Light Rain
Gopher Field Goal Beats Michigan
* *. *
* * *
* * *
All-Campus Scrap
* * *
To Ope
~~* * *
'n omorrow
Minnesota Holds
Corps Set
For Work
Houses To Join Salvage
Contest; Pennants Will
Be Given To Winners
Junk Collection Day
Is Set For Nov. 3
Hustling campus coeds will climb
into Oshkosh overalls and PEM-con-
ditioned University of Michigan males
will give toughened arm muscles a
chance to do some real work for
Vncle Sam tomorrow when an all-out
This Is What
Will Win War
Get out your girdle, baby. This
is war.
The Manpower Corps is going to
concentrate on collecting metal and
rubber. Forget paper for the time
being and hang on to your fat
supplies, These two items will be
gathered later.
Golf clubs, old rifles, radiators,
wash-pails. and lawn mowers are
among the things that are wanted.
Toss in allyour old typewriters
and metal ashtrays. Dig all the
beer-cans out of the wastebasket
-and if the wastebasket leaks,
throw it into the scrap-pile too.
Keys, clocks, scissors, flat-irons,
bath-tubs, license plates, key-
chains and don't forget the kitchen
Bicycles, tricycles and wagons
which, have plenty of metal in
One flat-iron equals two steel
helmets or 30 hand grenades.
One electric iron has enough
metal for five 37 mm. anti-aircraft
An old wood or coal kitchen stove
will yield ten four-inch shells and
ten stoves will make a scout car.
One old set of golf clubs can be
converted into a 30-calibre ma-
A refrigerator by itself can be
over-hauled to come up with 12
45-calibre sub-machineguns.
Everything and anything can be
used for something.
scrap and salvage drive directed by
the Manpower Corps starts rolling.
The drive will last for one week.
And the poject-most gigantic
ever attempted by students in the his-
Turn To Page 2, Col. 3
Silence Maintained
By OPA On Tea,
WASHINGTON, Oct. 24.- ()-
While maintaining silence as to pros-
pects of coffee rationing, the Office
of Price Administration announced
tonight that sample copies of its new
universal ration book were off the
Mass printing of 150,000,000 copies
of the ingeniously prepared books,
designed to handle any ration pro-
gram which arises, will start in a few
days on "almost all the printing pres-
ses in the United States capable of
turning out the books."
War Ration Book Number Two will
be in the hands of the public, OPA
We're Sorry ... Censor Trouble
We're sorry-but Hoe Seltzer's action feature about his experi-
ences on the high seas this summer can't run today. "Life On A Con-
voy" contained such sensational information about ship losses that
we thought we'd better send it to Detroit for a quick check-up.
And high Navy officials there are still thinking about it. They
promised to have it back to us by press-time early this morning but
the information was evidently more important than it appeared at
first sight.
As soon as we get the column back, we'll print it.
British Egyptian Drive
Coordinated Land, Sea And Air Attacks Launched
By AlliedCommand; U.S., Airmen In Action
Associated Press Correspondent
CAIRO, Egypt, Oct. 24.- The Brit-
ish Eighth Army cracked through
German Marshal Erwin Rommel's
Alamein Lin 1 before dawn today,
front line dispatches said tonight,
after opening the long-expected Al-
lied offensive with the aid at sea of
a roaring fleet of new type American-
made light warships and American
airmen in the thick of the desert bat-
What is likely to be the decisive
battle for the Mediterranean was
joined with the Axis forces of Marshal
Erwin Rommel last night in the light
Effective Use
Of American
CHICAGO, Oct. 24.- (JP)-Member
schools of the National Association of
State Universities adopted a resolu-
tion today declaring that its member
schools "in placing their plants, per-
sonnel and youthful man-power un-
reservedly at the service of the coun-
try trust that' a coordinated and au-
thoritative national man-power policy
may' promptly allocate and utilize
these with the greatest possible effec-
The resolution was presented to
the association by a committee
appointed by the Association's pres-
ident, Dr. Alexander G. Ruthven,
president of the University of
Michigan. Its adoption was unani-
The resolution asserted that the
state universities have "plant, per-
sonnel and student man-power which
must be selectively utilized and mobil-
ized to serve our nation at war and
beyond the war."
This program involves establish-
ment of enlisted training corps in
colleges and universities to be com-
posed of high school graduates or
those with equivalent preparation,
who meet competitive standards up
to quotas determined by the armed
These men, the resolution said,
would be in uniform, "regularly paid
and provided with subsistence, thus
enabling students no matter what
their economic circumstances to se-
cure that training which will prepare
them to serve their country most
effectively." -
Dr. Herman G. James, head of Ohio
University at Athens, O., was elected
president for the coming year, suc-
ceeding Dr. Ruthven.
