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November 08, 1942 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-11-08

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U.S. Soldiers, Sailors, Marines
Swarm Ashore in North Africa

(Continued from Page 1)

American fighter pilots fresh from
colleges, soda fountains and farms
stood by their roaring planes on the
afterdeck, ready to take over the air-
ports occupied by the ground troops
or rush to their defense.
Technically trained and practical
minded, among them was Lieut. Kurt
(Ace) Lagberg, 24-year-old fighter pi-
lot, of Stuart, Fla.
En route Lagberg said with a shy
"You probably think I am crazy
but every time I climb into my plane
to go out against the Nazis I feel just
like one of those knights who went out
to slay dragons-only a plane is my
steed instead of a horse and a ma-
chine gun is my lance."
To another American fighter pilot,
Capt. Peck of Burbank, Calif., the
Mediterranean is an old story, for he
won the Distinguished Flying Cross
as a pilot with the RAF at Malta.
General Eisenhower, with his angu-

lar chief of staff, Maj. Gen. Mark
Clark, stayed up most of the night
piecing together fragmentary reports
of the progress of the big operation,
which appeared unlikely to develop a
definite turn for some time.
With the American Air Forces are
three units of the RAF.
Our big convoy arrived at its des-
tination with the split-second timing
of a subway train despite storms for
many days at sea and danger from
planes and submarines.
The entire operation was carried
out with the delicate synchronization
of an expensive watch, justifying the
months of careful planning by Eis-
enhower and his British-American
supreme command.
The vastness of the project, not
only from the number of troops in-l
volved but from the distances cov-
ered and military problems overcome,
far dwarfed the only similar opera-
tion of its kind in this theater bf the
war-the Nazi invasion of Norway.

PEM Popular.
with Freshnan
Three quarters of the freshman en-
gineering students questioned in a
survey approve Michigan's physical
education program it was revealed
Prof. A. D. Moore, head mentor of
the engineering department, handled
the survey in which students were
asked whether they like, disliked or
were indifferent to the PEM program.
A total of 584 freshmen responded
and 76 per cent of them said they
liked PEM'. Only 6.7 per cent disliked
the program, while 17.3 per cent said
they were indifferent. Of the answers.
received, 106 were discarded. Most of'
these students were in the band or out
for a varsity sport and did not par-
ticipate in the PEM program. A small
remainder chose not to give any an-
This confidential survey was made
as part of a study being conducted by
Dr. Byron O. Hughes who has been
measuring the performance of stu-
dents, studying the results statisti-
cally and releasing information from
time to time.
NEW, YORK- (R)- The New York
Times says that as a result of finan-
cial difficulties caused by a wide-
spread loss in student enrollment, 50
of the nation's colleges have closed
in the past few months and scores of
others are facing bankruptcy.

Since its organization last Marcha
for the purpose of buying war bonds
to be used for the assistance of vet-
erans returning to the University af-
ter the war, the Bomber Scholarship
Plan has reached a present total of
$9,000 worth of bonds through the
contributions of 79 campus groups
and one individual.
The- following fraternities and so-
rorities have added to the Commit-
tee's funds: Alpha Chi Omega, Alpha
Epsilon Phi, Alpha Gamma Delta,
Alpha Omicron Pi, Alpha Phi, Alpha
Sigma Phi, Alpha Tau Omega, Alpha
Xi Delta, Chi Omega, Delta Gamma,
Delta Upsilon, Gamma Phi Beta and
Kappa Delta.
Houses Listed
Kappa Kappa Gamma, Nu Sigma
Nu, Phi Alpha Kappa, Phi Delta Phi,
Phi Delta Theta, Phi Epsilon Pi, Phi
Gamma Delta, Phi Sigma Delta, Pi'
Lambda Phi, Sigma Alpha Epsilon,.
Sigma Nu, Sigma Phi, Sigma Phi Ep-
silon, Collegiate Sorosis, Theta Chi,
Theta Delta Chi, Zeta Beta Tau and
Zeta Tau Alpha have also contributed.
Other groups were Congress, Guild

