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November 20, 1942 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-11-20

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Borman Seeks Students
for Labor in Factories
Manpower head-man Mary Borman announced last night that plans
have already been begun to place students in Ann Arbor factories for four-
hour shifts where needed.
"Factories are having trouble getting vital labor," Borman said, "and
we're going to try to fill in with students."
He said that they will work either four hours a day or will work an
eight-hour shift for three days in the week.
Out "to help win this war for Uncle Sam," the Manpower Corps has
already begun a survey of labor shortages in Ann Arbor eating places in-
tended to supply student help in "any place of business whose continuance
is in some way, directly or indirectly,--

necessary to the total war effort."
According to results of the survey
so far, the dormitories here are op-
erating with "hopelessly" underman-
ned staffs and need all the help they
can get. The Union has had a "help
wanted" posted in the cafeteria all
fall. r
Eating establishments along State
Street row have also had "waiter
wanted" posters in their windows for
the last two months and one es-
tablishment has been forced to go
on a three-day week because it can't
get any help.
To get the help, the ManpoWr
Corps will begin a gigantic new regis-
tration drive which will try to "en-
roll every man on campus." The
drive will be launched Monday and
will last all week.
Furnish Woodchoppers
Borman also announced that the
corps will furnish students to chop
wood on near-by farms, to harvest
sugar beets, pick apples, pick car-
rots and husk corn.
He said that more students will be
used as ward-helpers in the Univer-
sity hospital and a tin can salvage
drive will begin at once.
A war stamp and bond drive "to
invest in democracy" is ready to move
and the scrap and salvage drive will
be continued. More workers will also
work with the University Building
and Grounds department.
Organized on Oct. 16 in a student-
initiated move to get the University
of Michigan behind the war effort,
the Manpower Corps went to work
five days later by conducting a huge
registration drive.
At present, the membership is
slightly over 1,000 students who have
done so well that they are being
nick-named "University minutemen."
The two biggest projects under-
taken by Borman's hustling corps
have been a scrap drive which
brought in a total of 100 tons in a
week and a 400-man "expeditionary
relief corps" sent up to the state's
crooked thumb district for sugar-
beet harvesting. Although the beet-
workers were handicapped by bad
weather, they picked 50 acres of beets
in three days or more than 137,500
pounds of sugar,
Apple Pickers Sent Out
Eight groups of apple pickers were
sent out to the Soffe farm near
Milan and they picked approximately
300 bushels each trip.
Thirty-nine men harvested 78 tons
of sugar beets prior to the Sandusky
A mixed group of 20 males and 15
coeds picked carrots at Professor
Hyma's farm.
Ten men have been working every
day of the week at the University
hospital serving as orderlies, store-
room men and lab assistants.
A hundred men helped out with
the fuel rationing registration be-
tween Nov. 9 and 13.
The Corps has also been given full
power to coordinate and approve the
war projects of all campus activities
before they may be put into opera-
Filib usterers
Cause Delay
on Poll Tax
WASHINGTON, Nov. 19.- (iP)--
Filibustering Southerners and Ad-
ministration Senators almost got to-
gether today for a showdown vote on
the Anti-Poll Tax bill but Senator
Chandler (Dem.-Ky.) upset the ap-
ple-cart, fearing their plan would be
the death of the measure.
The showdown would have come,
under plans which Senators Barkley
(Dem.-Ky.) and Connally (Dem.-
Tex.) worked out after preliminary

sparring, on a vote Monday on the
question of invoking cloture rule lim-
iting debates to one hour per senator.
A two-thirds majority of those voting
would be required to impose the rule.
Connally agreed that the Souther-
ners would permit the vote to be taken

