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February 26, 1942 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-02-26

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Washington Merry-Go-Round

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of- Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights
of republicatipn of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.00, by mail $5.00.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
42o MADaioON AvE. NEW YORK. N. Y.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42

Emile Gel .
Alvin Dann .
David Lachenbruch
Jay McCormick
Gerald E. Burns
Hal Wilson.
Arthur Hill
Janet Hiatt .
Grace Miller .
Virginia Mitchell
Daniel H. Huyett
James B. Collins
Louise Carpenter
Evelyn Wright




. . . Managing Editor
. . .Editorial Director
. . . . City Editor
. . . Associate Editor
. . . Associate Editor
* . . Sports Editor
Assistant Sports Editor
. . Women's Editor
. Assistant Women's Editor
. . . Exchange Editor

WASHINGTON-By an odd twist of fate, Gen-
eral MacArthur is getting supplies today
from a man whose ambition to become Assistant
Secretary of War nine years ago was squelched
by MacArthur.
The man in question is Carroll Cone of Pan
American Airways. Cone comes from Arkansas.
So does MacArthur. When MacArthur was Chief
of Staff, Cone was in Washington with the Com-
merce Department's aviation bureau, sought to
become Assistant Secretary of War for air.
The job was vacant, andCone had the support
of the late Senator Joe Robinson of Arkansas
and other potent figures. However, MacArthur
sat on the idea. He wasn't keen about the air
arm of the army at that time and abolished the
job of an assistant secretary who would devote
all his time to promoting the Air Corps.
FOR EIGHT YEARS the Army was without an
air executive-revived only a year ago when
Secretary Stimson appointed Robert A. Lovett
as Assistant Secretary of War for air.
Today, as a Pan American Airways official, it
is Cone's job to transport supplies by a cir-
cuitous and secret route to the Bataan penin-
sula. And they are getting there.
For years U. S. Army war plans provided that
in case of a Japanese attack on the Philippines,
U. S. forces there would have to be abandoned.
However, thanks to long range transport planes
and Cone's efficiency, supplies are definitely
reaching the Philippines.
Secret Rubber Deal
LITTLE BY LITTLE, a highly significant and
secret picture of the disastrous rubber short-
age is leaking out from high places. It shows
that although Federal Loan Czar Jones was
woefully short-sighted, he isn't the only one to
blame for the dearth of tires and the "Jesse
Jones Walking Clubs" which have become Wash-
ington's latest fad.
Additional dynamite was unearthed by the
Truman Committee of the Senate and the House
Military Affairs Committee last week which has
Congressional eyes popping. It showed the rami-
fications of the giant deal between Standard Oil
of New Jersey and I. G. Farbenindustrie of Ger-
many to ban the use in the United States of
patents for a certain process of manufacturing
synthetic rubber.
AS A RESULT of this arrangement, Goodyear
Rubber and Dow Chemical, which ap-
proached Standard Oil for use of these patents
in 1934, were turned down. They did not know
at the time-nor did anyone else-of Standard
Oil's deal.
Meanwhile, Hitler was building up a tremen-
dous stockpile of synthetic rubber in preparation
for future war against the United States.
The inside story of this giant international
deal goes back to a few years after the last war
when Standard Oil of New Jersey was about to
go into the chemical field. Simultaneously, L G.
Farbenindustrie planned to go into oil.

Business Staff B
S. A .a Business Manager
Associate Business Manager
. Women's Advertising Manager
. Women's Business Manager

