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November 24, 1942 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-11-24

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S A White Christmas




Style Of Children's
Will Be Adapt
"Over the top!" and "Attack, men!"
are what you'll awake to Christmas
morn this year as the more youthful
members of the household forget
about electric trains and ten gallon
hats to man their modern warfare
toys in trend with America on the
battle front.
As in everything else, children's
playthings are styled to comply with
the war theme, and metal trucks,
wagons, and scooters have lost their
usual appeal to the small fry in.favor
of the increasingly popular wooden.
anti-aircraft guns, jeeps, and rifles.
Even foot-pedalled airplanes and
tanks are offered along with sabres,
machine guns, and helmets (all made
of wood for defense's sake) for minia-
ture General MacArthurs to wage ju-
venile warfare.
Wood Used for Toys"
The favorite wooden soldiers of our
grandfathers' time'are making their
appearance again this year instead
of the metal warriors of the past few
years. Of course this year's supply
of them is as modern as the minute,
and armies of them from generals
down to privates can be bought at
half the cost of their tin and lead
Elaborate erector sets, wood-burn-
ing outfits, and lead-melting devices
have been relegated to the back-
ground as strategy games with plastic
battleships, cruisers and aircraft car-
riers, maneuvered on cardboard mapp,
take the spotlight.
Even the game of "jacks" has felt
the defense influence. Instead of the
heavy metal jackstones of old, toyI
departments this season are offering

s Xmas Toys
ed From Wa
themn in light weight plasti
ing because of their weigh
ety of bright colors, the m
will probably be preferred
the need for metal conserv
longer so acute.
When it comes to thet
what dolls the youngsters
to see in their Christmas
the rubber babydolls he
popular might not be as w+
as the cotton stuffed repli
eral MacArthur.
New Doll Stuffing

New Dresse

xrfare Commended

c. Fascinat-
ht and vari-
odern jacksS
d even after
vationis no
question of.
would like
r stockings,
sretofore so
well received
icas of Gen-


Utticial y

Harlequin Skirts, Rayon Crepes 6-
And Velveteens With New Ballet'
Slippers Feature Style Trend
This year it's really important! You
want your holiday formal to be some-
thing "special"-something to match'
the gallantry of those shiny gold bars
on the shoulders of your Lieutenant
when he comes home- for his Christ-i

And speaking of stuffing, this year's mas leave.
crop of dolls and animals have felt If you're blond and fragile and
internal changes. Instead of being something on the "petite" side, there's
made of kapok which the army needs, a combination of rayon crepe and
these toys now owe their substance to black velveteen that will make the
treated cotton which nakes them Army "stand at attention." The blouse
softer and more plump than before. buttons down the back, and the velve-
In the realm of literature, children's teen skirt ties demurely at the waist'
departments are offering stories with a drawstring. A pair of those
about animated airplanes and steam- new ballet-dancer slippers, in whiteI
boats whose personalities ought to and gold and laced up with satin rib-
live as long as any of Lewis Carroll's bons around the ankle will complete
or Grimm's favorites have in youthful the picture.
minds. Harlequin Skirt Gay
" Any book department will know For something particularly festive'
what editions to sell you if you request to cheer the New Year in, or for that
Loopy and Little Puff, the airplane last night of the furlough. there's a
and steamboat characters who are harlequin skirt of celanese rayon ta'f-
fast becoming popular in juvenile ! feta with black, green and cerise dia-
prose. mond shaped patches, topped with a
------ --~ -soft black wool sweater and a string
For those who sometimes find it of tiny pearls. Add two matching
hard to start a conversation, how black hair bows and you'll look as gay
about trying a pair of gold earrings as you want the evening to be.
made in the shape of large question We saw one formal that, with the
marks? You can also get them with light coed inside (and maybe it's you)I
large, bright-colored sets. They are' might set a wholeregiment on the
guaranteed to make onlookers stop march. It was ih a color celled "shde
to look into the matter further. -m ik"ltwin athe tailored blouse
studded with jet tassels and a gath--_
ered skirt that falls in soft, flattering
folds, topped with a 'tiny matching
belt. A midnight blue 'Chesterfield,
L G IF TS with its smart reefer lines will cam-
plete your costume.
Crepe Best Seller
If you're looking for a dress that's'
strictly formal instead of the dinner
dresses which are being shown so
much this year. one in'black velvet,
trimmed with beading insertion and
velvet bows is demure and looks good
enough to eat.
If you haven't had a peg-top, here'sI
your.chance. It's a dinner dress in
rayon crepe, peg-top, and with three-
quarter length sleeves. Gathered at
r, ; the elbows 'and with 'a victory neck-
line, its softness is accentuated by twoI
soft bows.
Y .R.v nn nrp n nnv n1 t , h th A ..

