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September 29, 1942 - Image 16

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-09-29

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M 9

Women's Editor
Phyllis Presentk
Shirley Raskey
Alice Fretz
Frances Triestrar
Janet Veenboer
Betty Harvey


The Michigan.
Merry-Go -Round


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Tells 1946 Women Of
Stake In War Outcome
P IS MY PRIVILEGE to welcome the women
who now enter the University of Michigan for
.e first time. America is now engaged in a ti-
nic struggle for its freedom as a nation. Its men
wve been called in great numbers to active par-
ipaon in its war effort-'in the Army, in the
wvy, in Industry and in Defense Organizations.
ie selected group of American women who are
)w entering college has a great stake in the
itcome of this war. If the democracies do not
in there will be no women in higher education,
the German and the Japanese attitude toward
id treatment of women has left no doubt of
hat the place of women will be in a world which
ey dominate.
1OU who enter college now must face this is-
sue. You must use the opportunities your uni-
rsity offers you to prepare yourselves to do your
fare to make the nation strong in its war effort
id ready for the peace which will come. To
ose of you who come with this high purpose,
e Universty offers its best and welcomes you
fth hope for your success.
Alice C. Lloyd
Dean of Women
- But Michigan Is Not
A Sourpuss University
OLLEGE LIFE, along with all other, phases
Oand aspects of human life, has been de-glam-
,zed a bit by the harsh necessities of a'eounry
Pwar. The class of '46 is the first freshman class
jcted to a changed patternnof conduct, a new
s'el of adjustment which is so necessary now.
iPerhaps you will find the college picture a lit.
e less tinted with romantic sophistication than
Ou rad imagined and perhaps the infrequency
r formal dances will make you a little more
gered than patriotically disappointed.-
But because you will regularly observe serious
udy in libraries, united, organized drives to
niher some phase of national defense and p-
1rent lack of interest in the fashion world, that
(no indication that the good-natured, spontan-
us, laughing nature of the U. of M. is forever
T IS TRUE that sororities and fraternities will
have to cut corners at every turn this year, for
hat they have managed to do as their part so
tr is infinitesimal in viewing the war effort as
whole. But rushing will go on as usual and that,
e assure you, will live up to all your fondest ex-
Pctations. Meetings will be held, perhaps a few
ass projects will survive the sluffing off process,
eague Council and Judiciary committee will
ntinue to function and the spirit of competition
'r key positions and honor societies will be as
en this year as ever.
'HE MARKED CHANGE which we all hope will
occur suddenly in each and every sorority,
aternity, dormitory and rooming house con-
irns leisure hours in afternoons and evenings.
oke dates and bridge games, among the many
relevant activities carried on religiously in the
Est, will be drained of hours of small talk and
ined over to the support of the Red Cross,
VDO and other divisions suffering from lack of
A list of the many ways in which you as a
ember of the class of '46 can help our united
ar effort, would be interminable. But in future
sues of the Daily, after thorough investigation
id compiling of information, we will present to
u what you can do as your part on the home
ont. It is up to you to join your classmates in
ir all-out drive to make this University go all
e way toward a 100 percent prosecution of the
r effort.
HAT you put into this University, you will
V et out of it-no more and no less. Let's put a
tle less in our cherished fashion plate and a

tle more in good, common sense.
Barbara de Fries
Women's Editor
Protection Of Health Is
Every American's Duty
OUR mamma done tol' you," probably, be-
fore you came to Michigan, to be a good
rl, watch your money, and be sure to drink your
ilk. and you told her you would-and were

