SUNDAY, NO4'. 29, 1942
Boston College, Georgia
Tech Conquered
Middies Trounce Army, 14-0
Top Two Teams
lis, Md., Nov. '2.--OP)-- Putting the
final "whacky" touch to an Army-
Navy game that was like no other ser-
vice scramble in history, Navy's "com-
pletely outclassed" footballers all but
chased the Cadets out of this ball
park and into Chesapeake Bay today
and rolled up a smashing 14 to 0 sur-
prise triumph.
A crashing, crushing line that was
a credit to line coach Rip Miller and
a classy collection of young backs,
notably the 150 - pound Arkansas
Tennessee to Meet
Tulsa in Bowl Game
NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 28.- (A")-
The Sugar Bowl late today announced
that unbeaten Tulsa would meet once-
defeated Tennessee here New Year's
Day in the ninth annual renewal of
the Mid-Winter Sports Classic.
Joseph B. David, president, made
the announcement a couple of hours
after Boston College, red hot favorite
until mid - afternoon today, was
knocked out of all consideration by
a storming 55-12 defeat by Holy Cross.
Tulsa went through a great season
undefeated in ten games while Ten-
nessee, returning to the Sugar Bowl
for a second appearance, lost 8 to 0
to Alabama, was tied at the beginning
of the season 0-0 by South Carolina,
and won its eight temaining games.
atom, freshman Harold Hamberg,
produced the surprise package which
not even Navy Head CoachJohn E,
Whelchel thought the Middies could
pull out of the hat.
Giving the Middies a string of four
straight victories over the Army for
the first time in the half-century
history of this ancient classic, the
astonishing Navy performance-put
on for the entertainment of a mere
11,700 spectators-topped off a series
of events leading up to the game the
like of which the rivalry had never
undergone before.
Three times in the first half, Navy
knocked at the door before finally
getting "in," and they dug deep into
the book for some of their offensive
"stuff" that bewildered Army, even
to coming up with the ancient Statue
of Liberty play which worked twice
for 46 yards. After being held on the
one-foot line twice and the five-yard
line another time, the Middies sent
freshman Joe Sullivan, a 180-pound
redhead from Pittsburgh's University
School, pile-driving through the mid-
dle for half-a-yard and the first score.
Then, midway of the third period,
after the first of Oreal Crepeau's two
wide field goal tries had missed fire,
Hillis Hume, the 180-pound sopho-
more fullback from Alliance, Ohio,
intercepted an Army pass on the Ca-
det 21. On the first play afterward,
Little Hamberg fired a rifle-shell
pitch to tall Ben Martin of Prospect
Park, Pa., on the five, and Ben beat
the Army defenders to the end zone.
Suffer First Setback
BOSTON, Nov. 28. - (A) - Holy
Cross' thrice-beaten and once-tiedj
Crusaders provided 1942's topsy-turvy
intercollegiate football season with
its most shocking upset by over-
whelming previously undefeated Bos-
ton College, 55-12, today before an
overflow crowd of 42,000 at Fenway
The spirited Crusaders, rated as 4-1
underdogs, despite. the fact they can
be relied upon to hit their season's
playing peak against Boston College,
took full advantage of the wide open-
ings that resulted when their oppo-
nents kept throwing fast chargingi
seven and eight-man lines against'
them throughout the entire contest,
Bezemes Scores Three
Left halfback Johnny Bezemes,
Holy Cross top scorer, personally
voided the Sugar Bowl invitation that
Boston College authorities have been
carrying 'around unsigned for the
past month oy so, by boosting his
season's touchdown total to 10 after
making three trips into the Eagles'
end zone.
The others who collaborated in pil-
ing up the record Holy Cross total
were Bobby Sullivan, who started this
rout with a one-yard buck after 10
minutes of play, Captain Eddie Mur-
phy and Andy Natowich, one of the
late - game backfield replacements.
The Holy Cross leader, despite the
discomfort of a huge mask that pro-
tected the triple-fractured nose he
suffered against Manhattan last
week, also Ylace-kicked seven extra
points in addition to completing a
35-yard pass from Bezemes for his
touchdown. ,
ATHENS, Ga., Nov. 28. - (P) -
Georgia heard sweet music today-a
brass band blaring: "California, Here
I Come!" and followed it to a New
Years Day engagement in Pasadena's
fabulous Rose Bowl.
