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October 29, 1942 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-10-29

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THURSDAY, OCT.29, 1942



Will Probably Face Illini Saturday



. _

The Cracker Barrel
By Mike Dann


There was one school in the Big
Ten that didn't have much sympathy
for Michigan in the recent contro-
versy over Bill Garnaas' dropkick.
That school was Wisconsin.
And here's the reason why. Back
in 1923 the Wolverines, captained
by Harry Kipke, were well on their
way to the Conference Crown. They
had had three games on their
schedule left, one of which was
against a very average Badger
The Wisconsin team was pointing
for their clash with the Maize and
Blue, and because of this, there was
much interest in the contest.
Late in the game with Wisconsin
ahead 3-0, Michigan's quarterback,
Tod Rockwell, made a line plunge. A
referee's whistle blew, and the Badg-
ers relaxed but Rockwell continued
on his merry way across the goal line
for' Michigan.
The excited Wisconsin crew
crowded around the officials and
pointed out the play was dead when
the whistle blew, but the officials
insisted that pit was blown by mis-
The final ..score read Michigan 6
Wisconsin 3, and that's the way its on
the record books today.
A LETTER was brought to our at-
, tention yesterday from Karl Wis-
ner, crack Michigan two-miler in
1938, 39, 40.Karl had many friends on
the campus but whether one knows
. 'MAKE.
203 E. Liberty Phone 2-2973

him or not, his letter carries a message
that all of us will be interested in, so
I am taking the liberty of reprinting
it below.
By this time you have given me
up for lost but I'm very much alive
and in good health. I am at present
on Guadalcanal
Island of the Sol-
omon Isles group.
We captured it
from the Japs on
Aug. 7 and have
been here ever
.i '';<:::{J f~ :: since. I've been
away from the
States for about
four months now
. and it seems like
a year. - (cen-
sored) on the way
here and found it
Wisner, to be quite the
place, but I'll take America any day.
I wish I might tell you something
of the fighting here but since I
cannot, I can only advise that you
read the newspapers and believe
them as most of the accounts are
true. If and when I get home, I'll
journey to Ann Arbor and tell my
Now that school has started and
rushing is in progress you have your
hands full. I trust some of the old
crew is still around and you do not
have too many new track men to
break in. I think many times of the
good times we used to have, but my
job is here at the present.
Things are not too unpleasant
here and are looking up. Right will
win out in the end and since our
cause is right we are sure to come
out on top.
As ever,
THE only horse race this year that
everybody could pick the winner
was held yesterday at Baltimore, Md.
The race, the famous $10,000 Pimlico
Special, had as its lone entry, Whirl-
The race was to have been run as
the feature of the Maryland Jockey
Club's opening program, but be-
camea one horse affair when Alsab
was withdrawn. Jockey G"--ie
Woolf had merely to trot Whirly
around the track and collect the
$10,000 bucks.
FRANK LEAHY, Notre Dame's well
known football coach, was released
from Mayo Clinic yesterday and will
arrive at his home in South Bend
sometime today.
Leahy has been in the Mayo Cli-
nic for over two weeks, and for some
time it was thought that he might
have to give up his coaching duties
for the season, but a rapid recovery
from spinal arthritis will have him
on the Irish bench for the Navy
game this week-end.

