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November 05, 1942 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-11-05

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Rain, Warmer

von -!fl No.28 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOV. 5, 1942





Retreat Across


GOP Upsurge
Cuts FDR's
Vote Control
Democratic Majority
Reduced to Lowest
Level in Senate, House
since 1933 Elections
By The Associated Press
The Democratic Party elected a
bare majority of the House in Tues-
day's voting, but obviously fell short
of anything resembling practical and
dependable voting control of that
branch of Congress.
The broa and powerful Republi-
can reurgeic likewise left the party
of Franklin D. oosevelt facing many
difficulties in the6 Senate. The Demo-
cratic ajoity there was reduced to
its lowest level since 1933.
House returns, almost complete,
showed 218 Democrats elected, as
against 205 Republicans. Eight con-
tests had still to be reported. A ma-
jority of the Rouse is 218.
Senate returns, added to holdover
members not up for reelection gave
the Democrats 56 Senate seats, and
the Republicans 8. Forty-nine is a
mqajor'ity. .
Whateer th final Congressional
coui, it was'obvious that in time
of war, the.party of the administra-
tion faced a diffiult problem-per-
haps to all prctieal intents rivalling
that of 1918 when; despite the pleas
of Woodow Wilson, a Republican
Housewas elected.
PAst ;issues-particularly in the
domxestic field-thave found numerous
conservative Democrats, particularly
fQmltkle ouith deserting the Adinin-
istratio. Such'etectins have been
su ficiently nunierous in the past to
create on nany ballots a grave pob-
leni=for the Denocrats. This prob-
ai obviously was 'multiplied by
'kesday's voting.
The same situation has existed in
thfe Senate; and was intensified there
lItwwise by the election. With three
06nate contest' Still unsettled, the
benocifati numerical excess over the
kepublicans had been reduced from
N to 20, wi three contests still un-
bided. Republicans led in two of
tlae latter.
*moerats Out
Xlections to governorships found
th e Republican tide running strongly,
t O tof 3 contests they elected
18 governors to 12 for the Democrats
-and they were leading in three and
trailing in one of four undecided con-
tests. They ousted Democratic gov-
ernors in New York, Connecticut,
California and ichigan, but lost a
gubernatorial chair themselves in
Wisconsin where Progressive O. S.
Loomis defeated Republican Gover-
nor Julius P. Heil.
T'he New York election, won by
Thomas E. Dewey, Republican, raised
the victor's 1944 Presidential nomina-
tion prospects to a new high. He
won by big figures-nearly 600,000.
And in winring, he defeated the can-
didate backed by President Roose-
velt, John J. Bennett.
Mr. Roosevelt had endorsed two
candidates in Tuesday's election and
had given a negative endorsement
to a third. All three were beaten.
* * *
GOP Surges into
Control of State
By The Associated Press
DETROIT, Nov. 4.- An enthusias-
tic Republican Party, aided by what
Democrats conceded was a voters'
protest against national administra-
tion policies, gained complete control
of Michigan's government on the ba-

sis of nearly complete unofficial re-
turns from Tuesday's general election.
Headed by two candidates who had
proven their ability to match strength
with the Democrats in their Wayne
county stronghold, the revived GOP
forces swept every place on the parti-
san state ballot and extended their
long-time control of the legislature.
Turn to Page 6, Col. 3
Navy Discloses 515th
Atlantic Ship Loss
WASHINGTON, Nov. 4.- ()- The
Navy announced today that a medium
sized British merchant vessel had
been torpedoed and sunk by an enemy
submarine in the middle of Septem-
ber in the Atlantic off the northern

Allied Aimen Decorated in Australia

This is a general view at an advanced operational base in Aus-
tralia, as Lieut.-Gen. George H. Brett, commander in chief of Allied
air forces in the southwestern Pacific awarded decorations to 23. officers
and men of the U.S. Air Force and two Australians.
Coeds to Go to Work
for Manpwer Corps

