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October 31, 1942 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-10-31

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Fifty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular TUiversity year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or :otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights
of republication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions durng te regular school year by carrier
$4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Editorial Staff4
Homer Swander . . . Managing Editor
Morton Mintz . . .. Editorial Director
will Sapp . . . . - City Editor
George w. Sallade . . . . . Associate .Editor
Charles Thatcher . . . . . Associate Editor
Bernard Hendel . . . - . Sports Editor
Barbara deFries . * . . - Women's diator
My'n o Danri . . - Associate Sports Editor
Business Staff
Edward J. Perlberg . . Business Manaol
Fred M. Ginsberg . , Associate Business Manager
Mary Lou Curran , . Women's Business Manager
Jane Lindberg . . . Women's Advertising Manager
James Daniels . . . Publications Sales Analyst
Telephone 23-24-1
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
No Reason To Believe
Michener Will Improve
N A TIME when straight thinking in the Nation
is at a premium and when issues are so clear-
cut, it is hard to understand The Ann Arbor
News' advocacy of the reelection of Earl C. Mich-'
ener to Congress.
In a broad statement The News says: "On the
whole his record through 20 years of service has
been satisfying to a majority of his constituents,
even though they may have at times disagreed
with his stands upon individual issues."
Beat Mr. Michener is being judged not on
the basis of 20 years' service, but on the basis
of a short two years, the most crucial of the
whole two decades. And the individual issues
cover the most important legislation in the
Nation's history, the legislation that means life
or death to this country. .
How then, can The Ann Arbor News, equipped
as it is with all the facts, support Mr. Micheer?
THE ANSWER seems to be a lack of the realism
that is so universally needed at this time. It
seems to be a stolid preoccupation with dead is-
sues at a time when they have lost meaning. It
can be only for this reason that The News, while
critical of Mr. Michener's attitude toward all-
important military preparation, nevertheless ur-
ges that he be returned to Washington to con-
tinue his activity in what it terms the "wholesome
The News feels that Mr. Michener can be
trusted to represent the views of Washtenaw
County well in the future. But on the basis of
past experience can this possibly be expected?
In making the crucial decisions that will con-
front Congress during the remainder of the
war and when peace comes can Mr. Michener
be expected to vote any more intelligently for
the national interest than he did Guam's forti-

fication, conscription and lease-lend?
Apparently Mr. Michener believed that voting
against these measures would keep us out of war.
But as W. K. Kelsey wrote recently in his Com-
mentator column in the Detroit News:
A PECULIAR argument that when a conflagra-
tion is raging next door, the worst thing to do
is to take out fire insurance! But that was the
argument and excuse of the "Dunderheads," and
it was not because of anything they did, BUT IN
blow came at Pearl Harbor we had a huge Army
in the making, and that our arms and munitions
.industry was well advanced because we were
manufacturing under the lease-lend arrange-
It is worth wondering how the Ann Arbor 1
News can think this District should be repre-
sented in Congress by a man who could not c
interpret trends before the war, and probably
will be just as incapable of acting correctly in
the important post-war years.
-Henry Petersen


