FRIDAY. OM It. 1442
Fifty-Third Year
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.. THE MICHI.: GAN DATTI':+ .a~ccawa a f l ala V4L ,
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FRIDAY, OCT. 16, 1942
VOL. LIII No. 11
All notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to 'be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Protection of University Property
Against Theft: Whenever it becomes
known that property has been stolen
or is missing, notice should be given
with utmost promptness at the Busi-
ness Office, Room 1, University Hall.
This applies to articles owned by the
institution or owned privately.
For the protection of property it
is important that doors and windows
be locked, inside doors as well as out-
side doors, when rooms are to be left
unoccupied even for a brief period.
The building custodians cannot be
responsible for conditions after the
hours when they are on duty or when
persons with keys to buildings un-
lock doors and leave them unlocked.
It is desirable that department heads
make a careful check two or three
times a year of all keys to quarters
under their charge, to make sure that
keys have not been lost and are not
in the hands of persons no longer re-
quiring their use. It is strictly con-
trary to University rules to have
duplicate keys made or to lend keys
issued for personal use.
A reward of $50 is offered to any
person for information that directly
or indirectly leads to the apprehen-
sion of thieves on University prem-
ises. Shirley W. Smith
To Members of the Faculty, Staff
and Student Body: Attention of ev-
eryone is called to the Lost and
Found department of the Business
Office, Room 1, University Hall. In-
quiry concerning lost articles should
be made promptly at the above men-
tioned office. Articles found on the
campus and in University buildings
should be turned over immediately.
Those articles not called for within
60 days will be surrendered to the
Shirley W. Smith
To All Departments: Please notify
Mr. Peterson in the Business Office
the number of Faculty Directories
needed in your department.
Herbert G. Watkins,
Assistant Secretary
Choral Union Ushers: The follow-
ing men please report at Hill Audi-
torium box office today, 4:30 to 5:30
p.m., for Main Floor assignments:
Robert Aldrich, Fred J. Bareis,
Jack B. Batchelor, James S. Bawer,
18-19 DRAFT:
Teen Age Bill Must
Have Quick Passage"
PLANS for lowering the draft age from
20 to 18 years are being rushed to-
ward completion.
This action, long expected in Washington, is
one which should be carried through with the
utmost of haste. That the move is a necessary one
is apparent, for it has the backing of Stimson,
General Marshall, chief of staff, Admiral King,
commahder of the fleet, and other men in the
military "know." To prolong its passage and hin-
der the drafting of the 1,500,000 men of 18 or 19
is hindering a move which, in the words of the
President, "may shorten the war with annihilat-
ing new offensives."
OPPOSITION to the bill has been so vigorous
' that it was tacitly'agreed among members of
Congress to postpone the proposal until after
elections, but the matter appears now to have
come to a head and shows prospects of going
through. Even Rep. Andrew J. May, chairman of
the House Military Affairs committee, previously
emphatic in expressions of disapproval, has be-
gun to view the idea with less: reluctance since
receiving official word fromr the White House:2
Many, who only a month ago told the country
that there was no need for quick action in draf-
ting the 18-19 age group, or in drafting married
men for another;18months, used Selective
Service figures, he said, to show that an army
of 6,300,000 could be raised without touching
these groups. The figures he used, however,
included a large number of disease-ridden men
and a great many essential defense workers
that the Services do not count on at present.
Since that time it has been increasingly evi-
dent that May's information was inaccurate and
a little behind the times, too, since married men
have already been drafted in many communities.
May, you remember, was the member of Congress
who earlier this year predicted the war would be
over in 1942.
THE FACT REMAINS, however, that the teen-
age men ARE needed and needed now to fur-
ther our part in the war effort. The importance
of sending men under 25 years of age overseas
into combat was emphasized not only by the
President, but, upon numerous occasions, by
Secretary Stimson because of their superiority
of fighting ability.