What's in a year? It doesn't mean a thing any
more. John Doe, '46, a wide-eyed freshman, will
probably continue his college work through next
summer, and may soon change his official title to
John Doe, class of '45.
"Where are the men of the class of '44?" is the
cry. In most cases the answer is "they are no
longer, but are now the members of '43."
With the new accelerated program of three
entire semesters offered at the University, class
designation and commencement exercises are in
a maze of confusion. In an effort to complete
their college work and receive their degrees, be-
fore entering the armed services, men students
have given up their class ties and loyalties and
the hope of going through actual commencement
Women, too, have adopted this plan in order
to get out and do their part to win this war, or
in order to take advantage of being placed in
better positions due to the lack of men in all
fields. The University now sees classes enter and
depart three times a year, without fuss and with-
out frills.
Due to this situation, however, not only the
University clerical system will undergo head-
aches, but every possible phase of activity on
campus. Students will be eligible for activities
several times a year, and officers and leaders of
all campus groups will be leaving at most. un-
expected times. That means opportunities for
you, so go to it, Class of '46! or are you? '
We Ain't Talkin
Mary Smith, '46, blew into town Sunday p.m.
in most elated spirits because now, after these
long months of waiting she had finally reached
the town of her dreams-Ann Arbor, her own
college town. Not only was it the sweet little
metropolis that attracted her however, but the
people in it. Mary was finally going to meet Olga
Gruzhit, Barb deFries, Ginnie Morse, Nancy Fil-
strup and all of the other B.W.O.C.s who were
the object of all her hero-worship aspirations--
for Mary, too, desires to be one of the greatest
of ,the great-a B.W.O.C. But what happened
when Mary spied Char Thompson hiding behind
h trunk in the A2 depot, and tore madly over
with pen and paper in hand? All she heard from
Char was "shhhh!" "What can this mean,"
asked Mary. Well we will tell every Mary Smith
who needs instruction. These B.W.O.C.'s aren't
being stuffy, kids. Next semester they will wel-
come you with open arms and give you every
bit of adyice necessary with this B.W.O.C. busi-
ness. It's just the rules!
Not Question Of Saying
'No' To Glass Of Beer
KNOWING oneself is not a question of refusing
a cigarette or a glass of beer. It is not a mat-
ter of morals but of personal inclinations, some-
thing more fundamental than rules of conduct.
So many people go through college straining
after accomplishments that they were never
meant to attain. The jokes about silly sophomores
and jaded juniors are unfortunately too true.
And the reason for poking fun is not because cer-
tain students wear silly clothes and run around
doing giddy things, but because they are not act-
ing natural. Janie can wear a lot of lipstick, let
her hair hang a la Veronica Lake and be very
sultry because the type may suit her, but June,
who is the windblown type, would merely look
cheap under the same circumstances.
17T' NO SIN to be sophisticated and worldly if
youreally are, but when you are merely imitat-
ing someone else, you are not only committing
the sin of insincerity, but you are hiding the indi-
vidualities that could make you more likable and
also more happy.
Another thing, the person who knows himself
is never envious-never fooled by a big front. An-
other may have better clothes, belong to a big
fraternity, but he may not have as good a chance
to build happiness. The person who knows him-
self realizes his own best points and lets them
shine, reconciling himself to lacks which are not
so important after all as they do not dominate
him. He realizes that quantity is not half so im-

portant as quality, so a big array of talents does
not dim his realization that one well-developed
talent is sufficient.
KNOWING oneself make sincerity, serenity
and good will. We have too little of that in
our University. There is too much bright chatter,
too much false sophistication and snobbery, too
many nervous break-downs because students
have tried to fit square peg personalities into
round holes, too many allowing a strange envir-
onment to change them into something less at-
Know yourself truly and let others know you
truly, too. Alice Fretz
regards the boys and the budget is hard to avoid,
but any woman of college age should give serious
attention to the conservation of her physical
well-being. So important is this health conserva-
tion today that the government has referred to it
as a duty.
THE WORD success implies a good many
things. If now, at the beginning of the term,
life seems a song and examinations almost as
distant an event as graduation, it is still scien-
tifically true that the clearness of your skin, the
shine on your hair and the light in your eyes are

