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November 19, 1942 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-11-19

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THURSDAY, NOV. 19, 1942

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Photographs of
U' Servicemen
Will Be Shown
University graduates who are now
serving in the armed forces of the
United States are receiving their first
campus-wide recognition this week
in an exhibit entitled "Michigan's
Fighting Men," currently on view in
the lobby of The Michigan Union.
Featuring photographs of Michi-
gan men in service accompanied by a
brief explanatory note, this display
will be changed once every week.
Ten Michigan men of the past are
featured this week, two are in the
Navy, while the rest are flying with
the Air Corps.
In this week's display may be seen
two pictures of distinguished World
War veterans now high up in Army
administrative affairs. They are
Brigadier-General Gladeon Barnes
and Lt.-Col. Homer Hosking.
The exhibit is sponsored jointly by
the Michigan Union and the Univer-
sity Alumni Office in an effort to
emphasize Michigan's part in the war.



Dean Crawford Announces
Retirement of Mrs. Green

Only four and a half years short
of achieving a 40-year service rec-
ord, Mrs. Camilla B. Green, assistant
secretary of the College of Engineer-
ing, has officially retired.
Dean Ivan C. Crawford of the en-
gineering college made this an-
nouncement yesterday, but her resig-
nation was retroactive to Ott. 15.
Mrs. Green retired at the age of 72
because of failing eyesight. As yet
no successor has been named.
Dean Crawford, when asked for a
statement, said, "Probably no other
member of the staff has had so wide
an acquaintance over so many years
with alumni of the college . . . Her
efficient service and pleasing person-
ality will always be a treasured mem-
ory in the minds of faculty members
and students alike."
Mrs. Green began her three and a
half decades of service in the engi-
neering college Feb. 1, 1907, when
she assumed the duties of clerk to
the Secretary of the College. She
held this position until 1915 when
the post of assistant secretary was
created and she was appointed to it.
Since then Mrs. Green has held the
office continuously, having assisted



$ .40 per 15-word insertion for
one or two days. (In-
crease of 10c for each
additional 5 words.)
$1.00 per 15-word insertion for
3 or more days. (Increase
of $.25 for each additional
5 words.
Contract Rates on Request
Our Want-Ad Department
will be happy to assist you' in
composing your ,ad. Stop at
the Michigan , Daily Business
Office, 420 Maynard Street.
LARGE zipper notebook and 4 text-
books-Calculus, English, Trigo -
nometry, German.-Contact Lea-
trice Amer-7672-Reward.
WILL TRADE one Harry Suffrin
camel hair overcoat for one Hart,
Schaffner & Marx camel hair over-
coat exchanged by error one week
ago. Call Jeff Solomon, 8518, 2108

THESIS BINDING-Mimeographing.
Brumfield and Brumfield, 308 S.
Driveway gravel, washed pebbles.
Killins Gravel Co., phone W412.
6835-Dealers wanted part time.
CHRONOGRAPH, one year old, at
reasonable price-Call at noon or
selection in town. All imprinted
with your name. Prom 50 for $1.00
up. Craft Press, 305 Maynard St.
LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low pride.
PART-TIME student help, noons and
evenings. Miller's Dairy Store, 1219
S. University.
TWO STUDENTS to work for meals
week-ends. Chi Omega, 1503 Wash-
tenaw. Phone 2-3159.

