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October 31, 1942 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-10-31

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Moderate Showers

Marines Retain Solomons Area; Jap Fleet R


* *

* * *

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9 * *


Face Once-Beaten Illini




U. S. Pilots



Campus Scrap-Hunters
Get 42 Tons Of Salvage



American Fighters Lauded
By Middle East Chief ;
Have 22-2_Victory Ratio
British Offensive
Gains On Desert
By The Associated Press
CAIRO, Oct. 30.-American pilots
have shot down 22 enemy planes and
lost but two in the renewed Allied.of-
fensive in the western Egyptian des-
In just five days, the United States
desert task force has destroyed 14
Messerschmitt 109's, four Macchi
202's and four Fiat CR42s.
Many thought the Americans
might be too green for the more ex-
perienced German and Italian fliers.
22-2 Victory Ratio
This idea, however, has been dis-
pelled swiftly by:22-2hvictory ratio
and today the chief of the U.S.
Fighter Command in the Middle East,
Brig.-Gen. A. C. Strickland, said this
of his boys:
. "They, have ,the stuff. They know
the advantages and limitations of the
airplanes they fly. They don't try to
fight Messershmtts at the altitudes
where. the Messerschmitts are super-
ior,, but lure them down to our best
altitude and fly rings inside them
and shoot them to pieces."
General Praises Valor
Genera.Strlckland said ,the Ameri-
can successes in support of the Brit-
ish, South African and Australian
pits was due' to "courage, adapts-"
blity and flying technique. d ,
lieut. Lyman Middleditch of High-
lands, N.J., who ran his string to
four with three victories in a single
combat, is the leading American pilot
in the desert. It took him three years
to pass the stiff medical examination
and 'get into the Air Corps.
British Infantry Seizes
More Desert Battleground
CAIRO, Oct. 30.-()-Infantry of
the British Eighth Army was credited
'officially today with seizure of ad-
ditional desert battleground at the
end of a week of Allied offensive,
while small battle groups of British
and Axis tanks fought sharp local
&btill there was no real test of the
opposing armor,, although the enemy
ws known to have deployed as many
as 200 tanks in various formations,
"apping in" at several points along
the Allied front and firing at long
British tank crews took quick ad-
vntage of the proximity of these
Panzers and, as the result, one day's
losses for the Germans ran into dou-
ble figures. One corporal tank gun-
ner scored eight hits on enemy tanks.
Higins Gets
Contract For
WASHINGTON, Oct. 30.-- (F')-
Andrew J. Higgins disclosed today
that he had obtained a contract to
build 1,200 Army cargo planes in the
New Orleans shipyard where he was
to have built the 200 freighters whose
cancellation last July caused a wide
At the time the Maritime Commis-
sion cancelled the liberty ship con-
tract on the ground of insufficient
steel supplies, Higgins said his ship-
yard was designed to construct flying
boats as well as freighters.
The type of planes to be built under
the Army contract was not disclosed
except that they would be large and
of a type already in production. This
ap1eared to rule out participation by
Higgins, at least for the present, in
the project of Henry J. Kaiser, west

coast shipbuilder, to construct a new
type of cargo plane larger than those

The pranks of play-minded fresh-
men forced the,Manpower Corps to
tear down its scrap-o-meter-but the
campus scrap hunters still turned in
the best day's work of the huge cam-
paign yesterday.
Edward Pardon, head of the Uni-
versity Building and Grounds depart-
ment, reported that 42 tons of iron,
copper, brass, zinc and aluminum
have already been salvaged from Uni-
versity scrap piles.
Yesterday 20 members of the
NROTC and 20 students from the
East Quadrangle smashed tin cans at
the University dump, tore open fat
cushions and removed copper from
boxes all afternoon.
NROTC Enthusiastic
The NROTC men complained af-
terwards tat "they didn't get a chane;
to warm up" and enthusiastically
promised "to come back whenever the
Manpower Corps wants us."
Meanwhile, returns from the scrap
campaign revealed hat the fratni-
ties are by far the best job on campus
of piling up the scrap. Sororities, dor-
mitories, co-op houses,. and rooming
houses haven't started to roll yet and
the drive is fast drawing to a close.
Lambda Chi Sur Winner
Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity looks
like a sure winner in the fraternity
bracket, Dick Dick, Manpower scrap
man, said last night after a personal
survey of the local scene.' -
Lambda Chi has rented trailers to
bring in the scrap from outying
farms and has the largest pile on
ci011pus 'to date.
But the Betas haven't given up yet.
They've carried all of the dilapidated
beds and cuspidors they could find
War Work Survey
Shows Lax Attitude
University student are not doing
,enough war work, according to an
overwhelmingly large share of the
answers in the recent campus poll
conducted by two sociology classes.
More than half of the 269 engi-
neers polled answered the question,
"Are Michigan students doing too
much, too little, or the right
amount of war work," with the
statement that the campus war ef-
fort is not great enough.
Of the answers from the engi-
neers, 150 said that we were doing
too little war work,13 that we were
doing too much, 61 that we were
doing the right amount of work
and 20 expressed no opinion.
Of the 233 men in the literary
school who were questioned, 140
thought we should increase our ef-
forts, 8 thought that less war work
would be better, 49 thought we
were putting in as much time as'we
should on war projects, and 36 had
no opinion.
Of the 230 women in the literary
school who were polled, 147 thought,
that we should devote more time to
war work, 2 thought we should
spend less time on war projects, 61
thought our effort to date has
been all right, and 20 had no

