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November 24, 1942 - Image 22

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-11-24

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Styles Become
New SutS Will Meet
Woolen Requirements
Khaki and Navy blue are the fash-
ionable fall and winter colors for
men, according to Ann Arbor cloth-
iers and haberdashers.
But in spite of Army-Navy de-
mands for clothes, suits for 1942-43
have assumed a new appearance in
contrast with last year's styles. As
the nation went Republican, so also
did men's styles go conservative. This
year mild colors of gray, covert, dark
blue and dark brown are predomi-
Also, with men being cuffless,
pleatless, lapelless, in fact, everything
but clothless, style has simply been
forced to assume its new passive'
role. Short suit coats must be length-
ened with pin stripes-or at least
stripes. New, Henderson-narrowed
breeches must be made fuller with
plain material, and over-all colors.
This erstwhile ersatz desire for
simple elegance has also been re-
flected in other articles of male dress
such as men's hats which have taken
a turn to the right with such sombre
tones as olive drab and gray.
In short, to be in style men must
blend into the countryside-they
must be camouflaged; for this year's
gentleman is not concerned with be-
ing sharp or aw-root.

Christmas Cards Are Designed
for Sons, oFri ns Sweetheart$

Chritsmas cards have come into
their own. Whether I you're the
"shrinking violet" type or the typical
"Male Animal," you can find a card
to expiess your sentiments.
The outstanding difference be-
tween Christmas greetings of this
year and last is the emphasis placed
on the war. "You ask it, we got it"
might well be applied to any Christ-
mas card line shown at the local
stores. Whether you have a brother,
a son, a sweetheart, or husband in
the armed forces, whether he's in
Alaska or Australia, you can find a
card written just for him. "From the
halls of Montezuma,"' "Over hill, over
dale," "Anchors Aweigh," and "Noth-
ing can stop the Arnly Air Corps,"
are becoming just as important as
"Merry Christmas and a Happy New
Three Groups
Christmas cards can be divided
roughly into three categories-reli-
gious, sacrilegious, and "cute." Reli-
gious cards this year are especially
attractive. Wood cuts, color etchings,
reproductions of the famous works
of art are all included in this line.
The verses and Christmas wishes add
to the reverent mood created by the
Sacrilegious cards are not particu-

larly numerous, but those that can
be found are "quite shocking!" For
instance, one card pictured a tramp
in angel wings and a halo, a slightly
red nose, and a bottle sticking out of
his hip pocket. "As one sinner to
another," he says, "Merry Christ-
mas!" Not exactly sacrilegious, but
yet, slightly on the risque side are
some cards concerned with "out-
houses," and women's "undies."
These are 'Cards'
"Cute" cards are all types, sizes,
shapes and descriptions. There are
cherubs, and paper towels, candy
bags (without the candy) and vari-
ous assortments of cats and dogs.
One card tells the woeful story of an
Indian who tried to make a gift for
his very dear friend; such bad luck
befell him that he finally gave up
and sent a card. Another makes fun
of the Christmas rush around the
card counter. The young lady, with
hat askew and hair a-droop, apolo-
gizes for grabbing a convalescent
card, but alas, she is too tired to go
back for another. Tire and gas ra-
tioning come in for their share of
comments too. And of course there
are always the piggy banks with a
penny, and Scotchmen with their

op Prefers
the Practical
le Liks His Money.
Spent Wisely on Him
Of all Christmas shopping, getting
the gift for father presents the big-
gest problem, because with him the
spirit of the season isn't carried out
by merely giving any kind of present.
The test in this case, is whether you
can prove to him that you can spend
his money for him better than he can
Bound up in this problem of what
to get for pappy is a basic misconcep-
tion; that bothers most people, namely
that he isn't quite normal, and the
gift for him must be completely phe-
nomenal. This isn't true, so if you
don't' want his jaw to drop in disbe-
lief on Christmas morning, see to it
that the box he opens doesn't hold
gaudy pajamas, a ghastly tie or a
shrieking dressing robe.
Make it practiaL. Something like a
wallet of fine grain tan leather or
rough black leather to make the in-
evitable ;paying of bills a little more
pleasant would be good.
Desk pens in sets with a heavy base
bring out the executive in any man,
and,- operating on the same line as
above, make the signing of checks
less painful.

