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November 24, 1942 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-11-24

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Light Rain



German Supply Line
Cut by Soviet Troops
Nazi Casualties Reac.
50,000 in Five Days
By The Associated Press
MOSCOW, Nov. 24. (Tuesda:
Russian troops in their great
winter offensive have smashed ac
the Dn River to a point appr
mately 100 miles northwest of Sta
grad in a great double-flanking m
ient that now has cost the Germ
50,000 casualties and threatens to
terminate thousands of other t
soldiers stalled near the Volga R
to the east, it was announced c
cially today.
A special communique-the sec
in two days-said that the tow
ChernyshevsJaya, well inside the
River loop, had been taken in a
mile continuing advance. This
Army column apparently was
same that hadi occupied Serafimo
on the north side of the Don R
loop, and was striking southwart
link up with other Red Army u
now penetrating on the lower sid
the Don River.
Great Pincers Movement
This southern Red Army in its
fort to close a great pincers on
Nazi besiegers of Stalingrad also mt
a 12-mile' advance during yester
, aving cu4dAgnrv,4~
southwest of Stalingrad, to cut a r
railroad supply line, they also I
Aksai, a point 10 miles farther so
and other villages.
(British observers in London
mated that between 300,000 and 4
000 German, Rumanian and H
garian troops were in danger of bE
trapped by the Russian encirclen
To date the Russians said t:
four or five day offensive had cost
Germans this toll:
26,000 dead, including 12,000
Monday's operations alone.
24,000 prisoners, including 11
taken on Monday.
50,000 Nazi Casualties
Thus a grand total of 50,000 r
casualties ih a vast winter coun
offensive still in its early stages.
In addition the special commi
que listed this booty taken: 556 C
man guns, 2,826 trucks, 1,200 rail
cars, 2,625 machine guns, 32 pl
in working order, 35 tanks in
working order.
"A large quantity of other wea
and military supplies has not
been counted," the special annou
ment said. "We destroyed 70 pla:
157 tanks, and 186 guns.
(This huge Russian drive, ap
ently timed to coincide with Ger
difficulties caused by the dispatcl
reinforcements to Tunisia and Sot
ern Europe after the Allied inva
of North Africa, had Berlin worrif

* *




Hands -- Darlan


* * *

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British 70
Miles from
El Agheda
By The Associated Press
CAIRO, Nov. 23.- The British
Eighth Army smashed through Axis
rear guard resistance at Agedabia
and was pressing on tonight within 70
miles of the El Agheila bottleneck be-
tween the sea and the inland salt
marshes where the enemy may try
one more desperate stand.
The British kept in contact with
the withdrawing German and Italian
forces. "Our troops successfully en-
gaged the enemy and made progress
in the neighborhood of Agedabia,"
the British communique said. "Enemy
troops to the south of the village were
forced to withdraw."
With the British drawing close to
El Agheila, the next two or three days
were expected to disclose whether
Marshal Rommel's last forces had
enough strength and time to attempt
a stand on the,narrow front, or would
continue their fox and hounds race
along the coastal road toward Tripoli.
(In London some British military
observers predicted that Rommel's
epleted strength and weakened air
the withdrawal, fighting only rear
guard actions.)
Aerial activity over Libya was lim-
ited to fighter patrols because of con-
tinued bad weather, but other fighter
and fighter-bomber formations-pre-
sumably based on Malta-kept up
their battering of Axis supply lines
and carried the war again to the air-
dromes of Sicily.
League Gives
Awards for
23 Houses, Students
Cited for Activities
at Assembly Banquet
Twenty-three citations and awards
were made to outstanding indepen-
dent women students and houses at
the ninth annual Assembly Banquet
held yesterday at the Michigan
Cited for the highest percentage of
girls participating in extra-curricular
activities by Charlotte Thompson,
president of the League, were Alum-
nae House, 86 per cent, Martha Cook,
82 per cent, and Adelia Cheever, 78
per cent.
Betty Newman, president of As-
sembly, listed the eight sophomore
and junior women who were out-
standing for their participation in
extra-curricular activities. The sopho-
mores are Ernestine Elser, Obeline
Elser, Cornelia Groefsema, and Mar-
Turn to Page 8, Col. 4