In the last war it was only after the men under
20 years of age were drafted that events took a
turn for the better, and if, as Stimson has as-
serted, "they are better soldiers," then by all
means the age limit should be lowered. His state-
ment that teen-age men are peculiarly well
adapted to military training and that their "flair
for soldiering" is exceptional compared with
other age groups would seem to leave no choice
in the matter, for, above all, the winning of the
war should be the primary consideration.
HE LOWERING of the draft age appearing in-
evitable and essential to the quickest winning
of the war, it is to be hoped that action on the
bill be obtained as soon as possible.
--Marion Ford
yd RatUher Be Right
NEW YORK- I look with favor on the sug-
gestion that Germany's real reason for manacling
British prisoners is to stop Commando raids.
There has been something mysterious about this
business from the start. The Germans have been
much more angry than the offense of which they
complained justified, the temporary tying-up of
a few German captives during the heat of an
English raid on a Channel island. The anger of
the Nazis has been suspiciously theatrical; their
selection of Commandos captured at Dieppe to
wear shackles has been very pointed. But now
the German radio comes°out with it frankly:
Germany, says the Berlin broadcaster, does
not indulge in "red Indian raids" on Britain, and
so Germany simply must do something to lead
the British back to "a decent mode of warfare."
So, if for a moment, you thought the Nazis had
finer feelings which had been outraged by the
binding of some of their men, lay the thought
aside. White is still white, and black is still black.
It is fear which moves the Nazis.
Instinctively,. a number of Englishmen seem to
have caught on, even in advance of the German
broadcast. The London Times has denounced
Britain's retaliatory manacling of German war
prisoners. It says, as quoted by the New York
Times, that there is only one answer to Nazi
barbarism, and that is "military . ., waging of
relentless war."
--And Lord Strabolgi, the Labor peer, echoes the
conservative London Times: The only answer to
Germany is to defeat the German armies on the
Hitler's shackling of Commandos, must, I
think, be viewed as a lame effort to get the war
back into the hooey stage. He has almost given
that up lately. His recent speech omitted a num-
ber of his standard vaudeville turns, his recital
of the injustices of Versailles, and his terrible
description of his own anger, the latter being a
favorite performance, for Hitler enjoys scaring
himself by revealing how frightfully vexed he is.
No, it was a "straight" speech, a sober and
thoughtful account of a war underway, by one of
the participants. It was Hitler's most important
speech of the war, because it was the first in
which he admitted, by tone and implication, as
well as by word, that war, real war, in the sense
of long and dubious struggle, actually existed.
I like to play with the thought that the shack-
ling business is a reversion to type, Hitler's effort
to get back to those pleasanter days, for him,
when he pounded the desk before poor Schusch-
nigg, and roared at Henderson, and made the
radio rock with his surrealist imagery about the
extent of his wrath, and won his greatest victor-
ies by foaming at the mouth.
One can almost hear him: "I'll stop those Com-
mando raids!" and almost see him, issuing the
.order to shackle the prisoners of Dieppe. It is
actually an attempted come-back by a master
political strategist, by one of whom it is still true
that he won his most profitable victories before
he used his armies. Only this is 1942, and nobody
seems scared. And the British, showing them-
selves at their best, reply.impudently by actually
raising a moral issue over even retaliatory shack-
ling, and they urge that the thing be settled by
Hitler's defeat.
Is there no way, then, to stop the Commandos?
That must be the thought with which Hitler is
living. Surely, some clever stroke can be found.
He shackles his prisoners. In the midst of war,
he tries to start an incongruous debate about
how he can hurt the enemy, if the enemydoesn't
look out, sheer pretense that he is not doing all
he can. It is an effort to turn the calendar back
to 1938, when an outcry could win him a country,
when a couple of roars could give him half a
Only the bombing of London has intervened,
and clear-headed Englishmen say that, of course,
the answer to the shackling of Commandos is
quite clear; it is more Commando raids.