and have stacked them on the front
Another serious contender is the
Theta Delta Chi boys who yesterday
canvassed the neighborhood for iron1
fences. They found plenty-and car-
ried them by hand to the growing
scrap pile beside their front door.
Manpower head Marv Borman
pointedout last night that there is
still plenty of time for some dark
horses "to win this race yet" and
urged faster work on the part of
dorms, co-ops and rooming houses in
order to fill the prescribed quotas.
Tornado Rips
Ozark Town;
28 Are Killed
BERRYVILLE, Ark., Oct. 30.-(P)-
Rescue workers, methodically search-
ing ruins left by a devastating tor-
nado that ripped through this Ozark
mountain town, counted 28 known
dead tonight and estimated the in-
jured at 200.
The storm struck about 10 p. m.,
last night, levelling business houses
and homes in a half-mile wide path
through the northern and western
sections of the town, one of the -oldest
coinmunities in the Ozark region of
northwestern Arkansas.
More than 200 homes were de-
stroyed or damaged. Although nearly
every' business house was damaged,
most of them, including three drug
stores were able to open for business.
The town's population is 1,485.
Shortly, after the tornado roared
through the community, doctors and
nurses hurried here from Harrison
and Eureka Springs to aid the- town's
three doctors in caring for the in-
jured. Berryville was without hospital
facilities and many of the more ser-
iously hurt were taken to neighbor-
ing communities.
Later, emergency hospitals were set
up in the city hall, court house and
Methodist Church.
Russia Will Get
Ford Tire Plant
WASHINGTON, Oct. 30. - () -
William M. Jeffers, the government's
rubber director, disclosed today that
the tire manufacturing plant with
which Henry Ford once sought to
make his Ford Motor Co. a completely
self-contained industry would be dis-
mantled and shipped to Russia.
Officials said the transaction had
nothing to do with efforts to obtain
from Russia secrets of synthetic rub-
ber manufacture, but was in fulfill-
ment of a long-standing lend-lease
Cost of the plant and methods of
shipment were not disclosed. Jeffers
would say only that the cooperation
of the company in making available
its equipment, unused for some time,
would make it possible to fulfill the
commitment to Russia, "now, instead
of months from now."

Varsity Must
Win To Stay
In Title Race
Expect Crowd Of 30,000
To See Franks, Agase
Match Guard Prowess
Robinson, Wiese
Doubtful Starters
Daily Sports Editor
Twice-defeated Michigan will try
to regain its victory spark against
the wonder team of the Western Con-
ference, Illinois, in Michigan Stadium
Kickoff time is 3 p.m. and a crowd
of 30,000 fans is expected to witness
the Wolverines make their bid to' re-
main a contender for Conference
championship honors. A loss today
would remove virtually every hope
for the elusive title that Michigan
hasn't been able to garner since 1932.
Michigan Twice Defeated'
Beaten by the Iowa Seahawks and
Minnesota, Michigan sports 4 id-
season record of three victories and
two defeats. If Illinois should ,win
today, it will likely mean-the end .of'
the glory trail for what seemed to be
one of the greatest Wolverine teams
in history.
The Illini, bolstered by a season
high-water mark of four wins against
only one setback, invade. the Wol-
verine lair with what is admittedly
their best squad since 1934. Only
Notre Dame has been able to van-
quish' the upsurging"Iidians, and it
took the Irish until the final minutes
of a bitterly-fought battle last week
to eke out a one touchdown victory.
Under its new head coach, Ray El-
iot, Illinois boasts of an undefeated
Conference record. Before Notre

Vital Cogs In Today's.Tough Grid Battle



Pictured above are two of the opposing gridders in today's 28th
renewal of Michigan-Illinois hostilities. Julie Franks, outstanding Wol-
verine, guard, will be booming for All-Amercan honors, and lined up
opposite him will be Alex Agase, his most dangerous contender from the
Midwest. Myron Pfeifer, Illinois star, was the regular Illini fullback
last fall but has been shifted over to quarterback for this game olly
in the, place of the injured Ray Florek.