Jap Auxiliary
Hit At Rabaul
MACARTHUR, Australia, Oct. 25.,
(Sunday)- ()- A large Jap sea-
plane tender was believed destroyed
at Rabaul, New Britain, by Allied
bombers, the high command an-
nounced today.
The seaplane tender was one of the
targets picked out by a flight of heavy
bombers which again struck at the
harbor of Rabaul where Jap ships
have concentrated, presumably for an
impending assault on American-held
of a full moon when Gen. Sir Harold
Alexander's Allied Army moved for-
ward along the front 80 miles west of
Allies Have Air Superiority
Advices from advanced air bases
tonight said Allied airmen already ap-
peared to have clear: cut superiority
in the air space even before the outset
of what doubtless will be a tough,
bloody struggle.
Joining with the army and the air
forces to make the attack a three-
element, all - out offensive, naval
forces of Britain's powerful Mediter-
ranean Fleet timed a slashing bom-
bardment of Rommel's advanced sea-
side base at Matruh, 90 miles to his
rear, with the forward surge of guns
and tanks.
Speedy Ships Used
Reports from Alexandria, British
naval base, described these as sleek,
speedy "Mediterranean" Greyhounds"
which dashed close inshore-so close
they could see planes over the inland
landing fields and poured round after
round of shells into Axis installations.
Catching the enemy unawares, the
seacraft met with no response from
shore batteries and escaped a three-
hour aerial bombardment later with-
out casualties and with only minor
damage to one boat, it was announced.
The British were chary about giv-
ing details of -the first day and night
of an action in which it was their ob-
vious objective to shove Rommel back
from the Nile doorstep.
Secret Objective
To observers it seemed that a lar-
ger, secret objective might be to open
the way on North Africa's sands, al-
ready bloodied by the battles of sev-
eral advances and retreats, for a blow
at theAxis in its European strong-
holds by clearing 1,000 miles of the
southern shoreline of the Mediter-
The official communique said only
that fierce fighting developed im-
Turn To Page 8, Col. 3
Is StillMissing
HONOLULU, Oct. 24.-(i)--Three
days of intensive search by all avail-
able Army and Navy sky and sea
forces failed to uncover a trace to-
night of Captain Eddie Rickenbacker,
American war ace of World War I,
and the crew of a big Army plane
that disappeared over Hawaiian wa-
Searchers hung their hopes on
finding Captain Rickenbacker and
his crew of perhaps nine men, float-
ing on life rafts that the plane car-
ried. This type of aircraft sinks
quickly. But aviators in the Pacific
war have been picked up from simi-
lar rafts weeks after their planes have
gone down.
Senate O.K.'s
1811l9 Draft
Year's Training Specified
Despite President's Plea
In O'Daniel Amendment
Bill Will Not Pass
Until Fall Election
WASHINGTON, Oct. 24.-()-The
Senate passed the 'teen age draft bill
tonight but hedged it with restric-
tionswhich were highly unacceptable
to the President and the military
authorities and which appeared likely
to delay its final enactment.
In voting to lower the draft age
from 20 to 18 years, the Senate stip-
ulated that selectees in that age group
should not be sent to combat overseas
before they had undergone a full
year's training. This amendment, by
Senator O'Daniel (Dem.-Tex.), was
adopted 39 to 31.
Farm Help Deferred
Another amendment provided for
the deferment of mei of any age
"regularly engaged in an agricultural
occupation or endeavor essential to
the war effort," so long as they re-
main in that work and until satisfac-
tory replacements can be obtained.
This rider, by Senator Tydings,
(Dem.-Md.), carried 62 to 6..
Working past the dinner hour, the
Senate then rejected several other
changes and passed the bill by a vote
of 58 to 5 with Senators Bulow (Dem.-
S. D.), Clark (Dem.-Idaho), Johnson
(Rep.-Calif.), Nye (Rep.-N.D.) and
Shipstead (Rep.-Minn.) voting "No."
The measure now will go back to
the House and probably later to con-
ference for an adjustment of dif-
ferences. The House is taking an in-
formal recess until after election day
Nov. 3 and it appeared unlikely that
the bill could be enacted before then.
Volunteers Unaffected
The O'Daniel amendment stated
simply: "No person under 20 years of
age inducted under this act shall be
placed in actual combat duty beyond
the territorial boundaries of conti-
nental United States until after he
has had at least one year's military
training following his induction."
