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October 23, 1942 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-10-23

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4 UU33

Light Rain



S taingrad
Gain Made
By Soviets
New Of fensive' Spurt Gets
Two Enemy Trenches,
Kills 200 Nazi Soldiers
Red Army Destroys
Battalion In City
Associated Press Correspondent
MOSCOW, Oct. 23. (Friday)- The
Red Army fighting on the snowy
steppes northwest of Stalingrad occu-
pied two Nazi trenches in an offen-
sive spurt yesterday while inside the
besieged city the Russians in hand-
to-hand combat killed a battalion of
Germans and smashed 12 enemy
tanks in a successful defense'now en-
tering its 60th day.
The Soviet midnight communique
said 200 Nazis were slain in their
trenches northwest of Stalingrad as
"Red Army men by a sudden blow
broke. into the enemy's positions",
and five machine-guns, 36 tommy-
guns and other equipment were siezed.
Two-Day Fight
A two-day fight in another sector
of the same front where the Russians
have been attacking the Nazi flank
to relieve pressure on the Stalingrad
garrison resulted in the killing of 500
German and Rumanian troops, the
bulletin added. This fight was said to
have developed from an Axis effort
to recapture some hill strongholds.
"In the area of Stalingrad," the
communique related, "our troops re-
pelled enemy infantry and tank at-
tacks. The Germans attacked in the
area of a factory. In bitter fighting
which often developed into hand-to-
hand engagements 12 German tanks
were smashed and one battalion
(about 500 men) was wiped out."
Nazi Company Blasted
South of Stalingrad the Russians
'said one of their units destroyed an-
other German infantry company
along with five guns and 20 machine-
Snow and cold rains began envelop-
ing the Stalingrad area yesterday as
the Russians continued their resolute
defense amid the ruins of the bat-
tered Volga River city, and front dis-
patches said the German penetrations
into the northern industrial district
several days ago still were ineffective
In the Caucasus the communique
acknowledged the Germans had "suc-
ceeded in driving a wedge into the
front line of our defenses" in the
Mozdok area, but added fighting is in
progress for the annihilation of this
enemy group.
Tanks Knocked Out
Seven German tanks were knocked
out, eight guns destroyed and approx-
imately 500 Nozis killed in the region
which protects the approaches to the
Grozny oil wells.
Along the Black Sea coast south-
east of Novorossisk the Russians said
the Germans lost 150 officers and
men in an unsuccessful charge up
the slopes of one Russian-held hill,
and in another sector of the same
area a Soviet marine unit killed more
than 300 Rumanians.
Fighting again flared in the Vor-
onezh sector some 300 miles northwest
of Stalingrad with the Russians mow-
ing down two more Axis infantry
companies, the communique said.
Tax Experts

Sad As Huge
Levy .Looms
WASHINGTON, Oct. 22.- ()-
Uncle Sam's Treasury was a glum,
gloomy joint today as its digit-jing-
ling experts took one last envious look
at the lucky people outside who mere-
ly have to pay the biggest tax bill in
Then the Federal folks who fool
around with high finance and fancy
figures turned their backs on the
iron-barred windows and buckled
,down to the business of bringing in
the bucks.'
They faced the prospect of collect-
ing some $24,000,000,000 a year, at
the same time cutting even last year's
record low cost of 57 cents for every
$100 taken in.
Since the new war levies which be-
came law yesterday will lift the filthy
lucre from some 50,000,000 citizens,
the Treasury's first task will be to
turn out a flood of forms explaining
to these citizens how the system

Plane Plays Tag With Own Shadow On Blue Pacific

Rommel W1l Command
All Axis Land, Sea, Air
Forces In Mediterranean

Hitler's Stooge'
Doesn't Know
What's Cookin'
Darlan Drops In On Vichy
To Tell People Fuehrer
Will Allow No Tricks

This gloomy shadow that looks as though it migh t be an Axis Focke-Wulf was actually cast by an air-
plane flying low over the broad expanses of the Pacific. One of the rarest pictures of the war, the Associated
Press called this shot "shadow chasing its own plane."
/ U. S. Fortresses Show Superiority

By The Associated Press
VICHY, France, Oct. 22.-
German charges that the


Associated Press Correspondent
LONDON, Oct. 22. - American
Flying Fortresses displayed once
more their mastery over the best
German planes by shooting down
nine Focke-Wulf 190's yesterday
while fighting their way to bomb
the Lorient submarine base, U.S.
headquarters announced today.
Three Fortresses were lost, the
largest number the Germans yet
have been able to bag on one raid.
The raiders ran into extremely bad
weather which hampered their mis-
sion considerably, although their
bombs were seen to crash directly
on the target.
The successful running fight of
300 miles against the best German
opposition pointed to the day when


