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November 14, 1942 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-11-14

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Slightly Cooler









4' *


* 4' *

4' 4' *

* *

M' Victory

Hinges On Stopping Irish Aerials

to Watch
Irish Hopes for Win
Rest upon Bertelli;
Varsity To Be at Full
Strength for Contest
Daily Sports Editor
SOUTH BEND, Nov. 13.- Football
fever gripped this mushroom metro-
polis tonight as victory-geared Michi-
gan and Notre Dame, two of the na-
tion's titanic teams, prepared to blast
the lid off 33 years of dormant rivalry
in Notre Dame Stadium tomorrow.
Not since 1909 have these two Grid-
iron Goliaths met, but tomorrow's
clash affords ample occasion for a
sell-out throng of 56,000 howling par-
tisans to witness the 2 p. m. (C.W.T.)
kickoff of the long awaited battle, top
game of the day anywhere in the
In their series record, which dates
back to 1887 when a band of Michi-
gn gridders stopped off in South
Bend to teach the Irish how to play
the game, the Wolverines hold the
lop-sided edge of eight triumphs
against one loss. The only time Notre
Dame succeeded in whipping the Wol-
verines occurred in 1909, the last
meeting between these two giants of
the gridiron.
Michigan Has One Advantage
Michigan is the only school in the
land to boast of such an advantage
over the Ramblers, and Irish backers
in this frenzied town tonight were
plunking hard cash on the line to
substantiate their claims that Notre
Dame would whittle down that mar-
gin by one game when the final skir-
mish is completed tomorrow. Pre-
vailing odds favor the Ramblers at
six-to-five, but Michigan money is
plentiful here and by nightfall no
bettors will be without their wagers.
As tensio'n gripped the town to-
night, both teams stole quietly awayI
to their pre-game hideouts for a good
night's rest before the crucial strug-
gle. Michigan arrived here late this
afternoon and after a light workout
in the stadium, journeyed to nearby
Elkhart for the night. The Wolverines
will come back to town just before
game time tomorrow.
Both Teams Have Five Wins
Each aggregation owns five vic-
tories in seven encounters, Notre
Dame having won all five on the last
five week-ends. The Wolverines have
lost two contests, to the Iowa Sea-
hawks and Minnesota, while the Irish
have dropped one to Georgia Tech
and have tied Wisconsin. ,
The Ramblers pulverized the Sea-
hawks by the score of 28 to 0 just one
week after the latter had handed
Michigan its initial defeat, but ex-
perts attribute the overwhelming
Rambler triumph to the terrific phy-
sical pounding the Seahawks absorbed
in the Michigan battle. Both crews
possess decisions over their only other
common foe, Illinois, Michigan by 28
to 14 and Notre Dame by 21 to 14.
Neither team has played a soft sched-
ule, with only the Wolverine-Harvard
rout able to be classified as a brea-
ther among the 14 tilts in which the
two teams have previously engaged.
Michigan hopes for victory depend
largely on how ably the Wolverine
forward wall can stop the ripping
plunges of the speedy Irish backfield
and how well the Wolverine pass de-
fense, notably weak all season, can
Turn to Page 3, Col. 4

Voluntary Calisthenics
Drill Asked of Coeds
WAA Board Seeks Participation of Women
in New Wartime Physical Fitness Program

Each University coed will be asked
to participate in a few minutes of
calisthenics each night as a result of
a measure passed yesterday by the
WAA board, introducing a new physi-
cal fitness system.
Total time spent on calisthenics will
involve no more than 15 or 20 minutes
each night by the end of the year.
This will continue progressively from
five minutes until a maximum of 20
minutes is reached.
Voluntary Basis
On a purely voluntary basis, the
program will demand the 100 per cent
cooperation of the women students,
Shelby Dietrich, '45, WAA represen-
tative said, and success or failure of
the plan will probably affect future
physical education programs.
A leadership course, organized and
sponsored by WAA, will be open to
athletic managers of all sororities,
dormitories and League houses in
preparation for the training of the
group which they represent.
Meeting Friday.
The course will consist of a program
for physical fitness, embodying rest,
exercise and diet and a plan for the
best possible study habits, instructions
in budgeting time and advise as to
the best expenditure of effort in rela-
tion to the, war effort.
First meeting of the physical fitness
leaders will be-held at 4:30 p.m. Fri-
day at Barbour Gym when first in-
structions in calisthenics will be giv-
en. A preliminary meeting of all ath-
letic managers and any others in-
terested will be held at 4:30 p.m.
Wednesday at the WAB.
The course will consist of five meet-
ings, all of which will be held before
Will Lead Team