Army officials said the amendment
would not affect 18 and 19-year-old
men who previously had volunteered
and now were members of the armed
forces, nor those who volunteer in the
President Roosevelt opposed any
restrictive amendments in a letter.
yesterday to Senator Gurney (Rep.-
S. D.), author of the Senate measure.
Similar appeals had been made by
Secretary of War Stimson, Secretary
of the Navy Knox and Gen. George
C. Marshall; Army chief of staff.
Condition Of Danish
Monarch Is 'Serious'
STOCKHOLM, Oct. 25. (Sunday)-
(P)- A special bulletin issued in
Copenhagen early today said King
Christian X, who was injured last
week when he fell from a horse, had
taken a sudden change for the worse
and was in a serious condition.
The 72-year-old monarch had been
reported improving rapidly since the
accident, but about 7 p. m. Saturday
night his heart developed an abnor-
mal action.
His physician administered a stim-
ulating treatment which resulted in a
slight recovery, but his condition was
regarded as serious enough to warrant
a special bulletin.
Showing more of the form which
made him the outstanding sopho-
more halfback, in the Big Ten last
season, Michigan's Tom Kuzma
cracked the Minnesota line to tally
twice in a losing battle. His passing
still lacked the accuracy and dead-
liness of 1941, especially that 14-0
victory over Northwestern, when he
tossed two touchdown aerials.
His Efforts Failed
Ltte Brown Jug
Wolverines Lose Ninth Straight In Long
Series; Tom Kuzma Nears 1941 Form
Special to The Daily
MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 24.-The Little Brown Jug isn't coming home
this year.
A hasty drop-kick field goal that came when there were only four
seconds left to play in the first half gave Minnesota a well-earned 16-14
triumph over Michigan in Memorial Stadium today to keep the famous and
highly-prized Jug intact here where it has rested for eight long years
despite all the efforts of great Maize and Blue elevens.
Another powerful Michigan aggregation tried to succeed where the
others had failed today, and the story of its failure can be written only in
* * * Cthe terms of a comeback fight by a
truly magnificent Minnesota team
and a heartbreaking attempt by a
From Press Box game band of Wolverines.
Minnesota, fighting all the way, de-
served its victory. Behind by seven
By MIKE DANN points with only five minutes remain-
MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 24.- Gopher ing of the first half, the gallant Go-
Coach Dr. George Hauser, was prob- phers rose to heights seldom equalled
ably the happiest and tiredest man in on any gridiron to snatch their tri-
Memorial Stadium when the game umph from what appeared to be cer-
ended. tain defeat.
In the locker room after the clash Gophers Strike Fast
Hauser said, "I bet I aged ten years As the 55,000 homecoming specta-
this afternoon, but it was worth it. tors implored the golden avalanche to
Now I know why my good friend Ber- begin its mighty uphill roll, the Go-
nie Bierman went to the Navy-it phers struck at the heretofore im-
was to get a rest." pregnable Michigan defense to tally
Wiese Is Blue ten quick points and take .a 10-7 half
Bob Wiese, Michigan fullback, felt time lead which they never relin-
extra blue about the game. Not only quished to the plucky Wolverines.
did his team lose, but over 60 of his Until then the contest had been all
relatives had journeyed from James- in favor of the invading Michigan
town, N. D., to see him play. -Bob's gridders. Fired with an intense will to
leg is still far from good and he will win and prepared to battle the Go-
Tickets On Sale
For Marriage
Lecture S'eries
Ticket sales for the 1942-43 Mar-
riage Relations Lecture Series will be-
gin at 2 p.m. tomorrow afternoon
in the Union and League.
Tickets will continue to be sold un-
til 5 p.m. both tomorrow and Tues-
day and from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. both
Attendance at the lectures, the
first one to be given at 8 p.m. Wed-
nesday in the Rackham Lecture Hall,
is limited to junior, senior and grad-
uate students. Identification cards
must be presented when purchasing
a ticket and must be shown with the
ticket in order to be admitted to .the
No ticket may be bought by proxy
nor are tickets transferable. None
will be sold at the door. Women are
to obtain tickets at the League and
men at the Union.
Dr. Ernest G. Osborne of Teachers
College, Columbia University, will of-
ficially open the series Wednesday
evening with a talk on "The Histori-
cal Background of Marriage."
Dr. Norman R. Kretzchmar, of the
obstetrics and gynecology department
of the University hospital, will give
the next two lectures, scheduled for
Tuesday, Nov. 3 and Friday, Nov. 6,
on "The Anatomy and Physiology of
Reproduction" and "The Medical Ba-
sis for Intelligent Sexual Practice."
