Mass Meeting For Freshmen
To Be Held Monday At League
Most Coeds Fit To Give Blood
'46 Women
Will Entertain
Accordng to Health Service, most
girls are physically able to donate
Girls and men may register this se-
nester for the Red Cross blood bank
at the Michigan League, and at the
The deadline for all petitions
for Assembly Banquet is Saturday
noon. Applications should be filled
out and placed in the box marked
"Assembly petitions" which will be
found in the Undergraduate Office
of the League.
stamp booth on the corner of State'
and North University, as well as in
the lobby of the Michigan Union.
Anyone who is under 21 must have
a note of permission from his family
in order to donate blood. They should
also have a Health Service "okay",
both of which must be presented in
order to be a blood donor.
The applicant will be given an ap-
pointment which is convenient to
him to donate blood. The plasma of
the blood will then be sent to central
blood banks throughout the country
where it can be put to immediate use.
once a year
-- f
TM ROAT CREA special sale
Through October 17th
other sizes 5.00 and.10.00
MAKE your throat a proud setting for fashion's
favorite necklines. Keep it smooth, firm and young-
looking with CHARLES OF THE RITZ Throat
Cream . . . a specialized blend of oils prepared for
lubrication and proper massage of neck and throat.
Well worth the few minutes daily care.
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At the State Street Store Today
Do COME IN and consult with Miss'
Bartholomew! Wide experience and,
very specialized training make her"
particularly capable of advising you
on beauty and make-up problems.
A good time, too, to replenish your
supply of Charles of the Ritz hand-
blended face powder!
Miss Esther Colton, Jordan Hall
Director, Will Act As Advisor
To Project At Cassidy Camp
A mass meeting for freshman wo-
men will be held at 4:30 p. m. Mon-
day in the League ballroom to organ-
ize and discuss plans for the annual
Freshman Project, Miss Esther Col-
ton, Jordan Hall director and adviser
to the project, announced yesterday.
In line with the League's war ef-
fort, groups of freshman women will
play hostess at a party for young men
in army training at Cassidy Lake
Camp near Chelsea every third Satur-
day evening.
Transportation Provided 1
The evening will start at 7:30 and
the girls will be home before closing
hours. The transportation will be fur-
"Women must remember that it
isn't so much whether they them-
selves have a good time, as it is their
patriotic duty to entertain these men,
who, while learning mechanics,' are
preparing for the armed forces," Miss
Colton said.
Freshmen Will Have Time
The Cassidy Lake men, all between
18 and 21 years, are receiving Army
mechanical training.
If every freshman will devote one
night of the year to the project, Miss
Colton explained, each one need at-
tend but once during the year. She
suggested that deferred rushing would
mean that freshmen would find the
A central committee composed of
residence hall and league house wo-
men and supplemented by a social
committee at the Camp, will organize
the trips.
League To Fete
Woman Sniper
Reception For Lt. Pavlichenko
After Hill Auditorium War Rally
Following the war rally at Hill
Auditorium tonight, there will be a
reception for Soviet Lt. Liudmila
Pavlichenko, famous Russian woman
sniper, in order to present students
and faculty members to the lieuten-
The reception, sponsored by the
women's undergraduate council un-
der the direction of Miss Ethel Mc-
Cormick, will be open to the entire
Hosts Have Been Chosen
Those expected to preside at the
punch table include Mrs. W. A. Gan-
oe, Mrs. Rawley Nelson, and Mrs.
George Rainich.
Hosts and hostesses for the affair
will be members of the League Coun-
cil, Student War Board, Russian War
Relief, and Union Executive Council.
Refreshments To Be Served
Receiving with Lt. Pavlichenko and
her party will be Pres. Ruthven, Dean
Joseph A. Bursley, Dean Alice C.
Lloyd, Mr. and Mrs. Clark Tibbetts,
Prof. and Madame Pargment, Char-
lotte Thompson, '43, and Don West,
The reception line will form in the
concourse on second floor. Ref resh-
ments will be served in the Grand
Rapids room and the Ethel Fountain
Hussey Room of the League.
Respond 400 Strong, Will Pledge
Coke Dates To Sophomore Service
OVER 400 sophomore women crowded the League Ballroom yesterday
The occasion was the first mass meeting of Sophomore Service
Workers-the girls who are going to relieve the shortage of help
at the University Hospital by putting in spare hours carrying trays,
and washing dishes.
