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November 19, 1942 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-11-19

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Not Much Change in Temp..



Allied Forces

Batter German



Laval Top
Man Now
In France
Successor to Petain
Given Full Powers
To Write All Laws,
Decrees for Nation
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Nov. 18.-Pierre Laval,
who has thrown in his chips for a
German victory, was made fascist
dictator of Vichy France and desig-
nated successor to Marshal Philippe
Petain tonight. Observers predicted
a new terror reign 'ancq a desperate
Laval effort to swing France militar-
miia-ily into the Axis fold.
The 86-year-old Marshal Petain
named Laval his heir presumptive to
replace Admiral Jean Darlan who
went over to the Allied standard in
French North Africa, and also gave
Laval full powers to write his own
laws and decrees in a nation com-
pletely occupied by Axis armies.
Significantly the vest of full pow-
ers in the wily Laval came after the
cabinet had heard a report from Rear
Admiral Rene Platon, a secretary of
state in the foreign ministry, on the
latter's trip to Tunisia.
Allies Fight into Tunisia
Admiral Platon presumably out-
lined the prospects of rallying French
Tunisians to the Axis camp at a time
when American and British troops
are fighting their way into that pro-
tectorate from occupied French Al-
geria to the west. German and Italian
troops already hold the Bizerte-Tunis
area apparently in cooperation with
pro-Axis Vichy elements stationed in
the Tupisian French protectorate.
Immudiate repercussions from
these developments were seen tonight
in a Vichy report that Vice-Admiral
G. A. J. P. Auphan, secretary of state
for the navi an ,oaert Gibrat, sec-
retary of tate for communications,
had ned their cabinet posts.
AbrI1, Bichelonne Take Over
'Admiral Jean Marie Abrial, former
governor-general of Algeria, replaced
Admiral Auphan, and Jean Bichel-
onne combined Babrat's post with his
present one of secretary of state for
industrial production-a production,
incidentally, geared to Germany's war
He undoubtedly is slated to use
what prestige he retains in Algeria
for the benefit of the Axis. There
also remains the question of the Tou-
lon fleet. Admiral Darlan in his ap-
peals has asked it to go over to the
Allied side, but it still rides at anchor
within gunshot of surrounding Axis
occupation armies.
Laval's Policy Takes New Turn
The pro-Axis policy of Laval now
takes a new and more powerful turn,
but just what form it will assume re-
mained unclear tonight. There have
been reliable reports that Laval was
negotiating a peace with the Axis to
replace the armistice, perhaps as a
forerunner of trying to place France
formally at war with the Allies.
These reported terms would give
Germany Alsace and Lorraine, prov-
inces they already have taken over,
and would place the Vichy fleet
alongside the Axis in an attempt to
regain the French Empire.
I. L. Sharfman
Given Honorary
Lecturing Post,
Prof. I. L. Sharfman, chairman of
the economics department and asso-

ciate member of the War Labor
Board, was yesterday named Henry
Russel lecturer for 1942-43.
The Russel lectureship is an honor
given a senior .faculty member for
outstanding scholarly achievement.
The lecture. is usually presented in
Professor Sharfman has frequently
worked on government mediation of
labor disputes and was a member of
the National Railroad Adjustment
The selection of the lecturer is
made by the Research Club.
His largest scholarly work is the
five-volume "Interstate Commerce
Commission, 1931-37." He has writ-

Japs Admit Largest
Naval Losses of War
State Fantastic Claims of Damage Inflicted on
U.S. Ships To Make theBad News Palatable