Dame stopped them, the Illini had
turned' back four opponents on suc-
cessive Saturdays, with their sweet-
est triumph being, a 20-13 decision
over the Golden Gophers of Minne-
Yet, the true ability of this Illinois
team is shrouded in mystery. Its sea-
son recorsi entitles it to an even
money chance'today, and it wilf enter
the game with the backing of more
than one expert- for the first time in
almost a decade. Th e Illini whipped
Minnesota, but Gopher partisans say
it was because Minnesota wasn't at
full strength after its grueling but
losing fight with the Seahawks the
week previous.
'In the Notre Dame struggle, the

surprising nlini held a 14-7 halftime
lead but their line couldn't stand up
to the furious last' half assaults of
the 'South Bend machine. There are
those who claim, however, that they
pressed the Irish so closely only be-
cause Notre Dame had exhausted it-
self while beating the Seahawks the
week before. '
Three years ago, Illinois provided
the major upset of the football whirl
when it walloped an undefeated
Michigan team by the score of 16-7.
The last two years Michigan has paid
back that loss with interest, battering
helpless Indian elevens to the tune
Turn To Page 3, Col. 4

Excise Taxes
To Be Passed
To Consumer
Smokers Will Pay More
For Cigarettes, Cigars.
BeginningNext Month
WASHINGTON, Oct. 30.- (P)-
Cigarettes and cigars will cost the
consumer more beginning November
1 to absorb new federal excise taxes,
the Office of Price Administration
announced today.
OPA announced that the new taxes
on cigarettes and cigars, as well as
beer, wines, liquors and camera films,
would be passed on to the consumer.
In the case of cigarettes, the new
excise tax will add V2 cent a package
to the price smokers will pay. If the
customer buys only one pack at a
time, he will pay an additional cent,
but the retailer must allow a customer
to buy two packs at a time to make
the tax come out even.
OPA said it shortly would issue a
new regulation on cigars which would
result in an increase to the consumer
of about 20 per cent.

'Paper Output
To Be Frozen
WASHINGTON, Oct. 30.-- (IP)-
Concerted action by the United States
and Canadian governments today
froze output of paper, paperboard
and newsprint at the average produc-
tion rate of the past six months, a
move preliminary. to an international
concentration of production.
The' freeze, meant a 5.15 per cent
reduction under the present domestic
rate of newsprint output, a WPB
spokesman estimated, and a cutof
something over 6 per cent in Canada,
source of three-fourths of the news-
print used by United States newspa-
For the American paper industry as
a whole, the stabilization jells pro-
duction at about 87 per cent of the-
oretical capacity, trade sources in
Washington said. Canadian output of
newsprint, however, has been running
at only, about 65 per cent capacity.
Cavporting Badger
Students Arrested
MADISON, Wis., Oct. 30.- (A')-
Twenty-six persons, many of them
University of Wisconsin students,
were taken into custody by police
tonight following a homecoming
demonstration which veteran offi-
cers described as the wildest in
many years.
Those arrested were charged with
disorderly conduct and malicious
destruction of property, according
to police.
Officers said they laid down 33
tear gas barrages in vain attempts
to disperse the celebrants who
marched from the lower University
campus up to the capitol square.
"This was the most unreasonable
mob I can recall in the last seven
years," said Police Lieut. T. R. Hau-
gen. "And, what's more unusual,
there seemed to be more University
students involved than in previous

