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November 14, 1942 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-11-14

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THE-,-MlicHJAN --Aity - ATIDYNfV149

Fifty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. AU rights
of republication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, 88
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier
$4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43



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Ston Gasoline Rationing


Deferment Resolution
T HE ELECTIONS ARE OVER and many of our
Congressmen have settled down to what ap-
parently is an ingrained habit--unconsciously
obstructing the war effort.
This time it comes in the form of a resolution
ordering the deferment of gasoline rationing, for
three months to provide time for "sober consider-
ation" of its effect on the economy.
Although we understand butting your head
into stone walls is a pretty futile habit, it might
not do any harm to remind these gentlemen of one
or two minor items. In the first place, we have
been at war for very close to a year now. During
this time our transportation and rubber problems
have become increasingly serious. ><n fact, they
became so serious that a committee composed of
three able, progressive men-Barnard Baruch,
James Conant and Karl Compton-were selected
to investigate the rubber situation. After what
we firmly believe was "sober consideration" of
the issues involved, they decided, among other
things, that gas rationing was absolutely esen-
Of course,the inconveniences inherent in such
a plan are not pleasant to face, out a realistic
approach to the rubber problem tels us that we
have delayed long enough.
Let's not procrastinate any longer.
Allied Victory Foreseen
In Darlan's New Stand
THE ALLIES can look with real optimism at
,French Admiral Darlan's request that the
French fleet flee from the Germans and join the
Darlan, like Laval and other collaborationists,
has always acted primarily for his qwn interests.
It was he who brought the French North African
troops to a halt, thus selling them out to the
Germans. Darlan has constantly participated
in the Vichy-Berlin spoils. Therefore, it would
seem that Darlan has proved consistent in swing-
ing his fleet over to the Allies for his own per-
sonal gain, or he has turned over a new leaf and
has the best interests of France in mind. In
either case, it is clear that Darlan anticipates
an Allied victory and is letting the world know it.
- Louis Rallenstein
Uphold Pepper-Geyer Bill
As Democratic Principle
HE PEPPER-GEYER BILL to abolish the poll
tax is having its final trial before Congress
this week. The decision reached, whatever it
may be, will affect some 10,000,000 voteless citi-
zens in the South and will echo through America
while a world at war watches to see what we do
in such a democratic crisis.
We are engaged in a war to emancipate all
the peoples of the world; we say that we are
fighting for world freedom, and the equality
of man. We say that the world freedom which
will follow this present struggle must be for
all people.
We may very easily say all of this, but the
people of the world and our soldiers fighting
for these things are keeping their eyes upon us
to see how we as a nation will act.
THE WORLD knows the contradictions we