Some day we may get, in detail, the story of
,the psychological horrors which will afflict the
Nazis as the prospect of their defeat changes
from a fanciful far-off image to dull, instant cer-
tainty. They will pull more pillars down than
Samson did. The shackling business seems a first
gesture along this line. As from a great distance,
we can see the man who profited so much from
our lack of realism, come to the agonizing conclu-
sion that the world is, incredibly, a real world at
last, one in which there are no longer charmed
lives nor mystic privileges.
(Copyright, 1942, N. Y. Post Syndicate)
'Carnival in Flanders.' In French with English
subtitles. At Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, Thursday,
Friday and Saturday.
With just the slightest trace of Hollywood sit-
uations and some of the most expert and techni-
cally advanced photography yet seen in French
films, Carnival in Flanders is pretty much what
an American audience expects of a French com-
edy: plenty of good loud laughs in individual
scenes and enough sly cracks all the way through
to keep even a college student interested.
The story tells of the Spanish invasion of a
little Flemish town in the seventeenth century
and the farcial manner in which the good house-
wives of the town save it from loot and destruc-
tion. To do this, they resort to the trick of pre-
tending that the Mayor of their town is dead, and
go into 'mourning' as the Spanish army enters
thus gaining the appropriate respect and sym-
The Mayor, something of a French Frank Mor-
gan, spends the better part of the picture in
bed pretending he is dead, and everybody has a
good time except, of course, the Mayor.
The acting is down to earth and real, with a
minimum of corn, and should make a lot of
American actors stop using Kreml and get down
to learning how to act. Particularly good are
Louis Jouvet as the priest and the actress taking
the Dart of the Mayor's wife.
James Beesley, Gardon J. Bird, Jos-
eph Cabot, John R. Corney, John Cul-
bertson, John D. Darroch, Anthony
Drake, Robert Duff, Jerome L. Fecht-
ner, Robert A. Gregg, Edmund J.
Grossberg, Richard Hanau, Ken Huff,
P. T. Lahti, Alfred S. Leiman, Murray
Lilly, John MacKinnon, Murry F.
Markland, Leonard E. Miller, Jack
Montgomery, Thau Morrison, Charles
Murphy, Hugh Norton, Paul Parker,
Eduardo M. Perou, C. W. Redden,
Harry Schagrin, Lawrence Scott, Wm.
*R. Sheehy, Harvey L. Schulman,
r Howard Siefen, William Siegel, Peter
A. S. Smith, Bruce Suthergreen, Har-
old E. Warner, Robert Warner, John
Edward S. Warren
. Choral Union Ushers: The follow-
ing men please report at Hill Audi-
torium box office today, 4:30 to 5:30
p.m., for First Balcony assignments:
Charles Braithwaite, Roland W.
Brandt, Harold B. Coleman, Robert
G. Craig, Milton O. Deneras, Coral L.
Driester, Fred D. Dornblaser, Douglas
G. Davis, Bernard 0. Feldman, James
Fredrickson, Harry F. Gilmore, Jos-
iah A. McHale, Burt Hendricks, Jack
Jacobson, Arthur W. Katz, Charles
Koethen, Ernest Laetz, Murray M.
Lipschitz, Bryer Maximilian, Leonard
M. Mendelson, Earl Miller, Harvey
Miller, Olin Oeschger, David Pro-
tetch, Richard B. Rogeis, Sydney R.
Shell, Oliver Smith, Lawrence P.
Tourkow, Edgar Vaughan, William J.
Vaugn, David G. Whitcomb, Freder-
ick F. Woodward.
Edward S. Warren
German Table for Faculty Mem-
bers organizing luncheon, in the
Founders' Room, Michigan Union,
Monday, October 19, at 12:10 p.m.
Members of all departments are cor-
dially invited. Reservations to be
phoned to the German office, ex-
tension 788, by Friday noon.
Faculty, College of Engineering:
There will be a meeting of the Faculty
today at 4:15 p.m., in Room 348,
West Engineering Building. Routine
business will be the order of the
A. H. Lovell, Secretary
Faculty, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and The Arts:
Instructors are requested to report
absences of sophomores, juniors, and
seniors to 1220 Angell Hall on the
buff cards which are now being dis-
tributed to departmental offices.
