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October 23, 1942 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-10-23

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FRIDAY, OCT. 23, 1942

I ,

Fifty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board- in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights
of republication of all other matters herein alsoreserved.
tntered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier
$4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43


cdei.er o ior

National Advertising Service, (nc.r1" t1" '
CollegePublishers Representative -rp,
Editorial Staff },f . r*" .,4'rra.<
Homer Swander . . . Managing Editor Rapt
Morton Mintz . . . . . Editorial Director . " -
Will Sapp . . . . . . . City Editor 4
George W Sallad6 . . . . . Associate Editor
Charles Thatcher . . . . . Associate Editor
Bernard Hendel . . . .Sports. Editor
Barbara deFries . . . . . Women's Editor No""'kr' ,'G "
Myron Dan . . . . Associate Sports Editor
Business Staff
Edward J. Perlberg . . Business Manager ,9 _ ' "
Fred M. Ginsberg . * Associate Business Manager 3'r5s 1
Mary Lou Curran . . Women's Business Manager >"' 'fth Py
Jane Lindberg . . . Women's Advertising Manager f k L-I , ,A.I
James Daniels . . . Publications Sales Analyst
Telephone 23-24-1
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only."

Editors Clarify Stand
On Regent Controversy
about this Regents-Ruthven contro-
versy-and the stand The Daily has taken on it
-which need clearing up right now:
1. The Daily does not agree that the Nation's
welfare calls at this time for turning over the
University lock, stock and barrel to the Army
and Navy, with only military and technical
courses being taught.
It seems almost needless to say that many
"non-war" courses must be kept in the curricu-
lum. We insist, however, that there are a large
number of courses-most of them known to stu-
dents as "pipes"--which will help win neither the
war nor the peace. These courses have no place
in a university at war.
Similarly, we do not believe that voluntary
participation in the Manpower Corps or Red
Cross work, for example, is a threat to educa-
tional ideals.
2. Contrary to the Detroit News editorial
page, The Daily has not"impudently" sug-
gested that President Ruthven "is a bm."
interpretation. We have consistently, and
fairly, we believe, distinguished the man from
his ideas. There has been no personal antag-
onisms or name-calling in any of our editorials.
We have merely disagreed with what wetsincerely
believe to have been the prevalent attitude of
the administration. We are convinced it is an
attitude which will not win the war.And if the
United Nations do not win- the war they will
have little use for men trained to win the peace.
3. The Daily has not put blind trust in the
Board of Regents and the new War Committee.
We realize that the procedure adopted is a
dangerous one, and during peace time we would
never agree to the Regents infringing 'to such
an extent upon the duties of the administration.
We have disagreed with the Regents many times
in the past-we remember too well their stand
when they "packed" the Board yin Control of
Student Publications-and we do not promise to
agree with anything they may do in the future.
they are right. We think the War Committee
will perform an essential function in putting
the University more solidly behind the Natibn's
war effort. If it does not do this or if it suddenly
goes hog-wild, The Daily will be the first to
criticize it.
-Homer Swander
Morton Mintz
Wil Sapp
Hoe Seltzer's Convoy
Experiences To Appear
wave-by-wave account of convoy
duty on a tanker will appear for the first time
in the columns of The Daily. And when you get
whrough reading the first installment you're go-
ing to want to read the others which will appear
every day until he concludes his tale of sharks
and tars.
In the middle of his column, Hoe. says .. . "I
am looking at the water off Key West and it's
nm n vnirrh t hup m in A T sav I am al

6nt AXE to 9in4
"IT IS the men with manicured nails rather
than the men with greasy faces who must
win the peace."-From a letter in yesterday's
It is a very difficult thing to attack such a
statement. It is a hard task to say that the
authors are prattling snobs. It is difficult be-
cause there are so many ways to do it, and yet
none of them quite approach quelling the colossal
immorality of such a statement.
YdU CAN tear it apart with academic logic:
"Such a statement is manifestly a fascistic
identification of material possession with spir-
itual value. To ascribe value per se to one phys-
ical condition over another is to deny any value
to a spiritual condition. Such a statement, fur-
thermore, is psychologically incorrect in that it
places all human worth as a result of environ-
mental factors. A man is born to labor and
labors; another man is born to leisure, and has
his fingernails manicured; manifestly nothing
of either man's spiritual or intellectual capacities
is reflected by either of these states."
OR you can rant against it emotionally: "Was
Abraham Lincoln a man with manicured
fingernails? No!!! He was a man of the soil,
who shone above his fellows by the grace of God.
Was Aesop a master? No!!! He was a slave who
pronounced some of the world's greatest wisdom.
My friends, this is no time for disunity. This is
a time for all, greasy faces and manicured nails,
to work together to win the peace and win the
war. Let us not repeat the decadence of the
Roman Empire. We must win the war as a na-
tion of the people. This is the people's century!!"
OR you can ridicule: "Lest anyone mistake
such a statement as being a bit outmoded, I
propose to show of how great influence finger-
nail polish has been in history's development.
Nail-polish has a long and noteworthy evolu-
tion starting with the ancient,Buddhist monks,
among whom the Dalai Lama (so-called because
he was the founder of the Michigan Dalai), ruler
of the group was forced to wear his fingernails
to a length of 25 inches, and seven houris were
appointed to cultivate them. The length and
culture of fingernails was very important to the
Socrates, about to die, made his peace with the
world through his magnificent eposition of the
immortality of the soul, and then called for an
orange stick that he might make peace with his
Napoleon, creator of many a peace and war,
was all-powerful-until he started to bite his
AND SO ON. But nothing can quite take care
of any system of beliefs that enables two
men to say, "It is the men with manicured nails
rather than the men with greasy faces who must
win the peace."

