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November 18, 1942 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-11-18

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WEDNESDAY, NOV. 18, 1942

s .


Fifty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning; except Monday during :theS
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of the Associated Press
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
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$4.25, by mail $5.25.
Aember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
National:Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative r
Editorial Staff

"What's happened to OUR Axis, Adolf"
- -. -.-- -. ". < .!'r - y .. .i ' -
- r*4

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Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
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Beet Picking Broadens
Outlook Of M' Students
APPROVAL and congratulations are pouring
in from all sides to the Manpower Corps for
its excellent work on the recent trip to Michi-
gan's thumb district to save the sugar beet crop,
but one of the most beneficial results of the
work there has yet to receive its due acknowl-
edgement. Adverse weather conditions may have
somewhat hindered -the number of beets picked
and topped, but those 312 boys returned to Ann
Arbor with an increased respect and under-
standing for the American farmer.
Mfany of the boys had never seen a farm at
such close range, and only a few of them had
had any actual contact with one before last week.
In their economics classes they read of parity, in
sociology they evaluated rural problems, and so
on throughout numerous university courses. But
they were dependent on written material rather
than experience for most of their information
and so lacked a realistic picture of a way of life
so different from their own.
From campus to Caro was a big step, which
took them into families that have for generations
been. attached to the soil. After spending several
days on these various farms, the boys began to
comprehend something of the long hours of
continued toil required to feed our nation. Many
also better appreciated the importance of the
farm group to a country at war, especially one
which is attempting to send food to other peo-
ples throughout the world.
AS A RESULT of their trip, the majority of
the 'tudent workers have broadened their
outlook, and with their increased understanding
should make better citizens. The project's im-
mediate purpose, that of saving the crop, is now
a matter of record, but the secondary considera-
tion, that of acquiring a sympathetic view' of
the lives and problems of the farmer, will extend
its benefits into the future.
-Betty Ann Koffman
Senators From South
Filibuster Democracy
IN THE UNITED STATES, its government oper-
ating under democratic principles and ruled
accordiig to the will of the majority of the peo-
ple, it has been customary for the will of the
majority to be recognized by the legislative
bodies, state and national. A group of Southern
gentlemen in the Senate, however, feel that the
public doesn't know its mind from second base.
Therefore, these thoughtful Senators are doing
their utmost to filibuster the anti-poll tax bill
into the scrap heap. It is their sincere intention
to out-talk the majority of the Senate so that
they may again cross themselves before the great
God Sectionalism and say, "Once more we have
preserved the integrity of the South."
The bill would remove the tax payable before
voters in certain Southern states may exercise
their "inalienable" right to vote. It is not strictly
a Negro-white question, for there is many a white
man below the Mason and Dixon line whose vote
has never been cast because of the poll tax. In
effect the bill would guarantee-as much as any
federal measure can-the rights of the sum-
marily disfranchised to vote and make their
choice for the candidate they wish. The anti-
poll tax bill would attempt to insure democracy