Despite the rain, they came. Just about every sophomore woman
was accounted for-those that couldn't make the meeting had signed
up beforehand.
This is the first great united action that the campus has seen from
the women since everyone began realizing the importance of disbanding
WE FEEL that the sophomore women should be commended whole-
heartedly for their cooperation, eagerness and enthusiasm in ful-
filling the obligation that rested upon them.
The organization is smoothly synchronized and already moving
full speed ahead., Even the heads of the CDVO, Red Cross and
League were surprised at the 100 per cent response and even more
so at the excellent, serious and faultless organization of the project.
The greatest portion of the girls will be putting in their well-cher-
ished "coke hours" at the University hospital where they will clean
instruments, answer lights and wait on the patients.
Others will do clerical work in offices suffering from lack of pro-
fessional help. Others will act as hostesses for campus parties for men
in the service. Others will do art and publicity work for the CDVO.
But the important thing is that every sophomore woman has
pledged her free time for the duration and has pledged it gladly.
F THE WOMEN of the freshman, junior and senior classes do as well,
then the whole country will be justly proud of the University of
Michigan.-Barbara de Fries
Women's Editor
Seniors, Alumnae To
The Alumnae Council will sponsor H
a panel discussion at 9:30 p. m. to- L
morrow on the topic "The Impact of
War on Women's Occupations," to
which both alumnae and senior wo-B
men are invited. g
This discussion is part or the pro- T
gram of the Autumn Meeting of the L
Council which will take place in the c
Attend Discussion
Henderson Room of the Michigan
Among the speakers are Mrs. Jose-
phine Gomon of the Willow Run.
Bomber Plant, Mrs. Caroline Burlin-
ame, former Director of Women's
T'raining Program and Dean Alice
Lloyd, Member of Educational Coun-
(Continued from Page 4)I
Assembly held in Washington last
September will be presented in the
series of Sunday evening programs
at the International Center Sunday,
October 18, at 8:00 p.m. Four of the
thirty foreign students from Michi-
gan who attended the Assembly will
report on the results of the Assembly.
Anyone interested is cordially invited.
Women's Debate: There will be a
meeting for all those interested in
women's debate at 4 o'clock on Mon-
day in 4208 Angell Hall.
Le Cercle Francais will meet on
Wednesday, October 21, at.8:00 p.m.
in the Michigan League. Prof. Char-
les E. Koella of the Department of
Romance Languages, will give a brief
talk on "La France Combattante."
There will be songs, a social hour and
All students on the campus who
speak some French, have had one
year of High School French, or one
semester of College French, may be-
come members. Freshmen will en-
joy the friendly atmosphere of the
Former members are urged to be
Faculty members of the University
who are interested in speaking French
are cordially invited.
The Graduate Outing Club will
meet for organization purposes Sun-
day, October 18, at 3:00 p.m. at the
Club Rooms in Rackham Hall.
All graduate students, faculty and
their interested friends are invited
as the Club's program for the present
academic year will be decided on the
basis of the number interested. Come
to the northwest door of Rackham
Hall prepared for an afternoon picnic
hike if the weather permits; for in-
door recreation in case of inclement
Ushering for Theatre Arts: All
girls interested in ushering for the
Art Cinema League Sunday program
on Oct. 18, "A History of the Ameri-
can Film," please sign up at once in
the Undergraduate Office of the
League. Girls may usher for either
the 7 o'clock or the 9 o'clock per-
The Art Cinema League presents,
on Sunday, October 18, at 7:00 and
9:00 p.m., the first program in a
four Sunday Evening series present-
ing a history of the American film.
Series tickets at Mendelssohn Box
Office and Union and League desks.
Extra Fashion Value!
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ing in the city. . . you'll love our "Quick-
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some in scarlet, dark green, navy, brown
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Special a
Just when you want them most! Impression-
making dresses for campus and U.S.O. parties
dotting your calendar. In our regular stock
at higher prices, you'll want to snatch this
opportunity to pick up one or several for
festivities ahead. Crisp rayon taffetas .
velveteens . . . rayon crepes . . . filmy nets
rayon jerseys. Most of them in your fav-
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