Christmas, and each will deal with a
different aspect of fitness.
Today, each person should feel a
definite responsibility in preparing
themselves both physically and men-
tally for a contribution in the coun-
try's war efforts, according to Miss
"A passive attitude will do little in
accomplishing that end. The time for
actively working for fitness and
health is now," she said.
"These exercises are designed to
contribute to the promotion of muscle
toning and development," said Dr.
Margaret Bell, advisor to the project.
An honor roll of houses which have
100 per cent participation is being de-
vised and the details will be an-
nounced later.
Wins Stalins
Full Approval
Stalingrad Defenders
Repulse Nazi Drives
By The Associated Press
MOSCOW, Nov. 14. (Saturday)-
Joseph Stalin asserted today that
the American and British campaign
in Africa had turned the military
and political position in Europe
radically in favor of the Allies,
opening the way for the early col-
lapse of the German and Italian
The Soviet leader praised Ameri-
can and British leaders as "first-
rate organizers" of the African
campaign and expressed confidence
that it soon would relieve German
pressure on the eastern front.
He pledged that the Russian
Army would carry out its part of
the war task with honor,
* e, e
MOSCOW, Nov. 14. (Saturday)-
(A)- Russian defenders of Stalingrad
beat off new German drives which in
limited sectors developed into fighting
of great intensity yesterday, the Rus-
sians announced today.
In the regions of Nalchik and Tu-
apse the Germans attempted thrusts
into the deep Russian defenses but
were repulsed with heavy losses, the
midnight communique said. Reports
emphasized that the German drives
were on a greatly reduced scale. The
communique spoke of engagements
involving hundreds, in comparison to
the tens of thousands participating
in the .combat in recent weeks.
Cold was becoming more intense.
Behind the consolidated Russian posi-
tions the Volga was clogged with ice.
In a factory area of Stalingrad 150
Germans were killed in one futile
rush today, the communique stated. A
group of 12 men repulsed three as-
saults by a company of Germans.
Southeast of Nalchik on the ap-
proaches to the Georgian Militar
Highway across the high mountains,
the Russians were grasping for the
initiative after taking two villages.
The retreating Germans were ham-
pered by roads turned into quagmires
by heavy rain. A front line dispatch
said they were forced to burn many
stalled vehicles.

Youth Draft
Bill Signed
by Roosevelt
Orders Study of Plan
To Enable Draftees
To Resume Schooling,
Training after War
WASHINGTON Nov. 13.- (/P)-
President Roosevelt tonight signed
the 'teen-age draft bill, and in a
statement said he had ordered a study
with a view to enabling the 18 and
19-year-olds called to service to re-
sume their schooling and training
after the war.
The President also promised to an-
nounce in the near future a plan to
utilize during the war the facilities
of certain colleges and universities
for the training of a limited number
of men for "highly specialized duties"
in the armed forces.
"These men," the President said,
"will be selected solely on the basis
of their ability and .without regard to
whether or not they are now in col-
lege or whether they could otherwise
afford to go to college."
In signing the bill, final action on
which was taken only yesterday by
the Senate, the President said:
"The time has now come when the
successful prosecution of the war re-
quires that we call to the colors the
men of 18 and 19. Many have already
volunteered. Others have been eagerly
awaiting the call. All are ready and
anxious to serve..
"The civilian careers of these men
will be interrupted, as have the ca-
reers of most of their seniors." Large
numbers about to enter the armed
services will come from schools and
colleges. The vocational and technical
training which the armed services
now offer to many will stand them in
good stead.
"I am causing a study to be made
by a committee of educators, under
the auspices of the War and Navy
departments, for the taking of steps
to enable the young men whose edu-
Turn to Page 4, Col. 4
Crowd Watches
Firemen Fight
Grocery Blaze
Sudsy water floated cans of coffee
out of McLean's, a State Street gro-
cery, as firemen played hoses on the
building for more than three hours
last night and early this morning
battling a smoky blaze of undeter-
mined origin on the upper floor.
More than 600 students milled
about the scene, shouting encourage-
ment to the firemen who dragged the
hoses up the ladders. Some pushed
their way to the soapy water run-
ning from the store to salvage cans
of fruit and coffe and other gro-
ceries as the USO Community Fund
Drive banner waved above the street
urging them to "Help Yourself."
Flames shot out of a motor-driven
fan ventilator on the roof, spewed out
over the neighboring buildings. Fire-
men pushed to the spot and worked
the hoses into position to control the
blaze. The fire was reported at 9:15
p.m. yesterday.
The deluge overflowed into Wahr's
bookstore, drenching several hundred
dollars worth of books and supplies
and threatening the entire stock. Vol-
unteers from the crowd hung tar-
paulins over the laden shelves.
Amount of damage is yet unknown.
Firemen recalled that they quenched
a fire which resulted in more than
$50,000 damage in the same store
nearly ten years ago.