When you get right down to it
underwear is pretty basic stuff, so
any complete Christmas shopping list
ought to feature plenty of this funda-;
mental male article in proper quanti-
For female initiates into the con-
siderable art of purchasing the male
mentionables the trade secret is here-
by revealed that there's many a man
wearing pegged top pants, a drape-
shape coat and other sharp articles
who still clings, and that's literal, to
the old standby-long winter under-
True, there have developed a num-
ber of variations on this traditional
clothing theme. A changing world has
not left so important a factor as warm
underwear in the limbo of forgotten
things. Thus, although flannel has
given way to softer, less itchy mater-
ial and the cuff has risen from ankler
to thigh and the arm is bared to the
muscle, the longies are still eminently
suited to chill and drizzle. Happy is
the man who faces Ann Arbor's
weather with limbs sheathed in warm
winter underwear.
But despite the obvious superior
qualities of winter longs, many men
have given them up in vain confor-
mance with recently developing cloth-

Red Flannels Hold Their Own.
In Spite of Striped, Plaid Shorts

ing trends. These are the radicals
among American men, the undermin-
ers of accepted convention. And most
often they receive their just deserts
in the form of colds in the head,
strangely enough.
Shorts, or drawers, and a shirt
make up the accepted newer under-
wear styles.
Shoelace Survey Ties
Up Closely with Shoes
Scholarly studies of shoe laces
have, in the past, been pretty closely.
tied up with shoes, but this year the
news is so sensational it is felt that
they must be dealt with on their
own hook.
Don't get in a knot over this, but
according to latest communiques
from the style front, prominent au-
thorities are stringing along with
shoe laces as a sure bet to maintain
their place in the wardrobes of our
best-dressed men.,
In line with this, it has also been
reported by usually unreliable sources
that the odds are overwhelmingly in
favor of the laces being worn on
shoes . . . in fact, some go so far
as to claim that the shoe string tie
is definitely on the way out.

T1UEiSDlAV, NOV. 24, 1942
Bears Fruit
Show Iiiagntiiaton
Give Originial ifk
Some of us have inhibitions about
being clever, being the life of the
party, making friends and influencing
people. Now is the chance to really be
original-givertricky Christmas gifts
which will brand you as a "person
with imagination."
We'd be glad to make a few sugges-
tions. Send your favorite hostess a set
of old fashioned glasses with painted
numbers on the sides. She can keep
tab on her guests and at the same
time have a distinctive looking table.
Surprise the out-of-door fan who
enjoys a good smoke after a day's
camping with a miniature covered
frying pan ash tray . . . these come
in a new light weight metal with the
color processed in so no amount of
wear will chip the paint.
We've run across some good looking
plastic pocketbooks that any coed will
adore. They are made of a multitude
of small plastic squares fastened to-
gether with leather straps to make
them flexible and in colors to match
every wardrobe.
When you're debating what to send
that friend in the service, why not
a combination "memory photo-diary,"
a large 6"x12" flexible scrapbook with
pages for picture inserts and space for
writing events of each day in camp.

FROM 5a/t&uh
**~ Stein Bloch Suits are easy suits to wear Give that famous comfortable shoe,
their cofral ieqaiyadthe NUNN-BUSH ankle-fashioned
~ i...~ ~ ~ ~ . ase of style set them apart from any shoe for Christmas. $1 0 to $11 .50
,:.: .~.... ~... . ~other suit. $40 to $60 jEdgerton $6.50 to $8.50
There are several new styles in MENS. 'ROBES .
COLORS -COLLARS. Shirts that are dif- /
PAJAMAS - Broadcloth, silk, flannel, aind A complete selection of fine pure all wool ferent ! White and colored - $2.50 to $5.00.
all knitted sets. $2.50 to $L 50 ro bes and smar!y styled silks. $8.50 to TIES to match - $1.00 to $2.00.
$25.00. -You are welcome to look through
our shop at all the smart - new - and
- different things for his gifts this year.
Christmas for the Soldier
GLOVES - WOOL HOSIERY, RAINCOATS ( - 100% pure wool $1.00 to $3.5(
and several small novelty items that are a ii I selection of short ankle wool 1
real necessity for the man in the Arrmed .to $1 65 also lsle at 45c toc
The Followung ArtIcles
are Suggested
SLEEVELESS. All styles, all colors, PRGOEndSAFETLU ECASVROT, in a small gift box for his personal .
andGallnaCfineLqEality.R Se
an*l $2.95qu itoy..5 TOPCOATS, Leather GLOVES (lined and unlined) , Irmported wool1 appearance this Christmas. $5-$1 0
- $295 o $6 5 SCARtFS, 100% wool, $1.50 to $5.00; English DUNHILL P1PE and
~~WIU~rTOBACCO suggestions.
. /ThF1~TT ThTc~1T

). ii.'.a1lorge 4.S31.V
hosiery $1.00

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