Constitutional Revision

ift AXE t91n4
LAST SUNDAY'S column was inaccurate in
quoting the statement of an English professor
in a novel course as having said that the novel
assumed validity only as it was scientific. After
I wrote the column I realized that was not true,
but it was too late. If it means anything, the pro-
fessor in question and myself are in complete
agreement on the particular point.
While we're on the subject of courses, I?
thought I might as well enumerate and attack
the numerous pipes on the campus. Wartime
is no time for pipes; the only justification for
a boy remaining here is that he study his damn
head off. So down the list-Hygiene 101, Phys-
ics 71-72, Soc. 54, Geology 11-12, Organic Evo-
lution (geology), and many others have a long
and venerable history as pipes in a sense of the
word. Either the grading is pathetically easy,
or there is little or no work involved in getting
a solid ';C."
BUT THE CATCH comes in when you consider
eliminating these courses from the curricu-
lum. Each of them can be valuable either in a
general education, or as a genuine counterpart
of a field of specialization. So how to make a
pipe over to work in with a global war.
First, seme of the courses listed above are
obviously useless now; these should be elimi-
nated. As for the others, either the grading
should be made much more rigorous, where
that is a fault, or else there should be sufficient
work given to mak the course meaningful
(and I do not mean suggested readings). If'
course grading is uniform throughout the uni-
versity, students will gravitate naturally to
their particular field of interest, and if every
course which does have meaning provides a
sufficiency of matter, then every natural field
of interest will be justifiable. And to colleges
at bay in a warring world, this is not a fantas-
tic course of action.
Fair Sex Kept Out Of
Army By Prejudice
in Friday's Daily that we should be ashamed
of our prejudice against races; th this only
breeds war. This is not the only prejudice we
have. There is still, although it is steadily de-
creasing, a prejudice against the "fairer sex"
which is not helping us to win this war.
The statement by Secretary of War Stimson
that twenty thousand more doctors are needed
in the Army, denotes a serious situation. The
fact that there are many women physicians
capable and eager to fill this need seems not to
If these women were granted commissions as
Army physicians the situation would be greatly
alleviated. They proved their worth in the last
war in which they performed the same duties
with the same degree of skill as men physi-
cians; yet they were on a lower status with
lower pay.
Right now, in this war, the women of Russia
are serving as doctors on the battlefront, and
even in England, American women physicians
have received commissions in the Army.
These women doctors are made of the stuff our

- t
}} qa'. li i. ,
Be Right_
A great deal of silliness lies behind us. We should
add it up, just to see. For instance, we have
learned this year that you cannot give the Army
all the men it wants, and still have enough for
factory and farm. Someone has to say "No!"
somewhere, even to the general staff.
That seems simple enough, but we actually did
not know it a year ago.
The Army has now had to send 4,000 soldiers
back on furlough to jobs in the copper, lead and
zinc mines. I'd call that a clearer sign that Amer-
ica is planning an offensive than even this sum-
mer's attack on the Solomons. It means we are
at last thinking in terms of what we must do to
beat the enemy, instead of in terms of fulfilling
an official recruitment program.
What Kind? For What Purpose?
President Roosevelt has said that we are giving
up the program of building 60,000 planes this
year, in favor of building a perhaps smaller num-
ber of planes, each of which, however, will be
carefully designed for some special use. Again,
this is more than a mere technical decision. It is
a profound change from defensive thinking to
offensive thinking. When you are on the defen-
sive, you want a lot of planes; it hardly matters
what kind, but more, more, more. When you
change to the offensive, you must know how
you intend to use your planes, and the emphasis
shifts at once from numbers to kind and quality.
Come to think of it, there was something a
shade child-like in our excitement over 60,000
airplanes last January. What sort of planes?
What size of planes? Planes to do what? No mat-
ter, it was a war of numbers, which we were going
to win comfortably in Detroit.
The President's new decision takes the war off
the work-bench and into the field. For the first
time, it subjects our war effort to the test of what
we have to do to the enemy, rather than to the
test of how many airplanes we produced last year.
We are beginning to fight Hitler, not 1941's fig-
As a trend-spotter, I should say that our em-
phasis is shifting from production to use, from
program to battle.
The decision against starting any new war
plants which can't be in production by the middle
of next year, is along that line. That, too, seems
to breathe the spirit of the offensive. It indicates
that someone, somewhere in the center of the
war effort, knows what is going to come, knows
what is going to be done.
If you are on the defensive, you never know;
you are compelled to build your statistical Magi-
not Line higher and higher, plus a horde of lesser
Maginots everywhere in the world that your
ships can reach. The most startling truth to come
out of this war is that you don't need nearly as
many men or as much goods for the offensive as
for the defensive. Hitler's production and man-
power shortcomings began to show up only when
he began to lose the initiative. He could always
economize on men and materials by picking the
battlefield that was best for him; as he loses
that power, his shortages will rise to haunt him.
A Program Is Not A War
We have learned some deep, hard and subtle
lessons since last winter. We have learned that
fulfilling a program may not be quite the same
thing as defeating the enemy. We seem to be

learning that the only way to relieve shortages
of materials and men is to have an offensive