Now is the time of year when all the papers
run those jolly prophetic features about the zoo
animals growing winter coats early in prepara-
tion for a prompt and severe winter. One can't
take these prognostications with a light heart in
view of the imminent government fuel rationing.
The bitter breezes that have nipped our sum-
mer-spoiled bodies these past days are a grim
little sample of what's to come. Even when under
shelter it seems we are to live in the blood-con-
gealing atmosphere of 65 degrees F. And does
F. stand for Fahrenheit or Frigid?
Since, unlike our lucky little furry friends, we
can't raise luxurious pelts, (we'd make ours
mink) the only alternative seems to be the ven-
erable red flannels that warmed the Seventies
before central heating was a universal fact. The
choice would seem to be between laryngitis or
longies with the Michigan coed in these "Freez-
ing Forties."
A Fright Frightens
"Anybody on the floor not got a date? Who
wants a blind date tonight?" This old cry will
soon become familiar to the freshman in the
various dorms as the upperclassmen and their
steadies set up individual date bureaus. At first
the plea will be met by a chorus of shouts emit-
ting from every corner of the corridor. "A date?
I'll take it." "Hey, how about me?" "How tall is
So some poor, unsuspecting girl dashes into
what she considers her most beguiling dress, tries
to coax some curl in her rained-on permanent,
puts on her lowest heels "just in case," and trails
quaveringly after her benefactor, praying that
she won't trip on the last step. Alas, the gangly,
red-haired, freckle-faced boy with his hands
dangling awkwardly two inches below his sleeves
invariably turns out to be the "date," and our
unlucky freshman forms immediately a lasting
impression of the Michigan "man.,,
Tired and disillusioned she returns to the dorm
actively condemning the originator of the blind
date, vowing never again to be taken in by the
merciless, smooth persuasion of her friends. And
still the time comes when once more she is hard
up-and after all, Sally absolutely guarantees
the fine qualities of Joe's friend. He has a won-
derful personality, she says. But too late she
learns the real meaning of "wonderful person-
ality" on the Michigan campus.
Smiles Are Precious
Michigan's War Merry-Go-Round has slowed
down, the music box has stopped playing, the at-
tendant now wears his country's uniform, but
campus coeds will go on laughing. Not silly, fool-
ish giggles, but honest-to-goodness joyful laughs,
will come from happy hearts; because they want
to do their part in making this country worth
Ifighting for.
They shall try to remember that "morale is a
lot of little things," a girl's friendly smile as she
says goodby, the lilting laughter of a group at
work, hearty cooperation to save what we all
love. Morale isn't a sober face, and a disgruntled
disposition because Friday nights aren't what
they used to be. Morale 'isn't a tired face, bored
with the thought of another first aid course.
There isn't a great deal of college life left for
most of the Michigan men, and it is our duty to
show them that this university has been able to
accept the seriousness of the war without-sinking
into the depths of gloom. Courage, efficiency,
and a will to win will combine under the cover
of a happy laugh. It is every coed's duty to main-
tain the "little things that make up morale."
By Bea Bouchard
Perhaps uniforms aren't worn to the Univer-
sity defense classes-perhaps no clever sayings
like those concerning the WAACS and WAVES
have been instigated-but the facts are that
Michigan is offering these courses similar to
those offered in nearly every Civilian Defense
Three types of first aid classes will be offered
-standard, advanced and instructor. The stan-
dard course will prepare one for every emergency
such as air raid injuries, drowning, broken bones

and the like. The advanced is-well advanced
and the instructor is also self-explanatory. There
will be ten class hours of two hours each at
which there will be demonstration, lecturing and
Home nursing will be of invaluable experience
to any potential home-body as well as, the de-
fense effort. This training prepares one in the
care of the sick, children and general family
Gals interested in punching the keys for de-
fense will find adequate typewriting classes of
11/ hours each which will be held twice a week
throughout the semester.
Motor mechanics is one of the more technical
parts of the program. Josephine College will don
her blue jeans and an old shirt and proceed to
learn the inside dope on this driving business.
After a course in Motor Mechanics and First Aid,
one becomes an ambulance driver in the Motor
Corps. One civilian duty of this Corps is driving
officers around-not bad!
Food values are stressed in the nutrition work
as well as the essentials of food preparation.
Graduates of this course are prepared to serve in
community feeding during an emergency.
Another unusual phase of the defense program



Dear people-at-home:
It's a big place, this University, but
it's wonderful and I know I'm going
to like it. I'm still having occasional
trouble finding my way about town
and campus but that's improving and
soon I'll lose that lost lamb look-I
hope. And for the dorm, I feel at home
there already.
My roommate, that Great Unknown
that had us all so worried, turned out
to be a prize! Her name is Judy, she
comes from Arizona and has never
been this far "east" before, and I hope
you'll be up to see me soon so that,
among other reasons, you can meet
the dear gal yourselves. After a week's
trial period we're sure we'll "make a
lovely couple", as the old line says,
and have now become the joint own-
ers of some heavenly blue drapes and
spreads. Our likes and dislikes are
well matched. She, like myself, hates
peanuts and bedmaking.
The girls on the corridor are a very
nice group and we seem to have a lot
in common though we come from allj
over the country. We have lots of bull
sessions comparing notes on home
customs, opinions on all sorts of ques-
tions and men-especially men.
Speaking of men, we are told by
upperclassmen that there's an ever-
increasing -shortage of that commo-
dity in these parts due to you-know
what. This is too bad, especially com-
pared to the now historic seven-to-
one days but it's nothing to moan
about now.bAll the girls on our corri-
dor are planning to sign up for de-
fense courses or Red Cross work
groups as soon as we can so that we
can help the boys to come back just
as soon as possible.
Meanwhile the campus isn't com-
pletely depopulated of males of
course. In fact there's a tall blond in
my chem lab-Gee, I hope he has
flat feet or something.
Thanks ever so much for sending
those chocolate cookies. The whole
gang just devoured them.
Much love,

We realize that

and sleeping clothes de-
mand just as much style
as your smoothest dress
- and twice as much
comfort. We can fit you


out with

the require-

ments for everything
that goes on in a dorm.





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