Prof. Louis A. Hopkins, now director
of summer session, most of this time.
Hopkins was Secretary of the engi-
neering college from 1915 to 1937.
In recounting her memories of the
"engine school" Mrs. Green recalls
how until World War I she was the
only woman employe in the secre-
tary's office. During her early days
at the University she did practically
everything for the entering engineer-
ing students. She reports meeting
them at the desk, assisting them in
registration and generally aiding
them to adjust themselves to the
Most of these duties have been
passed on to others, Mrs. Geen said.
However, she added that in over 60
cases during recent years she has
handled the records of students
whose fathers she was well acquaint-
ed with in years gone by. This, she
says, interested her most, for in one
case a Michigan graduate sent his
three sons to the engineering college
and in three other cases "alums" sent
two sons each.
Her experience also includes work
in the engineering college during the
last war,. which she said had a dras-
tic effect upon the office records.
Then Dean-Emeritus Mortimer E.
Cooley was education' director for
three states and had to keep records
of the enlisted reserves here. Also
enlisted men were given a three-
month training period at the Univer-
sity. It was in 1918, Mrs. Green ays,
that additional helpers were employed
in the office to relieve the war-caused
Van actor
To Conduct
at Concert
David Van Vactor, composer, flut-
,ist, conductor and at present a mem-
ber of the flute section of the Chicago
Symphony Orchestra, will conduct his
"Concerto Grosso," for three solo
flutes, solo harp and orchestra, at the
University Symphony Orchestra's
first concert of the year to be held at
8:30 p.m. Sunday in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre.
Mr. Van Vactor's career as a flutist
has been quite as striking as his ca-
reer as a composer. His conductor's
career began when he was a member
of the conductors' class of the Civic
Orchestra of Chicago. For several sea-
sons, he has been conductor of a
chamber orchestra of about 36 play-
ers, and his guest appearances with
other orchestras include the Chicago
and Indianapolis Symphony Orches-
tras and the New York Philharmonic
It was about the time of Mr. Van-
Vactor's entrance into the Chicago
Symphony that he wrote his "Con-
certo Grosso." It was an instant suc-
cess and remains in the current rep-
ertory of the Chicago gymphony.
Indian Freedom
To Be Debated
Mrs. Francesca Thivi and Dr. Wolf-
gang Kraus, of the political science
department, will discuss the question
of Indian independence at 8:30 p.m.
tomorrow at the Hillel Foundation.
Mrs. Thivi, a graduate student from
India, will speak on "Independence
for India Now," while Dr. Kraus will
maintain that Indian freedom should
wait until after the war.
The forum is the sixth in Hillel's
1942-43 series of Friday evening dis-
cussions. The meeting is open to the
public and there is no admission
charge. Refreshments will be served.
Arrangements for the series are be-
ing made by the Hillel Forum Com-
mittee, under the leadership of War-
ren Laufe, '44.

At the Michigan ...
Opening today at the Michigan
Theatre is a double feature bill which
includes "The Loves of Edgar Allen
Poe" and "Just Off Broadway."
The Poe picture tells the story of
Poe known only to the women who
loved him in an exciting romantic
Drama which stars Linda Darnell and
John Shepperd. The film brings to
the screen all of the drama that was
his life and takes advantage of the
story possibilities of America's liter-
ary genius.
The second feature is the story of
private detective Lloyd Nolan who is
cast as a member of the jury trying
attractive Janis Carter for murder.
A witness testifying in Miss Carter's
behalf is mysteriously killed by a
knife thrown at her in the courtroom.
Of course Nolan finds the evidence
which sets her free, but gets into a
little trouble doing it.
At the State . .
Virginia Bruce might well have in-
spired 'the title for "Careful, Soft
Shoulders" which opens today at the
State Theatre.
Miss Bruce pairs with James Elli-
son in this exciting suspense thriller
in which she plays the part of a
streamlined Mata Hari. Ellison,
meanwhile, commits what turns out
to be the almost fatal mistake of
romantically pursuing Virginia who
in turn already is pursuing some en-
emy agents specializing in tipping
off Axis U-boats on the whereabouts
of convoys.
"Careful, Soft Shoulders" provides
more thrilling suspense than the Axis
agents can bear and causes plenty
of round chuckles at their expense.
And there is as much romance as you
would expect when Virginia and Elli-
son get together.
Engine Election
Decides Class
Engineering election chairman Bud
Burgess, '44E, heaved a sigh of relief
yesterday as he announced that the
annual Engineering Council elections
are over and the results of six contests
in the freshman; sophomore and jun-
ior classes decided.
Voting has ben .going on during
the past two days with th heaviest
balloting having taken place yester-
day morning. It was in this ballotting
that Karl Reed, junior candidate for
representative to the Council, pulled
away from his closest competitor,
"Rip" Riopelle. Reed accumulated 111
votes against Riopelle's 66 and Jake
Jacobson's 65. Red and Riopelle were
both elected, the former serving for
the rest of his college career, the lat-
ter for the next 'year.
In the sophomore ballotting Carl
Otjen garnered nearly twite as many
votes as Joe Linker but both men
beat out five other candidates for the
class' two representative positions.
Freshman voting which took place
in the class assemblies yesterday was
similarly close with John Garner re-
ceiving 129 votes and Russ Youngdahl
amassing 121. Their nearest competi-
tors were Ed Ladd and Orin Ahlstrom.
Voting was proportional with two
candidates to be named on each bal-
lot. There was a total of 16 men run-
ning for the two offices in each of the
three classes.