Fortress formations will go directly
east into Germany itself. Western
Germany with its arsenals is nearer
than Lorient.
Bad weather kept most of the big
bombers grounded last night. RAF
fighter squadrons, however, re-
sumed daylight attacks on ground
objectives in Northern France and
set two armed trawlers afire ten
miles off Le Havre.
Flying a few feet above sea level,
a Spitfire squadron fired hundreds
of cannon shells and machinegun
bullets into the ships, the Air Min-
istry said. The trawlers threw us a,
heavy barrage but the Spitfires
split up and attacked from all
Spitfires and Mustangs, many
flown by Canadians, carried out

the strafing operations in France.
A freight train sought to escape by
stoliping between a row of trees,
but returning pilots said their bul-
lets sent geysers of steam rising
from the locomotive, putting it out
of action for some time.
Vichy broadcasts that 100
Frenchmen were killed and 450 in-
jured indicated considerable devas-
tation by the Americans at Lorient
and thus gave the lie to German
assertions that damage was slight
and that only four of the big bomb-
ers participated, three of which
were downed.
The Americans also attacked the
Maupertus airdrome near Cher-
bourg from which German planes
team with submarines in raids on
eastern Atlantic, shipping.

Await JApan's
Big Offensive
In Solomons
American Forces Repulse
Minor Enemy Thrust,
PrepareFor Hard Battle
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Oct. 22.- Still
waiting for Japan's big push, Amer-
ican forces in the Solomon Islands
repulsed a minor enemy thrust on
October 20, destroyed an enemy
bomber with anti-aircraft fire and
continued a general process of seek-
ing out and bombing Japanese posi-
tions on Guadalcanal Island.
The Navy made this announcement
today in a communique which indi-
cated that the battle for the Solomons
was still in its preparatory stages,
with the Japanese attempting to mass
troops and ships and American avia-
tors striving to blast them before
they can get set.
The communique reported no "ma-.
terial change in the military situation
in the Solomon Islands." It went on
to say that on October 20 (October
19 in Washington) "a minor enemy
thrust against the western flank of
our troop positions on Guadalcanal
was repulsed."
"During the night of October 20-
21," it continued, "an enemy bomber
was shot down over Guadalcanal. The
bomber, which is believed to have
been on a reconnaisance mission, was
destroyed by anti-aircraft fire.
"Our aircraft continue active in
seeking out and bombing enemy troop
and supply concentrations on Guad-
alcanal Island," it said.

Scrap Attached
By Mnpoer
Manpower Corps volunteers opened
their attack on University scrap
heaps yesterday, as the executive
board began a survey of campus junk
heaps to determine just how much
metal can be collected.
Eight men worked for the Building
and Grounds Department all after-
noon yesterday sorting and carting
away metal from a storeroom in the
East Engineering Building.
The eight men are Bruce Green,
Bob Hall, David Klieman, Martin
Kaatz, Paul Burns, Kenneth Israel,
Harold Franks, Don Weiser, and
Richard Dick, Corps executive in
charge of scrap collection. i
Another 45 volunteers will go to
work topping beets in Milan Satur-
day, and 15 men will continue the
apple-picking project at the Soffe
farm tomorrow. Farm work will be
continued as long as there are jobs
to be done.
Michigan Industry
Goes V For Victory
DETROIT, Oct. 22.- (P)- A com-
bination of 33 industrial plants,
twelve of them in Michigan, was dis-
closed today to be the largest pro-
ducer of finished steel armor plate
for tanks and other combat vehicles
for the United States Army.
These plants are scattered through
six states. Many of them formerly
were competitors in manufacture of
such articles as automobile springs
and hardware, stampings, stoves,
furnaces, bumpers, saws, doors, rail-
road equipment, vitreous products,
bathtubs, shovels and bricks.

Hear Research
Greater Medical Progress
Seen By Prof. Sturgis
As Conference Opens
Even greater progress in medical
research in the next generation than
has ever been achieved was predicted
yesterday by Prof. Cyrus C. Stuigis of
the medical school before 140 persons
attending the opening session of the
Conference on Psychiatry in the
Rackham Bililding.
Today's se,- ion of the three-day
conference will include a public meet-
ing at 7:30 p. m. in the Rackham
Lecture Hall.
The program for the public meeting
will be presided over by Dr. Howard
Cummings, president of the Michigan
State Medical Society, and will in-
clude addresses on "Preventive Psy-
chiatry", "Psychiatry In Industry,"
"Psychiatry and Morale," and "Psy-
chiatry and Propaganda".
According to Dr. Frank Sladen,
physician in chief of Henry Ford Hos-
pital in Detroit and conference chair-
man, the cornIerece will attempt to
offer an opportunity, during the na-
tional emergency, to emphasize the
importance of psychiatry in the solu-
tion of the problems of human rela-
Gerald Pulls
A 'Fast One'
KALAMAZOO, Oct. 22.-O1)-Ger-
ald L. K. Smith, sticker candidate
for the United States Senate, said to-
night he wasn't molested on an auto-
mobile trip here from Detroit during
which he averaged between 50 and
55 miles an hour.
"I averaged between 50 and 55
miles an hour," Smith said. "Some-
times I drove 25 miles an hour; some-
times it was 60, and a few times it
reached 70."
"I didn't see a traffic cop any-
General Pooh-Poohs
Sub -Sinkings Story
LONDON, Oct. 22.- ()- Lieut.-
Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower branded
as lies today the recent German
claims that submarines had sunk sev-
eral liners "heavily laden with Amer-
ican troops."

