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November 03, 1942 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-11-03

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TUESDAY, NO. 8, 1942


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Hold Annual Paul


'Formal' Nov. 20




Are Announced

Hostesses for the Hillel mixer,
which is to be held from 4 to 6 p.m.
tomorrow in the Union Ballroom,
have been announced by Grace
Freudberg, '45, and Harry Miller, '45,
co-chairmen of the affair.
Admission to this affair, which will
climax the annual fall membership
drive, will be by membership card.
Those who have not yet enrolled. may
purchase member.ships at the door.
Records will provide the music for
League Is- Offering
Dance Instructions
Beginning. at 7:30, p. m. today in
the League Ballroom, the dance class
committee of the League will offer
dancing instructions every Tuesday
night. The lessons will be given by
two male professional instructors, a
special feature this year.
The beginners' class starts at 7:30
p. m. and the advanced class is held
at 8:30 p. m., dancing to records con-
tinuing afterwards until 10 p. m. All
women are invited to attend free of
charge. Those who would like to be
hostesses are needed. There is a small
fee for the lessons for men.

this year's affair, as the money which1
would ordinarily have been expended
on an orchestra will be donated to
various war agencies.
Assisting the co-chairman of the
social committee with this dance are
Mildred Getzoff,-'43, and Edith Kohn,
'45.' It will be the duty of the host-
esses to make introductions among
the students attending, and to direct
special 'get-acquainted" dances.
Those who will act as hostesses are
as follows: Luaine Berman, '45, Pay
Bronstein, '45, Audrey Bratman, '44,
Barbara Cohen, '45, Louise Comins,
'45, Thelma Davis, '44, Celia Elison,
'45, Bobby. Gray, '45. Elyse Gitlow,
'44, Audrey Hirschl, '43, Sally- Levy,
'43, Esther Morgaustern, '44, Betty
Nitchen, '45, Sybil Permuter, '45, Lee
Rocheal, Ann Rita Rosenbloom, '45,
Florine Robison, '43, Audrey Ruben-
stein, '44, and Prances Rubenstein,
Continuing the list are: Freda
Sendler, '43, Debby Springer, '45,
Edith Sandler, '45, Marcia .Silver,
'45, Ruth Lee Tartalsky, '45, Sally
Waldman, '44, Shirley Winokur, '43,
Donna Weiss, '44, Kay Lee Worley,
and Elise Zeme, '44.

Garb, No Ties
Will Be Worn
Bill Sawyer's Band Will Play,
Have Promised To Leave Party
Clothes Home And .Be Informal
"Wear blue jeans, red shirts-any-
thing, but NO TIES" declared "Suds"
Corlett, '43, publicity chairman of the
forestry club which is sponsoring its
annual Paul Bunyan "formal" from
9:00 p. m. to midnight, Friday, No-
vember 20 in the ballroom of the
Bill Sawyer's orchestra will play
for the occasion. The members of the
band have fallen in with the spirit of
informality by promising Corlett that
they will leave their regular "party"
clothes home in favor of their oldest
and most comfortable "duds."
Jim Snodgrass, Chairman
Jim Snodgrass, '43, heads the social
committee of the club and, is also the
general chairman of the dance. As-
sisting him will be John Verdier, '43,
tickets; Dick Hartesveldt, '43, music
and house; LaMont Engle, '43, pa-
trons and chaperons.
Mike Vonesh, '43, who will super-
vise decorations, hints that Paul Bun-
yan, famed legendary forester, may
himself be at the -dance.
Intermission Entertainment
An octet composed of members 'of
the forestry club has planned lively
entertainment during the intermis-
sion and will lead group singing. Clair
Merritt, '43, and Leo Martinek, '43,
are in charge of this part of the "for-
Tickets for the dance will be on sale
at the League and the Union will also
be sold by all foresters.
Group To Give

Ph/~Pin1 AAiiics
The orchids go to Collegiate Soro- Bulletin: The University Women's
sis this yepr for winning the fall hockey team will meet the University
Swimming meet, and if you don't High School hockey team at 4:30 p.m.
think Nan Filstrup was happy about
it, you're wrong! Nan was in there today at Palmer Field, and you're
pitchin', or swimmin', for her house, invited to spectate.
too. *
* * *Around here Hobby Lobby doesn't
Don't forget all you potential Mar- mean a radio program. No. that's
jie Gestrings that the Swimming Club just the name of WAA's own hobby
meets at 8:15 p. m. Thursday at thq club, which meets at 4:30 p.m. Thurs-
Union Pool, and they've been having day at the WAR Plans this year are
a marvelous time waltzing and doing centered around the war effort, and
the conga down the length of the pool. include fixing toys to be given to
Sounds strange on paper, so come children at Christmas time, and
out and see what we mean, as plans learning about photographic map-
are being made for a water ballet to making.
be presented sometime during the * * *
year. Either swing those clubs or add
'em to the scrap pile, my patriotic
How would you like to limber up readers. No, that's not an ultima-
and get back to those grade school tum, but come out to Pitch and
days when a back bend could be Putt Club at 4:15 p. m. Wednesdays,
executed as easily as a twist of the and also, play your nine holes at
wrist? The Dance Club will put you University course to try for the
back in shape at their regular meet- University women's golf team. The
ings at 7:30 p. m. Thursday + the eight lowest scorers will be selec-
WAR. Helen Willcox issues a spe- ted fer the team, and will be given
elal call to the league house .mem- the opportunity to play the Uni-
bers who signed slips at the last versity course free next spring. So
WAA meeting saying that they take a chance; maybe, you'll be a
would like to belong to the Dance lucky one. Have to roll dem ban-
Club. dages now, so long.