WASHINGTON-The French hushed it up at
the time, . but they had a lot of trouble some
time ago with bristling-mustachioed Sidi Moncef
Pacha, the Bey of Tunis. The incident is impor-
tant in view of the fact that the Bey is now
virtually cheek by jowl with American dough-
The French Resident-General in Tunis had
eliminated a lot of Jewish doctors from the list
allowed to practice in the country, and Bey Sidi
Moncef objected vigorously. In fact, he threat-
ened Admiral Juan Pierre Esteva that if the
doctors were not allowed to practice he would
fly to Vichy and intervene personally with Mar-
shal Petain.
"If the French government wishes to imitate
the anti-Semitic program of the Nazis and the
Fascists," Sidi Moncef told Admiral Esteva, ac-
cording to an official report received by this
goveihnment, "let it confine its work to metro-
politan Fi'ance. We will have none of this here."
The incident caused such strained relations
between Admiral Esteva and the Bey that the
latter resolved to have Esteva removed as
Resident-General. Vichy became alarmed and
sent several important officials, including Ad-
miral Darlan, on "inspection tours" to butter
ip the Boy. Actually the Bey of Tunis has
little power as far as the Wrench government
is concerned, but.a.lot of influence and popu-
larity with the Arabs of Tunis. He commands
no army, and bearded Admiral Esteva is far
more important in'external matters.
But in view of possible sabotage, the attitude
of the Tunisian people is important and the Bey
is one of the most popular native rulers in Africa.
When his carriage appears on the streets he is
surrounded by cheering crowds and if any
Prehchman along the way fails to salute, the
Arabs knock his hat off.
Sidi 'Moncef has dispensed with Arab cere-
monials received delegations of peoples who have
grievances, and has even abolished the require-
nent that subjects kiss his hand, declaring that
he will use his hands instead to make a more
generous distribution of the country's wealth to
the country's people.
When he was inaugurated last June, a scene
2ook place which reminded Americans of Daniel
Webster's account of Andrew Jackson's inaugu-
ration, when "pushing idolatoi's behaved like
i3oodlums, upsetting punch bowls in the White
House, breaking glasses, and standing in muddy
boots on danask chairs to catch a glimpse of
the people's Napoleon."
In Tunis, a- perspiring mob surged toward
the inaugural platform, a motley mingling of
caids, beylical generals, diplomats and ordi-
nary Arabs from the four corners of Tunisia.
The Sianish Consul-General, who was dean
of the diplomatic corps, almost fainted in the
At the time, it looked like comic opera to
American observers, but Tunisia's perspiring de-
mocracy takes on a new significance today, as
the sons of Andrew Jackson advance across
North Africa.
Petain's Tragedy
Behind the picture of aged Marshal Petain,
broken, disillusioned, turning first against the
United States, then against the Germans whom
he thought were his friends, is an important
story. It is the story of attempted appeasement,
the story of war short of war.
Petain has been hailed as the great hero of

I"d Rather
- By SAMUEL GRAFTON ."""""""",
NEW YORK-It is necessary that there be
great popular manifestations on behalf of free-
dom, to back up the new successes of our arms.
I don't think voting Republican has met all
the necessities of global warfare..I can see the
Paris underground, and I don't mean subway,
receiving the news of our butting Laval inthe
stomach, and also the news of our voting Ae-
publican, and I ca hear the Wrench patriots
ask: "But what is the essential connection
between these events?"
There is none. The people have work to do,
and they did not do it at the last election.
A group of Midwestern farm Senators think
this is the right time, now that we have invaded
French North Africa, to begin a new atta'ck
against the price structure. to try to raise the
price of food.
Again, one thinks of those patriots in Europe,
meeting in a dim room, looking for the truth by
the light of one candle, saying to each other:
"America is freeing North Africa and also rais-
ing the cost of living to its own people. What is
the essential connection between these events?"
We ought to be busy with things that make
sense on the far end of a short-wave program.
Another group of Senators believes the elec-
tion means we ought to get rid of the Adminis-
tration's crop control program. That would al-
low unlimited expenditure of agricutural energy,
of which we're short, on wheat and short-staple
cotton, two crops we need less of. If we inter-
pret a confused election as a mandate for such
national nonsense, a' license for a number of
waspish token victories over President Roosevelt,
we shall, again, stop making sense to the world.
I warn such gentlemen that the neighbors
are watching them as they proceed to wipe up
the street with the government, while the
government wipes up North Africa.
Our job is to make the whole world seem
filled with bad news for H itler; no other news
is important at this time; we have to keep the
momentum of this great week rolling; we have
to kick the ball whenever it is about to pause;
we have nothing else to do.
Good, Clear News Items
The Germans had- to call off a pro-German
'pro-German!) demonstration in Paris this week.
French feelings had been raised so high by us
(by u!) that the demonstration was considered
too provocative.
We can understand that kind of French news
when we get it over the shortwave; we have to
give back in kind.
The Axis has had to go in for mass arrests all
over France. Events in Africa are not purely Af-
rican. Lines of force radiate out from North
Africa, they slip under the Nazi border guard,
they make other events happen in Europe.
Please, can't some of that stuff radiate our way?
My objection to the man who thinks the
American people have just staged a great
demonstration against five-year-old reform
laws is that he is just too soggy for so beauti-
ful a day as we've been having.
The weather is drying up, and there is no
reason for any of us to be quite that damp.
To go back to our Paris patriot, he would be
much more encouraged if one of the Senators in-
dicated above had made a speech calling for a
monster American parade on behalf of French
independence. "That is formidable," our French
patriot would say. "These Americans. they cook