Green cards are provided for report-
ing freshman absences. All freshmen
attendance reports should be made
on the green cards and sent directly
to the office of the academic coun-
selors, 108 Mason Hall.
Please note especially the regula-
tions concerning three-week ab-
sences, and the time limits for drop-
ping courses. The rules relating to
absences are printed on the attend-
ance cards. They may also be found
on Page 48 of the current Announce-
ment of our Colllege.
E. H. Walter,
Assistant Dean
For underheated or overheated
rooms, call the Buildings and
Grounds Department, Extension 317.
Do not in any case open the windows.
Help in the war effort by conserving
E. C. Pardon
German Departmental Library, 204
University Hall, schedule for the Fall
Term: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thurs-
day, Friday; 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.; Sat-
urday: 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon.
Student Identification Cards will
be given out in Room 2, University
Hall today. These cards must be
presented at the gate for the football
game on October 17 and for all games
Certificates of Eligibility cannot be
given out in the Dean of Students'
Office on October 16 or 17 because
of fraternity pledging.
To Deans, Directors, Department
Heads and Others Responsible for
Payrolls: Payrolls for the Fall Term
are ready for approval. This should
be done at the Business Office before
October 20 if the checks are to be
issued on October 31.
Edna Geiger Miller,
Payroll Clerk
Senior Mechanical Engineers: Mr.
M. H. Campbell, Representative of
The Standard Oil Company of Ohio,
will interview Senior Mechanical En-
gineering students this noon for pros-
pective positions with that organiza-
Interview schedule is posted on the
Bulletin Board ,at Room 221 West
Engineering Building.
Senior Mechanical, Chemical &
,Metallurgical Engineers:
American Locomotive Company,
Schenectady, N. Y., Representative,
Mr. L. L. Park, will interview Senior
Engineers of the above groups on
Tuesday, October 20, for prospective
positions with that Company.
Interviews will be held in Room
to teachers and to all interested in
business and other professional posi-
tions, and is open to seniors, gradu-.
ate students and staff -members in-
terested in full-time work.
Only one registration will be held,
-and everyone who wants employment
at the end of the February, June, or
August term is urged to apply now.
There is no charge for registration
this week. After this week, however,
there will be a late registration fee
of $1.00. It shtuld be noted that
everyone who is a candidate for a
Teacher's Certificate is required by
the School of Education to be regis-
tered in the Bureau before the cer-
tificate can be granted.
University Bureau of Appoint-
ments & Occupational Infor-
Applications for the Hillel Scholar-
ship of $150 will be received at the
Foundation through noon of October
23. Forms may be obtained at the
Foundation and further information
may be had by calling 3779.
University Lecture: Dr. Siegfried
Giedion of Zurich, Switzerland, Nor-
ton Lecturer at Harvard University,
will lecture on the subject, "The
American Spirit of Invention, " (l-
lustrated) under the auspices of the
College of Architecture and Design,
today at 4:15 p.m. in the Lecture
Room of the Architecture Building.
The public is cordially invited.
Academic Notices
Class in Physics 203 will meet as
usual today.
E. F. Baker
Actuarial Review Class in Algebra:
A meeting for the organization of a
review class in algebra for students
interested in writing Part I of the
Actuarial Examinations will be held
in Room 3010, Angell Hall, today at
1:00 p.m.
C. J. Nesbitt
History Make-up Examinations will
be held Friday, October 23, 4 to 6 in
Room C, Haven Hall. Students must
obtain written permission of the in-
structor before Oct. 21, and sign in
the office of the History Department,
119 Haven Hall.
Preliminary examinations for the
doctorate id English will be given ac-
cording to the following schedule:
December 2: American Literature
With European Backgrounds.
December 5: English Literature,
December 9: English Literature,
December 12: English Literature
from Beginnings to 1550.