Red Or Black
Evening Wraps:
Are Popular
Sequins, Ermine Tails And
Gold Embroidery Embellish
Stunning New Formal CoatsI
With the number of formals sharp-
ly reduced, you'll want to look espe-
cially smooth in the remaining ones,
so why not enlist a new evening wrap
as one of your most efficient aids?
You'll love the little extra glamor-I
ous touches that this year's crop has.
Sequins are sprinkled here and there
where they will be most effective,
and there are also tricky little bead
arrangements and gold embroidery
guaranteed to catch any male's eye.
A wrap making a striking use of the
former is a full length, tailored red
wool which has a simple bead design
on the lapels and pockets. It's really
a cheerful eyeful!
Velveteen Is Favored
The perennial favorite. the black
velveteen, combines the old and the
new in this year's models. One of the
most striking styles is a fitted black
velveteen with collar and flat pockets
of a bright red wool. You'll like the
gold threads embroidered on them
in a Chinesey design. If you want your
black velveteen made in a more se-
vere style, the model with a single
design of gold thread on the shoulder
would appeal to you.
A simple but very charming version
of the velveteen wrap is one which
'has as its only trinming a cluster of
ermine tails at the throat. This model
also ha.s the graceful full sleeves
which are so becoming. A style of
wrap which has remained popular
I _

over a long period is the opera cloak
which is also at its best when made
of velveteen.
If you like the Lord Chesterfield
influence, you would like the boxy
short evening coat which is so good
this year. This model is featured in
red wool and has a demure black vel-
vet collar and large velvet covered
buttons. It also has neat slit pockets
which solve the problem of where to
put that extra handkerchief.
Beige Wool Is Unusual
If your forte is simplicity plus, a
severe black wool coat unrelieved by
any ornamentation would fit right in
with the motif of your wardrobe. A
gold clip at the neckline would pro-
vide this wrap with an interesting
One of the season's most unusual
evening wraps is a beige wood with a
mink-dyed muskrat collar. This is an
unusually attractive combination and
is just what you are looking for if you
Want something different. The color
is grand because it goes with every-
thing and doesn't soil easily.
GIFTS that are

Latest Perfumes
Possess Aroma
Of Sophistication
There was a time when every maid
aimed to hint of a sweet and flowery
fragrance, but such is no longer the
case. Perfumes selling under names
such as "Sensation", "Temptation",
"Seduction", or "Irresistible" have
shown themselves to have a definite
appeal for the modern miss. In fact,
it would seem that just as 'long as
the perfume has a wicked-sounding
name, it's sure to sell.
The scents themselves range any-
where from the aroma of sweet peas
to something that smells vaguely like
firecrackers. Among the more popu-
lar fragrances are those which have
a rather spicy odor and those that
are strictly of the blossomy side.
As a knick-knack to adorn a dress-
er, a bottle of perfume is bound to fit
the bill.




Here are gifts that really speak
from the heart - gifts that are
distinctly personal and thought-

* 1
"I ;

Initialed HANDKERCHIEFS for men and wome.
Large BATH TOWELS especially for "him.'
Service HANDKERCHIEFS for Wien in the Army and Navy.
(Prints and Hand-made)



",AlWaus Reasonably Priced

..... .