Tm. Re. U.$Pa.
WASHINGTON-State Department officials
are almost having fainting fits over word that
Ed Flynn, former boss of the Bronx, now chair-
man of the Democratic Committee, has his eyes
glued on the U.S. ambassadorship to Mexico.
The debonair Flynn expects to resign from the
Democratic Committee shortly after the Novem-
ber elections, and wants an ambassadorial post
within commuting distance of the U.S.A.
This would mean replacement of the sitting
Ambassador, George Messersmith, who, although
not particularly popular around the State De-
partment, is doing a good war job in Mexico.
Messersmith once held the tough jobs of consul
general in Germany and American Minister in
Austria, glares over his spectacles, talks turkey,
mixes tact with vinegar, and generally gets
things done.
He now has a war staff of U.S. diplomats in
Mexico 200 strong, who, even when making the
rounds of night clubs to 3 a.m., get to work at
9 a.m.-or incur the wrath of Messersmith.
Because Mexico is so important, State Depart-
ment officials are hoping they can deflect Boss
Flynn to some other country. Since he wants
to be within commuting distance, there is Cuba
which is accustomed to calamity, and where
Spruille Braden, since he became an ambassador,
has forgotten that he was just a common mil-
Also there is Brazil, where the people under-
stand politics, and where nervous Ambassador
Jefferson Caffrey has bitten his own ankle so
frequently that even Ed Flynn might be welcome.
Strikes And Transports
It hasn't been announced, but Undersecretary
of War Patterson has ordered a survey of sea-
men's and longshoremen's working conditions on
merchant ships which carry vital war supplies
Douglas Brown, industrial relations expert of
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, is con-
ducting the survey. Inside reason for it is the
serious conflict between the Army and the War
Shipping Administration over handling of ships
for the transport of troops and supplies abroad.
As a result of this conflict some ships are
manned by green crews, and there is a general
state of dissatisfaction on the part of maritime
Friction began when the Army Transport Serv-
ice began taking over ships from the War Ship-
ping Administration. Now the friction has be-
come so sharp that Admiral Emory Land, head
of War Shipping, has written a strong letter
to the War Department, saying he will release no
more ships for transfer to the Army until work-
ing conditions for seamen are improved.
Army Transport Service regards maritime la-
bor in the same class as soldiers-they should
obey orders, with no thought of overtime pay or
peacetime conditions of comfort. But the sea-
men have a different idea, and walk out-to be
replaced by green crews.
The Army has just established a new record
for delivering mail to men overseas. Thanks to
the efficiency of V-mail, 1,900,000 letters were
delivered to foreign-based U.S. troops during
This compares with 650,000 letters delivered
in August, and makes a total of 5,000,000 pieces
of mail the Army has delivered without a single