WHEN Michigan voters go to the
polls Tuesday they will have an
opportunity to vote yes or no on
Proposal No. 1, which calls for the
election of a Constitutional Con-
vention to decide whether and how
the State Constitution should be
The present constitution is a
document written in 1908 for a
farming and lumbering state.
Though it has undergone piece-
meal amendment 36 times since, it
remains basically unchanged, and
basically unfit for the Vast indus-
trial region which Michigan is to-
The Michigan Constitutional Re-
vision Study Commission reported
after its recent investigation that
there are 68 instances in which
the constitution needs immediate
change, to increase the efficiency
and decrease the cost of govern-
The present constitution provides
(Drew Pearson today awards The
Washington. Merry-Go-Round plas-
tic ring to the grand old man of the
Senate, George Norris of Nebraska.)
WASHINGTON- Next Tuesday,
George Norris of Nebraska fights
a climactic battle. He may lose. The
odds are against him. But the odds
have been against him in every other
battle he has fought, and he has never
hesitated to give battle.
It was the same way when he
fought to smash the "Ohio Gang"
around Warren Harding; when he
pushed the bill to outlaw "yellow dog"
contracts, when he fought for passage
of the "lame-duck" amendment, and
when he battled the private power
interests to harness the Tennessee
Valley. The odds were always against
him. But the tougher the battle, the
harder he fought.
Senator Norris today is 81. And un-
til a few weeks ago he felt that he
was entitled to hang up his armor.
But friends in Nebraska and Wash-
ington, who hated to see one of the
nation's greatest liberals retire, urged
himsto run-though he faced enor-
mous handicaps. This time both Re-
publican and Democratic candidates
are opposing him. His name has to be
written in on the ticket.
So, facing these odds, Norris took
on what may be his last great battle.
IT WAS JUST twenty years ago that
the Senate broke into hilarious
laughter over an amendment relating
to the "lame-duck" session. Spon-
sored by the Farmers' Union of Ar-
kansas, the amendment provided.that
senators who had already been de-
feated, but were still seated, should
abstain from voting.
As a joke, the amendment was re-
ferred to the Agriculture Committee
because it was sponsored by farmers,
and because it dealt with "ducks."
But George Norris took hold of the
idea. He had often been struck by the
absurdity of holding a session com-
posed partly of men already defeated,
while newly elected members sat on
the sidelines for nearly half a year.
So Norris gave battle.
It took ten years to win this fight,
but "lame-duck" sessions are now a
thing of the past. President Roosevelt
was inaugurated for a second term
in January, 1937, instead of March 4,
the date set by the founding fathers
in the days when they had to travel
to the Capital by horse and buggy.

NORRIS' fight for public power was'
the same kind of uphill fight, over
the same ten-year period. It began in
1922, and ended only when the Roose-
velt administration established the
Tennessee Valley Authority. It was a
fight to prevent private companies-
particularly Henry Ford-from gain-
ing control of the vast river system
of the Tennessee Valley.
At one stage, the fight seemed
hopeless. "I expect to lose," Norris
said. "I am going on even though I
stand absolutely alone. I am going to
do the best I can, but I cannot last
Then he added, "They'll never
name a dam after me."
Today, Norris Dam in the Tennes-
see Valley is supplying power for
scores of war industries and has set
the standard for other government
power projects at Grand River, Bon-
neville, Grand Coulee-permanent
monuments to George Norris' bravery.
To win the fight, Norris was obliged
at times to flay both Democrats and
Republicans. Supporting the bill to
give the Muscle Shoals cofitract to
Henry Ford were President Coolidge,
Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoo-
ver, both of Alabama's Senators,
Oscar W. Underwood, and J. Thomas
Heflin, not to mention Joe Robinson
of Arkansas and Pat Harrison of Mis-
Norris wrapped them all up to-
crat~arirvrma f te nAfPih iirif lac