}' ' { T-. n Reg. U. 5.Pat , i
WASIINGTON-U.S. experts who have studied in the colleges, the entire 1,500,000 be given a
the successes and shortcomings of the British tough military, semi-educational training, us-
army find that its greatest defect is a dearth of ing the physical equipment of the colleges and
good officers between the ages of 45 to 60. This
is the age bracket from which commanding offi- perhaps some of the high schools.
cers are drawn, and a commanding officer can At present the colleges and universities face a
lose or win a battle. serious crisis. The 20, 21 and 22-year-old men
Reason for this deficiency is the fact that in- have left, and now without the 18 and 19-year-
1914 the cream of Britain's youth went singing olds the colleges will be almost empty, except
into battle, to be slaughtered in Flanders Field. for women.
It is estimated that a good part of one generation Therefore, it has been proposed that the col-
was wiped out in those early days of the last war. leges be used in the same manner the Air Corps
Now that our Congress has responded quick- is using hotels in Miami, Chicago and other
ly and efficiently to the national need by vot- cities. Housing an Army is one of its biggest
ing the 'teen-age draft act, some Army leaders problems. New buildings require strategic ma-
believe that the Army should reciprocate the terials, labor, and part of the Army's own per-
trust that has been placed in its hands by sonnel. The fewer men required for housekeep-
working out a careful system for thorough ing, the more effective an army is. That is why
training of these 18-19-year-olds. the physical equipment of the colleges, now par-
t- - tially unused, could effect such a great saving.
There is unanimity of opinion in the Army
and also on Capitol Hill that it would have been One plan would be to make each college vir-
a mistake to have tied the War Department's tually a short-term West Point, in which the
hands regarding the exact time necessary to 18-19-year-olds would get a thorough military
train these men for battle. But now that a vote training, plus as much academic training as
of confidence has been given the Army, there is possible. This would mean not only improving
increasing opinion among high Army leaders this age group for actual combat, but also pre-
that the Armry must be extremely careful not to paring the next generation for better leader-
violate that confidence. ship after the war.
As a result, various plans have been ad- C7apital Chaff
vanced whereby the 18-19-year-olds would be
trained as a group unit, not mixed with older Tears streamed down the face of crusading
men and sent off to battle in three or four Senator George Norris when he was defeated
months. after forty years in Congress. But now that he
n has been reading the flood of complimentary
In England, the British Army has adopted the letters received from all over the country he is
system of training its younger men in one ladthe me r the Iunr agai,
group. This, it has been found, gives more esprit glad he made the race. "If I hadn't run again,
gr opTis, ind hnas bees foundngivesmoreysprin says Norris, "I never would have known what
de corps, and increases fighting efficiency when people thought of me" . . . Senator Tom Con-
the group finally gets into action. nally of Texas diagnoses the recent election this
way: "The Democrats who opposed Roosevelt
niature West Poit got re-elected. And the Republicans who sup-
One provisional plan at first proposed by some ported Roosevelt got re-elected. It must pay to
Army men was to draft the 18-19 year-olds im- be independent" . . . Senator Jim Mead of New
mediately. Then out of the total of about 1,500,- York complains to colleagues: "I was the Presi-
000 men, some 60,000 to 80,000 would be sent dent's fall guy when he wanted me to run for
back to the colleges to get more training to be- governor of New York, though I didn't want to
come officers. run. And now he lets Leon Henderson appoint
a Republican as OPA director in Buffalo, my own
Now, however, it is being urged that instead hone town.s"
of keeping this small group of 60-80,000 men (Copyright, 1942, United Features Syndicate)

Srnnuel Grafton's
Ie'd Rather
NEW YORK- Senator Byrd wants
to cut the number of Federal civil
service employees by one - third.
Where he obtained this magic frac-
tion, the Senator does not say. But
it is easy to whip up feeling against
"tax-eaters" on the public payroll,
and so one-tird will serve as well as
any other number.
If a college, professor were hired
to find out how many, if any, per-
sons should be detached from the
civil list, he might make it 4.87 per
cent, or 12.98 per cent. Or, he might
find, we should add 6.74 per cent.
The one-third reduction figure
bears all the stigmata of having
been pulled out of a hat.
This is one of those old fights,
an angry Senator wielding a round
number, and forcing truth back into-
the corner, with her two pitiful
decimal places clasped against her
IF I MAY contribute my mite of in-
formation, the tax-eaters I am
best acquainted with at the moment
are the tax-eaters working for the
Office, of War Information.
These tax-eaters were summoned to
work on Saturday evening, November
7, when the African invasion began.
They remained on duty, 24 hours a
day, until Thursday evening, Novem-
ber 19, without leaving the building
or their desks.
I am going to tell some of these
tax-eaters, especially those with the
stove-lids under their eyes, and that
habit of blinking which you ,get
when you substitute coffee for sleep,
that their manpower has been crim-
inally kept out of, the war -effort.
ND NOW for Representative Maas,
Republican, of Minnesota. Mr.
Maas is a colonel in the Marine Corps
Reserve, but he doesn't like little re-
finements, like carrying truth out to
two decimal places, either.
He has looked the war over, and
he has decided that we have to
fight Japan first. Vigorously 'beat-
ing on the head of truth with an
inflated beef bladder, Mr. Maas
proclaims that the war in Europe is
just a European war, and that we
-must fight in the Pacific to protect
the white race against a yellow
revolution. Having thus' set the
stage for a powerfully disunifying
argument, Mr. Maas then demands
unity of command.
toast to the President of the United
States, who has to continue his work
of holding the war and the country
together, in the presence of these
IF THE PRESIDENT were absent-
mindedly to adopt the Maas pro-
posals, in the name of national unity,
or something,'this is what he would
be in for:
1. He would have to break with'
our ally, England, and our ally,
Russia, on the issue of concentrat-
ing the war in the Pacific.
2. He would then have to break
with China, which would have
qualms about fighting on our side
in a war that was a war of the
white against the yellow races-.
3. He would save the neck of
Adolph Hitler, who gave the signal
for Japan to attack, hoping to dis-
tract our attention. By allowing
himself to be distracted, the Presi-
dent would rescue Der Fuehrer's
dying strategy from its grave.