SATURDAY, NOV. 14, 1942 ]
VOL. LI No. 36
All notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tiee should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
To the Memnbers of the University
Senate: There will be a meeting of
the University Senate on Monday,
November 16, at 4:00 p.m. in the
Rackham Lecture Hall.
Enlisted Reserve Program: All stu-
dents who have enlisted in any En-
listed Reserve program at another
college and have transferred to the
University of Michigan this fall,
please report to 1508 Rackham Bldg.
as soon as possible. - B. D. Thuma
Army Air Forces Training in Me-
teorology: The Army Air Forces are
in great need of men to apply for
training as meteorology officers, and
are seeking candidates for advanced
training in meteorology beginning
early in January. Those chosen for
the course will enter military service
as aviation cadets on a non-flying
status. They will receive free tuition
and in addition the regular pay and
allowances. To qualify for the
course, the prospective candidate
must have completed his sophomore
year in college and have taken
courses in mathematics, including
differential and integral calculus,
and a year of general physics. He
must be acitizen of the United States
between the ages of eighteen and
thirty, and meet the physical re-
quirements for ground officers. ur-
ther details and application blanks
may be obtained at 1009 Angell Hall.
B. D. Thuma
German Table for Faculty Mem
bers will meet Monday at 12:10 p.m.
in the Founders' Room, Michigan
Union. ,Members of all departments
are cordially invited. Thre will be
a brief talk on "Rheinische Mun-
darten" by Mr. Philippson.
Bronson-Thomas Prize in German.
Value $2.00. Open to all under-
graduate students in German of dis-
tinctly American training. Will be
awarded on the results 'of a three-
hour essay competition to be held in
March, 1943 (exactx date to be an-
nounced two weeks in advance). The
essay may be written in English or
German. Each contestant will be
free to choose his own subject from
a list of 30 offered. Students who
.wish to compete must be taking a
course in German (32 or above) at
the time of the competition. They
shold register and 'obtain further
details as soon as possible at the
office of the German Department,
204 University Hall.
Aeronautical, Chemical, Civil, Elec-
trical, and Mechanical Engineering
Seniors: Mr. Larry Nunnenkamp of
the Lockheed Aircraft Corporation,
Burbank, California, will interview
seniors graduating in January and
May, 1943, Monday, November 16, in
Room 3205 East Engineering Building.
Interested students are asked to sign
the Interview Schedule posted on the
Aeronautical Engineering Bulletin
Board. Application blanks are obtai-
able'in Room B-47 East Engineering
Seniors in Aeronautical and Mecha-
nical Engineering: The Messrs. P. J.

