
engaged in war work or in civilian
work geared to the war."
Women Must Woi'k
The prospective manpower short-
age, it added, "will require not only
additions to the labor supply from
women and older and younger peo-
ple, but extensive transfers from'
non-war industry and the most ef-
ficient utilization of our ,present la-
bor force "
As to farm production, OWI said
it would be difficult to maintain it
at the 12942 level, that some short-
ages would develop "yet an adequate
overall diet can be assured."
The first war year leaves many
production problems hanging over
for thesecond one but gn the whole,
OWI concluded, ."the record of the
past may give usathisnmuch assur-
ance-that we have no cause for
feeling that the job ahead cannot
or will not be done.
Japanese Student
Drafted by Mistake
LANSING, Dec. 5.- (P)- Three,
days after he was sworn into the
United States Army, George J. Kozu-
chi, '26, American-born Japanese,
was rejected' for military ' service,
draft board officials disclosed 'today.
Kozuchi was scheduled to leave for
.Camp Grant on Dec. 7.
A former student at Michigan'
State College, Kozuchi was processed
through an "oversight" at the Kala-
mazoo induction center on Nov. 24,
'officials said. Selective Service head-
quarters here pointed out that no
person of Japanese origin or parent-
age can be accepted by the armed


victed and sent to prison.
4) 26 seditionists have .been con-
victed and 46 persons await trial on
similar charges.
5) 70 publications alleged to have
been used for sedition have qcit the
6) 44 agents of foreign go ri-
ments have gone to pri-on.
7) 42 foreign-born persons have
had their acquired American cititen-
ship taken away for disloyalty; action
against 300 more pends in the courts,
and 2,500 others are under investiga-
Chiselers Convicted
8) 11 chiselers and profiteers on
the war contracts have been cor-
victed and grand juries are gettinga

evidence' on 100 persons accused of
similar offenses.
9) 2,382 violators of the Draft Law
have been convicted.
16) 12,071 German. Japanese and
Italian subjects have been arpre-
hended on suspicion of being dn-
gerous; 3,567 were released after pre-
lminary investigation, 3,646 have
been interned for the duration, 2,933
have been released under rigid pa-
role, 1,048 were released outright aft-
er hiearings, and the others await dis-
Th~eFederal Burea.u of Investiga-
tion was expar dedto about six times
its pre-war strength to meet the
growing burden of internal defense.

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List of ShipCasualies
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Dec. 5-Here are the ships listed by the Navy
as casualties at Pearl Harbor,'
Totally LOSt -
Battleship Arizona, 32,600-ton ship of the Pennsylvania Class.
Laufnched June 19, 1915. Twelve 14-inch guns, 'twelve 5-inch guns
and eight 5-inch anti-aircraft guns. Normal complement, 1,358 offi-
cers and men.
Severely Damaged -
(Some but not all now back with the fleet.)
Battleship Oklahoma, 29,000-ton ship of the Nevada Class.
Launched March 23, 1914. Ten 14-inch guns, 12 5-inch guns, 8 5-inch
anti-aircraft guns. Normal complement 1,301:'
Battleship Nevada. Sister-ship to Oklahoma. Launched July 11,
Battleship California, 35,190-ton ship of the California Class.
Launched Nov. 20, 1919. Twelve 14-inch guns, 12 5-inch guns, 8 5-inch
anti-aircraft guns. Normal complement, 1,480.
Battleship West Virginia, 33,590-ton ship of the Maryland Class.
Launched Nov. 19, 1921. 'Eight 16-inch guns, 12 5-inch guns, 8 5-inch
anti-aircraft guns. Normal complement, 1,407.
Destroyers Shaw, Cassin and Downes, 1,500 tons each. Cassin
and Shaw launched Oct. 28, 1935. Downes, April 22, 1936. Five 5-inch
dual purpose guns, 12 torpedo tubes. Normal complement, about 170.
Target Ship Utah, 19,800 tons. Launched Dec. 23, 1909 as a bat-
tleship. Converted to a training ship for anti-aircraft gunnery.
Mine Layer Oglala, 4,2000 tons. Former Fall River Line Passen-
ger ship acquired by the Navy during the World War. One 5-inch gun,
two 3-inch anti-aircraft guns. Normal complement, 373.
Damaged but Back with Fleet -
Battleship Pennsylvania, 33,100 tons. Launched March 16, 1915.
SisterĀ° ship of Arizona.'
Battleship Maryland, 31,500 tons. Launched March 20, 1920. Sister
ship of West Virginia.
Battleship Tennessee, 32,300 tons. Launched April 30, 1919.
Sister-ship of California.
Cruiser Helena, 10,000 tons. Launched Aug. 27, 1938. Fifteen 6-
inch guns, 8 5-inch anti-aircraft guns. Four aircraft. Normal com-
plement, 888.
Cruiser Honolulu, 9,700 tons. Launched Aug. 26, 1937. Armament
same as Helena. Normal complement, 868.
Cruiser Raleigh, 7,050 tons. Launched Oct. 25, 1922. Ten 6-inch
guns, four 3-inch guns, six torpedo tubes, four aircraft. Normal com-
plement, 458.
Seaplane Tender Curtiss, 8,625 tons. Launched April 20, 1940.
Ships of this class were built to carry 24 planes. Details of armament
are not given in late naval publications.
Repair Ship Vestal, 6,625 tons. Launched 1909. Normal comple-
ment, 466.

The masses of wreckage in this
photo are the U.S. destroyers,
Downes (eft) and Cassin (right),
in Pearl Harbor drydock where
they were caught by the Jap attack.
In background is battleship USS
Pennsylvania, 33,100-ton flagship,
of the Pacific fleet, which suffered
relatively minor damage and was
soon repaired. Machinery from de-
stroyers is being transferred to new
300 Walk Out
at Budd Plant
DETROIT, Dec. 5. P)- On
learning that they were not to receive
time and a half pay for today's work,
approximately 300 employees of the
Budd manufacturing plant left their
jobs this morning, making the second
unauthorized strike in the plant this
week. The company is engaged solely
in war work.
Warren H. Farr, general manager
of the company, said that the com-
pany did not plan to pay overtime to
employees involved in Thursday's
strike because they had not put in 40
hours of work this week. The com-
pany will abide by any decision the
labor board may make on the situa-
tion, Farr said.

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