Attack Unfair
To The Editor:
FEEL that it is too bad that The
Daily has been the cause of the
spreading of certain criticisms of Mr.
Ruthven. The editorial in the Octobei
20th Daily signed by Mr. Swandei
and Mr. Mintz and Mr. Sapp (which
has been much referred to in out of
town papers) not only reflects un-
sound thinking about the problem
but attacks Mr. Ruthven for his very
intelligent attitude.
The three signers of the editorial
seem to be happy about the not very
clear purpose of the special Board
of Regents' committee. But if these
signers would stretch their memory
back to the expulsion of radical stu-
dents and to the packing of the Board
in Control of Student Publications.
they might question the validity of
the Board of Regents' conception of
the academic function . . . in peace
or war.
MR. RUTHVEN has admirably rea-
lized that the existence of the
nation is tied up with the continued
operation of the universities. If only
war studies are to be permitted for
the duration, then what sort of men
will we have in the years to come to
serve in our. Congress, in our civil
service, in our industries, on our news-
papers (where above all intelligence
is the virtue). The problems that
these men will have to face will be
intricate ones and we would be mur-
dering all chances for successful na-
tional and international government
if we do not train the necessary think-
ers now.
But there is even a more direct
threat involved in taking under-
graduates out of the University. If
every able-bodied student over
eighteen is to be taken out of the
University and the war lasts sev-
eral years, there will then be no
pre-professional students in the
University and there will be no
supply of candidates for profes-
sional schools to replace the men
who are now in training. We will
have a post-war generation in
which there is an inadequate sup-
ply of doctors, dentists, architects,
engineers and school teachers.
What will our life be like then?
THE STRENGTH of our culture
comes from the heritage of past
thinkers. The students of philosophy,
literature, the social sciences arethe
guardians of this heritage. What will
our life be like if we do not train stu-
dents to know and understand this
heritage. How else can it be preserved
or added to? What will the post war
world be like without having trained
men. in physics, chemistry, zoology
and the other sciences? If we discon-
tinue the training of students in these
fields for several years, that is the
prospect that faces us.
I feel that it is impossible to sep-
arate the cause that we are fighting
for from the continued education of
students in all fields. It is the Uni-
versity that will give us the fruits of
our victory and if the University is
closed down, the victory will be an
empty one.
IT IS OF COURSE possible to create
a conflict between winning the war
and keeping students in the Univer-
sity. I feel, however, that this is an
artificial conflict because the number
of students in the universities is a
small fraction of the total man power
of military age. All students of course
cannot be permitted to remain but
there must be some intelligent defer-
ment policy for students who prove
their merit in order that the future
of the world is not endangered.
Many of the frivolities of student;
life must also be dispensed with but
The Daily must not insist that the
student's life be 'so disturbed as to
interfere with academic and intellec-
tual pursuits. They also contribute
to the war effort. There is no question
that we must win the war. Only un-
thinking people will feel that winning
the war means that we must no also

build for the future.
I should like to make special refer-
ence to The Daily editorial's criticism
of the calmness of Mr. Ruthven's
speech to the freshmen. I am proud,
of this calmness because the Uni-
versity must be by definition a place
where rational discussions rather
than "gigantic war rallies" are the
-Ernest London
Attitude Justified
To The Editor:
ONCE UPON A TIME a university
president saw students on the
campus wondering what their roles
should be in the chaos and confusion
of a warring society. So one night he
called them together and spoke to
them the best advice that he knew.
He reminder them that although
men of the older generation had
brought about the war, it was the
younger generation which would al-
ways bear the brunt of battle, and he
warned them to prepare for major
He admitted to the students what
every thinking news commentator,
analyst, editor, and reporter . . .

learn how to live effectively in the
world which they were fighting to
AND he was not alone; many stu-
dents and' some faculty men
agreed with him. Some even applaud-
d this clear statement as an encour-
aging indication that the universities
might yet be looked to for a certain
cool wisdom too nearly non-existent
:n other high places.
Yet, to some, these statements
seemed "contradictory and confus-
ing", and the Regents determined
that no more such "confusing" state-
ments should come from the Presi-
dent's pen. For they all seemed to
agree that "education isn't going to'
be much good if we don't win the
war." Which left at least one student
pondering how much good the war
would do if none of the rising genera-
tion were educated.
-Gregor Hileman
Samuel Grafton's
I'd RL$ather
Be Right
NEW YORK- I do not want to
tear a passion to tatters, but I think
it is time to say there is open civil war
in France and that we are having
next to no share in it.
It is civil war on a specific issue,
whether or not Frenchmen are to
work for Hitler.
The issue is ideal; it could not have
been made any better for our cause;
in a thousand years of propaganda
we could not have invented anything
to equal it. It comes, and we are not
ready. Frenchmen fight, and we are
not ready. We, who have set our-
selves up as the trustees of the world's
democratic upsurge, find ourselves
blinking and showing a dazed face,
as a genuine movement of popular
resistance matures and comes to cli-
How To Hold Prestige
Our diplomats, so careful lest they
lose prestige, could have entangled
us in no worse loss of prestige thani
this: that the emergence of the new
France, the true France, finds our-
selves still linked with the other side.1
How does one suppose the poor and
the oppressed of the world are going
to measure our prestige? By our suc-1
cess in not breaking with Laval? Or1
by signs that we are sensitive to
popular movements, that we havei
some understanding of popular move-
ments, that we are not caught by
numb surprise when the humble of
this earth come to the moment ofI
It is open civil war in France. There
are greater disturbances in Lyons, in
Perpignan, at a dozen other points,
than there have been anywhere on
the coast of France, in the so-called
military zone, since the raid on Di-i
eppe. Germany is using more troopst
against Frenchmen than she is usingt
against Englishmen or Americans.N
And we have missed the boat. Worse,s
we did not know the boat was comingP
Charles de Gaulle knew. He hast
looked upon France with the sensi-
tivity of a man whose hopes areN
placed in popular uprising, not mere-r
ly in the accumulation of machinest
in military garages, and he has said
a wonderful, true, profound thing
this week: "This struggle restores
France to her rightful place among
the nations . . . There has been a
striking recovery of the country."
France Stands Again
It is true. France is recovering. In
street fights against the best-armed
soldiers in Europe, she is finding her
dignity again. While we have been
making speeches about the soul of4
France and giving ourrecognition to,
poisoned fungi growing on that soul,
France has found her soul, in her own1