Star Fullback
Favors Ankle
In Scrimmage
Tom Kuzma, Paul White
Rating High In Big Ten
Scoring,_Rushing Race
Things looked a little brighter yes-
terday in the Michigan grid camp.
Fullback Bob Wiese scrimmaged for1
the first time since he injured his
ankle in the Northwestern game a
week ago last Saturday.
Although he was only in briefly!
against the freshmen who ran
through Illinois plays, he displayed a
partial return of his old form, signi-
fying that he will probably be ready
to go against the Illini Saturday.'
Wiese still hadI to favor his taped
ankle which slowed him up a good
deal and afterwards he indicated that
there was a little soreness present.
Well Stocked In Subs
Wiese has carried the brunt of the
fullback duties so far, but his substi-
tutes are probably the most capable
on the team. Don Lund and Don Boor
fortify the fullback position so well
that even if Wiese can see only limited
service Saturday, Fritz Crisler should
have little to worry about on that
Statistics on Western Conference
football games show that the Wolve-
rines are right up at the top as usual.
Tom Kuzma is tied for third in the
race for high scorer, while Paul
"Whizzer" White has the second best
rushing average.
The Gary Flash has scored three
touchdowns (two of them last week
against Minnesota) for an eighteen
point total. Gene Fekete and Paul
Sarringhaus from Ohio State were
ahead of Kuzma, but both of the
Buckeyes have played in three ganes
while Tom has been in only two.
Fekete is way out in front with 41
points; Sarringhaus has 24 to his
Strong On Rushes
Paul White's 5.9 yards per try is
second only to Sarringhaus' rushing
average of 6.5. The "Whizzer" has
carried the ball 17 times for a net
gain of 101 yards A great deal of
White's success must be accredited to
the fact that his style of play fits
right into the "man in motion" plays
that have worked so successfully this
Saturday's game with the Orange
and Blue should produce one of the
best home contests thi season. With
the exception of Dick Good, Ray
Eliot's sensational passer, who is out
because of a twisted knee, the Illini
should be at full strength. Michigan,
too, will be intact except that Don
Robinson's playing is doubtful at the
present time.
Illini 'Iron Man Line
An amazing coincidence connected
with this week's tilt is that Illinois has
probably the only line in the country
that can challenge Michigan's "Seven
Oak Posts" in the number of minutes
played per game. Five of these line-
men played the entire game against
the Golden Gophers, a feat surpassed
only by our own forward wall.

So far this season one man seems
to have a corner on the title of
"Coach of the Year" for 1942. Satur-
day that man, who. is the newest
addition to the gridiron wizards, will
lead his strong-willed, fighting foot-
ball aggregation into Ann Arbor.
He is Coach Ray Eliot of the Uni-
versity of Illinois. Under his direc-
tion and guiding instruction, the
Fightin' Illini have come up witli a
powerful eleven that is feared by any
team it meets. Last Saturday Eliot's
crew received its first defeat when
it was downed, 21 to 14, by the Irish
from Notre Dame. Previously they
had beaten South Dakota, Butler,
Minnesota and Iowa. Already it is
one of the best records turned in by
a football team from Champaign in
recent years. In 1941 they were able,
to squeeze out only two victories,
those being over weak opponents.
Players Speak For Eliot
After 29 years under old "Zup,"
Bob Zuppke, the last of which pro-
duced impotent grid machines, the
administrative officials of Illinois
found that they were in the market
for a new football coach. Several
names were mentioned, but Eliot's
wasn't among them. Then some of
the members of the team went to bat
for the man that was assistant under
Zuppke. The Illini officials listened
to the players' pleas and then gave
their answer. If the players wanted
him, then he was the man for the
job. They named Eliot to take over
the reins of the Champaign squad.
Works On Defense
And what a job the new coach has
done for Illinois. He has proved that
the team was right in asking the
administration to appoint him to the
position. All last spring Eliot worked
the Illini on defense and in that time
he build up a powerful line that is
second only to the iron-clad forward
wall of Michigan. To date it has un-
willingly yielded only 85 yards per
game while the Wolverine's "Seven
Oak Posts" have been beaten back
84.8 yards.
In considering the total defensive
power of teams in the Midwest, fll-
nois leads all the major teams. They
Georgia-Alabama Battle
Will Test All-Americans
ATLANTA, Oct. 28.- (A')Are you
looking for a pre-view 'of this' yea''s
All-America football lineup? Then
try the Georgia-Alabama game here
Even if the game didn't match two
unbeaten, untied bowl teams --it
would have been a crowd-puller with
Frankie Sinkwich. The flat-footed
fireball, sole holdover from last year's
All-America backfield, is hotter than
tobasco this season as the nation's
leading ground gainer.
Sure to be weighed in final All-
America selections is Alabamia's
brawny captain, Joe Domnanovich, a
standout candidate for center. An-
other is Don Whitmire, Alabama's
bear-like candidate for All-America