FDR Orders
Compliance with
WLB Decision
WASHINGTON, Nov. 19.- (AP)-
President Roosevelt stepped into the
row between the War Labor Board
and the Montgomery Ward Company
today by directing the mail order
house to comply with a War Labor
Board order providing for a "main-
tenance of membership" clause in a
pending union contract.
Although the company had rejec-
ted WLB order as illegal and uneco-
nomic, it had said that if Mr. Roose-
velt as Commander-in-Chief should
direct it to comply, the company
would obey.
Compliance Essential
Mr. Roosevelt's action was taken in
a letter to Sewell' Avery, the President
of the company. The letter said that
compliance was 'essential in the in-
terest of our war effort" and directed
that the board's ruling, be accepted
"without further delay."
The maintenance of membership
clause gives compny enployes who
are members of the union fifteen days
in which to resign. If they do not do
so within that period, they are con-
sidered bound to continue their union
membership for the duration of the
contract, one year.
Company Argues
The company argued that "em-
ployes who are members of the union
would not be free to resign from the
union, without being discharged, and
Ward's would not be free to retain a
competent worker who had resigned
from the union."
In addition Montgomery Ward con-
tended that the Board's order would
establish a pattern under which all
unions could obtain a closed shop by
simply appealing to the War Labor
Board. The company also objected to
a 'provision of the contract guaran-
teeing maintenance of wages and
working conditions. Such a proviso, it
said, was unsound in such uncertain
SALEM, Ore., Nov. 19. - (A') -
Gov. Charles A. Sprague tonight
termed the death of 47 Oregon
state insane asylum inmates from
eating poisoned eggs "mass mur-
der" and said "the poison was
evidently added in the preparation
of the food."
"As soon as I received the report
that the deaths at the state hospi-
tal were caused by a chemical poi-
son, I directed the state police to
take charge of the investigation
and leave no stone unturned in the
effort to affix the responsibility
for this mass murder," he said
He said, "The frozen eggs sup-
plied by the Federal Surplus Com-
modities Corporation were not re-
sponsible. There , was nothing
wrong with these eggs."

Tells Frenchmen
To Fight United
Nations in North
African Campaign
LONDON, Nov. 19.- Marshal Phi-
lippe Petain called on all Frenchmen
in North Africa tonight "to resist the
Anglo-Saxon aggression," and Fight- , . ";
ing French sources here saw this as
fresh evidence of Dictator Pierre La-
val's calculated efforts to steer his #
country into outright military alli- 6.
ance with'Germany.:
The 86-year-old Marshal, who yes-
terday gave Laval full political pow-
ers and designated him as his heir
presumptive, said in a broadcast from
Axis-occupied Vichy:,
Disobey Allied Leaders
"Frenchmen: Generl officers in
the service of a foreign power refused
to obey my orders. General officers,
non-commissioned officers, soldiers of
the French army: Do not obey these
unworthy leaders."
The .Marshal was referring to Ad-
miral Jean Drlan, ousted successor
to etain and Laval's political enemy, { '
who has gone over to the Allies in
North Africa, and other French lead-
ers suich as Gen. Henri Honore Gi- ,
rand who .escaped from a Nazi prison
and then =from Vichy to fight again.
France now is'plunged into a politi-
cal and military turmoil as grave as pis
the days 'of collapse' to Germany in
1940. Prenchmen 'in Africa are flock-
ing tothe Allies, and, the MoroccanF
radio reported 'that General Barre, Fre
French Tunisian commander, now
was -fighting against the Axis in his AXI
QerialaGive Ultiuiatum
The radio said the Germans had Tub
given the 'General an ultimatum to
join the Axis last night and' upon its Ba
expiration this morning General Bar-
re ordered his troops to fight. and
The whereabouts of General Max- by
ime Weygand, former French North
African commander who was dis-
missed by Vichy under Axis pressure, LNI
remained a mystery tonight. BrN
Leon Morandat, prominent French The Bri
trade unionist, who has just escaped by crac
from' Vichy France to join the Fight- en bac
ing French here, said that Weygand and fo
was arrested by the Gestapo during miles o
the Nazi occupation of the remainder naval b
of France. Weygand, he said, had closedi
turned down Petain's request to com- today i
mand a new French army. North A
Soviets Continue LON
their co
a. Ama L Barre, IF
Counter-Attacks dawn to
on Ger
MOSCOW, Nov. 20. (Friday)- forces to
(P)- A counter-attacking Red Army vance co
killed 5,000 Germans in a battle last- tectorat
ing several days outside Ordzhoni- radio re
kidze, northern entrance to the Geor- Gener
gian Military Highway leading handed
through the Caucasian mountains, the comman
Soviets announced last night in a ing the
special communique, from Tu
The regular midnight war bulletin fast-gat
also told of stalwart Russian fighting Gen. K.
at all other key sectors of the long Army.
front, particularly Stalingrad where Spurn
six German attacks were repulsed. he woul

In one sector of the Volga River comply,
city the Germans "succeeded in occu- Barre o
pying a few demolished houses at a to atta
cost of great losses," but this was the French t
only slight Nazi gain. ed the B




Between Battles, Ie Reads of the World To Come

American Forces
:.:... Add Battleship,
Three Cruisers
Destroyer to Toll
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Nov. 19.-- The
great American sea victory in the
Solomons assumed even more epic
proportions today when the Navy an-
nounced that a Japanese battleship
or heavy cruiser, three large cruisers
and a destroyer were sunk and three
other enemy warships, including a
battleships, damaged in a single en-
gagement last Saturday night.
These heavy losses were inflicted on
the enemy by an American battleship
task force, whose victory, coming on
top of the smashing triumph scored