planned to attack Dakar, Admiral -
Jean Darlan, chief -of Vichy's armed
forces, flew to that West African port
today to tell the population in the
naime of Chief of State Petain that
"new menaces ring out against you."
In German-occupied Paris the Nazi
authorities meanwhile warned French
workers they would be forced to go to
Germany unless they responded vol-
Official Order
This German official order resulted
from the non-appearance of desig-
nated skilled workers at a railway
station yesterday, and presumably
their failure to report today at the
same point for German-bound trains.
PierreLaval, Vichy chief of gov-
ernment, who already, had warned
French workers that they must freely
go to Germany to fulfill Berlin's de-
mand for 150,000 laborers, returned
here this afternoon from conferences
with French and German officials in
Calls Conferenct
He immediately conferred with
Marshal Petain and Fernand De Bri-
non, Vichy Ambassador to Paris.
The Darlan visit to Dakar, scene of
an abortive Free French-British at-
tack in September, 1940, was one of
evident urgency.
He compared the present situation
of Dakar to that of Madagascar be-
fore the big Indian Ocean island was
occupied by British forces. Quoting
from the message he carried from
Marshal Petain, he added that any
new attack on Dakar would meet "the
same answer as irr. September, 1940,"
when a De Gaullis-British expedition
failed to take the port from the sea.
Blueprint Will
AddAn Office
WASHINGTON, Oct. 22.- (A)- A
blueprint for sweeping reorganization
of the Federal government, aimed at
complete wartime mobilization of the
nation's resources in both materials
and manpower, was presented to the
House today by Chairman Tolan (D-
Calif.) of the special committee on
defense migration.
The Californian introduced a bill
to create an overall Office of War
Mobilization, guided by an "economic
general staff" known as the comr t-
tee on requirements and prograA..
His call for a reshuffling and
"streamlining" followed by two days
a special report by his committee de-
claring that "despite numerous re-
alignments, 10 months after Pearl
Harbor business-as-usual considera-
tions still permeate the Washington
wartime agencies."

Gives Up Post In Africa To Take Over,
Italian Navy; Prepares Twin Attacks
On British Positions In Egypt, Syria
Associated Press Correspondent
CAIRO, Oct. 22.-Marshal Erwin Rommel was reported tonight in su-
preme command of all Axis land, sea and air forces in the Mediterranean-
including the Italian navy-and planning twin offensives against Egypt and
Sources who cannot be identified by name but who have close contacts
in Europe said Rommel obtained his expanded authority on his recent visits
to Berlin and Rome.
These reports implied that the Italian navy, which rarely has ventured
beyond the range of coastal guns, and Mussolini's army and air forces had
been reduced to about the same puppet status as the forces of Rumania
4or Hungary. Britain's Mediterranean
fleet has greatly reduced the size of
the Italian navy, built around six
Senator Brown battleships, most of which are be-
lieved in various stages of repair as a
result of air attacks.
Rommel previously has been in
i command of the Germans and Ital-
For Speeches ians in North Africa,
Orders FromAdolph
These informants said Hitler had
instructed Rommel to attack Syria
from Greek islands in the Western
Mediterranean to forestall any pos-
sible Allied attack. Concentrations of
parachute troops and planes have
been reported from time to time in
positions for just such an attack on
the British rear position guarding the
v{Mi.Middle East.
.. c . Midd(Whether Rommel can beat the
,. Vi. British to the offensive punch in
.:.';:.\::..;Egypt isdoubtful. His Mediterranean
shipping has suffered heavy losses,
while reports for months have told
.::,4:;-of the growing Allied strength since
G Sen.Sir Harold Aexander took
mand. Vast quantities of new Amer-
ican equipment and troop units have
been reported moving into battle posi-