"Sure we can do it" campus coeds
will team up with "you gotta show
us" males Sunday in the newest thing
that's hit the University of Michigan
Due to a shortage of: fuel ration
forms,, registration has been post-
poned one, week. Those students
who agreed to assist in the regis-
tration this week are requested to
report for work at 150 HutchIns
Hall one week later' than their ap-
pointed time. The first group will
start work on Monday at 2 p. m.
since fraternity ,men' spent all night
collecting scrap for Uncle Sam.
A mixed group of 40 men 'and wo-
men will be sent to Prof. Hyma's farm
near Howell to help bring in the car-
rot crop.
This is the first attempt by the
Manpower Corps to have men and
Norris Takes
Defeat with
Tears in Eyes
WASHINGTON, Nov. 4 .-(P-With
tears in his eyes, 81-year-old Senator
Norris (Ind.-Neb.), his 39-year con-
gressional career ended by Nebraska
voters, sat in his office on Capitol
Hill today and asked:
"Why should people be so mad at
"The more I think of it, the more I
get .bewildered," he told a reporter.
"I cant understand it. I simply can't
understand it."
Norris said he hoped his philoso-
phy of government "would rise again
after I am gone and forgotten."
"I have faith it will," he said. "It is
true-it is eternal. I wouldn't stay in
office one moment if I had to vary my
philosophy or if I had to practice any
"I have lived according to my phi-
losophy of government and now Iam
passing out of the political picture
with the flag of that philosophy trail-
ing in defeat."
The cornerstone of his philosophy,
Norris explained, was a democracy
where everyone had the right to vote
at the ballot box as he saw fit, to,
award the faithful and to punish the
"But I think," he continued, "that
sometimes in a democracy, in the ex-
citement and on the spur of the mo-
ment, that is not always observed."
More U.S. Troops
Land in Middle East
31, (Delayed)- (Passed by U.S. Mili-
tary Censor)- (01)- The largest con-
tingent of American fighting men
ever brought to the Middle East in
one transport, 7,000 strong, arrived at
this port today and for hours were
ferried ashore from their great liner-
transport by boats.,
The ship was crammed with spe-
cialists, technical troops and air force
units from holds to top deck. Not a
mac.none man t4a inn a var myr m

women work -together on nearby
farms and, according to Manpower
boss Marv Borman, the experiment
i. being tried this time because the
work is light.
Carrying ,their own lunches, the
volunteers will be picked up by, trucks
at 8:30 'a. m. Sunday and will be
brought back to Ann Arbor by 5 p. m.
Yesterday-' the Manpower Corps
continued to provide voluntee'rs wher-
ever they are needed by sending a
squad of 'apple pickers out to the Soffe
farm near Milan.'
Another group is going out today.
Volunteers also went to work at the
University hospital yesterday and
filled jobs' rahging from ward helpers
to storeroom keepers.
Meanwhile, the winners of the
scrap drive have not yet been an-
nounced because Lambda Chi Alpha
and Theta Delta Chi turned in about
the same amount of scrap each. But
Mary Borman said last night that "we
will know for sure today who came
out on top."
He asked all rooming houses and
women's League houses having scrap
piles to call him at University exten-
sion 2 1-96 and leave their address.
"If you don't call us, you'll be counted
out of the scrap drive," he warned.
.Pact Signed.
by'VA WFord
DETROIT, Nov. 4.- (P)- Repre-
sentatiyes of the Ford Motor Co., and
the United Automobile Workers have
signed a new contract to last "for 'the
duration of the national emergency."
The contract was signed today and
is the first major contract signed on
a "duration" basis.
Both union and company officials
said they believed the step would ac-
celerate war production.
The contract provides that the
question of wages may be reopened
every six months to make adjust-
ments conforming with any change in
the national wage policy.