The invitation came-and was in-
stantly accepted-a few minutes af-
ter Georgia's great football team
thundered over unbeaten, untied
Georgia Tech, 34-0, before 45,000
howling fans.
The triumph, a spectacular come-
back from Georgia's defeat by Au-
burn a week ago, made Wallace Butts'
DALLAS, Tex., Nov. 28.- (/P)-
Georgia Tech tonight was invited
to play in the Cotton Bowl, Earl B.
Smyth, President of the .Cotton
Bowl Athletic Association, an-
Bulldogs again one of the claimants
to a National Championship.
Today's conquest was the one
which Georgia was thinking about,
when Auburn came up on the blind
side for an upset. Today Georgia was*
going to win, and nothing Tech threw
in the way could stall that drive.
Georgia was leading, 7-0, before 10
minutes had elapsed; piled across two
more touchdowvns to gain a 20-0 ad-
vantage by half-time.
From there on thre was no ques-
tion of the outcome. Georgia put
across a fourth touchdown in the
third quarter and added a fifth on a
pass-interception to round out the
worst beating suffered by Tech in
their series since 1931, when the Bull-
dogs won, 37-7.
Spartans Hold
Oregon State
to 7-7 Draw
EAST LANSING, Nov. 28.- (p)- A
badly out-rushed but crafty Michigan
State team battled Oregon State's
favored Rose Bowl champions to a
7-7 deadlock before a slim crowd of
5,400 here today in the season's finale
for both teams.
Oregon State, which piled up 15
first downs to five and out-plunged
the Spartans 155 yards to 16, had to
come from behind to settle for its tie
with the stubborn Michigan State
eleven whose touchdown came in the
first five minutes of play on a fake
field goal play.
Fullback Morgan Gingrass, holding
for an apparent placement attempt
by halfback Wally Pawlowski, sud-
denly streaked around right end and
knifed into pay dirt. Pawlowski added
the point.
Spartans Hit on Pass
Despite the flashy running of full-
back Joe Day and halfback Bill Mc-
Ginnis, who gained 131 yards between
them, the Beavers were lucky to finish
even-up. They scored in the second
period, with Day ramming over from
the one-yard line to cap a 71-yard
march. Quarterback Ralph Harper
kicked the point.
State came to life in the second
half, holding the Beavers outside its
25 and nearly sneaking across another
touchdown. Halfback Dick Kieppe,
who was the Spartans' outstanding
performer despite a steel brace on his
injured knee, fired a fourth quarter
pass to quarterback Russell Gilpin
that was good for 48 yards and swept
the Spartans to Oregon State's five
yard stripe.
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Read and Use The Michigan Daily Classifieds
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Salads: Fruit, Heart of Lettuce
Vegetables: Buttered Cauliflower, Fresh Peas
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Big Paul White ended the season
yesterday as Michigan's individual
high scorer. The Wolverine right
halfback scored 48 points to nose
out Tommy Kuzma who tallied 43.
Jim Brieske, the man with the edu-
cated toe, was next with 29. One of
Jim's kicks was a field goal in the
. . . . By Mike Dann
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Great Lakes game; all the others
were conversions.
Iowa was penalized a number of
times for offsides because of some
Wolverine strategy. Usually Kuzma
handles the ball after White starts
running off to either side, but against
the Hawkeyes the situation was re-
versed. White handled the ball first.
The eager Iowa line kept watching
Kuzma and broke through when he
started running to either side think-
ing Tom had the ball.
Mr. Tom Farmer, the Hawkeyes'
great passer, didn't do so well, and
it wasn't because of the cold weath-
er. Julie Franks and Al Wistert were
practically sitting on his arm every
time he tried to throw the ball.
Wistert according to most of the
press box scribes played one of his
greatest games.
Dick Hoerner's 85-yard run against
Michigan was the longest run made
against the Wolverines since 1935
when a Wisconsin back ran an open-
ing kickoff back 98 yards.
No team Fritz Crisler has ever
coached has lost a football game to
Iowa. In 1931 when Crisler was with'
Minnesota, the Gophers drubbed
the Buckeyes 34-0. In 1939 Michi-
gan whipped Iowa 27-7 and last
year nosed them out 6-0. Even when
Coach Fielding Yost piloted Wol-
verine elevens Iowa didn't fare very
well in the Wolverine picture. In
1902 one of Yost's teams beat the
Hawkeyes 107-0.