Old Glory Flies in Morocco

American sentries march In the battered front at Port Lyautey,
near Rabat, French Morocco, after occupation of that point by U.S.
forces. This picture was sent from London to the U.S. by radio.
Manpower Corps will
Register Men -Today
Manpower Corps officials, out to fill every job in this vicinity essential
to the war effort, will register all men on campus "who are really willing
to do important war work" from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. today and tomorrow at
campus booths.
"We are all set to take over Jobs in local war plants, in Ann Arbor
restaurants, and in the dorms, as well as continue our farm and scrap
collection projects," Manpower Direc-'

U.S. Chiefs
Aim at Air
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Nov. 23.- American op-
erational chiefs in North Africa were
striving tonight to bring additional
planes, equipment and men to bear
on the Tunisian front to cope with
Axis armies entrenched in their
Tunis-Bizerte arc with augmented
In Oran Lieut. Gen. Mark W. Clark,
deputy American commander in ]
WASHINGTON, Nov. 23.- ()-
American forces occupied French1
North Africa at a cost of only 860J
men killed or missing and 1,050
wounded, the War Department an-
nounced today.
This small number of casualtiesl
in comparison with the size of the
forces involved pointed up President
Roosevelt's recent statement that
arrangements made by Lieutenant
General Dwight D. Eisenhower with
the French Admiral Jean Darlan
were designed primarily to facili-
tate the occupation.
North Africa, warned that getting
Tunisia from the Axis would be a
"scrap," and a spokesman at Allied
headquarters warned the fight would]
be "longer than expected" because of
Axis plane and troop reinforcements1
in Tunisia.
The Germans were reported drain-
ing all other European sectors, in-1
cluding Russia, to build up their aerialt
strength in Tunisia, on Sicily and
Sardinia, and the struggle for airt
supremacy over Tunisia was sharply
Combatting problems of supply for1
their mechanized columns, Alliedt
commanders were building up a huge,
base at Oran and sending a stream of,
units eastward in preparation for the
final all-out assault on Tunis which
was being delayed until Allied avia-
tion could take contrdl of the air.
Drop Tons of Explosives]
American and British bombers cas-
caded tons of explosives on the vital
Bizerte airport, where the Axis has
been landing reinforcements, and shot;
down six more enemy troop trans-
ports ferrying troops across the nar-i
row Sicilian straits. They made three]
sharp raids on Sicilian airdromes
and three on Tripoli in Italy's last
remaining colony. The Tunis airport
also was bombed.]
An Allied communique said that
investment of the Axis Tunisian for-
tifications "continued according to
plan," with Allied fighter planes car-
rying out offensive sweeps ahead of
the British-American advance and
providing aerial protection for the
columns of men, guns and tanks.
A British column .was reported by
the Morocco radio to have clashed
with Italian forces of the Axis Tuni-
sian garrison south of Tunis and to
have forced the fascists to "retreat
Senate Buries
Poll Tax Bill
Defeat of Cloture
Proposal Ends Debate
WASHINGTON, Nov. 23.-()-The
Senate buried the Poll Tax Bill today
with a vote of 37 to 41 against limit-
ing debate on the measure which had
been filibustered since Nov. 13 by
Southern opponents. The proposal to
limit debate heeded a two-thirds vote

but failed to -win even a simple ma-
The bill, which would ban the pay-
ment of state poll taxes as a require-
ment for voting for federal offices,
technically went back to the Senate
calendar but its author. Senator Pep-

tor Mary Borman said yesterday.
"And because we are expanding,
we are going to need more men than
we ever have before, men who will
New recruits to the Manpower
Corps can register today and to-
morrow in the Angell Hall lobby,,
in the Union lobby, at the West
Engineering Arch, and on the Diag-
work when they are called upon, to
supplement the 1000 volunteers now
in the Corps."
The freshmen engineering assem-
bly and fraternities will carry on
registration drives supplementing the
main campus campaign.
Last Sunday morning five students
were driven three miles west of Whit-
more Lake to saw and haul wood dur-
ing the day. During the six hours
they worked, the five took care of
fifty cords of the wood and pocketed
$5 each for their help to the Man-
power Corps.