Airmen Battle for Mediterranean
" / :YuGosLAVVr
a ANO iULON . V.ITALY. , %"
N 0 ~ BASTIA -! __##
.-4:::r:::'::::NAPL ES TjAT.
0:*..: .
" "
BOE 7SICILY :::.:_'
s )#O 9BO..J IZERTE :.
-, . TUNI PANTELLERIA ::: ....
* ...............
Q~ ..: - ?r . ..:::::: MALTA
" :PELAGIE IS. j ...
SFAX . IT ... .- ...
.....).LGERIA t 9 ..i.............
". == Med~terranean
0 200
With the RAF smashing at an airdrome near Tunis (B), the first
blow in a gigantic air battle to gain control of the Mediterranean corri-
dor was struck. Bombing came as U.S. and British land forces raced
across Algerian sands (1) toward Tunis and Bizerte, with Libya another-
goal. Axis reinforcements were shifted around the area (2) and Italy
sent troops into Corsica. Italian troops reached Nice (3) and an arc
of the vulnerable Italian coast was fortified. -
Nazi Planes Waitig cautiously
for Movement by French Fleet

Associated Press. Correspondent
LONDON, Nov. 13.- The main
French fleet, object of a vital tug-of-
war between the Allied nations and
the Axis, still rode at anchor in Tou-
lon Harbor today, wreathed in mys-
tery and watched intently from the
skies by the German luftwaffe lest'
it make a break into the Mediter-
The Germans went ahead with
their swift occupation of Southern
France but they stayed pointedly
away from the immediate area of
Toulon. There was no doubt among
naval men, however, that Nazi bomb-
ers would attack the instant it be-
came apparent the powerful flotilla
of 62 ships meant to join the Allied
No Information
Fighting French headquarters here
said it had no information whether
the fleet had picked its side, but
pointed out that its commanding offi-
cer, Admiral De La Bord, was be-
lieved to be loyal to Chief of State
Petain, who ordered the ships to re-
main in port.
The mystery was tied in another
knot tonight when the Vichy radio
broadcast that Gen. Auguste Nogues,
erstwhile Vichy commander in Moroc-
co, had placed himself under orders
of Admiral Darlan, who has asked the
fleet to come over to the Allies.
If it were a matter for the crews to
decide, the fleet already would have
steamed out to fight the Axis at the
.bombers Blast Ja p
Cruisers, Transport
in North Solomons
MacARTHUR, Australia, Nov. 14.
(Saturday) - (RF)-- Heavy bombers
blasted two light Jap cruisers and set
fire to a transport in the same Buin-
Faisi area of the North Solomons
where only yesterday four troop-laden
transports were bombed, the Allied
High Command reported today.
Dropping down to within 1,000 feet,
in the face of heavy anti-aircraft fire,
the bombers also scored a near miss
on a destroyer, left the 8,000-ton,
transport ablate and cratered the
runway of the Kahili airdrome, then
got away safely.
The same communique told of con-j

behest of Darlan. It was this pro-Ally'
tendency below decks on the French
ships which was believed to have in-
fluenced Hitler to handle the situa-
tion cautiously.
According to the best information
here, the Germans now have {at least
13 divisions in previously unoccupied
France, so that it would have been a
simple matter for them to have taken
over the fleet by force.
"But Hitler knows if those ships
put to sea with orders to fire on the
Americans their crews would refuse
to load the guns," a source here de-
Of Little Value
Without their French crews, it was
pointed out, the three battleships and
supplementary cruisers and destroy-
ers composing'the force would be of
little immediate value to the Axis.
Months would be required, it was be-
lieved, for German crews to familiar-
ize themselves enough with the com-
plex machinery and armament to'
fight the vessels effectively.
The reported presence at Toulon of
Nazi Grand Admiral Eric Raeder was
believed associated with the ticklish
situation confronting the Nazis.
Move to Block
Gas Rationing
Proposed Resolution
Gains New Support
WASHINGTON, Nov. 13.- (P)-
Congressional intervention to prevent
nationwide gasoline rationing begin-
ning December 1 gained support to-
day among Michigan members who
expressed belief the program would
cripple war production in the state.
Representative Jed Johnson (Dem.-
Okla.) told reporters he would intro-
duce Monday a resolution calling on
the Office of Price Administration to
postpone rationing outside the East
for,.three months at least.
Favoring Johnson's plan, some
Michigan representatives advocated
postponement to permit a new and
careful study of what would happen
if war workers were unable to drive
their cars to their jobs.
Several representatives from the
State took the position that reduced
speed limits and voluntary curtail-
ment of driving would save more rub-
ber than contemplated under com-