British Commander Watches Enemy Fleet

Bvmdier Sdisisiip Reaches,
$9,000 through Contributions

House, Lincoln House, Robert Owen
House, the Architectural Society,
Alpha Kappa Delta, Avukah, Barris-
ters, Deutscher Verein, the Graduate
Council; Hiawatha Club, Inter-Co-
operative Council. the Japanese-
American Club, Michigauma, Phi
Sigma Sigma, Scabbard and Blade,
Scroll and Senior Supper.
Dorms Contribute
Dormitories ,were Adams House,
Allen-Rumsey, Adelia Cheever, Betsey
Barbour, Chicago House, Couzens
Hall, '42 class, Fletcher Hall, Greene
House, Helen Newberry, Jordan Hall,
Lloyd House, Lloyd House Honor Stu-
dents, Martha Cook, Michigan House,
Mosher Hall, Mosher House Council,
Stockwell Hall, Wenley House, West
Quadrangle Council, Williafns House
and Winchell House.
Other contributors were Frosh Fro-
lic, Group 2 Ordnance Course, Hillel
Foundation, 1943 J-Hop, Michigan
Alumnae Club, Soph Prom,,Alpha Phi
Omega, the Michigan Union and the
Michigan Wolverines.


Lieut.-Gen. Bernard L. Montgomery (above), commanding officer
of the British Eighth Army, stands in the turret of his U.S.-built tank
while watching the enemy flee in the Egyptian desert battle. (This
photo was radioed from Cairo to New York.)

12 NOON 'TIL 8:30 P.M.
Opportunity Special

Football Crowds of 25,000
Are 'Drop in Bucket' to Police



Yhe Quapry

Football crowds of twenty-five and
thirty thousand such as yesterday's
are a "drop in the bucket" to Chief
of Police Sherman H. Mortenson and
his large crew of policemen, state
troopers and sheriff's officers who
maintain peace and quiet on football
Chief Mortenson recalls the pre-
rubber shortage seasons when he
called into Ann Arbor as many as
sixty state troopers to supplement his
own football force of thirty officers.
Still Has Problems
But even with a paltry thirty-
thousand crowd, the Chief, as coordi-
nator of the three Ann Arbor divi-
sions of the law, has his problems.
For every game this year a force of
thirty-two uniformed police officers,
including three detectives, is on foot-
ball duty. And their colleagues, the
State Police, ship into town from thir-
ty to fifty more troopers.
Control Crowds
At Ann Arbor's outskirts, the Sher-
iff's office posts another six men.
Virtually the entire Ann Arbor po-
lice force is shifted on Saturday after-
noons to controlling football crowds.
Only two squad cars remain on regu-
lar duty, and they take careful check
on possible thieveries of parked cars.
During football seasons the Chief
spends a. day a week making out a
Carillon Program Will
Consist of Theater Music
Prof. Perpival Price will present a
group of carillon selections consisting
of music composed especially for the
theatre at 7:15 p. m. today.
Four groups of music will make up
this program, starting with operatic
arias. Music from the ballet, songs
from plays and instrumental selec-
tions will also be presented by Profes-


detailed assignment sheet for every
man under his charge at the game.
Policemen and state troopers, work-
ing hand in hand, patrol every aisle in
the stadium, and every main arteryj
outside it. They respond to motley
calls of accompanying teams into the,
stadium, walking to the Stadium with
the band; stopping fights in the crowd
or removing an occasional drunk.
Marc'hing andl
Will Parade
Armistice DayT
An Armistice Day parade, swelled
by city and University war delega-
tions, will step off behind the 108-1
man Michigan Marching Band at
10:10 a'.m. Wednesday, Nov. 11, from
State and Liberty streets.
University, local and state organ-
izations will be represented in the
procession-which will march down
State to Hill Street, down Hill to
Main and down Main to Huron.
When on Main St., the parade will
stop for a simple Armistice Day cere-
mony. After a moment of silence,
the band will play taps and a salute
will be fired.
Then the destination of the pa-
rade will be the reviewing stand in
front of the Allenel Hotel. Here Col.
W. A. Ganoe of the University ROTC,
Capt. R. E. Cassidy of the NROTC,
Col. Edward H. Young of the Judge
Advocate's General's school, Presi-
dent Ruthven, and Mayor Leigh J.
Young will view the marchers.
AEF Strikes at
French Africa
(Continued from Page 1)
Announcemenu of the landings was
timed to coincide with the actual de-
barkation of the troops on their desti-
nations at 9 p. in., Eastern War Time
(3 a. n. Sunday, West African Time),
and was made only after a reassuring
message from Mr. Roosevelt's own lips
had been broadcast to the French
people, asking for their aid to rout
their own enemies.
The landing, the announcement
said, was being assisted by the British
Navy and Air Forces, and "it will, in
the immediate future, be reinforced
by a considerable number of divisions
of the British Army."