Italian Citizens
by Bombings,
LONDON, Nov. 23.- (P)-- Evidence
piled up rapidly today that the heavy
bombing attacks on Italy and con-
tinued advances by Allied forces in
North Africa were imposing a grow-
ing stiain on Italian morale.
Mussolini was reported to have
called the Fascist leaders of battered
Genoa, Turin and Milan for a con-
ference, presumably on methods of
allaying civilian fears of the bomb
His action came on the heels of a
radio admonition to the Italian peo-
ple by Allesandro Pavoloni, Minister
nf PunnilarC ltr.fi r to eauatel are

All of French West
Africa is Now H eld
Caribbean Possessions Cooperate
As United Nations' Control Spreads
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Nov. 23.--All French West Africa, including the strategic
naval base of Dakar, has come under the orders of Admiral Jean Darlan,
the Admiral declared tonight, indicating that Dakar, for two years a po-
tential dagger pointed at the western hemisphere, had fallen to the Allies
without bloodshed.
Admiral Darlan, the former Vichy defense chief who led all North
Africa into the Allied camp three days after the British-American expedi-
tion of Lieut.-Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower had set foot in Vichy territory,
made the announcement from the Algiers radio and it was rebroadcast from
Marshal-Petain's capital.
Petain tonight countered Darlan's move with a special radio broadcast

Marines Push
Japs Northward
on Guadalcanal
Americans Driving
Toward Enemy-Held
Island Beach-Head
WASHINGTON, Nov. 23. - OP) -
Pushing steadily westward despite
heavy enemy opposition, American
Marines are slowly driving the Japa-
nese back toward the northern tip of
Guadalcanal Island in the Solomons,
the Navy reported today.
Fighting and bombing planes also
are joining in the attack intended to
sweep the enemy back to the Japa-
nese beach-head, and ultimately to
force them from the island which can
control shipping lanes to Australia
and New Guinea.
Lack of mention of either enemy
planes or surface craft in the Navy'sj
short communique today was regard-
ed as an indication that the available
Japanese air force may have been
damaged so severely that only ground
action is practicable pending repairs
or replacements.
The last aerial attack by the enemy
was 11 days ago when 31 bombers
and Zero fighters roared down on
surface craft off Guadalcanal. Navy
fighting planes sped to meet the as-
sault, aided by deadly fire of anti-
aircraft guns. Only one enemy plane
ROTC Adviser to
Speak to Pre-Meds

beamed at French West Africa in w
- l
Balliol College
Master to Give
Lecture Today
'Democracies in the
Universities' Is TopicI
of Dr. Lindsay's Talk 1
Speaking under the joint sponsor-
ship of the Departments of Philoso-
phy, Pqlitical Science and History,1
Dr. Alexander D. Lindsay, master ofE
Balliol College, Oford.wi deliver a
University lecture at 8 p.m. today inl
the Rackham Amphitheatre.
Lindsay, recently arrived from Eng-4
land, will discuss "Democracies in
the Universities" and is expected to
describe the way in which English
universities have been effected by the1
He is the author of many well;
known books of philosophy, some of
the most outstanding of which include
"The Nature of Religious Truth,"1
"Christianity and Economics," "Kant"+
and "The Ten Moralities." He was
graduated from Glasgow University
and University College, Oxford and
has received honorary LL.D. degrees
from Glasgow and St. Andrews.
Before his appointment as master
of Balliol in 1924, Lindsay was a
Shaw Fellow of the University of 3d-
inburgh, lecturer at Victoria Uni-
versity, Professor of philosophy at
Glasgow, and Jowett lecturer at Bal-
Before coming to Ann Arbor, he
will have spoken at several Eastern
schools, including Yale, Harvard, Co-
lumbia and New York University.
Man Stuck Up'
orn Way Home
from His Work
A thin colored man wearing a dark
fedora hat pulled down over his eyes
jabbed a knife against the back of
Charles Kimbler early yesterday
morning saying, "This is a stick-up! ,
If you make a sound I'll kill you!"
Kimbler, a fifty-year-old dish-
washer at the Main Restaurant, was
walking home from work about 2:30
a.m. when he heard the footsteps of
the hold-upnman atrthe corner of
Fifth, Ave. and Detroit St. He was
forced to hand over his 17 jewel gold
watch and small change.
"I asked him please not to hurt
me," the hold-up victim said, "be-
cause I have a wife and family to
support. He said he didn't know any-
thing about such things."
Kimbler, in re-enacting the crime
for a Michigan Daily reporter, showed
how the man had threatened his life
a second time.
"He said he'd 'get me' if I told po-
lice. He said he knew where I lived
and who I was and that he'd kill me