4. He would, in the name of
unity of command, have to dismiss
every officer on the general staffs
who considers the European part of
the war important; we would be
left with a high command of blind
Now, none of these items shows up
in Representative Maas' demand for
"unity of command." He uses a ripe,
round phrase, in which these appal-
ling possibilities are imbedded.
He pegs that phrase at the Presi-
dent, just as Senator Byrd pegs his
magic fraction of one-third. Both
have measured the war with their
thumbs, and neither knows exactly
what is in the package he has made
AS AGAINST these men, who op-
erate on the war so grossly, the
President has to use micromoeters
and scalpel. He really has to know.
If he drafts a thousand men, he has
to know he will have enough food
and clothing for them. If he promises
his allies that he will hold a certain
point, he has to hold it. He can't hold
one-third of it. If he fixes a price,
he has to have enough staff to see
that it stays fixed. In each case, the
President has to hit it on the button,
while it is enough for the critics to
land a shot anywhere within ten
miles, or 9.87 miles, of the target.
I'm dropping in at the Office of
War Information later today, where

(Continued from Page 2)
Interviews will be held in Room
218 West Engineering Bldg.

University Lecture: Mr. William eitd .
Pickens, of the Defense Savings sented
Staff, U.S. Treasury, will lecture on seMusic
the subject, "Our Schools and Col- by f
leges in the War .Effort" tonight at bylFan
8:00 in the Rackham Amphitheatre, dially in
under the auspices of the Depart-
ment of Sociology. The public is
coirdially -invited. E
' University Lecture: Dr. Alexander Reseai
D. Lindsay, Master of Balliol Col- 8:00 in
lege, Oxford University, will lecture pachr
on the subject, " Universities and ppr
Modern Democracy," under the aus- by Prof
pices of the Departments of Philos- "Notes (
ophy, History, and Political Science, and Crit
at 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 24, in Tdorie
the Rackham Amphitheatre. The Thorpe.
public is invited.
French Lecture: Professor Eugene Graduat
Rovillain of theRomance Language 4:00 p.m
Department will -open the series of ence Roc
French lectures for 1942-1943, spon-
sored by Cercle Francais today at Rifle
4:15 p.m. in Room D, Alumni Memor- Hall at
ial Hall. Title: "Un concours -academ- day, No'
ique francais sur l'Amerique au 18eme Atten
siecle." Tickets for the series of lec- ings isr
tures may be procured from the Sec-
retary of the Department of Romance Music
Languages (Room 112, Romance Lan- Center:'
gunge Building) or at the door at the corded n
times of the lecture for a small sum. Internat
Holders of these tickets are entitled 7:30 t(
to admission to all lectures, a small Sonata
additional charge being made for the zer), Ye
annual French play. These lectures hin; Str
are open to the general public. F major
Lecture on Glass: Mr. J. J. Moran canini d
of the Technical Department of the
Kimble Glass Co., Vineland, N. J., will Scroll
deliver an illustrated lecture on the 5:00 p.m
subject, "Glass - Its Uses in Labora-
tory and Medical Practice" on Friday, Social
Nov. 20, at 7:30 p.m. in the Amphi- er, Yps
theatre of the Rackham Building. speak at
The lecture, is sponsored by the Clin- this eve
ical Laboratories of the University
Hospital and by the Departments of A bill
Chemistry and of Chemical Engineer- produce
ing of the University. - dramati
Academic Notices night i
Seminar in Physical Chemistry
will meet today in Room 410 Chemis- Crop;
try Building at 4:15 p.m. Mr. Oliver to be ta
Johnson will speak on "Properties of
Solutions of Lithium Salts in Ether C
and Aceton." All interested are in-
vited. Gradu
meet Th
Bacteriology 111A (Laboratory East Le
Course) will meet Monday, November
23, at 1:00 p.m. in Room 2552, East Electr
Medical Building. Each student can Ins
should come provided with a $5.00 will me
Hygienic LaboratoryrCoupon procur- 19, at 8
able at the Treasurer's' Office. rell, (W
teur Ra
Graduate Students who took the electrica
Graduate Record Examination may
receive individual examination re- La Sc
ports by calling for them in the Thursda
Graduate School offices in the Rack- the Mic
ham Building. bers an
C. S. Yoakum made a
ark' espe
Political Science 1, mid-semester
examination room assignments: Chine
Lecture A, 11 o'clock Thursday: Chih M
Bromage's sections 1025 A.H. Institut(