Ray Eliot, Illini Wonder Coach,
Has Great Team In First Year


have given a meager 131.6 yards per
contest. Michigan has given their
opponents 213 yards, the difference
being that the Illini combine a near-
perfect aerial defense with a great
When Coach Eliot drops into Ann
Arbor this Saturday to renew the
traditionally hard-fought battles that
have been played between Michigan
and Illinois in the past, he will have
his eleven primed to upset the apple-
card for Coach Fritz Crisler.
Griffin Leads Scorers
Eliot has more than a great de-
fensive squad. He has shown that
on past Saturdays as his star backs,
Capt. Jimmy Smith, Don Griffin and
Walt Correll have romped through
the opposition for DlentsT of scores.
Griffin ranks third in the midwest
in points scored with five touchdowns
and one conversion for a total of 31
U. of M. golf course will close for
the season Sunday, Nov. 1. Those
persons who have clubs in the
lockers at the links are requested
to remove them before above date.
11. T. Rogus, Manager


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Arrows are the ruling favorite. ;Because (a) they
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Come in arid get yourself
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Another suggestion: perfect-
knotting, long-wearing Arrow
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Midwest Gridiron Angles

Orange Short Of Reserves
CHAMPAIGN, Ill., Oct. 28.-(A")-
With injuries likely to keep Ray Flo-
rek and-Tony Butkovich, Illinois reg-
ular backs, sidelined at Michigan
Saturday, Coach Ray Eliot combed
his squad for reserves today.
Myron Pfeifer will take over Flo-
rek's position and Roy Hoppe, a con-
verted lineman, was moved to second
string quarterback. Don Peterson, a
sophomore, was moved to second
string fullback and will fill in for
Capt. Jimmy Smith who alternated
with Butkovich.
Daley On Sidelines
MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 28. - (P) -
With Bill Daley still on the sidelines,
Herman Frickey took over at left
halfback again today as the Minne-
sota team continued to polish its
passing attack for Northwestern.
The Gophers, indicating they may
be planning to combat Northwestern
with its own weapon, drilled on both
long and short passes with Frickey
and Joe Silovich doing most of the

tossing. Dick Luckemeyer also took
his turn and rifled several left-hand-
ed passes to quarterback Bob Sand-
Bob Solheim replaced Don Nolan-
der at center on the first eleven,
while John Perko, Cliff Anderson and
Bill Baumgartner still held their
newly won first team spots.
Bucks Prime For Badgers
COLUMBUS, O., Oct. 28. -(. )-
Ohio State's Buckeyes sharpened
their aerial game today in prepara-
tion for Saturday's football tilt with
The unbeaten Bucks concentrated
on plays designed especially for their
clash with the undefeated Badgers,
then drilled intensively on defense
against the varied Wisconsin attack.
Keep A Head of Your Hair
We'll keep you looking well too.
Ask any of the B.M.O.C 's. Ton-
sorial queries invited.
Between State and Mich Theatre

Fekete, fb, OSU .....3
Sarringh'us, hb, OSU .3
Kuzma, hb, Mich.....2
Hillenbr'nd, hb, Ind. .2
Agase, g, Ill. ........2
Cowan, hb, Ind. .....2
Daley, hb, Minn. ....2


5 41
a 24
0 18
1 13
0 12
0 12
0 12


Griffin, hb, Ili.......2 2 0 12
Vodick, hb, N'west'n ..3 2 0 12
White, hb, Mich.......2 2 0 .12
*G-Games; T-Touchdowns;
PA - Points After Touchdown;
TP-Total Points.
E think it is. For
that's the percerht-
age of college lieu. Who
prefer Arrow Shirts to
all others. That's some
figure ! Come in and get
i cm f Agcm A;"..r


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