U.S. Claims
Hall's Services
Professor Enters
Strategical Work
One more name was added to the
list of University professors engaged
in government service Friday when
Prof. Robert B. Hall of the geogra-
phy department left to 4efin work
with the Office of Strategic Services
in the Pacific area.
Professor Hall is considered a lead-
ing authority on Japan and the Far'
East and has directed the Institute
of Far Eastern Studies for some time..
He has traveled throughout the'Far
East and Europe; 'in 1925 he visited
the Republic of Haiti and this past
year made a trip to Brazil.
Professor Hall received his bachelor
of arts degree from the University in
1924 and his doctor's degree in 1927.
Ross, Rhead
to Give Concert


ii ) '
i .. 1
! J/
: .


6Z'zatei/t 2 L-ShP
'round the Corner on State

Fashion hit dresses you want for
Fall thru Winter wear - ray-
ons, crepes, wools,.gabardines -
all at one wonderful low price!
Beautifully styled, expensively
detailed dresses - lots of smooth
casuals too! Of course you'll
want :more than one . . . and
you can afford them at this
budget pleasing price of:
The dress at left i§ one of, our
Gabardine Specials. It is a two-
piece wonder for campus and
casual date wear.
Sizes 9-17; 10-44.






Smouldering TABU-heady, sultry fragrance-even
more disturbing when worn on gowns or furs where
it remains for days- even weeks. And now you no
longer have to wait for someone to bring your pre-
cious TABU from Mexico, Cuba or Spain - we have
it here. The Parfum $35.00 -Cologne $6.00 - also
other sizes of both.,



Earl.C. Michener to Con-
gress by a 2 to 1 majority
over his progressive Demo-
crat opponent, Redmond
M. Burr ... final Ann Ar-
bor tabulations showed ev-
ery Republican candidate
on the state ticket with a
majority over his Demo-
crat opponent.
engineering students are
slowly accustoming them-
selves to the sight and
sound of rhore than 60 girls
and womenin the formerly
cloistered, halls of East and
West Engineering . .. the
women are training under
Col. H. W. Miller in the
engineering drawing de-
partment to work in the
ordnance program as ma-
terials inspectors . . . sig-
nificant comment on the
engineers' reaction to hav-
ing women in their midst
was given by one of the
trainees who exclaimed,
"they're all terrible wolves!
I like the fellows in De-
troit." . . . others backed
her judgment, although
one grudgingly admitted
that "they're not bad look-
ing." . . . crowning blow
for the engineers was de-

Winners in 100-Ton Scrap Drive

you-may-never-get-it" at-
titude, Dr. Bowman said
that Women should not
think of marriage as a
"feminine counterpart of
selective service." . . . he
contended that women
must fully understand the
-values of lasting marriage,
in order that great num-
bers of divorces may be
avoided following the war.
WARNING an intent
Oratorical Association au-
dience that "Only by giv-
ing India the partial free-
dom which she asks for,
can we enlist her 400,000,-
000 people on our side and
at the same time eliminate
one of the causes of future
wars," Louis Fischer, for-
eign correspondent recent-
ly returned from India,
said Thursday that India
may be the key to the
strategy of the war be-
cause of the danger that
Japan and Germany may
meet there . " .. only
when we become during
the war what we profess
to be after the war can we
have a basis for true
peace," he said ... M. W.
Fodor, accompanying Fis-
cher in the joint lecture,

Gilbert Ross, visiting professor of
music from Smith College, and Mabel
Ross Rhead, professor of music of the
University music school, will present
a concert at 8:30 p. m. tomorrow in
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
This recital will consist of three
numbers, "Sonata in E-flat Major,
K. 481" by Mozart; "Dondo Brilliante
in B minor, Op. 70" by Schubert and
the "Sonata in A major, Op. 13" by
Two other such concerts also have
been planned by Mr. Ross and Mrs.
Rhead. These will be presgnted Nov. 9
and 23.
Although all programs are open to
the general public, children will not
be admitted.




C A LI F 0 R N I A
Your favorite cross-strap scuff in a soft, puffy
cotton chenille. White, pink, French blue,

Scrap collectors extraordinary are these Theta
Delts pictured here with just a little of their 35,560
pound total that won them leadership in the week's
scrap drive over hard-fighting Lambda Chi . .

beauty red.


that's scrap director Dick
gratulating the boys.

"Double Dick" Dick con-

nrnramfnr .ire,*pff; in

cifon n In r,'Aa,'.toha ,,51r, a



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