U.S. Forces
Make Gains
in Solornons
American Advances
on Guadalcanal Lessen
Jap Threat to Vital
Henderson Air Field
Associated Press Correspondent
WASHINGTON, Nov. 4.-Pushing
the Japanese back, United States
forces have' made new gains along
the beaches of Guadalcanal, dimin-
ishing the enemy's threat against
vital Henderson air field, the Navy
announced tonight.
In the drive toward the western
end of the island where the Japanese
had been most successful in effecting
landings, the enemy has been forced
to relinquish more than a score of
pieces of equipment to the fighting
Marines and Army troops.
20 Machine Guns Taken
Among the equipment captured
were about 20 machine guns, the
Navy said. This could mean that a
number of enemy machine gun nests
had been wiped out in fighting west
of the air field. Also captured, the
Navy reported, were two small ar-
tillery pieces taken from their Japa-
nese crews.
Army and Navy planes joined in
strafing the enemy and bombing Jap-
anese positions, working in close sup-
port of the ground forces battling
their way along the beach.
Jap Reinforcements Land
East of the airport, where Japanese
reinforcements were reported to have
landed last Monday night and Tues-
day morning, the Navy said there was
no new action to report. Presumably
those reinforcements had not swung
into an attempt to pierce American
defences set up in anticipation of a
Japanese attack.
The land battling took the Marines
and soldiers forward two miles to the
west with comparatively few cas-
ualties last Sunday, Washington
time. They followed up the next day
with several small advances in which
enemy equipment was taken.
Returning to the attack the fol-
lowing day they continued to force
the enemy westward.
Vichy to Turn
Allied Ships
Over to Axis
LONDON, Nov. 4.- (A)- The pro-
German Vichy Government has de-
cided to turn over to the Axis 35 for-
mer Allied merchantmen in Mediter-
ranean ports, the British Ministry of
Economic Warfare said today, as new
demands were made by French Fas-
cist Jacques Doriot for "an immediate
understanding between France and
Germany about the defense of French
colonial possessions in Africa."
While Doriot was making his de-
mands before the National Congress
of the French Peoples Party in Paris,
both the Berlin and Vichy radios were
carrying reports of huge Allied naval
concentrations at Gibraltar. The Vi-
chy Radio quoted a dispatch from
La Linea, Spain, as saying the vessels
included transports loaded with
American troops.

Associated Press Correspondent
MOSCOW, Nov. 5. (Thursday)-
The Red Army held its ground in
Stalingrad and the central Caucasus
yesterday and scored successes on the
Black Sea front and northwest of
Stalingrad, the Soviet midnight com-
munique said today.
Tank Battle Rages
The Germans continued to hurl
masses of tanks into the battle on the
Nalchik Plains, at the foot of the
18,000 foot Caucasus Mountains, and
in the rubble-strewn streets of Sta-
lingrad, but the Russians repulsed all
attacks, inflicting heavy losses.
On the other two major fronts-
northwest of Stalingrad and in the
Tons of Scrap
.Discovered in
Old Majest c
Though it may never again resound
to the applause of a satisfied' Satur-
day night audience, the oldMajestic
Theatre may'yet hear the sounds of
public acclaim should its oners do-
nate its. several tons of unused metal
fire escapes, radiators, and stairways
to the Ann Arbor scrap drive.
The scrap possibilities of the. old
movie house were found yesterday by
a Daily reporter to include the famil-
iar red and yellow facade, an openfire
escape on one side of the building,
an all metal covered outdoor stairway
on the other, and an iron roof over
the ticket window, as well as a large
collection of assorted metal radiatrs,
eaves troughs, drainpipes, and iron
guard rails inside the theatre.
Doors closed and seats empty since
March 17, the 'Maj' has been con-
demned as a hazard by the State Fire
Marshal while W. S. Butterfield The-
atres, Inc., which holds the house-un-
der lease, were at one time unable to
obtain permission from city building
authorities to remodel it.
The Majestic is now owned by Miss
Laura Atkinson of Port Huron, Mrs.
Nola Minnis of Buffalo, and Mrs.
Imogene Sauer of Detroit. The owners
are represented in Ann Arbor by At-
torney Frank Devine.
WPB Gets Sharp with
Cutting New Order
WASHINGTON, Nov. 4.-(QP)-The
War Production Board cut off safety
razor manufacture for civilian use
and placed all razors and blades under
strict restrictions today-but (hear!
hear!) the nation's menfolks were
assured there's no need to start
bristling up.
In the first place, the WPB pre-
dicted that there would be "blades
for everybody" in civilian life in 1943,
since millions of the men are in uni-
And besides, even if worst came to
worst, the average American male
could whistle happily through his
whiskers with the assurance that the
800-odd tons of high grade steel to be
saved by the shutdown would go into
such things as commando knives.