Nielsen and E. J. Foley of Pan Ameri-
can Airways System will be in Ann
Arbor on Tuesday, November 17, to
interview men graduating in January
and May, 1943. At 1:00 p. m. a 16 mm.
sound film of Pan American Airways'
activity will be shown in Room 1042
East Engineering Bldg., followed by a
short question and answer period. In-
terviews will be held in Room 3205
East Engineering Building, and in-
terested seniors will please sign the
Interview Schedule posted on the
Aeronautical Engineering Bulletin
Board. Application blanks may be ob-
tained in Room B-47 East Engineer-
ing Building. Flight and ground engi-
neering positions are available.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments has received notice of the fol-
lowing civil service examinations:
City of Detroit:
Medical Attendant (Female): Nov.
23, 1942; $1320 per year.
X-ray technician (Male & Female);
Nov. 25, 1942; $1848 per year.
Junior Sanitary Chemist (Male);
Dec. 1, 1942; $2376 per year.
General Auto Repairman (Male);
Dec. 2, 1942; $1.05 to $1.15 per hr.
Coarch Service Man (Male): Nov.
16, 1942; $.50 per hr.
U.S. Civil Service:
(Applications will be accepted un-
til the needs of the service have been
Staff dietitian; $1,800 per year.
Junior Graduate Nurse; $1,620 per
Further information may be had
from the notices which are on file
in the office of the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 201 Mason Hall, office
hours 9-12 and 2-4.
Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information
University Lecture: Mr. William
Pickens, of the Defense Savings
Staff, U.S. Treasury, will lecture on
the subject,'"Our Schools and Col-
leges in the War Effort" on Tuesday,
Nov. 17, at 8:00 p.m. in the Rackhani
Amphitheatre, under the auspices of
tbhe Department of Sociology. The
public is cordially invited.
University Lecture: Talbot Ham-
lin, Avery Librarian and Professor of
the History of Architecture, Columbia
University, will lecture on the sub-
ject, "Greek, Revival Architecture in
the Early West" (illus.), under the
auspices of the College of Archtec-
ture- and Design in the Rackham
Amphitheatre at 4:15 p.m. on Thurs-
day Nov. 19. The public is invited.
Academic Notices
Students, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and The Arts:
'Courses dropped after today by
students other than freshmen will be
recorded with the grade of E. Excep-
tions to this regulation maybe made
only because of extraordinary cir-
cumstances, such as serious' illness.
E. A. Walter,
Assistant Dean
Public Health Students will have
an organization meeting following
Dr. Haven Emerson's lecture Mon-
day afternoon, November 16.
[Graduate Students in Zoology who
wish to declare their intention of be-
coming applicants for the doctorate
in Zoology should secure the proper
blanks at the Zoology Office, 3089,

N.S. and return them filled out be-
fore Nov. 20.
George R. La Rue
Carillon Concert: Professor Per-
cival Price, University Carillonneur,
will include instrumental selections
in his recital at 7:15-8:00 Sunday
evening, Nov. 15. In addition to com-
positions for lute, organ and orches-
tra, Professor Price will play Mo-
zart's Violin Sonata No. 18.
Faculty Cncert: Gilbert Ross and
Mabel Ross Rhead will appear in
their second recitl of music for vio-
lin and piano at 8:30 p.m. Monday,
November 16, in Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre. The program will consist
of works by Mozart, Schubert and
Debussy, and will be open to the
general public.
Organ Recital: Walter Blodgett,
Curator of Musical Arts at the Cleve-
land Museum of Art, will appear as
guest organist at 4:15 p.m. Wednes-
day, November 18, in Hill Auditorium,
His program will include works by
Franck, Bach and Delius. and will
be open to the public.
Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design: Two sequences of colored
multiple wood block prints by Harry
Bartoia, Cranbrook Academy of art;
glass cases, ground flor corrior,
Architecture Building. Open daily, 9
to 5 except Sunday through today.
The liuMle is invited.
Events Today
The Angell Hall Observatory will
be open to the pblic for observation
of the Moon tonight, 8:00-10:00, in
case the sky is clear. If the sky is
covered or nearly covered with clouds,
the Observatory will not be open.
Children must be accompanied by
The American Association of Uni-
versity Women, Ann Arbor-Ypsilanti
Branch, will meet today at 3:00 p.m.
in the Michigan League. Mr. Paul
Lim-Yuen will speak on "China's
Role in the Post-War World." Tea
will be served after the meeting.
Coming Events
The English Journal Club will meet
on Tuesday, Nov. 17, at 7:45 p.m. in
the West Conference Room of the
Rackham Building. Mr. Robert
Haugh will speak on "Sentimental-
ism in the Proletarian Novel."
The Acolytes Club will meet Mon-
day, November 16, at 7:45 p.m. in
the East Conference Room of the
Rackham Building. Mr. Morris Weitz
will present a paper on "Bertrand
Russell's Metaphysics." Anyone in-
terested is welcome.
Varsity Glee Club: Rehearsal for
the broadcast to start at'9:45 this
morning. Regular club rehearsal on
Sunday at 4:30 p.m.
A Hymn Sing, sponsored by Inter-
Guild, will be held Sunday evening
at 8:30 in the Bethlehem Evangelical
and Reformed Church, All students
are invited.
First Congregational Church:
Morning Worship at 10:45.
Dr. L. A. Parr will speak on "You
Men of Little Faith."
7:00 p.m.-Joint meeting of the
Congregational Student Fellowship
and Disciples' Guild. Dr. E. H. Long-
man of Flint will speak on "Our In-
terpretation of the Disciples." Re-
freshments and a social hour.
Zion Lutheran Church Services
will be held Sunday morning at 10:30
with Rev. Stellhorn speaking on
"Showers of Blessing."