Triangles, honorary engineering so-
ciety, has elected the following new
officers: Ralph Amstutz, '44E, presi-
dent; Bud Burgess, '44E, secretary,
and George Kozloff, '44E, treasurer.
The organization will meet at 7:00
p.m., Novembger 23, at the Michigan

THURSDAY, NOV. 19, 1942 I necessity changed the habits of all
VOL. LIII No. 40 people. The University of Michigan
is not an exception to this change.
All notices fr the Daily Official Bul- The procurement problems of the
letin are to be sent -to the Office of the University have increased in propor-
President in typewritten form by 3:30 tion to the increase of governmental
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no- restrictions, and in proportion to the
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m. shortages of critical materials. The
University must adhere to the Pri-
Notices ority Regulations, the Conservation
Orders, and the Limitation Orders
By recent action of the Board of issued by the War Production Board.
Regents, the following regulation is The habits of the University must
now in force : "That as a condition 'change to conform to the times. We
to continued attendance at the Uni- cannot have all of the materials, or,
the donveniences and services in the

versity the course, PEM 31, be re-
quired of all male students who, ati
the beginning of a particular term,
are regularly enrolled in the Uni-
versity." This regulation applies to
all students who have not been ex-
Even though each male student.
registered in the University has seen
a copy of the regulation, not all have
complied. Some students have dis-
regarded it. Those students who are
delinquent must confer immediately
with Mr. Kenneth Doherty (Room 5,
Waterman Gymnasium), and make
arrangements regarding their make-
up work. Otherwise action must be
taken by the Dean's Office of the
College in which they are registered.
Alexander G. Ruthven
Christmas recess: By action of the
Regents the.announced time of the
Christmas recess has been changed
to the following: Christmas recess
begins Friday evening, December 18;
classes resume after recess on
Wednesday morning, December 30.
Classes will be held on January 1.
The above changes are occasioned by
transportation conditions during the
holiday season.
Naval Reserve Class V-1: StudentsC
enlisted in Class V-1 are reminded
that they are required by the Navy
to take P.E.M. 31 or its equivalent
and that they may not be excused
except by a duly authorized repre-
sentative of the Navy Department.
Any V-1 man who is reported as de-
linquent by the Department of Phys-
ical Education will be called upon to
show cause why his name should not
be reported to the Navy Department
with the recommendation that he be
called to active duty as apprentice
B. B. Thuma,
Armed Forces Representative
To All Departments: The entry of
the United States in the war has of
AVukah Council to Meet
Saturday for Luncheon
The Central Council of Avukah,
student Zionist organization, will
meet for luncheon and a business
meeting at 12:30 p.m. Saturday at the
Hillel Foundation.
The Council is composed of the
executive committee and all commit-
tee chairmen. All Avukah members
are invited to attend the luncheon,
Reservations for the luncheon may
be made by calling Mel Perlman, 9300,
or the Foundation, 3779.

future that we have been accustomed
to in the past. It is the intent of the
War Production Board to keep edu-
cational institutions operating with
their existing facilities and at their,
existing level, and this only so far
as it does not impede the war effort.
This means that the University shall
not expand its facilities, make im-
provements or alterations, or reha-;
bilitate any building, structure, or
project without specific approval of
the War Production Board, unless
there are no critical materials in-
We have been advised as follows:
"Most educational institutions
which have a satisfactory standing
and are expected to carry out war
training programs have adequate
equipment for such purposes, and
requests for expansion have to be
reviewed very critically."
This means that members of the
University of Michigan staff must,
in most cases, get along with what
they have. In this way they will
contribute most toward winning the
Walter L. Bulbick,
Purchasing Agent
Students, College of Engineering:
The final day for removal of in-
completes will be Saturday, Novem-
ber 28. Petitions for extension of
time must be on file in the Secre-
tary's Office on or before Thursday,
November 19.
A. H. Lovell, Secretary
Upperclassmen: Former students of
the junior colleges at Bay City, Dear-
born, Flint, Grand Rapids, Jackson
and Port Huron are reminded of the
conferences with their former deans
this morning in the Rackham Build-
ing. Former students of these col-
leges who may not have been noti-
fied by mail are also invited.
Ira M. Smith, Registrar
Freshmen from high schools in the
following cities are reminded of the
conferences with their former prin-
cipals this morning in the Rackham
Adrian, Albion, Ann Arbor, Battle
Creek, Bay City, Benton Harbor, Bir-
mingham, Bloomfield Hills, Caro,
Chelsea, Culver, Dearborn, Detroit,
Dowagiac, East Grand Rapids, Ecorse,
Ferndale, Flint, Glen Ellyn, Grosse
Pointe, Hazel Park, Highland Park,
Howell, Hudson, Jackson, Lansing,
Lincoln Park, Manchester, Manistee,
Marlette, Marshall, Midland, Mon-
roe, Mt. Clemens, Niles, Northville,
Onsted, Oscoga, Plymouth, Pontiac,
Port Huron, River Rouge, Romeo,
Royal Oak, Saginaw, St. Clair, St.
Johns, St. Joseph, Tecumseh, Three