Red Army Holds Lines
at Stalingrad, Caucasus
Russians Score Successes on Blacl Sea Front,
Northwest of Volga City; Nazi Attacks Repulsed


Black Sea area-the Red Army con-
tinued to hold the initiative and cap-
tured a number of German positions
in both areas.
The Germans were reported to have
been forced to withdraw some of their
elite troops from Stalingrad to meet
the threat to their left flank north-
west of the city after Red Army rifle-
men, ferried by night across the
Volga, entered the battle.
The communique said, however,
that the Germans continued to attack
all Soviet positions inside the Volga
City with both tanks and infantry,
indicating there had been no decrease
in the intensity of the fighting. It said
1,000 Germans were killed and eight
tanks disabled during the day, with-
out any gains in gound.
Russians Capture Dugout
Strengthened by the reinforce-
ments, Russian troops northwest of
Stalingrad captured five dugouts and
fortified positions, while Soviet artil-
lery demolished, nine blockhouses.
About 130 Germans were killed in this
area, the communique said.
In the central Caucasus area, where
the Germans are trying desperately
to reach the historic Georgian Mili-
tary Highway, main artery across the
lofty mountain barrier, the Russians
claimed to have repulsed all attacks
in the big battle southeast of Nalchik.
At one point Soviet troopskilled
350 Germans and set seven tanks on
fire, the communique said, while at
another place 16 German tanks were
set on fire and an additional 17 dis-
25th Session
of Press Club
to Begin Today
Journalists to Hear
Speeches Concerning
War and the Press
Meeting here for the 25th annual
session of the University Press Club
of Michigan, newspaper men will
hear Elmo Scott Walker, editor of
the Publisher's Auxiliary open the
meeting at 2:30 'p.m. today with a
talk on "The Country Press Goes to
Harvey Merker of Parke, Davis
and Co. of Detroit will address the
press club banquet at 5:45 p.m. today
in the Union on "Chemistry for War."
Following the banquet, club members
will attend the University lecture by
M. W. Fodor and Louis Fischer at
8:30 p.m. in Hill Auditorium.
Iprof. William Haber, on leave from
the University to act as director of
the planning division of the Federal
Security Administration, will speak
to the group at 10 a.m. Friday on the
subject, "Manpower and War."
J. S. Bugas, director of the Federal
Bureau of Investigation for the De-
troit area, will follow Prof. Haber,
speaking on "Sabotage." "Last Bottle-
neck-Manpower," will be the subject
of Col. W. A. Ganoe, head of the
ROTC, who will speak after Bugas.
Prof. Esson M. Gale, recently re-
turned from China, will speak to the
club Friday on "Inside China." Wolf-
gang H. Kraus will conclude this
series of talks about nations at war
with a speech, "Inside Germany."
Allied Troops
Continue Drive
in New Guinea
MacARTHUR, Australia, Nov. 5.
(Thursday)-- ()- Allied troops
"swept aside strong enemy resistance"
three miles west of Oivi in the New

Guinea jungles, "and are continuing
the advance" aimed at Buna, the
Japanese coastal base which is being
pounded steadily by Allied planes, a
communique said today.
Now operating several miles beyond
Kokoda, mid-way point across the
120-mile waist of New Guinea, the
Allied troops were aided by their aer-
ial artillery which not only blasted
Buna and Oivi, but ranged far up the