By The Associated Press
NEW YORK, Nov. 18.- Japan
made her broadest admission of naval
losses of the war today, apparently
recognizing the futility of attempting
to hide her disaster in the Solomons,
but linked it with fantastic claims of
damage inflicted in order to make
the news as palatable as possible.
Although the Japanese admissions
were sweeping for Tokyo, they did
not include all the losses the Ameri-
cans officially announced were in-
flicted on Nippon's forces.
List Includes Battleship
Tokyo listed as sunk a battleship,
the first time in the war that Japa
has made such an admission, -a crui-
ser and threedestroyers. The Imperial
Headquarters then put down as dam-
aged another battleship and seven
In the crushing defeat at Midway,
where an invasion spearhead aimed
at ,Hawaii and perhaps the American
west coast was turned back, the Japa-
nese admitted losing only one aircraft
carrier sunk and an aircraft carrier
and a cruiser damaged.
Tokyo sugared its bad news today
with an extravagant and unsupported
claim that the American Navy was,
routed and forced to flee.
The damaging' admissions appar-
ently were smoked out by official
United States accupits of the victory
over the Japanese in the Solomons
last week.
Their Story ... .
Imperial Headquarters summed up,
the Japanese losses and damages as
"One battleship, (presumably of.
the Kongo class), sunk; one battle-
ship damaged; one cruiser sunk; three
destroyers sunk and seven transports
damaged. Thirty-two planes dived
into the enemy and nine (other)
planes failed to return."
Here is the Japanese score, not
confirmed by aiy Allied source, of
United States losses in the same
.. . Sunk-eight cruisers, includ-
ing three new type. Five of these
cruisers were instantly sunk. Four or
five destroyers. One transport.
"Heavily damaged - two battle-
ships; three cruisers; three or four
destroyers; and three transports.
" Losses of enemy aircraft-63
planes shot down and more than ten
(others) destroyed."
Our Story.. ..
The Japanese communique covered
the action of Nov. 12-14 and contrasts
with the following United States
Navy report of Japanese losses:
Sunk-one battleship, three heavy
Class of '46
Meet Teachers
Freshmen To Talk
with Principals Here
University freshmen from eighty-
four Michigan, Ohio,Illinois, and In-
diana high schools and transfer stu-
dents from several Michigan junior
colleges will meet their former princi-
pals and deans from 8:30 to noon to-
day in the Rackham Building asthe
sixteenth annual Principal-Freshman
Conference gets under way.
Comprising the first half of the
Conference program, the meetings
will be followed by a luncheon at
12:15 p.m. in the League Ballroom at
which the delegates will be welcomed
by President Alexander G. Ruthven
During the afternoon war-inspired
changes in American education will
be discussed in a forum to be lead by
Prof. Harold M. tiorr of the political
science department. Held in the Hus-'

sey Room of the League, the panel
will deal with "Administration and
Retention of College Freshmen during
This Wartime Emnergenicy."
Intended primarily as an aid to
secondary schools in preparing stu-
dents for entrance to the University
and to freshmen in coping with new

. . Vice Admiral William F. Hal-
sey (above) commanded the vit-
torious U.S. Navy which by Japan's'
own recent admission sunk at least
one enemy battleship, a cruiser and
three destroyers.
cruisers, two, light cruisers, five de-
stroyers and eight transports.
Damaged-one battleship and six
Destroyed-four cargo transports.
In that same period, the United
States acknowledged the loss of two
light cruisers and six destroyers.
For the Japanese home front, the
Tokyo radio had broadcast a claim
that the 35,000-ton U.S. battleship
North Carolina and the 33,400-ton
Idaho "fled after receiving terrific
damage at the hands of the Japanese
There has been no Allied confirma-
tion that those vessels even were in
the southwest Pacific and the report
on the Idaho clearly showed that the
Axis propaganda had slipped up.
The Paris radio, German controlled,
claimed last Oct. 22 that survivors of
the Idaho had been landed at Gibral-
tar. The Italians claimed on Oct. 6
that the Idaho was sunk off West
Africa. There has been no confirma-
tion of any of these claims.
Bombing of Italian
War Plants Probable
WASHINGTON, Nov. 18.- (P)-
Mass bombing of Italian production
centers probably 'will be one of the
next major developments of the war,
Walter Nash, New Zealand minister,
said today after a meeting of the
Pacific War Council at the White
Nash described the weekly confer-
ence between President Roosevelt and
representatives of seven other nations
as "the most interesting we have ever
had," while Lord Halifax, the British
Ambassador, called it "a very encour-
aging meeting."
The New Zealander fairly bubbled
with heartening comment about Al-
lied successes, in the Solomons and
North Africa, and said the conference
devoted some time to the "ninth
front,"-mass air raids-and "a fair
amount of time" to all other fronts
leading up to the ninth.

