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November 25, 1942 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-11-25

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p4Q$ IR

Capt. Matthews Leads
as Cross-Country Seasc

Tilt May End Michigan Footb

)n Ends

Wolverine Center Naied A1-American

"Michigan's fall cross-country pro-
gram is finished; the squad will now
start the hard work." Thus was Coach
Ken Doherty's jovial comment- fdl-
lowing yesterday's final cross-country
run. To all of which the squad might
ask, "Are you kidding?" for the team
has been shedding blood, sweat and
tears for the last two months.
Yesterday was a big day for the
harriers, for they were running for
both ribbons and a free meal at
Coach Doherty's house. The race was
a handicap affair with the first ten
men to finish, regardless of time, get-
ting the ribbons, and the men with
the best 12 times winning the eats.
It was probably only fitting that
Captain Dave Matthews should com-
pile the best time, although Kermit
Schooler won the race, for Dave has
been pacing the squad all season. Er-
nie Leonardi, who has constantly
challenged the supremacy of Captain

Matthews, was beaten by only a foot,
and the finish was a climax to the
friendly battle between the two.
Third and fourth places went to the
Hume brothers with frere Ross edging'
out Bob. John Roxborough, Art Up-
ton, Jim Germanson, Dick Coleman,
Jim Conant, Roy Currie, John Inger-
soll, and Schooler comprised the re-
mainder of the list who will grace
Mrs. Doherty's dinner table come
But tomorrow the lads will begin
the long three months' conditioning
program which will put them in top
form to compete in the winter track
campaign. Presently the next big
event on the books is the interclass
track meet to be held December 12.
With places to be awarded to the first
12 men in each event the battle shapes
up as a dog fight between all classes,
freshnien included.


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. . has carried on the Michigan tradition of great centers and
yesterday was rewarded when he was nominated on the NEA first
team All-American eleven. This was the first All-American team chosen
so far this year and they named the Wolverine pivotman to the right
guard position, making note of the fact that Pregulman switched from
guard to center this year.

sheets and envelopes, $1.00. Printed'
with your naie and address-
The Craft Press, 305 Maynard St.
PHONOGRAPHIC Spanish course..
Name course, price, etc., with or
without phonograph. Daily Box.

The Cracker Barrel
By Mike Danno

Pregulman is
Nominated as
NEA Names Former
All-State High School
Star to Guard Position
Just three years ago the Michigan
high school All-State team was cho-
sen and the honorary captain of the
mythical eleven was Mervin Pregul-
man, a 200-pound center from Lan-
Yesterday, NEA announced its an-
nual choices for All-American hon-
The Newspaper Enterprise Asso-
ciation yesterday selected three of
the "Seven Oak Posts" on its All-
American roster. Along with center
Merv Pregulman, who was nomi-
nated to hold down the mythical
right guard position on the first
team, were Julius Franks and Al
"Ox" Wistert who were chosen on
the second and third teams re-
Franks, junior from Hamtramck,
was selected to the right guard slot
on the NEA second All-American
eleven, while the "Ox" was named
left tackle on the third team.
ors, and prominent on the list is the
name Merv Pregulman.
Although Pregulman has starred
at the pivot position all year, NEA
put him at right guard feeling that
he is too good to be kept out of the
lineup. This is frequently done in se-
lecting all-star elevens when there
are two men with exceptional ability
who unfortunately play the same
Ironically enough, Fritz Crisler a
little over a year ago was forced to
make the same shift that NEA made
You see, Pregulman was plenty
good as a center during his freshman
year. In fact, he was so good that
he was given the annual Chicago
award for the outstanding freshman
in spring practice. But the Wover-
ines had two good centers already in
Bob Ingalls and Ted Kennedy, so
Merv was made into a guard.
Played Outstanding Ball
Being a guard was a new experi-
ence to Merv, but he caught on very
quickly, playing outstanding football
the entire year. He was named to
several All-Conference elevens which
should attest to the manner in which
he handled his position.
Both Ingalls and Kennedy were
graduating, and many people seemed
to forget that Pregulman was actu-
ally a pivotman. There was a lot of
worry over just what could be done
about the gap in the center of the
Wolverine forward wall. Some were
skeptical about Merv, who, out of con-
dition after an entire winter's layoff,
did not appear exceptionally out-
standing in spring practice.
But those who knew Pregulman
never swerved in their faith that the
husky lad from Lansing would make
good as a center.
Appeared in Condition
This fall Merv appeared in perfect
physical conition. He was faster,
charged harder and was much tough-
er. When the first game with Great
Lakes was over, the skeptics sat back
and relaxed.
Thus far Pregulman has played
sixty minutes in almost every game
that Michigan has played. He was
in there all the way against the Iowa
Seahawks, Northwestern, Minnesota,
Illinois, Notre Dame and Ohio State,
and only an overwhelming score kept
him out of part of the Harvard
game. If necessary, he should be
ready to spend an hour battling Iowa
this Saturday.