Rivers, Toledo, Trenton, Vassar,
Walled Lake, Wayne, Wyandotte and
Ira M. Smith, Registrar
Choral Union Members: All mem-
bers of the Choral Union whose at-
tendance records are clear will please
call today for courtesy tickets to
the Albert Spalding Concert between
the hours of 10 and 12 and 1 and 4
at the offices of the University Mu-
sical Society in Burton Memorial
Tower. After 4 o'clock no courtesy
tickets will be issued.
Charles A. Sink, President
Telephones in all the League
Houses will not be used after 10:30
each night. This is a war measure,
the dormitories having already closed
their switchboards at 10:30 for sev-
eral weeks.
Mechanical, Industrial, Chemical
and Metallurgical Engineering Sen-
iors: Aluminum Company of Amer-
ica, Pittsburgh, Pa., representative,
is interested in interviewing Seniors
of the above groups for prospective
positions with that organization Fri-
day, November 20.
Interview schedule is posted on the
bulletin board at Room 221 West
Engineering Building.
Interviews will be held in Room
218 West Engineering Bldg.
Seniors in Mechanical, Electrical &
Industrial Engineering, Chemicals in-
terested in production: Proctor &
Gamble Defense Corporation, Repre-
sentative David M. Watt, will inter-
view for positions in their shell-load-
ing plants today until noon. He is
interested in interviewing college-
trained women also.
Interview schedule may be signed
on the bulletin board at Room 221
West Engineering Bldg.
Interviews will be held in Room
218 West Engineering Bldg.
Michigan Dailies Wanted for Mich-
igan Students in 'the Services: Mrs.
Ruth B. Buchanan, Museums Library,
is making weekly mailings of the
Michigan Daily to former students
now in the armed services. These re
much appreciated by the recipients,
and Mrs. Buchanan can use more
copies of the Daily for the purpse.
Faculty nenbers and students who
can make them available are re-
quested to communicate with her at
the Museums Library (campus tele-
phone 82.)
University Lecture: Talbot Hatx-
lin, Avery Librarian andd Professor of
the History of Architecture, Columbia
University, will lecture on the sub-
ject, "Greek Revival Architecture i
the Early West" (illus.), under th'
auspices of the College of Architec-
ture and Design in the Rackham
Amphitheatre at 4:15 p.m. today.
The public is invited.
University Lecture: Dr. Alexander
D. Lindsay, Master of Balliol Col-
lege, Oxford University, will lecture
on the subject, "Universities and
Modern Democracy," under the aus-
pices of the Departments of Philos-
ophy, History, and Political Science,
(Continued on Page 4)











of the Violin"


1 1

Albert Spalding

This streamlined Mata
Hari hasa linethatisn't
in the code book...
and she'll kiss you at the
drop of a...militarysecret!
U iaii JfI@II I II

Shattering the old idea that ranking musicians must be
long-haired foreigners is the brilliant career of Albert
Spalding. Of American birth and training, his achieve-
ments have been recognized throughout the musical world.
Often referred to as the "Aristocrat of the Violin," he is a
man of such fine taste that he never permits himself to do
anything purely for display.

r\1r" \ T TcT-m9'Q.Qf0-l


Virginia ' James , , I



1 1 1 11


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