way, amid terrible loneliness.
And Charles de Gaulle has issued
the word this week, the straight, clear
word for immediate revolution in
France. He has said it at last. He has
said "Now!"
That no direct military action of
our own accompanies that word,
raises the most serious questions con-
cerning our basic military policy.
What's A Revolution Worth?
We have heard about those exnerts
who must, by themselves alone, say
when we shall be ready to strike. Now
it is necessary to ask: By what stan-
dards do our experts make their judg-
ments? What valuation do they put
upon a popular revolution? Do they
value it at ten tanks and five planes?
Or do they consider it worth as much
as a hundred tanks and a thousand
planes? Or do they consider it at
all? Has this rising current in Europe
had a place in their plans? Or have
they viewed their problem as an ac-
cumulation of machines, during
which dull assembly-line manufac-
ture of the future the world would
obligingly wait?
It is possible to schedule deliveries
of machines. It is not possible to
hegn1p the moment when a nonlnei

FRIDAY, OCT23, 1942
VOL. LHI No. 17
All notices for the Daily Official Bul
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a..
D. O. B. Users: It will be much ap
preciated if you make your notice
Frank E. Robbins
Group Hospitalization and Surgica
Effective December 5, monthl
rates for the above services will b
increased slightly. The next enroll
ment period will occur between Octo
ber 21 and November 5, during which
period new enrollments, as well a
reenrollments, both effective on De-
cember 5, will be accepted. All old
subscribers who wish to continue
their contracts must sign a new ap
plication card. These cards will b
distributed to everyone through th
various departmental offices within
the next several days. Note especially
that no contracts will be continue
beyond December 5 without filing
new application card.
Faculty, School of Education, meet-
ing will be held on Monday, October
26, in the University Elementary
School Library. The meeting will
convene at 4:15 p. m.
A letter from the War Production
Board stresses the need for dormant
scrap in addition to normal produc-,
tion scrap as follows:
"Dormant scrap is defined as ob-
solete machinery, tools, equipment,
dies, jigs, fixtures, etc., which are in-
capable of current or future use in
the war production effort because
they are broken, worn out, irrepar-
able, dismantled or in need of un-
available parts necessary to practical
reemployment. Dormant scrap should
not be construed to apply to reusable
machinery, equipment, dies, jigs, fix-
tures, etc., which can currently or
in the future be used by the owner
or others, with or without repairs,
in work which contributes directly
to the war production effort."
It is also emphasized that the Gov-
ernment's grave responsibility to sup-
ply American armed forces with ships,
guns, airplanes, and tanks makes it
mandatory that all dormant scrap
be released immediately. "If it isn't
being used now, its future use is very
doubtful-find a use for it, or scrap
Telephone the Buildings and
Grounds Department, Ext. 317, and
an inspector will call and arrange for
E. C. Pardon,
University Lecture: "Personalities
in Washington and London", by Es-
ther Van Wagoner Tufty, disting-
uished Washington Correspondent,
who has just returned from London,
where, on invitation of the British
Minister of Information, she has been
engaged in interpreting American life
to the English public. This lecture,
open to the public without charge,
will be given in the Rackham lecture
room at 7:45 p.m. on Saturday, Oc-
tober 24.
Academic Notices
Students, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: No course may
be elected for credit after Saturday,
October 24.
E. A. Walter

Students, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: Except under
extraordinary circumstances, students
who fail to file their election blanks
by the close of the third week, even
though they have registered and have
attended classes unofficially, will for-
feit the privilege of continuing in
the College for the Semester.
E. A. Walter
School of Education Students: No
course may be elected for credit after
Saturday, October 24. Students must
report all changes of elections at the
Registrar's Office, Room 4, University
Hall. Membership in a class does not
cease nor begin until all changes have
been thus officially registered. Ar-
rangements made with the instruc-
tors are not official changes.
Political Science 67. Make-up ex-
amination: Students who did not take
the final examination in Political Sci-
ence 67 at the end of the summer
term should see me before the end
of this week concerning the make-up
Howard B. Calderwood
New Graduate Students: The Grad-
uate Record Examination for those
who were unable to take it on Octo-
ber 13 and October 14 will be given
in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham
Building on Monday, October 26, and
Tuesday, October 27, at -7:00 p.m.



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