Saturday's battle with the Hawk-
eyes of Iowa will mark the end of the
collegiate careers of eight Michigan
players. That's what a look at the
record books tell us. But, hold on a
minute. With the rumors flying fast
that football is on the way out for
the duration, the Hawk-Wolverine
tilt may be the last game for both
The pigskin pastime managed to
hold its own this fall, but the crowds
were much smaller as were most of
the playing squads. Over 50 smaller
schools had to drop football from
their athletic activities this year.
Situation to Become Worse
If the war continues, the situation
is bound to become worse by the time
the 1943 season rolls around. Many
of the high school and freshman stars
will be seeing service in the armed
forces rather than on the various
teams of the country. Many other
factors "also have a bearing on whe-
ther' football is to continue or not.
Nothing definite has been issued
on the situation and on the local

be trouble."

ill For Duration
Eight Seniors End Grid
Careers Against Iowa

service. 802 Packard. 6-7:30 week-
THESIS BINDING-Mimeographing.
Brumfield and Brumfield, 308 S.
MAKE-MONEY-on your used cloth-
ing by phoning Claude H. Brown,
2-2736, 512 S. Main.
Driveway gravel, washed pebbles.
Killins Gravel Co., phone 7112.
THREE ladies' Shagmore coats were
exchanged at Presbyterian church
supper Nov. 5. Call 2-4466.
LOST--Liberty silk scarf, paisley, red
border-at Union November 13.
Anne Stanton, 2-4514. Reward.

scene Coach Fritz Crisler has made
no statements. But, fans, be on hand
this Saturday at the Stadium because
next year is certain to bring changes.
Playing Last Game
Those who will positively be playing
their last game under them colors of
the Maize and Blue will be Capt.
George Ceithaml, Al Wistert, Bob
Kolesar, Phil Sharpe, Elmer Madar,
Bill Gans, Rudy Smeja, and Otto
Chady. Some of these names will be
remembered long when Michigan
football is mentioned.
Don't worry about the Wolverines
letting down this weekend. Yesterday
in practice they had plenty of pep
and fire as Coach Crisler sent then
through a two hour drill on pass de-
fense. Much of the time was spent
working against Iowa plays run out
of a T-formation.
The Michigan coaches were not too
pleased with the way the backfield
were covering on defense, but they
showed signs of improvement. Back-
fedcoach Earl Martineau com-
mented, "We'll have our handsfull
against this Tommy Farmer. If we
are on, we'll stop him; if not, it will
be trouble."