Trinity Lutheran Church will hold
services at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday,
Rev. H. O. Yoder speaking on
"Thankful for Our Blessings."
The Lutheran Student Association
will hold its fellowship dinner and
forum Sunday evening at 5:30 at the
Zion Parish Hall. Rev. Stellhorn will
lead the discussion on "A Witnessing
Unitarian Church:
11:00 a.m. Mr. Tom Downs of De-
troit will speak on "Mechanics for
7:00 p.m. Student supper.
8:00 p.m. History of American Folk
Songs in recordings.
9:00 p.m. Dancing.
First Church of Christ, Scientist:
Sunday morning service at 10:30.
Subject: "Mortals and Immortals."
Sunday School at 11:45 a.m.
Free 'public Reading Room at 106
E. Washington St., open every day
except Sundays and holidays from
11:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m., Saturdays
until 9:00 p.m.
First Methodist Church and Wes-
ley Foundation: Student Class at

Analyzing the Election

(Reprinted from PM)
Dr. George Gallup, director of
the American Institute of Public
Opinion, which specializes in tak-
ing John Q. Public's pulse, today
said the cold figures just don't
back up the claims of Republicans
and Southern reactionaries that
last week's election returns indi-
cate growing resentment against
Roosevelt and the New Deal, im-
patience with labor, or dissatisfac-
tion with the trogress of the war.
He called such claims "damned
The cold truth, said Gallup, is
that the Administration's enemies
voted and its friends, for various
reasons which he explained, did
In this he was in agreement
with Vice President Henry A.
Wallace who said on Nov. 5 that,
with the light vote cast, it was a
miracle that the Democrats wvon
any Congressional seats at all.
Tote Extremely Low
Gallup said only 27,000,000 per-
sons, fewer than half of those eli-
gible to vote, turned out. Had a
normal number of 40,000,000 voted,
he said, the Gallup estimate of a
48 per cent Republican vote with
the GOP 'getting a top of 178 seats
in the House would have been cor-

cratic Party are terrific, said Gal-
"Young people, usually Demo-
crats, are in the Army," he said.
"Persons in the lower income
brackets have been shifted in
large volume to other places where
they were ineligible to vote. They,
too, are traditionally Iemocrats."
Gallup illustrated the effect of
population shifts on voting thus:
"Every time Henry Kaiser takes
1,000 men of New York City he
takes 0 Democrats and 300 Re-
publicans. The Democratic ticket,
in New York suffers by that per-
Turnout Caused Results
Gallup said his poll showed def-
initely that in states where the
total vote went downward the Re-
publican gain went upward. There
is, he said, an almost perfect cor-
relation between the two situa-
tions. Thus, Ohio, where the peo-
ple stayed away from the polls in
greatest numbers, showed the
greatest GOP advance.
Even in New York, where the
vote was considerably heavier
than in many other Places, the
turnout was only about 60 per
cent of voting strength. And New
York elected 24 Democratic and
ALP Congressmen out of 45 con-
tests. In addition, some Republi-
can candidates were elected with

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