New 18-Year
Olds Ordered
TO Register
Draft Headquarters
Takes Steps To Guard
Farm Labor Supply
from Local Boards
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Nov. 18.-As one
more step in a broad program to "in-
sure victory, final and complete,"
President Roosevelt today ordered the
young men who become 18 years old
in the last six months of this year to
register for military service.
Almost simultaneously, Selective
Service Headquarters took action to
safeguard the supply of farm labor.
Men deferred because they are en-
gaged in essestial farm work, may not
quit the farm for the factory without
the approval of their local draft
boards. If they do, they become lia-
ble to immediate induction.
To Reclassify Ex-Convicts
Selective Service also disclosed that
local boards had been instructed to
reclassify all registrants heretofore
deferred because of conviction of
crimes. No more deferments are to
be made on this ground unless the
registrants' "are completely disquali-
fied morally and are not eligible for
a waiver under the new Army stan-
dards," the boards were told.
Waivers have been authorized by
the Army in meritorious cases for
men who have criminal records, even
including treason, murder, rape, kid-
napping and other "heinous crimes,"
if their conduct has been fitting for
at least six months after their re-
lease from confinement. The boards
were told to ask waivers for these
men and others with less serious rec-
ords, if they are otherwise available
for military service.
President Roosevelt's action was
necessitated by the Recently enacted
legislation lowering the minimum
draft age to include 18- and 19-year-
olds. Those who became 18 up to the
end of last June had already regis-
Registration Dates Set
Mr. Roosevelt provided three regis-
tration dates. Those who became 18
in July and August are to register
during the week of Dec. 11. Those
whose birthdays were in September
and October, are to register during
the week -of Dec. 18. And those be-
coming 18 in November and Decem-
ber are to register between Dec. 26
and 31, inclusive. After Jan. 1, men
becoming 18 will register on their
A little earlier, Selective Service
headquarters issued regulations un-
der which the 18 and 19 year olds
will be called up for induction in the
order of their birthdates, with the
oldest called first. This is a depart-
ure from the plan followed for older
men, for whom the order of call was
fixed by lottery drawings.
The regulations also stated more
explicitly the rules covering defer-
ments to be granted to high school
students. By applying to their draft
boards in writing, such youths may
obtain deferments to the end of the
school year.
Farm workers who have been de-
ferred, Hershey said, will not lose
their deferments by changing from
one "necessary" farm job to another,
or from one necessary farm to another
of that category.

Allies Close
In on Japs
at Buna Base
MacArthur at Head of
Troops in Advance
on Enemy Objective
By The Associated Press
AUSTRALIA, Nov. 19. (Thursday)-
U.S. and Australian troops closed in
on the Japanese New Guinea base of
Buna today as heavy bombers
streaked ahead to attack eight enemy
destroyers "maneuvering off the north
coastcoast, apparently in support of
the enemy ground forces," a commu-
nique announced.
"=he advance of our ground forces
on Buna continues with forward ele-
ments now closing in on their obec-
tive;"? the communique said. "Our
medium units bombed enemy instal-
lations and positions.
Force of 8 Destroyers
"An enemy naval force of eight de-
stroyers, divided into two groups is
maneuvering off the north coast, ap-
parently in support of the enemy
ground forces. Our heavy bombers
are endeavoring to engage them."
(There also was a possibility that
the Japanese destroyers were at Buna
in an attempt to evacuate the remain-
ing Japanese there. It was recalled
that Japanese destroyers were used
for that purpose to save the remnants
of the smashed Japanese landing at
Milne Bay last summer on the south-
eastern tip of -New Guinea.)
General Douglas MacArthur now is
in the field in New Guinea directing
the Buna clean-up.
Bombers Fan Out
In the air, MacArthur's bombers
fanned out for widespread operations.
Some bombed enemy installations and
positions ,at Buna in support of the
ground troops.
Medium bombers and twin-engined
fighters attacked the airdrome, near-
by buildings and installations at Lae,
on the north New Guinea coast above
Buna. On the same coast, medium
bombers raidedsthe Salamaua air-
At Gasmata, on the island of New
Britain northwest of New Guinea,
medium units bombed the airdrome
runway. At Rabaul, also on New Brit-
ain, heavy bombers raided enemy air-
dromes last night.
Russians Beat Off
German Attacks of
Tanks and Infantry
MOSCOW, Nov. 19. (Thursday)-
(P)-German tank and infantry at-
tacks on the factory district of Stal-
ingrad, which the Nazis are attempt-
ing to capture for winter headquar-
ters, were beaten off again yesterday
and counter-attacking Russians seiz-
ed several enemy strong points, the
Russians announced early today.
"In the course of the engagement
more than 600 enemy troops were
killed or wounded," the Soviet mid-
night communique said. "Eight Ger-
man tanks were burned or disabled,
nine guns, 12 mortars, 24 machine-
guns and111dugouts and blockhouses
were destroyed.
The battle for the factory area of
the ruined city represents the latest
German attempt to gain a firm foot-
hold in the Volga metropolis.