Sunk Iomos

-Asocited Press Photo
A British Eighth Army soldier lying under a truck in the Egyptian desert reads a book about the
sibilities of the post-war world. He got the book from a mobile library. This is an official British

nch Attack
s Forces in
es., Bizerte
rre Defies Berlin
d Vichy Demands
Joining Allies
DON, Friday, Nov. 20.-(A)-I
tish First Army, supported
k American units, has beat-
k scattered German patrols
)ught its way, to within 35,
of the Axis-held Tunisian
base of Bizerte, it was dis-
in a dispatchhreceived early
from Allied headquarters in
By The Associated Press
ON, Nov. 19.-On orders of
mmanding officer, Generel
French troops in Tunisia at
day opened a general attack
man and Italian occupying
day in support of Allied ad-
lumns sweeping into the pro-
e from the west, the Morocco
ported tonight.
al Barre, the report said, was
an ultimatum by the German
der, General Nehring, order-
French either to withdraw
nisia or join the Axis in the
hering battle against Lieut.-
A. N. Anderson's British First
ing the German threat that
d be attacked if he failed to
the report said, General
rdered his provincial forces
ck first early today. The
troops wherever possible join-
3ritish and Americans.

Win ate States
IFC-anhe ls
Vanities' Plant
To Receive Proceeds
Michigan's Bomber - Scholarship
Plan, already $9,000 to the good since
its organization last March, received
an aaded boost last night when Pete
Wingate. .'43E, announced "Victory
Vanities," an IFC-Pan-Hel stunt show
The "Vanities," now slated to be
held Jan. 15 in Hill Auditorium, has
a goal of $1,000 worth of war bonds
which will be donated to the scholar-
ship plan.
Participation in this stunt show will
be open to every fraternity and so-
rority on campus and stunts may in-
clude practically any type of 10-min-
ute skit. "Anything goes," Chairman
Wingate said, "original skits, talented
acts, comedy, drama, or just some-
thing that will be entertaining."
Urging houses to begin working im-
mediately on their stunts, Wingate
disclosed that Beta Theta Pi members
have already begun their rehearsals.
The first elimination contest will
occur shortly after Christmas vaca-
tion. At this time the field of partici-
pants will be narrowed down to five
fraternities and five sororities which
will compete in the Jan. 15 finals.
Judges will be selected from Play1
Production and the winning houses
will receive war bond awards.
Wingate especially urged that ev-
ery house participate in the event in-
asmuch as there is a possibility of
making "Victory Vanities" an annual

British Force
Now 50 Miles
from Bengasi
Threatens Axis Hold
on Strategic Port
in Swift Advance
CAIRO, Nov. 19.- VP)- A swift
British column has by-passed the
Libyan hump and reached a point 50
miles south of Bengasi, threatening
the Axis straggler racing desperately
on today toward El Agheila for a
prospective rear-guard fight for Tn-
The southern arm of the pursuing
British was in the Antelat section, 80
miles northeast of El Agheila and 15
miles from the Gulf of Sirte, and
overlooking the coastal road from
Bengasi to Agedabia.
Imperial forces in the north were
pressing vigorously along the coastal
road toward Bengasi while British and
U.S. planes spewed explosive death
on the disordered Axis exodus. Rem-
nants of Marshal Erwin Rommel's
force had lost most of their arms in
the 600-mile flight from El Alamein.
Medium bombers based on Malta
flew the Mediterranean bottleneck to
Tunis and attacked the German-held
airdrome from which Axis planes are
operating against the eastbound Brit-
ish First Army's advance on Bizerte
and Tunis from Algeria.
The frantic efforts of the Germans
and Italians to save something in
North Africa was highlighted by the
enemy's use of big transport planes
to rescue men from the Bengasi area,
flying them south to Magrum.