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Indian Problem
Brought To Light Again
T HE STATEMENT by General Chiang
Kai-shek in India on Saturday that
the Indians should expect Britain to grant them.
independence as soon as possible has again
brought the Indian problem to light. The In-
dian question, which has been dodged by the
British government and colonial office during
the decades when it was often brought to a
head by Gandhi and his passive resistance pol-
icy, becomes of utmost importance at the present
as the Japanese war machine crashes through
Burma and the East Indies.
As the Japanese pick up remnants of the
British and Dutch Pacific empire, it becomes
increasingly evident that the maintenance of
small colonial garrisons manned by British and
Dutch personnel no longer serve their intended
policy of protecting the territory they supposedly
oversee. The traditional policy of empire in
which the mother country trades protection for
economic and political rights has proved its
failure in the Malay Peninsula, in Sarawak, in
the Dutch colonies, in North Africa, and if not
soon remedied will prove catastrophical in India,
in the Near East and in other sections of the
British Empire.
IT IS no longer possible to exploit a nation
with procrastinated promises. That is what
happened to India, a country of 318,000,000
people-a country which, to all intents, could
be classed a nation as is China. A free India, the
goal of Gandhi and Nehru since the first World
War would not only be a great aid to the Allies
in the continuation of the war, but would serve
as an example to the Nazi-conquered peoples
who hope for a new era of freedom at the end
of the war.
It is perhaps ironical that the English must
import Chinese troops to help them defend
Burma, when there are millions of Burmese who
could constitute one of the largest Asiatic forces
had they been armed and had they been given
something to fight for. Apparently the British
still look at their colonial peoples as savages
who wear rings around their necks and through
their noses, good only for helping traders carry
ivory tusks and orchids from the tropical forests.
Savages, also in the sense that they might revolt
if guns were put into their hands.
HIE TIME has finally come when the freedom
we brag about so greatly be shown to those
who doubt our words. It is no longer of any use
to cling to vestiges of international diplomacy
which have built empires in the past. The days
of empire diplomaties are over. The longer we
try to maintain chains of colonies and protec-
torates around the world, the sooner will links
in that chain be destroyed by external forces of
the enemy and by internal forces growing from
the absence of incentive to fight for something
which is not part of that link.
Now is the time to grant India dominion status.
It is not the time to dangle new promises in ex-
change for collaboration in the war effort. This
should be the first step if the Allies expect to
maintain a toehold in Asia. If the policy which

Dividing The World
SO, fearing each other's competition, they
agreed to divide the world between them.
Standard Oil wanted to dominate the world's
gasoline business, especially synthetic gasoline;
while I. G. Farben wanted to dominate the
chemical field, especially synthetic rubber.
So after some years of dickering, they formed
a secret cartel in 1929, by which the German
trust took over all chemical patents, including
synthetic rubber, while Standard took over all
of the oil patents, especially the patents on
synthetic gasoline. One most important part of
the agreement was that the Germans were per-
mitted to make synthetic gasoline inside Ger-
many, while Standard Oil was not permitted to
make synthetic rubber inside the United States.
However, according to evidence placed before
the Senate and House Committees, "The Ameri-
can cartel was so interested in relieving com-
petition in their home market that they gave
their home market away."
EVIDENCE also has been unearthed showing
that all of last summer and fall, when many
people figured war with the Axis was just
around the corner, Standard Oil continued to
cooperate with the Germans to suppress the
manufacture of synthetic rubber in the United
States by these particular patents. Documents
have even been foqnd in Standard's files refer-
ring to the "Hitler Government," indicating that
the "Hitler Government" was opposed to the
development of synthetic rubber here.
Whether this was because Hitler even then
was scheming to cut off our natural rubber sup-
plies from the Dutch East Indies, is not known.
Dividing After War
WHAT IS KNOWN, however, is that the two
companies contemplated the possibility of
war. For they wrote into their secret agreement
the following provision:
"In the event the performance of these agree-
ments or of any material provisions thereof by
either party should be hereafter restrained .. .
or be aliented to a substantial degree by opera-
tion of law or governmental authority, the par-
ties should enter into new negotiations in the
spirit of the present agreements, and endeavor
to adapt their relations to the changed condi-
tions which have so arisen."
Justice Department experts, called to testify
before the Congressional committees, said they
interpreted these "changed conditions" to mean
war, and that Standard sought to dominate the
synthetic gasoline market and I. G. Farben the
synthetic rubber market after the war was over.
The leply Chunrlish
PLAYS may be divided roughly into two cate-
gories: good ones and bad ones. Of the latter .
sort was Rose Burke, Henri-with an 'i'-Bern-
stein's topial drama which ran last week at the
Cass Theatre, starring Katherine Cornell. Of
small concern to me is the question as to just
what went on after the first act. I took the
liberty of leaving during the pleasant buzz of
conversation, mingled with the strains of the
Cass five-piece orchestra, that followed the tense
moment as the curtain dropped on Act One:
The living room of Mrs. Burke's New York apart-
ment. I caught the ten o'clock bus.
What had gone on until then was mostly
Katherine Cornell making with the rich, throaty
fluidity of voice that has endeared her to thou-
sands of theatre-goers in Detroit, Michigan, most
of whom teach English in the high schools of
that city and raise cats. As Rose Burke, charm-
ing-you are told so-and talented sculptress
and widow of a man named Burke, Miss Cornell
is beloved of all because she is anoble soul, and
though she directed most of her lines to the
sound-proof velvet curtains, and stamped around
in slacks and a smock while making vague daubs
at a clay bust on a stand, it appeared to me that
Miss Cornell was just as embarrassed to be
starring in Rose Burke as I was to be seeing hr
in same.
MAYBE NOT THOUGH. It is a tough assign-
ment to be a Great Lady of the American