Are High
Report Von Stumme
Killed during Battle
as U.S. Airmen Aid
in Mediterranean War
Assocateg Press Correspondent
CAIRO, Nov. 4.- Marshal Erwin
Rommel's Axis desert forces were offi-
cially declared in full and disordered
retreat tonight across the sands of
western Egypt, pursued relentlessly
by British Imperial ground forces and
under constant attack from above by
American and Allied airmen.
A special Allied communique said
General Von Stumme, Nazi second in
command, had been killed in the 12-
day fight which preceded the flight
of the "disordered columns" and 9,000
Axis prisoners had been taken, in-
cluding Gen. Ritter Von Thoma, com-
mander of the Afrika Korps, and
other top flight German and Italian
Axis Loses Heavily
The joint communique announced
these tremendous Axis losses in less
than two weeks of battle:
"Exceptionally high" casualties
indead and wounded;
600 planes;
260 tanks destroyed or captured;
270 guns and;
50,000 tons of shipping laden with
Allied air losses were described as
"light," in the 12-day bloody break-
through by which the British Imperi-
als hope to smash with finality the
Axis position in Africa.
Berlin Acknowledges
(The victorious British communi-
que was issued about the time the
Berlin Radio was acknowledging
"British local successes," but insisting
that "Marshal Rommel has the situa-
tion completely in hand and is in a
'position to take the initiative at any
moment he considers necessary." The
German announcer quoted "military
quarters" as saying the British had
lost between 450 and 500 tanks in the
action thus far).
The British drive westward cli-
maxed days of artillery and aerial
preparation which softened the Axis
line, touched off an elaborate four-
mile-deep mine field, and knocked out
other fixed Nazi positions.
Infantry Attacks
Imperial infantry did a heavy pre-
liminary job before General Mont-
gomery hurled his huge tank forces
through a gap torn in the Axis coas-
tal flank west of El Alamein. The
same procedure was followed 40 miles
to the south at the edge of the Qat-
tara salt sinks in an effort to roll up
the 'Nazi positions from both' flanks.
Hundreds of Allied planes pounded
the Axis supply lines as far back as
the Libyan port of Tobruk which was
one of the main intake points for
much-needed Axis supplies hazar-
dously ferried across the Mediterra-
nean from Italy and Greece.
Allied Planes Operate
So superior was the advantage en-
joyed by the Allies this time in the
air, the communique said that 300
Axis planes were shot down in com-
bat, and "a like number" destroyed or
put out of action on the ground.
U.S. airmen played a major part
in this sky artillery war, and their
big bombers accounted for some of
the 50,000 tons of shipping sunk
along the Mediterranean coast be-
hind the Axis forward lines.
Tonight these American and RA
fliers still were hacking at the tat-
tered Axis infantry and the remnants
of their armored forces streaking
westward along the coast toward El
Daba, 35 miles behind the punctured

Alamein line.
London Sees
Africa Victory
LONION, Nov. 4.- ()- British
military observers took an unusually
enthusiastic view tonight of the
Eighth Army's forward smash in
Africa, saying flatly "Marshal Rom-
mel is hard hit and the Nile valley is
Lieut.-Gen. B. L. Montgomery's Im-
perial units "have accomplished the
objective of smashing the enemy mili-

Fischer, Fodor To Lecture Here Today

Two veteran foreign correspondents?
will share the Oratorical Association
limelight when Louis Fischer and


series, it will center around a discus-
sion of America's role in the post-war
period and will deal with current
plans and programs being advanced
for world reorganization after the
Fischer, recently returned from
conferring with Indian leaders, will
review the problem of the British in
India. Throughout the lecture, he
will emphasize the efforts of the
Nazis and Japanese to join the battle
of the east and west via the Near
Fodor is at present roving corre-
spondent for the Chicago Daily News
Syndicate and will report on the pro-
gress of the war and prospects of
peace from the standpoint of the Mid-
European countries.
Both men are widely known

another following "breaks" in the
The ticket office in Hill Auditorium

"7 -'~-

I I A "' I I

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