can and British troops thrusting into Tunisia from both north and south
have battered back German patrols in clashes foreshadowing the start of
the battle to decide the fate of the Mediterranean.
Brig.-Gen. James H. Doolittle's Flying Fortresses took a hand today in
the all-important struggle for control of the air by battering the Bizerte
air field, setting oil tanks ablaze and destroying a German fighter, while the
RAF, protecting the British First

Noted Violinist.
Will Present
Concert Today

.. . performs today
Albert Spalding, noted American
concert violinist, will present the
fourth concert of the Choral Union
series at 9:30 p.m. today in Hill
Accompanied at the piano by An-
dre Benoist, Spalding will play the
following program:
Sonata in A major: Corelli-Spald-
ing; Sonata in C minor, Op. 30, No. 2,
for piano and violin: Beethoven;
First Sonata - Fantasy "Desesper-
ance": Villa-Lobos; Variations: Joa-
chini; Nocturne, Op. No. 2: Chopin-
Wilhelmj; Scherzo Valse: Chabrier-
Loeffler; En Bateau: Debussy; Cap-
rice (Etude en forme de valse): Saint
Remaining tickets for the concert
will be on sale in the offices of the
Choral Union Society in Burton Tow-
er until 5 p.m. today, after which
they will be available at the Hill Aud-
itorium box office.
Considered America's most cap-
able contemporary concert violinist,
Spalding has maintained an impor-
tant place in the American musical
world since his debut with the New
York Symphony Orchestra, under the
direction of Walter Damrosch.
Professor Levi
Dies Suddenly
Language Instructor
Passes at Age of 84
Moritz Levi, 84-year-old professor-
emeritus in the University French
department, died suddenly late Tues-
day night at his home, 928 Olivia Ave.
Professor Levi had listened to the
radio until 10:30 p.m. that night be-
fore retiring. The discovery of his
death was made some time after-
The date for Professor Levi's me-
morial services, which will be private,
has not yet been announced.
An Ann Arbor resident since he
came to this country from Germany
at the age of 17, Professor Levi taughi
French, Italian and Spanish to Michi-
gan students before his retirement in
1923. He became a naturalized Ameri-
can citizen in 1881.
He was a graduate of Ann Arbor
high school and the University, gain
ing admittance to Phi Beta Kappa,
national scholarship honor society
while a student here.
He is survived by his wife, Bertha
two daughters, Mrs. Marion Fisk, whc

SIn Tunisia
Hitler s Divisions
Are Still in Flight
Doolittle's Fortresses Strike at Bizerte;
Clashes Foreshadow Decisive Battle