MICHIGAN'S LINE hasn't lost a
game this season.
We don't mean by that that the
Wolverine backfield is to blame for
the Wolverines' three defeats this
season. Everyone knows Michigan
had a tough schedule along with
bad breaks and some injuries.
But we insist that the Michigan for-
ward wall outplayed every team they
faced this year, whether it be the
IowaCadets, the:Gophers, or the
Buckeyes of Ohio State.
Against Minnesota the Wolver-
ine line played brilliant ball as
they held the rampaging Gophers
to 10 first downs while the Crisler-
coached eleven rolled up 12. Time
and again Julie Franks, big Al
Wistert, or any of the other five
"Seven Oak Posts" broke through
to nail a Gopher back for a loss.
Last Saturday against Paul Brown's
Conference champions the Wolverine
line stopped the Ohio State backs
>cold. Up until then Ohio State had
led every opponent in first downs but
Saturday the Michigan line held the
Columbus eleven to but nine first-
downs while the Maize and Blue rolled
p 17.
A hell of a big difference in any
man's score book.
And against the Iowa Cadets, when
the Michigan eleven lost by a top-
heavy score, the Wolverine line held
the professional backs in the cadet
lineup to 11 first downs compared to
the Wolverines' 14.
People say, "Isn't it marvelous
that those players can stay in the
full 60 minutes."
The really astounding thing is not1
that they can stay in the full 60 min-
utes, but that they can play the bril-
liant football that they do every min-
ute that they're in there.
According to most experts, Coach
Biggie Munn has come up with the
finest group of players that Michi-
gan has had in the last 15 years.
The one thing that makes the "Oak
Posts" the great bunch that they are'
is that they never give up.3
Michigan's pass defense has been
weak this year and some Michigan
opponents have taken big leads be-t
cause of it, but the "Seven Oak Posts"
continued to get in there and give
everything they had.
It was never "quit" because we
are behind, it was always "fight"
because we are behind.
SATURDAY will probably be the;
last intercollegiate football game

Michigan will play for the duration.
And after seeing all the gas. oil and
tires used up by 72,000 fans at the
Ohio State game last week, we can't
say we are feeling very bad about it.
With the nation at war and
Washington officials working nights
trying to think up ways to preserve
vital materials it seems nothing
less than stupid and dangerous to
p~ermit "big time football."
Some argue that people need some
sort of relaxation during these fast-
moving times. But how about the
boys in the front lines who seem to
do alright without such forms of en-
We wonder why the Russians
and the Chinese are able to get
along without such forms of enter-
Maybe some people don't know it,
but the University has a large crew
of men that does nothing but take
care of the stadium and related play-
ing fields.
Certainly with the labor shortage
the way it is today, these men
should be released to devote their
energies to the war effort.
It's not a question of just trying
to do away with football or baseball
as such, it's simply that every effort
should be directed towards winning
the war so it will be that much sooner
when we will be able to return to our
normal ways of life.
There are those who insist that
intercollegiate football builds up the
boys for military work in later life.
Frankly though, we think that most
of the boys who come out for foot-
ball in the first place are practically
perfect physical specimens. At least
good enough for the toughest rou-
tines of army life.
And even if football was excel-
lent physical training for grid-
ders, we can't see a coaching staff
of ten coaches spending their time
with but forty boys.
We don't think it up to Fritz Cris-
ler or anyone out here to go out and
cancel our future intercollegiate
games, but we feel it's about time
that Washington officials forgot
about athletics and started to live up
to the aims of our President.
Defending Champs Win
Sigma Alpha Mu, defending volley-
ball champions, trounced Phi Delta
Theta, threeogames to none, in an
intramural contest last night. The
scores of the games were 15-8, 16-14
and 15-5.

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We've got three Arrow White Shirts.that'll make you
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Hitt, a mighty fine broadcloth with a non-wilt col-
lar. $2.25.
Dart, broadcloth, too, with a record-breaking (for
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Trump, elegant broadcloth with a handsome soft
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All three are Sanforized-labeled. Less than 1% fabric
shrinkage. Get 'em. And some Arrow Ties to go
with 'em r
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See your Arrow dealer today for some Arrow whites,



III1I I' /r., 41

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