Buy Bonds! Buy Stamps! Buy Bonds! Buy Stamps!

Dr. Maddy To Lead Glee Club
In Patriotic Vocal Programs
"Keep 'em Singing" might well be
a new war slogan to be perpetrated
by the University Women's Glee Club,
for this year the group is cooperating
with the Michigan Council of Defense
by presenting bi-weekly broadcasts
over WJR at 10:15 p.m. Sundays, be-
ginning Nov. 8.
Under the guidance of Dr. Joseph
Maddy, the group, composed of 45
enthusiastic members, will render
both new and familiar patriotic
hymns and war songs.
With its present membership, the
club has almost doubled in size over
that of last year, and this is due, for
the most part, to the addition of
many transfer students from choirs
in colleges all over the country.
Have Section Practices
Director Bill Sawyer is enthusias-
tic about the talents of the larger
organization and declared, "This
year's group sounds better in sight
reading than last year's group sound-
ed in performance!"
The group is composed of five sec-
tions, two of them are alto, two are
soprano, and the fifth is top or obli-
gato soprano. Out of each section
one School of Music student has the
opportunity of rehearsing her group
at a separate rehearsal which not
only "smoothes" each section, but
gives the captain practice in song
New Officers Announced
The newly-elected officers are Mi-
got Gardener, '43, president; Marcia
Nelson, '44, secretary-treasurer, and
Midge Gould, '43, student director.
Migot announces that along with
broadcasting, the club will sing at
various churches throughout the year
in Ann Arbor.
At a recent meeting Mu Phi Epsi-
lon, national music honorary society,
announced the coming initiation of
the following girls: Anne Schaeffer
Corrothers, Grad; Jean Steele, Grad.;
Eleanor McLam, '43; Mary Laughlin,
'44; Harriet Porter, '44; Marillyn
Schultz, '44; Marianne Gooding, '44;
Eleanor Samuel, '45; Eleanor Rew,
'44; Frances Bostwick, '45; Phyllis
Crawford, '45, and Sarah E. Hanby,
The Delta Tau Delta fraternity has
elected Boyd J. Smith, '43, vice-presi-
dent, Charles Yaeger, '45, correspond-
ing secretary, and James B. Mitchell,
'44, treasurer.

$ .40 per 15-word insertion for
one or two days. (In-
crease of 10c for each
additional 5 words.)
$1.00 per 15-word insertion for
3 or more days. (Increase
of $.25 for each additional
5 words.)
Contract Rates on Request
Our Want-Ad Department
will be happy to assist you in
composing your ad. Stop at the
Michigan Daily Business Of-
fice, 420 Maynard Street.
SMALL, blue-ticked Beagle Hound.
Female.bPhone after 6 p.m.5549.
FOUND: Lady's square gold wrist
watch. Call Jacqueline Zeile-
REVERSIBLE at P-Bell Friday, Oct.
30. Letter to my father in pocket.
Geo. Walsh, 2-3297.
§TARBUCK'S was hazy last Friday.
Your raincoat's too small. Let's
trade. Contact Jack, evenings,
LOST, black suede purse, vicinity
Hill and Tappan, Saturday night.
Reward. Gerry Herman, phone

residents-Alterations on women's
garments promptly done. Opposite
Stockwell. Phone 2-2678.
STUDENT, male, part time, three
hours. 1-3. Chester Roberts Gifts.
WANTED: Student porter to work
in exchange for meals. Call 3722,
Alpha Rho Chi, 608 E. Madison.
Dealers wanted.
selection in town. All imprinted
with your name. From 50 for $1.00
up. Craft Press, 305 Maynard St.
respectable young couple and in-
fant. Call Mr. Chapius; 4447. If
not in, please leave your number.
LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price.
DRIVING TO MIAMI in mid-Novem-
ber. Desire companion to do part
driving. No. 208 Michigan Union.
MIMEOGRAPHING-Thesis binding.
Brumfield and Brumfield, 308 S.
Driveway gravel, washed pebbles.
Killins Gravel Co., phone 7112.



Fur Favorite:


i i
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' 2950
Longtime investment . . . this tawny beauty in
the warmest and hardiest of furs. Fingertip
length. Narrow shawl collar. Convertible cuffs.
Make it your constant campus companion!



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