Army with anti-aircraft guns has
shot down 11 Nazi aircraft in three
days near Bone, Algeria.
The Germans thus far have shown
no inclination to meet the advancing
Allied troops in a pitched battle, field
reports indicated. The Axis soldiers
are concentrated around the naval
base at Bizerte, and the capital at
American and British parachute
troops continued in the van of the
advancing force, operating as ground
combat teams.
Advance by Automobile
The American parachute troops ad-
vanced into Tunisia by automobile
from their last jumping place in Al-
geria, while the British sky troops
also advanced along the ground with
the Americans, occupying "several
strategic places."
Simultaneously fresh resistance to
the Axis spread behind the German
lines in Tunisia with French garri-
sons fighting off German attempts to
land air-borne troops.
A headquarters communique to-
night said that French forces joined
the Allies in penetrating Tunisia "at
several points," while at Oran far to
the rear other French fighting men
entrained for the push to the east.
Gen. Henri Honore Giraud, com-
mander of the French Allied forces
in North Africa, visited his leading
units, and the French also issued a
general mobilization order for the
class of 1939.
Scouting Parties Contacted
"Contacts have been made with
enemy scouting parties," the com-
munique said of the Allied advance.
Although the British First Army
under Lieut.-Gen. K. A. N. Anderson
was spearheading the attack, increas-
ing numbers of American troops now
are being released to participate. This
was made possible by the friendly at-
titude of the French at Oran, Al-
giers, and even far west at Casa-
blanca on the Atlantic.
General Giraud's visit to the front
brought more French garrisons flock-
ing to the Allied standard, and these
Frenchmen, familiar with the diffi-
cult terrain, have been flung out on
the flanks as advance scouts for the
Turn to Page 6, Col. 6
German Libyan Armies
Reel Back to Bengasi
CAIRO, Nov. 18.- (')- The flee-
ing Axis army in Libya, with only 15
of its 500 first-line tanks left, reeled
back today to within 70 miles of Ben-
gasi with the British Eighth Army in
pursuit oh a broad front toward the
El Agheila defile for what may well
be the knockout punch.
Gen. Sir Harold Alexander, Middle
East commander, said he expected
Marshal Rommel's army to make a
temporary stand there, butadded:
*Enemy Is "Groggy"
*"I don't think his present army can
stand for long, unless reinforced. The
enemy is groggy but not knocked out.
The battle will not be ours until the
enemy is lying senseless."
The battle of El Agheila, on the
base of the Libyan hump and the
y eastern end of the Gulf of Sirte 400
t miles from Tripoli, is expected in
_ about a week. The Eighth Army ad-
vanced 80 miles yesterday to within
d 230 miles of El Aghila and about 800
miles from the western boundary of
r Tunisia where the British First Army
- and flying American columns are
pressing eastward, closing the jaws of
a great vise.
12 Axis Planes Downed
, For the first time in days, Axis
o planes were found in the desert near


University Reported Financially Fit

The University's heavy padlocks
have another $3,054,708.34 in assets
to protect.
Those are only part of the figures
that the annual accountant's head-
ache, the University's Financial Re-
port published yesterday, showed the
Regents and hard-working book-
When the figures were broken down
to finer nuggets, the accountants
found that new land, land improve-
ments, buildings and equipment add-
ed $823,988.05 to the University'sas-
sets. The two largest factors were the
Rackham Educational Memorial Buil-
ding and site in Detroit, with a total
of more than $500,000 and the still

jackpot of $2,292,199.18 which com-
prised 18.9 per cent of the total.
University Hospital receipts slightly
exceeded student fees with a total of
more than $2,450,000, a 20.27 per cent
part of the total.
The other side of the ledger-the
one that gives business men indiges-
tion-showed that it cost the Uni-
Students Bask in Sun
as Mercury Zooms
Only 36 more days to Christmas
.. but all indications on campus yes-
terday suggested it might be the first

versity $10,702,896.67 to operate in the
last fiscal year.
Instruction pulled down the largest
share of the expenditures with 46.4
per cent of the $10,702,896.67 expendi-
ture. The instruction bill was $4,974,-
Hospital expenses amounted to less
than half of the instruction costs.
Hospital creditors received $2,420,522-
General and administrative costs
weret$594,685.97 and $542,299.93, re-
spectively. The, libraries took $369,-
279.27 as expenses while extension
activities cost more than $275,000.
Using the University is expensive
too. Maintenance and operation ex-

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