The concluding lectures will be
given by Dr. Margaret Mead, of the
American Museum of Natural History
in New York City. She will address
the group on "Courtship and Pre-
Marital Relations," Tuesday, Nov. 10,
and on "Marriage in War-Time,"
Wednesday, Nov. 11.
RAF Makes First
Day Raid On Italy
LONDON, Oct. 24. (Sunday)-
()- A large force of RAF Lancaster
bombers made the first British day-
light attack on military objectives in
Milan, Italy, yesterday, it was author-
itatively stated here early today, sev-
eral hours after the Vichy News Agen-
cy charged that British bombers had
machine gunned a town in the Unoc-
cupied Zone of France.
be lucky to participate in scrimmage
by the middle of the week.
Dropkick Was Impromptu
Bill Garnaas' field goal was not the
result of any elaborate Gopher plan-
ning. With but five seconds remain-
ing in the half and the ball of the
Turn To Page 6, Col. 6
Navy Relieves
High Ad miral
Of Command'
WASHINGTON, Oct. 24.-(P)-The
Navy removed Vice Admiral Robert
L. Ghormley from the command in
the Solomon Islands today and gave
to Vice Admiral William F. Halsey,
Jr., the task of directing the develop-
ing battle to hold American positions
there against the Japanese bid to
recapture them.
The change-the third South Pa-
cific command shake-up of the war-
came after a campaign which had
cost the Navy three cruisers, five de-
stroyers and five other vessels, and
at a moment when the enemy was
massing its forces for a powerful
Ghormley's removal was announced
without official comment, except that
he would be assigned to other duties,
the nature of which would be re-
ported later.
Making it known that Halsey would
take command, however, the Navy
noted that he had "conducted car-
rier operations in the South Pacific
area last spring with distinguished
success," and pointed out that he
received' the Distinguished Service
medal last February for his raid on
the Japanese-held Gilbert and Mar-
shall Islands.
Have Another
Beer, Joe .. .
Some people around these parts
obviously don't know what the
score is.
Last night from eleven to mid-
night The Daily phones bothered
hell out of the night editor. Cheery-
beery voices from a "Liberty Street
tavern" wanted to know:
"Whuzzis? We won the game
. "
At press-time We have narrowed
it down to these alternatives:
Led by the Wolverines, s';udent
cheer organization, a "meet the
train" delegation will meet at 2:30
p.m. today at the Ann Arbor sta-
tion to greet the bloody but un-
bowed Michigan football team.
Bunny Crawford, '44, of' the Wol-
verines, urges that all students be
present when the team returns in
order to insure a warm welcome.
pher juggernaut with every known
maneuver, the storming Wolverines
reeled off a touchdown the first time
they had their hands on the ball and
seemed to be well on their way to
Michigan's first victory over Minne-
sota since 1932.
Garnaas Kicks Goal
But the Gophers, fighting the
white-hot Michigan fire with a blaze
all their own, refused to accept the
defeat and came roaring back to
establish themselves as worthy suc-
cessors to the mighty string of Min-
nesota crews. Their victory was a
team victory, but if any one man
could be singled out for praise above
all the rest it would be Bill Garnaas,
a brilliant quarterback who sparked
the Gophers on their touchdown
drives and kicked the field goal that
proved the deciding factor.
As in the loss to the Iowa Seahawks,
Michigan's woeful lack of reserves
worked against a Wolverine win. Of
Turn To Page 6, Col. 4
Rbeds Repulse
Heavy .Drive
On Stalin grad
MOSCOW, Oct. 25. (Sunday)-
(A)- The Germans threw two freshly
reinforced infantry divisions, eighty
tanks and "large" air forces against
Russian positions in Stalingrad yes-
terday, the Sodet midnight communi-
que said today, but after bitter hand-
to-hand fighting the Nazis were
thrown back with heavy losses.
The new attack, launched after
freshetroops were brought in to re-
place nearly 10,000 which the Rus-
sians said they had killed in two days,
was directed at the factory district in
the northern part of the battle-torn
In this area alone, the communique
said, more than 1,500 Germans were
killed yesterday and 17 tanks de-
How Our Planes Reach Middle East
Associated Press Correspondent
LONDON, Oct. 25. (Sunday)-
United States and British aircraft by
the thousands have been delivered to
the Middle East during the past two
ing to the front with fighters carrying
extra fuel tanks for the longer hops.
Starting from a great, still expand-
ing west coast assembly base, each
journey takes 24 hours' flying time,
exclusive of stops at landing fields
landing areas from dense jungles.
Western keystone of the service is I
harbor town which had only a small
airdrome when the program was
launched two years ago but now has
one of the largest and best equipped