Theatre, and it means most plays must be picked
because they center around a woman character
of the noble sort, because 'nobody wants to see
the woman whom they always picture as wearing
a suit of armor and carrying some sort of flag
at the head of sixteen supers with spears, doing
the half-caste girl in a south sea epic or playing;
in anything, to be brief, that does not offer both
fat lines of the elocutionary sort, and a chance
to inspire the female portion of the audience so
they can all go home and treat their maids o;
cats a little nicer. Besides, with the rep she en-
joys in the provinces, it is a very safe bet for
Miss Cornell and Guthrie McClintic' to tour
anything they may choose through the country
"previous to the New York premiere, on Broad-
ALSO PRESENT in Act I were Doris Dudley,
who ran timidly through a chain smoking
interpretation of Barbara, Duchess of Rock-
well, who is somewhat of a tramp but with the
heart of gold, pure gold, and Rose Burke is doing
a bust of her and decides to make it a full-
length like David, and give it to Britain. It will
be the spirit of Britain. Philip Merivale is a shy
but aw dammit he's lovable Washington econo-
mist who has so to speak won Rose's heart, and
together they play straight one of the funniest
love scenes on record; "Rose, why didn't you
tell me?" "I've always loved you, Jim, since that

VOL. LII. No. 104
Publication in the Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University.
Protection of University Property
Against Theft: Whenever it becomes
known that property has been stolen
or is missing, notice should be given
with utmost promptness at the Busi-
ness Office, Room 1, University Hall.
This applies to articles owned by the
institution or owned privately.
For the protection of property it is
important that doors and windows be l
locked, inside doors as well as outside
doors, when rooms are to be left un-
occupied even for a brief period. The
building custodians cannot be re-
sponsible for conditions after the
hours when they are on duty or
when persons with keys to buildings
unlock doors and leave them un-
locked. It is desirable that depart-
ment heads make a careful check two
or three times a year of all keys to
quarters under their charge, to make
sure that keys have not been lost and
are not in the hands of persons no
longer requiring their use. It is
strictly contrary to University rules
to have duplicate keys made or to
lend keys issued for personal use.
A reward of $50 is offered to any
persons for information that directly
ar indirectly leads to the apprehen-
sion of thieves on University prem-
Notice: Attention of all concerned,
and particularly of those having offi-
ces in Haven Hall, or the western
portion of the Natural Science Build-
ing is directed to the fact that park-
ing or standing cars in the driveway
between these two buildings is pro-
hibited, because it is at all times in-
convenient to other drivers and to
pedestrians on the diagonal and other
walks. If members of your family call
for you, especially at noon when traf-
fic both on wheels and on foot is
heavy, it is especially urged that the
car wait for you in the parking space
adjacent to the north door of Uni-
versity Hall. Waiting in the driveway
blocks traffic and involves confusion,
inconvenience, and danger just as
much when a person is sitting in a
car as when the car is parked empty.
University Senate Committee
on Parking
To the Members of the Faculty of
the College of Literature, Science,
and the Arts: The fifth regular meet-
ing of the Faculty of the College of
Literature, Science, ahd the Arts for
the academic session of 1941-42 will
be held in Room 1025, Angell Hall,
on Monday, March 2, at 4:10 pf.m.
Edward H. Kraus
1. Consideration of the minutes of
the meeting of January 26th, 1942,
pages 1-4, which should be re-paged
as 793-796, and which were distrib-
uted by campus mail.
2. Memorial: H. D. Curtis. Com-
mittee: J. W. Eaton, D. L. Rich, W.
C. Rufus, and D. B. McLaughlin,
3. Introduction of new member.
4. Consideration of reports:
A. Reports submitted with the call
to the meeting:
a. Executive Committee, Professor
R. C. Angell.
b. University Council, Professor Z.
C. Dickinson.
c. Executive Board of the Gradu-
ate School, Associate Professor Clark
d. Deans' Conference, Dean E. H.
e. College Honors Program, Dr.
John Arthos.