that the legislature reapportion
representation among the counties
and districts of the state on, the
basis of the lastUnited States cen-
sus. The legislature, dominated by
rural interests, has dohe so once
since 1908, in 1925 when it took full
advantage of the five=year-old cen-
sus figures. In the meantime the
population of the state has in-
creased by 1,660,000, almost en-
tirely urban. (The MDichigan State
Farm Bureau urges a "no" vote on
the proposal.)
As a result, four upper peninsula
counties with a combiied popula-
tion of 72,350 have one senator,
carrying the same weight as the
senator from Oakland and Wash-
tenaw counties with a population
of 334,878.
The legislature, as an indepen-
dent governmental branch, cannot
be made subject of a mandamus to
force reapportionment. This power
rightfully belongs to the Secretary
of State, who is answerable to the
Supreme Court, and for whom it
would be a mere clerical task.
MWOREO"VER, the salaries of the
state officials are keyed to the
1908 prices and standard of living.
The $5,000 salary allotment to the
governor, which is scarcely enough
to cover expenses, has resulted in a
grant to him of an additional
$5,000, contrary to the constitution.
A suggested figure of $15,000 com-
pares favorably with salaries in
other states,- where a residence is
usually provided the executive in
addition. The $2,500 allotted legis-
lators is obviously inadequate. It
is pointed out that higher salaries
would probably attract better q'ual-
ified men.
Another much needed reform
would permit counties to adopt the
charter form of government under
constitutional requirements similar

to those in effect in home-rule cit-
Lack of coordination between the
governor and other elected officials
under the complex machinery pro-
vided by our constitution has treat-
ed the public to the spectacle of a
governor hiring his own legal ad-
viser because his attorney-general
belongs to the opposite political
A LESS cumbersome legislature of
half its present size, annual
sessions appropriate to the needs of
modern government, and a uni-
cameral legislature as adopted suc-
cessfully in Nebraska are some of
the more liberal reforms which
might be considered for a revised
The present document makes no
recognition of the newly won rights
of labor, allows incarcerated felons
and the insane to vote, and makes
no provision for the graduated in-
onme tax. It would be a formidable
and even impossible task to carry
out all of these reforms one at a
time by amendment.
The chief objection to the pro-
posal is that it would be unwise to
undertake such a move in wartime.
This view, however, is overbalanced
by the contention that a govern-
ment unable to meet peacetime
problems efficiently would be even
less suitable in a post-war recon-
struction period. Moreover, people
at present are more concerned with
government matters than they have
been for years past.
IT SHOULD be remembered that,
even if a new constitution pro-
posed were unsatisfactory, final
ratification rests with the people.
Michigan Voters would certainly
have nothing to lose, and every-
thing to gain, by a majority yes
vote on the proposal to hold a state
Constitutional Convention.


SATU1ADAY, OCT. 31, 1942
VOt. ll No. 24
All notices for the Daily Official $ul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Faculty Tea: President and Mrs.
Ruthven will be at home to members
of the faculty and other townspeople
Sunday, November 1, from 4 to 6
o'clock. Cars may park in the re-
stricted zone on South University
between 4:00 and 6:30 p.m.
Members of the Faculty of the Uni-
versity are urged by the Department
of Journalism to assist in providing
accommodations for the visiting
newspapermen and women who will
be in Ann Arbor on Thursday, Friday,
and Saturday, Nov. 5, 6, and 7, in at-
tendance at the 25th annual meeting
of the University Press Club of Michi-
gan. Anyone who has accoanim -
tions for one or more persons for the
nights of Thursday and Friday, Nov.
5, and 6 is requested to write or tele-
phone such information to the De-
partment of Journalism, 213 Haven
Hall as soon as possible. It is sugges-
ted that a rate of $2.00 per night per
couple or $1.50 a night .for each per-
son be charged.
Seniors in Mechanical, Aeronauti-
cal & Metallurgical Engineering:
Ranger Aircraft Engines, Representa-
tive Mr. C. H. Harper, will interview
seniors of the above divisions on
Tuesday, November 3, in Room 214
West Engineering Building. Appoint-
ment for interview may be arranged
by signing the schedule on the Me-
chanical Engineering Bulletin Board
at Room 221 West Engineering Bldg.
January and May 1943 Graduates
In Aeronautical Engineering: Mr. D.
W. Lee of the National Advisory
Committee for Aeronautics, and a
member of the U.S. Civil Service
Commission, will interview men for
Junior Engineer positions in its lab-
oratories at Langley Field, Virginia,
Cleveland, Ohio, and Moffett Field,
California, on Tuesday, November 3,
in Room 3205 East Engineering
Building. Please sign the interview
schedule posted on the Aeronautical
Engineering Bulletin Board.
Senior Engineers in Aeronautical,
Mechanical, Civil, Chemical and
Metallurgical, Electrical, Industrial
Engineering, and Physics: Mr. B. G.
Andrews of Curtiss-Wright Corpora-
tion (all divisions) will interview men
graduating in January and May,
1943, on November 4 and 5, in Room
camouflage for getting private, con-
trol of public power.)
He added: "Five hearts that beat
as one, carrying the natural resources
of our country to tthe electric power
But despite this array against him,
Norris kept battling for eight more
years. In 1933 victory was his.
Norris got into the present race in

