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September 29, 1942 - Image 17

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-09-29

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i t



College Coeds
For War Work
Classes In First Aid, Home
Nursing, Typewriting, Braille,
Child Core Will Be Offered,
University of Michigan women will
have am ple opportunity to "do their
bit" for America's defense next fall.
Continuing the already well-estab-
lished defense courses for women,
Miss Ethel McCormick, Social Direc-
tor of the League, announced that
classes in first aid, home nursing,
typewritng, motor mechanics, nutri-
tion, child care, Braille, and nursing
aid will again be offered this fall.
First Aid Offered
There are three types of first aid
classes: standard, advanced, and in-
structor. The principal aim of the
standard first aid course is to pro-
vide instruction for immediate intel-
ligent care of the injured in case of
an emergency. The ten class meet-
ings of two hours each include lec-
tures, demonstration, and practice.
The home nursing course offers in-
formation concerning home and
community hygiene as well as prac-
tical instruction in personal and fam-
ily health, the care of infants and
small children, and the care of the
sick un d r home conditions.
Typists Needed
Because a lack of stenographers is
one of the primary problems of the
defense effort, typewriting classes
are also listed among the defense
courses for women. Class meetings of
1%/2 hours each, are held twice a week
for the entire semester.
Motor mechanics is one of the
more technical and unusual courses
offered under the defense program.
Class work includes instruction in
the general mechanics of a car,
changing a tire without lifting, tak-
ing a carburetor apart, and learning
how to drive a truck. Students in the
class are given working demonstra-
tions on (He mechanics of an auto-
mobile as well as instruction in emer-
gency repairs.',
Classes in nutrition present. factsI
on food needs and food values and

Virginia Capron
To Act As Head
For Orientation
One hundred undergraduate wo-
men, acting in the capacity of stu-
dent advisers, will devote one week
this September to aiding and orient-
ing newcomers to the campus.
The entire orientation program be-
ginning Sept. 27 will be under the
chairmanship of Virginia Capron, '43,
assisted by Gloria Donen, '43, as
transfer orientation chairman, Betty
Ketgen, adviser-at-large and Mar-
jorie Lovejoy, '44, secretary.
With a group of 8 to 15 new stu-
dents, each adviser will guide her
group through the lectures, aptitude
tests, campus tours and mixers pro-
vided this year to properly acquaint
newcomers to life at the University of
Michigan, and in preparation for
registration and classification that
follows the next week.
Orientation week will begin for
both freshmen and transfers Sunday,
Sept. 27. On Tuesday evening the
transfer women will take a tour of
the League, meeting all the executive
officers and chairmen and ending up
for an informal mixer in the ball-
room afterwards. Freshmen will take
the same tour Wednesday and Thurs-
Friday night, Dean Alice Lloyd will
address the entire group in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre. Coke dates will
be arranged between the freshman
and transfer men and women by the
advisers of the women and the ad-
visers of the men.
The complete orientation program,
designed to keep newcomers busy the
first week, will be outlined in detail
at the first meeting of each group in
offer information on the newer prin-
ciples of food preparation. The prin-
cipal aims of this course are the
training of lay volunteers to assist
in the national nutrition program
through community activities, and in
family and group feeding under
emergency conditions.
The course in child care is an es-
sential part of defense and the need
for centers ta care for children be-
comes more acute as more mothers
are engaged in defense work. These
classes include a study of childde-
velopmnent, nursery school methods,
parent education, nutrition' and
health education.
TT 'l'ah. Braille ;.

Council Duties,
Work Shown
Approval Of Recommendations
Comprises One Of Many Jobs
(Continued from Page 1)
League, respectively; and chairmen
of the League standing committees,
which include Mary Lou Ewing,
dance classes; Marjorie Mahon,
candy-booth; Marallyn MacRitchie,
merit system, and Margaret Brown,
Chairmen of standing committees
are appointed by the retiring Under-
graduate Council from recommenda-
tions'submitted by Judiciary Com-
Concluding the list of Council
members are Barbara Alcorn, tutor-
ial chairman; Nancy Filstrup, pres-
ident of Women's Athletic Associa-
tion and Barbara DeFries, women's
editor of The Daily.
One of the major duties of the
Undergraduate Council is to approve
all recommendations given to it by
the Judiciary Council for the princi-
pal positions in all class projects and
for the important League positions.
All extracurricular work on the
part of women is guided by the Coun-
cil. In addition to this, the group
submits a report of all action which
concerns the women of the campus
as a whole to the Board of Repre-
sentatives for their vote, as well as
presenting an annual report at the
regular meeting of the Michigan
Although the organization is pri-
marily concerned with the govern-
ment and problems of undergraduate
women, it also cooperates with the
business office and alumnae service.

Trials, Worries
Of Class Of '46
To Be Recalled
(Continued from Page 2)



Breakfast Rides Fun


U.. ..


men" at Michigan. The boys were
sometimes very gay but just as often
serious-minded. Why, it was only the
beginning then. We hadn't even
formed the Second Front. We did our
part, too. Why I saved every dime I
had to buy War Savings stamps.
Hmm, that bond came in handy this
summer, for Jimmy Junior's new bi-
cycle. Why, I even knitted a Red
Cross sweater, when I should have
been doing my "PoliSci".
Big Jim was in Australia then-a
lieutenant in the Air Corps. He sent
me his wings, but, of course, I didn't
dare wear them on campus. Christ-
mas presents had to be sent out in
October to the boys overseas, so I sent
him a fountain pen.
Oh, I never thought I'd get through
that first year. Almost quit school on
account of that sarcastic English in-,
structor. Never will forget. that first
blind date-I, in my black velveteen

Instead of sleeping soundly on Sun-
day mornings, wouldn't it be fun to
shake the sleep out of your eyes, don
riding clothes and take a brisk gallop
before breakfast. There are local fa-
cilities for Sunday breakfast and
supper rides and you can go with or
without dates. If interested, informa-
tion may be had by calling Barbour
typical and what a bore he turned out
to be. Seems he was an engineer or a
It was the first year Michigan had
deferred rushing, soldiers filled the
Law Quad and the Union was taken
up with men in uniform, too. Of
course we had surprise blackouts ev-
ery time I had an exam. Guess it was
fate and I should have gone to Vas-
sar. How we crammed for those first
aid quizzes and turned green every
time doctor mentioned concussions.
Saw "Mrs. Miniver" six times, but
didn't cry after the second; just
watched Richard Ney. Almost didn't
get home that first Christmas vaca-
Yes, we learned a lot that year at
Michigan, especially in pajamas at
2 a. m., or did we? But it was FUN!

- - - -

Gre e ne s
Michigan's Favorite Drycleaner
Dial 23i23-a1



Subscribe to






Free! Class of 46
An Identification Case that
will hold your student cards!
Just the right size for the cards
issued to identify yourself for
all student activities, etc.

Another unusual course offered as
a part of the defense program for
women is Braille. This course aids in
preparing students to transcribe, du-
plicate, bind books in Braille, read to
the blind, and to teach them the
Braille system.
The Nurse's Aide course offers an
opportunity to upper-class women in
the University by using them as as-
sistants in nursing responsibilities in
the hospital.
No credit is offered for any of
these courses. Registration will be
held in the Social Director's Office,
Michigan League.

lothes from
You will soon know the signifi
robe at COLLINS. Clothes f
that are moderately priced.
"All Climate" coats with removable
linings. Harris tweed, camet hair, cav-
alry tw 1 .
That important basic dress is a fashion
with a big futur'e.




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Silk or wools you can use for football
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