Tanks Aid
British Forces Speed
over Libyan Desert
in Pursuit of Nazis
after Taking Tobruk
Associated Press Correspondent
French garrisons in Tunisia are fight-
ing the Germans in Tunis and other
sections for control of the country as
the Allied forces advance from the
west, field reports indicated today.
It was reported reliably that the
French and Germans were battling in
the city of Tunis although German
parachute troops control the air field
outside the city,
The Germans have landed 12-ton
tanks in Tunisia by air and are trying
WASHINGTON, Nov. 13.-.)
In a far-reaching move designed to
add new legions of fighting men to
the armies battling the Axis, Presi-
dent Roosevelt today ordered ams,
food and clothing sped to the peo-
ple of French North Africa and
promised the same aid to any other
territory occupied by the United
"No one will go hungry or with-
out 'the otber means of livelihood in
any territory occupied by the
United Nations, if it is humanly
within our powers to make the
necessary supplies available to
them," he said in a statement.
"Weapons also will be supplied to
the people of these territories to
hasten the defeat of the Axis."
The President's statement was
not limited to French North Africa,
and thus it conjured up pictures of
great new armies of liberation
springing up as the United Nations
push their offensives into territory
in Europe and Asia now under the
heel of the Axis.
desperately to reinforce their force by
sea, according to field reports.
Meanwhile British and American
troops are driving eastward with the
full support of the U.S.-RAF air for-
ces after occupying Bone, some 60
miles from the Tunisian frontier.
Vice Admiral Jean Darlan appealed
to all Frenchmen to lay down their
arms and cooperate with the Allies,
but little hope was held here for the
success of that appeal. Nevertheless
it was apparent that French hatred
for the Germans flared up in Tunisia
to precipitate a battle.
* * *
Tobruk Occupied
Without Struggle
By The Associated Press
CAIRO, Nov. 13.- The swiftly ad-
vancing British Eighth Army occu-
pied the stronghold of Tobruk with-
out a struggle today and sped over
the Libyan Desert to destroy every
Axis soldier left in North Africa.
"Good hunting to you all," said the
British commander.
Gen. B. L. Montgomery in an order
of the' day said Marshal Rommel's
army was "completely smashed" with
the capture of 30,000 prisoners and
the destruction of 12 Axis divisions,
but added:
"There is some good hunting to be
had further to the west in Libya and
our leading troops are now in Libya
ready to begin. On withwthe task and
good hunting to you all."

Battle scarred Tobruk 80 miles in-
side Libya, site of some of the fiercest
and most heroic fighting of the war,
was abandoned by Rommel's broken
legions after the Nazis had salvaged
what supplies they could and fled
westward under a torrent of Allied
aerial bombs.
As the vital and normally defensi-
ble stronghold passed into British
hands, for the second time in the war
there was no indication where Nazi
'--; -D V"-- I crti.


Capt. George Ceithaml will lead
the Wolverines against Notre Dame
in the first clash between the two
teams since 1909.

South BendHummingon Eve of Game

SOUTH BEND, Nov. 13. - Michi-
gan's gridders are staying at Elkhart,
and as one reporter put it, "It's a
pretty good idea, because there won't
be any sleeping in South Bend this
"This night" is the eve of the
first Michigan-Irish clash in 33
years and that's all the town is

you'd think the kick-off was com-
ing any moment.
The Wolverines will leave Elkhart
at noon tomorrow with a police es-
cort directly to the Stadium.
The Wolverines went only as far
as Niles, Mich., on the train. They
were met there by loyal South
Bend Michigan alumni who whisk-
ed them down here in private cars
and one old bus.
A n no s .,1,-~iq..i c.a A "T hm C

zoo, the Wolverines weren't able to
limber up at the Notre Dame Stadium
as Coach Fritz Crisler had planned.
The boys jogged over the turf to
"get the lay of the land." The wind
made it cold for them even though
they were warmly dressed in over-
Students paraded through the
streets for hours carrying lighted
torches and huge placards with the
insrintinn "We Have Waited for the

Soph Literary
Dies in Health


Shirley \Hamel, sophomore literary
student, died yesterday morning in
Health Service as a result of strepto-
coccus pneumonia.
Miss Hamel had been at Michigan
for five weeks after transferring from
DePauw University and lived at Mar-
tha Cook Dormitory. She had been

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