An International Peace,

(Reprinted from a column by
Dorothy Thompson,)
If the war is prolonged until af-
ter the next election, the coming
administration will have to make
the peace.
There never has been any real
certainty what kind of peace a
victorious Roosevelt administra-
tion would make. But the peace
would not be an America First
Peace, but - an international
If the Republican leader really
were Willkie, one might expect the
same spirit at the peace confer-
ence. But it looks as though
Dewey might be the Republican
leader. And on foreign affairs
Dewey is an extremely dark horse,
with neither background nor ex-
This lack of certainty affects
the politics and plans of other
countries. If there should be indi-
cations in this country of the
emergence of a new isolationism
or a new American imperialism-
which is just as likely and arises
out of the same spirit of rampant
nationalism-then the politics of
Britain, Russia and China would
be affected.
This question is not answered
by a unanimous declaration that
we all, Republicans and Demo-
crats alike, want victory. What
kind of victory? A victory that

is to be built on the dissolution
of British world power, with the
United States the primary hEir?
A victory with the United States
calling the tune, then withdraw-
ing from responsibility? A vic-
tory aimed against Russia? Or
a common victory, leading to a
new and mutual world organiza-
tion, with liberty and justice for
These are not questions Which
only we must ask .ourselves. They
are questions which all our Allies
are asking themselves and will
continue to ask.
They are not answered by the
vote, for the voters were not asked
the question. They arise as a re-
sult of the vote.
So, in the face of this change,
we need clarification. We need
more vigorous leadership and more
efficient administration from ,the
President; and we need a.defini-
tion of policy and political respon-
sibility toward foreign affairs from
the new powerful Republican op-
If, on matters of foreign polit-
ical policy, we can achieve unan-
imity between the parties, then
the change can be all to the
good. If we do not, the unfold-
ing results of this election can
be serious for the war of coali-
And this, after all, is the main
political problem of our times.

fices of I
ty in Bu


um. A limited number, of
are still on sale in the of-
the University Musical Socie-
urton Memorial Tower.
Charles A. Sink, President
Wednesday afternoon organ
lanned for today will be pre-
by Walter Blodgett, Curator
cal Arts at the Cleveland Mu-
Art, and will include works
ck, Bach, Delius, Arne, Rus-
Bingham. The public is cor-
.vents Toda
rch Club will meet tonight at
the Amphitheatre of. the
n Building. The .following
will be read: "Astronomy for
eror in the Twelfth Century,"
essor W. Carl Rufus, and
on Coleridge as Aesthetician
ic," by Professor Clarence D.
ate Students in Speech: The
e Study Club will meet at
n. today in the East Confer-
om of the Rackham Building.
Team will meet in ROTC
3:00 p.m. today and Thurs-
v. 18 and 19.
dance at one of these meet-
Hour at the International
The following program of re-
music wilbe. presented at the
tional Center tonight from
to 9:00. All . Beethoven:
No. 47 in A major, (Kreut-
ehudi and Herhzibah Menu-
ring Quartet Op. 18 No. 1 in
r, Budapest String. Quartet;
ny No. 3 in E flat major, Tos-
directing the NBC Orchestra.
society will meet today at
i. in the League.
-Service Seminar: Mrs. Fein-
silanti Social Worker, will
1 the Social Service Seminar
ning in Lane Hall at 7:30.
of one-act plays, directed and
d by advanced students in
cs, will be presented by the
Bent of Speech at 7:30 to-
.n the Lydia Mendelsohn
Open to the public.


Saddle: 'Ensian picture
today at stables.

STIMATING that perhaps three out of four
students on this campus own or have access
to a phonograph, The Daily with this issue re-
vives its record review column. It will appear
more or less regularly depending upon the new
releases in popular records and also on whether
you readers want to see it appear.
Glenn Miller has turned in his trombone for
military stripes, but there remains one release
by his band. This waxing, just out, is Juke Box
Saturday Night and on the flip-over is Sleepy
Town Train. Victor recorded this tune and is all
ready having trouble keepintg up with the de-
mand. Miller played Juke Box on his radio shows

real fine record, and think that you will too.
The Train is in the groove instrumentally from
station to station.
A TUNE which has just recently received a lot
of publicity in Life magazine is Der Fueh-
rer's Face. Probably the best recording job on
this is done 1y Spike Jones on Bluebird records.
Right now they're scarcer than hen's teeth, but
Ann Arbor stores promise more shortly. The
"message" of this tune is pure and simple, and
Spike Jones certainly has the sound effects that
go with a "Heil, right in der fuehrer's face."
It's corny, but good.
Columbia records just released I Had the Cra-

oming Events
uate Student Council will
hursday, November 19,i the
cture Room at Racham.
ical Engineers: The Alieri-
titute of Electrical Engineers
et Thursday night, November
1:00 in the Union. Prof. Wor-
8SKW will speak on "Ama-
adio Defense Networks." All
al engineers are invited.
ociedad Hispanica will meet
ay, Nov. 19, at 8:00 p.m. in
higan League. All new mem-
d those who have recently
applications for membership
ecially urged to come.
se Students, attention: .Dr.
[eng, Director of the China
e in America, will . pend

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