Quartermaster Fight
(A battle of quartermasters has
been in feverish, if unspectacular,
progress ever since the Allied line
halted the Axis 80 miles west of Alex-
andria. Reports of the past few weeks
have spoken of the imminence of an
offensive. Many have suggested that
the British would be the first to

Senator Prentiss M. Brown (D-
Mich.) will speak on "Winning the
War and Winning the Peace" at 6
p. m. today when he presents a cam-
paign talk at a citizen's banquet at
the Masonic temple.
The banquet speech will be spon-
sored by the Washtenaw county Dem-
ocratic committee. Other Democratic
candidates on the state, county and
second congressional district will be
Brown will also speak at a luncheon
to be held at 12:15 p. m. today at the
Last Chance Today
To Sign For Men's
Red Cross Course
Today is the last day for men stu-
dents to sign up for the first aid
course starting in the Union next
week. Registration will be held on the
diagonal from 2 to 5 p. m.
Classes will meet -once a week for
ten weeks on either Tuesday or
Thursday night from 7 to 9 p. m. Su-
pervised by doctors and specialists
from the Red Cross, enough classes
will be opened to take care of all that

'Open Season'
As Star Faces
Second Charge
By The Associated Press
LOS ANGELES, Oct. 22.- Errol
Flynn, man of adventure and daring
on the screen, will appear in superior
court Nov. 2 for preliminary hearing
on three counts of statutory rape.
The debonair actor was to have
come into court tomorrow for a pre-
liminary hearing on charges of rap-
ing 17-year-old Betty Hansen of Lin-
coln, Neb., at a movie party last
month but another complaint was
filed, charging he twice raped Peggy
LaRue Satterlee last year when she
was 15 years old.
The two cases were consolidated for
trial under an agreement reached as
the actor was arraigned this morning
on the Satterlee allegation.
"We'll fight the charges and Flynn
will be exonerated," said the actor's
lawyer, Robert Ford. "It looks like
open season on Flynn," commented
Jerry Giesler, specialist in criminal
law, who joined the defense counsel.
The complaint filed in behalf of
Miss Satterle alleges Flynn twice vio-
lated her aboard his yacht, the Siroc-
co, Aug. 3, 1941, en route from Los
Angeles to CatalinaIsland.
Statutory rape, under California
law, involves any sex act against a
girl under 18 years, whether with or
without consent.

'They Died Like Men':
Romulo Describes Bataan Battle

Get Your Tickets Early:
Mairriage Lectures To Be Given

Tickets for the 1942-43 Marriage
Relations Lecture Series, the first
lecture to be given at 8 p. m. Wednes-
day in the Rackham lecture hall, will
go on sale at 2 p. m. Monday in the
Union and League.
Ticket saleĀ§ will continue Monday
and Tuesday afternoons until 5 p. m.
and both evenings from 7 p. m. to 9
p. m. No ticket may be bought by
proxy and tickets are not transfer-
Attendance at this year's lecture

cards. The ticket and identification
card must be presented for admission
to each lecture. There will be no tick-
ets sold at the door.
Dr. Ernest G. Osborne, professor of
education and chief adviser in early
childhood education at Teachers Col-
lege, Columbia University, will open
the lecture course Wednesday with
a talk on "The Historical Background
of Marriage".
On Tuesday, Nov. 3, Dr. Norman
R. Kretzschmar, of the obstetrics and
gynecology department of the Uni-

Speaking not as a lecturer but as a
messenger from the soldiers left be-
hind on Bataan, Lt. Col. Carlos P.
Romulo last night warned America
to heed the lesson of the Philippines
so that "American boys will never
again have to go through such a bat-
tle" in the opening speech of 1942-
43 Oratorical Association Series in
Hill Auditorium.
Stating that the battle was lost,
"not when we surrendered in Bataan,
but after the First World War when
we refused to join the League of Na-
tions, after we entered into the Dis-
armament Conference in Washington
and after we began to wrangle about
less hours and more pay." Romulo

told of the futile efforts of the men,
Filipinos and Americans alike, who
fought on in the face of certain death,
of the boys of 17, 18 and 19 who were
"killed like rats, but died like men."
He described from first-hand in-
formation the "death rattle of Ba-
taan," the last days when the Japs
were closing in and the end was in
sight. He told of the pitiful handful
of rice a day, the absence of medical
supplies, the prevalence of disease
and pain and the desperate three-
month stand without relief of any
"You who take all these comforts
and. conveniences for granted donot
know what it is to go without," he
said. "There can be no peace without

There will be a short business
meeting of the Wolverines, stu-
dent pep organization, next Sun-
day at 2 p.m. in the Michigan
Union, Room 316, it was an-
nounced by the group president,
Bunny Crawford, '44.
All Wolverines are urged to
bring their athletic coupons in
order to receive their special




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