3205 East Engineering Building. Ap-
plication forms and descriptive ma-
terial may be obtained in Room B-47
East Engineering Building. Interested
students will please sign the inter-
view schedule posted on the Aero-
nautical Engineering Bulletin Board.
The University Bureau of Apjpoint-
ments has received notice of the fol-
lowing Civil Service Examinations:
Baltimore, Maryland-Statistician
(open to State Roads Commission
employes only) ; $3200; Oct. 31, 1942.
City of Detroit:
Technical Aid: Business Adminis-
tration, Medical Science, Social Sci-
ences, Public Administration, Psy-
chology, Mathematics & Statistics;
20 to 30 age limit; male and female;
$1716 per year; until , further notice.
Housing Manager (Male); Nov. 17,
1942; $2706 to $4800 per year.
Jr. Engineering Aid (Male); until
further notice; $1914 per year.,
Jr. Typist (Female); Nov. 2, 1942;
$1320 per year.
Boiler Operator (Low Pressure)
(Male); Nov. 2, 1942; $1.00 to $1.05
per hr.
Posting Machine Operator (Fe-
male); Nov. 6, 1942; $1716 per year.
Further information may be had
from the notices which are oan file
in the office of the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 201 Mason Hall, office
hours 9-12 and 2-4.
Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information
The Atlantic Refinling Company
representatives will be at the Bureau
of Appointments on Monday and
Tuesday, November 2 and 3, to inter-
view the following:
Chemical engineers and chemists.
There are positions available for per-
sons with bachelor's, master's or doc-
tor's degrees. There are a few open-
ings for Juniors also.
Call Ext. 371 for appointments.
Interviews will be scheduled at fif-
teen-minute intervals.
Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information
201 Mason Hall
Academic Notices
Preliminary Ph.D. Examinations in
Economics: Students qualified to
write these examinations and wish-
ing to do so this fall should leave
their names in the Department Of-
fice; 106 Economics Bldg., by No-
vember 3.
Shorthand and Typewriting Classes
for University students are being or-
ganized for the current year under
the auspices of the University War
Board. The classes will begin on No-
vember 3, and will be offered on a
non-credit basis. A small fee will be
charged which will be refunded upon
completion of the course. Registra-
tions are now being received at the
University High School office.
Shorthand, 2021 UHS, 1:00 TWThF.
Typewriting, 2022 UHS, 4:00-5:30,
TTh. Section 1
Typewriting, 2022 UHS, 4:00-5:30,
WF. Section 2
(Fee for typewriting, $3.50; for
typewriting and shorthand, $5.00)

Pappy Plays Politics'
With 18-19 Draft Bill
pAPPY O'DANIELS has just decided to pass
out the biscuits to a million doting parents
with his amendment to the 18-19 draft bill keep-
ing our "Boys" in America for a year of training
before they are shipped overseas. Pappy is also
passing a dirty deal to our General Staff, in as-
suming that they are not competent to deal with
the question of training incoming draftees.
Pa nei f*bx,. +fAih qtrah1i that in the v rv


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