I m
Pretty, too
Something that is always use-
ful and adds to an outfit as
well is a babushka. Everyone
agrees that scarfs are some-
thing we all. like to get for
Christmas presents.
: -C

'Lucky .Pi*eces'
Are Adopted

.. _ __




things to stick
nias card and in.
ily and friendsa
Remember that
wants us to doo

tayon crepe seems LODe Me sea.-
son's best seller. We found a dress in
this material that almost everyone,
and particularly redheads, can wear.
for the skirt is in that becoming new
shade of pale hyacinth. It's a 'full
marquisette skirt with a black crepe
blouse that has long sleeves and a
flattering low neckline.}
These are a few of the possibilities
to try under the mistletoe, and each
of them should get you "official com-

By MenI

Is Lauded
In Service

all over the
Uncle Sam
our Christ-

mas shopping early!

"A LONG bob!" is reported to be
the unanimous choice of the men }n
service for a Christmas present from
their feminine interests when they
come home for the holiday furlough.
So start letting the feather cuts
grow and assume a smooth shoulder-
length hairdo if you want to be ad-
mired by your man in uniform.
Other orders of the day include
climbing out of the "sensible" brogues
into high heels, applying bright-
colored nail polish, and excluding
black in favor of eye-catching hues
in all your apparel.



Don't kid yourself into thinking
that just because there is a war on,
jewelry is no longer important. In
fact, jewelry is one of the best ways
to dress up that outfit you bought
last year-the one that is going to
have to last at least another year or
With their typical ingenuity, the
jewelry industry has turned to new
fields for inspiration since the gov-
erinent has cut down on many of
the materials available in former
years. They are not only making use
of plastics and other new materials,
but they are delving into the realm
of every-day things about them.
"Lucky Pieces" AGopted
Among the new ideas are lucite
"lucky pieces." These pins come in
various shapes-a horseshoe, a cres-
cent moon, a wishbone-and you can
even get a bracelet to match. All are
tied with a dainty little black ribbon,
which adds to their interest. Other
pins are being featured in sterling
silver with your choice of an appeal-
ing lamb, a dog or a horse's head
for you equestrians.
More pins than ever are being
made from wood this year. Do you
remember those animal crackers you
used to love as a child? Well, you
can buy fairly accurate repi'oduc-
tions of them in wood to wear on
your lapel, your sleeve, or to pin on
your purse. Another novel idea for
those of you who are too shy to wink
at the attractive man in your psych.
class, is a penguin lapel pin. It is
equipped with a small battery so
that the eyes light up and wink when
the button is pressed.
Bracelets Are Popular
Bracelets always make 'popular
Christmas gifts. Costmetic bracelets
are still good, and amere flick of
the finger makes all the makeup nec-
essities, available immediately. If you
have a man in the armed forces, wear
an identification bracelet with his
crest on it. Send him one too-maybe
one of those new ones with a con-
cealed locket for your picture.
Another popular gift is a link brace-
[et and compact combination covered
with- daisies. Each link in the brace-
let has either "ie loves me" or "He
loves me not" inscribed on it, and is
sure to intrigue the man of your
Pearls Perennial Favorites
Necklaces, earrings, rings, and clips
are perennial favorites. Ever-popular
are the single strang long pearls, al-
though the shorter varieties come in
for their share of favoritism too. Ear-
rings seem to be more in evidence
this year than ever before. We saw

, K-
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A Treat for your Budget
and Christmas Cheer
for your Fri ends

1. Is your hair bright and shining?
2.Des your make-up blend with your coloring?
3. Do your wear a cologne expressive of your
personality and do you stick to it?
4. Are your nails immaculate?
For years The QUARRY has been the beauty headquarters for Michigan
Co-eds, for we strive to cater to the needs of Michigan 'Women.
For immediate success we recommend the following proven brands-


CHRISTMAS Isn't far away, and it's time
for you to begin thinking of what gifts
to buy for whom. Our selection of
costume jewelry, bags, sweaters, lingerie,
and other accessories will afford you a
large choice. All are reasonably priced.









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