U.S. Holds
Vital Base
in Pacific
Enemies' Drive To Wrest
Guadalcanal Airfield
From Americans Fails
Second Allied Air
Assault Reported
WASHINGTON, Oct. 30.- ()-
With pride in his voice, Navy Secre-
tary Knox declared today that the
Japanese fleet has "retired from the
scene". of the Solomons battle and
that the first round of the struggle
has' ended with American forces on
Guadalcanal "occupying evercy inch
ofx ground we ever controlled"
Som" e of the ,apanese warships,
which nave been supporting the foe's,
alloikt, drive to wrest the vital airfield
pn Quadalcanal' from American Ma-
rines and Army troops, have gone
ba~k t,their bases, Knox said. He did
not.'divlge where the others have
gone:,. ,.
"We are in as complete control of
the, sitiation in Guadalcanal as we
ever ,have been," he said at a press
I§iscourages Optimism
Knox stressed, however, that he did
not Want to disseminate too much
optimism. It was obvious that despite
the withdrawal of Japanese warships,
there was no telling when they might
be back to support a renewed drive. In
view,. Of this 'uncertainty, the task of
supplying the'" fighting troops on
Guadalcanal was a problem still re-
celVtng major attention in unofficial
discusiions here.
After warning against over-opti-
mism, Knox added:
"Bnt I do have a great feeling of
pride Iii the way our men have met
the onslaught in the TulagiGuadal:
canal area and the skill with which
these 'orces have been handled. They
have' done a superb job."
Before Knox spoke, the Navy de-
partnient disclosed that American de-
fenders of Guadalcanal had destroyed
17 Japanese tanks since the foe began
his lig push. The communique also
revealed that swift American torpedo
boats scored a hit on a Japanese de-
stroyer trying to land reinforcements
or A40ppies on the island. The de-
stroyer was "stopped when last seen."
Army-Navy Cooperation
Knox supported Secretary of War
Stinison's previous assertion that
there is complete cooperation between
the Army and Navy in the Solomons
" ewant to say, quite as emphati-
cally as I can," Knox asserted, "that
the Army in every possible way is
To back up that statement, he quo-
ted' a remark by Undersecretary of
the Navy James V. Forrestal-The
closer 'to the front you get the closer
the cooperation becomes."
"The Army air arm," he said, "is
carrying on a vigorous offensive
against the enemy."
Allied Air Raids Damage
Ships Near Bougainville
By The Associated Press
MACARTHUR, Australia, Oct. 31.
(Sat.)-' ('P)- Allied bombers prob-
ably damaged ' a Japanese aircraft
carrier, scored two hits on a warship
described as either a cruiser or a
battleship, probably damaged still an-
other cruiser and left an unidentified
ship ablaze in a raid on Buin, the high
command announced today.

The raid was the second in as many
days on the Japanese held harbor on
the southern tip of Bougainville Is-
land in the northern Solomons. Itwas
by far the most damaging aerial blow
announced recently in attempts to
checkmate an all-out assault of the
Japanese on Guadalcanal to the
southeast of Buin.
Allied medium and heavy bombers
delivered three attacks last night on
shipping concentrations at Buin.
"The first wave of heavy bombers
scored two hits on a heavy cruiser or
battleship," the communique said.

Soviet Troops
T1 . 1
Thrown Back
In Caucasians
Defenders Of Georgian
Pass Withdraw Again
Under Nazi Pressure
MOSCOW, Oct. 31. (Saturday)--
(P)- Russian troops defending the1
approaches to the Georgian militaryj
pass through the Caucasus Mountains
have been forced to retreat again m
the Nalchik area, but the Red Army1
defending Stalingrad killed 1,100
more Nazis in a successful stand yes-
terday in the ruins of that Volga
River city.
The midnight Soviet communique
stressed the numerical superiority: of
the enemy forces attacking on the
Nalchik plains toward Ordzhonikidze,
gateway to the high snow-banked
military pass. It was the third con-
secutive Russian retreat there.
German Forces Shift,
Dispatches said a formidable mass
of German forces, including a bomb-
ing squadron shifted from Stalingrad,
was employed in the plateau area
leading upward into the Caucasus
Mountain range.
Before retreating to a new defense
line, the Russians said, their troops
exterminated one Nazi infantry com-
pany and disabled two tanks.
In the west along the Black Sea
coast the Russians reported the Red
Army had "advanced slowly" after a
two-day exhausting fight in which
1,100 Axis troops were slain northeast
of Tuapse. The Germans now have
gone over to the defense in this area,
the communique said.
Inside Stalingrad,
Inside Stalingrad the Red Army
was said to have destroyed or disabled
eight Nazi tanks, 14 mortar and artil-'
lery batteries and 18 planes in addi-
tion to killing 1,100 Germans. No fur-

Nation-Wide Registration OfWomen
For War Work Is Considered By FDR

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Oct. 30.- The
government is considering a nation-
wide registration of women, President
Roosevelt disclosed today, to locate
those who could work in war plants
and learn what jobs they could do.
The registration, as outlined by the
President at his press conference,
would require all women to answer a
set of questions about themselves but
would not compel them to take a par-
ticular job. It would give the govern-
ment information about the country's
womanhood like that obtained on

subcommittee during the day that a
census be taken of women 18 to 65
to list their experience and training,
saying that "we must look to the
homemakers" to man the industrial
Green and Philip Murray, president
October Gargoyle Gone
In Unprecedented Sale
"We're all sold out," the Garg staff
is announcing proudly today.

of the CIO, opposed any legislation to
draft workers or to freeze them in
their jobs and called instead for bet-
ter coordination of the various agen-
cies dealing with manpower to elimi-
nate confusion.
Earlier Murray had recommended
unification of federal functions under
a "conference committee of the na-
No Decision Yet
Mr. Roosevelt reported that nation-
al service legislation was still in the

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