hich the aged Marshal called upon
French soldiers, sailors and aviators
to resist "if you are attacked."
The announcement was made as
the Allies rapidly forced the issue in
Tunisia and Libya, the only remain-
ing territory in the continent of
Africa which is not under the United
Nations colors or neutral.
Darlan's announcement followed
by a few hours a statement by Secre-
tary of State Cordell Hull at Wash-
ington that an agreement had been
reached with Admiral Georges Ro-
bert, French high commissioner at
Martinique, which would make it un-
necessary for American forces to ec-
cupy any French possessions in the
Caribbean. The agreement applied
to all French possessions in the west-
ern hemisphere, he said.
Thu aIll French possessions on
both sides of the South Atlantic now
are cooperating with the Allies.
Gave In Freely '
Darlan said West Africa had
"placed itself freely under my orders"
and that i Governor-General Pierre
Boisson and Gene'al Barreau, com-
mander of the extensive land, sea and
air forces at the Dakar stronghold,
were joining General Henri Honore
Giraud, General August Nogues of
Morocco and Governor-General Yves
Chatel of Algeria under his leader-
"In habitants of French Africa, I
have this evening good news to an-
nounce," the Vichy radio quoted him
as saying.
"French West Africa has placed
itself freely under my orders. There-
fore French West Africa remains
faithful to the person of the Mar-
For the record, Darlan thus per-
sisted in his contention that he
is acting in accord with Marshal
Petain's wishes, although Vichy
announcements have emphasized
Pptain's repudiation of Darlan's ac-
tions and reclare him stripped of
all offices and commands.
'Inhabitants of French Africa: we
are on the right road. Follow me with
discipline. Vive La France!" the
broadcast concluded.
French West Africa is the largest
unit of'the French empire, embracing
an area of 1,815,768 square miles and
a population of 15,000,000, and in-
cluding the Senegal, French Guinea,
the French Sudan, the Ivory Coast,
Dahomey, Mauretania and Niger.
Its following of the leadership of
Darlan gives the United Nations a
500-mile Atlantic coast line and a
strategic territory stretching more
than 2,000 miles into the heart of
the continent.
Sleepy Students Hit
Hard by Cup-a-Day
Coffee Rationing
Study-mellowed ties between
steaming black coffee and bleary
eyed students have been slit by a
world at war.
Control of that sleep - chasing
standby is under the government's
thumb now, and when rationing goes
into effect this week it's going to be
a sustenance dole of a cup a day.
No longer can you pick up a can
of drip grind by flashing the high
sign to your favorite Greek grocer.

Mrs. FDR Gives President's
Recipe for ConservingCoffee

WASHINGTON, Nov. 23.- (A')-
Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt revealed
today that the President (along with
Mayor LaGuardia of New York and
Uncle Sam) "considers himself some-
thing of an expert in coffee-making"
Australian Troops
Drive toward Gona

and she gave his recipe on how to
stretch out rationed coffee.
The First Lady laughingly told her
press conference that she didn't know
whether her husband's idea was a
good one "because I don't care whe-
ther I get coffee, tea or just hot
Anyway here's the Presidential
technique on how to make that pound
of coffee yield its utmost: dry used
coffee grounds and add a teaspoon-

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