All examinations will be given in
3217 A. H., 9:00-12:00 a.m.
All those intending to take the
examinations should notify Professor
N. E. Nelson as soon as possible.
To all students of Latin and Greek:
Phi Tau Alpha, the University classi-
cal society, will hold a brief organ-
izational meeting on Monday, Octo-
ber 19, at 4:15 p.m. in Room 2014,
Angell Hall. All former members and
faculty are requested to be present,
and those interested in membership
are cordially invited.
Choral Union Concert Tickets: A
limited number of tickets for the sea-
son or for individual concerts, are
still on sale over the counter at the
offices of the University Musical So-
ciety in Burton Memorial Tower. On
the days of the respective performan-
ces a limited number of standing
room tickets will also be placed on
sale, if necessity requires.
Charles A. Sink, President
University Musical Society
Events Today
The Observatory public evening
series will begin this evening with
open house at the Angell Hall Ob-
servatory from 8:00 to 10:00. The
moon will be shown through the tel-
escopes. Children must be accompa-
nied by adults.
The bell chamber of the Burton
Memorial Tower will be open to visi-
tors interested in observing the play-
ing of the carillon from 12 noon to
12:15 p.m. today at which time Prof.
Percival Price, University Carilloneur,
will present an informal program.
Ushering for Art Cinema League:
Everyone interested in ushering for
"Carnival In Flanders", being given
tonight and Saturday, Qct. 16 and 17,
sign up immediately in the Under-
graduate Office of the League. Sign-
up sheets are posted on the bulletin
Episcopal Students: Tea will be
served for Episcopal students and
their friends by the Canterbury Club
this afternoon, 4:00 to 5:15, in Harris
Hall, State and Huron streets.
Westminster Guild: Treasure hunt
at the Presbyterian church tonight
beginning at 8:30. All students *el-
come. Refreshments.
Coming Events
Research Club: The first meeting
of the Research Club for the current
TY.. Will a hut i a Anhi+haa.
WASHINGTON- The long-smoul-
dering row over whether the nation
should build quick new sponge iron
mills and also develop its isolated and
Far Western iron deposits will flare
into the open in Congress next week.
ON ONE SIDE of the row are Far
Western and Southern Congress-
men, plus Secretary Ickes, plus Re-
public Steel. On the other side are
most of the big steel companies and
their friends in the War Production
Board who are suspected of not want-
ing the iron and steel industry to
shift away from big blast furnace
production in the Pittsburgh, Youngs-
town, Cleveland areas.
The row has many other ramifica-
tions, one of them being whether the
$1-a-year men represent themselves
or the Government. Another is why
we have a desperate steel shortage
when millions of tons of iron ore lie
untouched in the Far West, where it
could be developed by the cheap,
quick sponge iron process. The ques-
tion is not entirely geographical,
however, for sponge iron plants can
be built anywhere.
Sponge vs. Blast Furnaces
The two opposing officials are W.
A. Hauck of WPB's Steel Facilities
Unit, and S. O. Hobart of the Blast
Furnace Unit. They oppose sponge
iron as an "unsound innovation."
HOWEVER, the Boykin' Committee
wants to examine them closely as
to whether they are not chiefly op-
posed to breaking the hold of certain
big steel companies, which don't want
competition from low grade ores, de-
veloped' by a cheaper process
throughout the country.
Also the Committee may want to
probe into the fact that Hauck was
formerly an accountant with Bethle-
hem Steel, while Hobart was Presi-
dent of the Troy, N. Y., Furnace Cor-
poration, makers of blast furnaces
and coke ovens. The new sponge iron
process offers , competition to the
blast furnace process.
Republic wants to establish a
OSU 'Lantern' Is Roused, Rankled, Wrathful
About This Simply Miserable Trophy Situation
(Not to be tedious, but the editors and I agree
that this editorial from the Ohio State Lantern is
a much better statement of the case against the
Ohio State Lantern than yesterday's column , .
started negotiations with the Michigan Daily for
the exchange of plaques with the front-page rep-
lica of each paper going to the other school. On