two nights earlier, finally drove the
enemy northward in inglorious re-
(It is not yet possible to reach a
total of the Japanese losses because
there, may be some duplication be-
tween the damage listed in today's
announcement and the data made
public earlier in the week.)
First Battleship Fight
It was officially revealed that in the
tremendous Solomons fight American
battleships slugged it out with Japa-
nese battleships, for the first time
during the war in the Pacific.
Today's communique was the sec-
ond giving results of the series of sea
fights which ensued when the Japa-
nese ,tried to attack American-held
territory on Guadalcanal Island with
a nighty . armada of warships and
transports. It was their greatest ef-
fort in" amphibious warfare and the
latest report made clear that it failed
The first communique giving re-
sults was issued last Monday. It dealt
at length'with the first main battle
of the series which was fought out
shortly after midnight last Thursday
(Guadalcanal time.)
Heavy Jap Losses
That communique listed 23 Japa-
nese ships, including one battleship
and three heavy cruisers, as having
been destroyed and said seven, includ-
ing a second battleship, had been
damaged. It also reported that the
Saturday night action had been
fought but that details "have not yet
been received."
American losses were reported as
two light cruisers and six destroyers
Following this up, today's commu-
nique said that reports just in from
the south Pacific showed that enemy
losses in the Saturday night battle
were one battleship or heavy cruiser,
three large cruisers and one destroyer
sunk, and one battleship, one cruiser
and one destroyer damaged. No fur-
ther American losses were reported.
May Have 'Been Announced
The communique cautioned that
"this report of damage (to the Japs)
may include some of the damage al-
ready reported" in the Monday an-
nouncement. Not until a full sum-
mary of the complex action has
reached here can a full evaluation of
the devastation worked on the Japa-
nese navy be made.
Should it then turn out that the
Japanese actually had lost two bat-
tleships sunk and two damaged in
addition to all their other losses in
ships, supplies and men in the Solo-
mons last week, there would be little
question that the navy of Nippon had
received a crippling blow the effects
of which would be felt until this war
Duplication Not Extensive
While emphasizing that only frag-
mentary reports on the Saturday
night battle were in, the Navy spokes-
man expressed the view that dupli-
cation betweenthe two communiques
probably was not extensive
It seemed entirely possible, there-
fore, that of the 15 or more battle-
ships built or building with which
Japan started the war, three, includ-
ing the Haruna, which the Army re-
ported sunk by air attack in the Phil-
ippines early in the war, are now on
the ocean bottom.
Another measure of the terrific de-
feat which the enemy suffered in the
Solomons is the estimate by Naval
officials that at least 20,000 and pos-
sibly as many as 40,000 men with
much equipment were lost. Naval ex-
perts here expressed belief today that

Army and Navy May Take Over All Universities Soon

(1urnished by the Washington Bu-
reau of the Detroit News, The Daily
prints this story because of the special
significance it has for University
WASHINGTON, Nov. 19.-Col-
leges, as Americans have known
them, will soon be wiped out of ex-
istence for the duration of the war.
They will survive chiefly as mili-
tary training institutions, under di-
rect or effective control of the
Army and Navy, or if not adaptable
to this will in most cases close their
The future of college students,
including those who already have

in the fire, but the direction is
already clear.
The key fact in the situation is
that 93 per cent of all college stu-
dents are 18 years or older and thus
eligible to the draft. In some cap-
acity, the physically fit eventually
will enter the armed services.
That puts the future of colleges
themselves in the hands of the
Army, because few colleges if any,
can live if the Army extracts all
able-bodied students over 17.
What the Army, Navy and
leading educators are now trying
i to work out is a fair system by
which they will make a maxi-
mum contribution to the war,
without depriving the country of

to close. About 50 small colleges
already have closed. Others are
merging, attempting to switch their
programs to become useful agents
of the war organization. The Navy
has approximately 70 under con-
tract. It will use some of the plants
for technical training, others as
mere headquarters to school new
The Army's decision will be even
more far-reaching. Army policy has
been that "every able-bodied male
student in colleges is destined for
the armed forces." Educators are
arguing that such a program must
not wipe out the training of scien-
tists who are needed not only for
+- n Q ,i n e _rnarasch ,fnr h

President Roosevelt already has
promised that 18- and 19-year-
olds drafted will be assured a col-
lege education after the war. He
has not said how.
At issue, is what will be done
with students now in the midst of
college courses. Should they be
moved into camps, given basic
military training and then moved
back? Now or at the end of the
term? Where is the dividing line
between students chosen to con-
tinue college training, those to be
continued as buck privates?
What sort of a practical yard-
stick can be worked out for draft
boards? Are colleges to be
ar :a inaA ...m....r nammn. . n a

"We can anticipate a more sys-
tematic use than has been made up
to the present time," Tibbitts said.
"The University has received no
definite information regarding
when enlisted men are to be with-
drawn, when 18- and 19-year-olds-
are to be drafted or precisely how
the colleges are to be used in pre-
paring men and women for war
"Indications have pointed for
several months toward the drafting
of all men and women upon grad-
uation from high school and selec-
tion by the War Manpower Com-
mission and the armed forces of
those to be sent to colleges for spe-
ni.l nAnnnM r 'n'nan1 ,, 'ia a.iA

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