Apparently having a drunk in the
Michigan backfield the closing game
of the season is becoming a habit. One
inebriated individual was escorted off
the playing field yesterday as was the
case in the Ohio State final.e last year.
Coach Eddie Anderson of the
Hawkeyes uses much the same offense,
as the great Chicago Bears-a T for-
mation. Notre Dame is the only other
team that Michigan faced which em-
ploys a similar offense. The Irish "T"
is somewhat modified however.
Only Wolverine injuries were sus-
tained by Tom Kuzma and Merv
Pregulman. The speedy halfback
has a sprained knee and Pregulman
is nursing a bruised knee.
Chuck Kennedy who scored Michi-
gan's last touchdown, picked up Bob
Wiese's fumble on the two-yard line
and carried it over. According to in-
tercollegiate rules the offense can
pick up a fumble and keep the ball
in play. The dispute over Kennedy's
tally resulted when one of the offi-
cials thought Ted's knee hit the
ground on the one yard line,
The Wolverines will pick their
1943 captain Tuesday noon when
they have their pictures taken. In
all probability they will also choose
1. September, 1943, graduates may have Senior
Pictures in the 1943 Michiganensian.
2. Your picture must be made, and your choice
of proofs returned, before Christmas vaca-
3. The entire cost of picture and engraving is
covered by the $3 coupon you buy at the
Ensian office or the photo studio. Ensian
photos may be made only by studios listed
Ensian Photographers:
Dey . .-....-. .. 5031 Rentschler . . . . 5541
Nelson . . . . 25-8877 Spedding . . . . . 4434
K 'I
-. .-.-. . . . Cli
VOL. I, No. 14
BEER-LOVING students
on campus were dealt a
hard blow this week when
the State Liquor Control
Commission suspended the
licenses of the Pretzel Bell
and Starbuck's College Inn
and forbade them to sell
beer for an indefinite peri-
od . . . Both establish-
ments were accused of ille-
gally selling beer to minors
on Friday, Nov. 6, when
the Commission investi-
L. Starbuck and Philip
Stapp wereconfident that
the suspension would last
only a few days ... Star-
buck, whose tavern has
been on probation since
Oct. 5, said, "If 18-year-
olds can fight, why can't
they drink? None of us
knew that the 1942 and
1943 student identification
cards had birth dates on
them. Not even Dr. Ruth-
p Here And Mail To A U.-M. Man In The Armed Forces-
L4r £fiin 'D &i13J
r ter'
, ~ '.
NOVEMBER 29, 1942
Wolverines Whip Iowa, 28-14
Michigan's mighty eleven ended a gruelling ten
game schedule in high gear as they marched over an
ever-battling Iowa team 28-14 before 20,643 spectators.
The victory gives Michigan a season record of seven
victories and three defeats and a Big Ten showing of
four victories and two defeats.
The Wolverines first score came after a 59-yard
march in the first period was culminated by Tom Kuz-
ma's six yard drive for the touchdown. On the next kick-
off Big Al Wistert, a glorious tackle today, pounced on
a fumble that sent the Wolverines off on another drive
that netted 30 yards and a second score. This one by
Bullet Bob Wiese.
Even though behind all the way, the Hawkeyes were
always dangerous. Fleet Richard Hoerner galloped 85
yards to a touchdown with Michigan's second half hick-
off-the most spectacular play of the afternoon.
Michigan's final score of the afternoon resulted from
a desperate gamble by the Hawkeyes that turned, out
disastrously for them. After gaining the ball on down's
on the Iowa 31, Wiese ploughed through the line to the
2 where he was hit and fumbled, but Kennedy scooped
up the ball and made the final score.
1931, was past president
of both the American
Gynecological Society and
the Chicago Gynecological
Society . . . He was also
one of the founders of the
American College of Sur-
geons and an honorary fel-
low of the Edinburgh Ob-
stetrical Society.
STUDENTS came a step
closer to finding out what
is going to happen to
American universities when
Lieut.-Col. Harley B. West
of the War Department
disclosed a plan for large-
scale conversion of college
campuses into training
bases for the armed forces
... Col. West said students
would be selected from
"young men in the Army
who have demonstrated
the aptitude to receive
such higher education"
. He also said that stu-
dents would live under
Army discipline and re-
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