B. Oral report:
Senate Advisory Committee on
Univeksity.Affairs, Professor O. S.
Duff endack.
5. Problem of the instructor, con-
tinuation of discussion.
6. New business.
7. Announcements.
To the Members of the Depart-
ments of Latin and Greek: There
will be a departmental luncheon to-
day at 12:10 p.m. in the Founders'
Room at the Michigan Union.
Alien (Enemy) Registration: The
Office of the Counselor to Foreign
Students has received the regulations
as to alien enemies pertaining to
registration as follows:
All German, Italian, and Japanese
nationals (persons born in these
countries or in Austria who have
not received FINAL papers of
citizenship and have not yet taken
the oath of allegiance to the United
States before a Federal Judge) are
required to file application for a
Certificate of Identification at the
Ann Arbor General Postoffice up to
February 28. Failure to comply with
the new regulations may be punished
by severe punishments including
possible internment of the enemy
alien for the duration of the war.
The alien enemy must furnish the
following documents and information
at the time of the application: 1) the
alien enemy must present his Alien
Registration Card. All persons who
have not as yet received their cards
should report to the Counselor's Of-
fice at once for information con-
cernig obtaining his curd; 2) the.



"How many corpuscles does my daughter need before I can

claim a full deduction?"

Let's Do It Right 0


By Lichty

I p

T LOOKS as if we Americans are
going to have to stomach a lot of
nugatory trash before our blundering salvage
for victory effort is coordinated.
We notice in the Detroit papers that Kenneth.
M. Burns, Michigan's chairman of the "Salvage-
for-Victory" program, practices what he
preaches. " . .. Chairman Burns, above, breaks
his favorite golf clubs and tosses them into the
scrapheap . ..
"'Ransack your attics! Ransack your cel-
lars! Ransack your garages! I do not ask any-
one to do something I don't do myself," Burns
said, 'as he broke his expensive golf clubs over
his knee."
WE ARE PATRIOTIC, most of us. And we will
help conserve articles which face rationing,
just as we will save newspapers and old rags,
because we know that they can be reclaimed.
We are even willing to forget about Mayris
Chaney. But the American public, generous and
sentimental as it may be, will not swallow any-
thing resembling another "aluminum" drive, if
for no other reason than to shatter our com-
Senator Pepper's plan to give President Roose-
velt power equal to that held by Adolf Hitler
does not seem applicable to democracy, even in
war time, but it is obvious that only a strong
centralization of administrative authority can
make civilian defense and salvage drives resem-
ble anything else than the University of Michi-
gan League Council girls frantically appointing
defense committees.
America has no magic immunity against de-
feat and the longer we withhold complete mobil-
ization, the longer the war will last-but let's
do it sensibly.
Sacrifices are in order, but not foolish sacri-
fices inspired by false patriotism that will do
nothing more than create Star Spangled Banner
- Will Sapp
Husband Prices Rise
The leading matrimonial bureau in the Bronx,
New York City, has tilted its price on husbands.
Girls who came in looking for mates formerly
paid $10 to register and then laid down another
$50 if the goods were delivered. Now it is $15 to
check in and $100 if you get your man. And the

will not be accepted; 3) the alien
enemy must be prepared to fill in
a questionnaire concerning himself.
The Counselor and the Assistant
Counselor will be glad to help the
persons concerned in the above regu-
lations with regard to any questions
or problems arising out of the regis-
tration or application.
Public Health Students: Dr. Henry
F. Vaughan, Dean of the School of
Public Health, will meet with all
Public Health students on Tuesday,
March 3, at 4:00 p.m. in the Audi-
torium of the W. K. Kellogg Building.
All students in the School are re-
quested to be present.
Students, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: No course may
be elected for credit after the end of
the third week. Saturday, February
28, is therefore the last date on which
new elections may be approved. The
willingness of an individual instruc-
tor to admit a student later does not
affect the operation of this rule.
E. A. Walter
Certificates of Eligibility: All par-
ticipants and chairmen of activities
are reminded that first semester eli-
gibility certificates are good only un-
til March 1. Certificates for the sec-
ond semester must be secured before
that date.
Student Organizations: Due to re-
cently imposed production restric-
tions, all student organizations are
urged to order without delay keys,
badges, or other insignia necessary
for their spring initiations. Further
information can be secured from the
W. B. Rea
Auditor of Student Organizations
Students, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: Election cards
filed after the end of the first week
of the semester may be accepted by
the Registrar's Office only if they are
approved by Assistant Dean Walter.
Students who fail to file their elec-
tion blanks by the close of the third
week, even though they have regis-
tered and have attended classes un-
officially, will forfeit their privilege
of continuing in the College for the
semester. If such students have paid
any tuition fees, Assistant Dean Walt-
er will issue a withdrawal card for
Attention of Hopwood contestants
is called to the paragraph on page 9
of the Hopwood bulletin relative to
petitions: "In particular or irregular
cases the committee may, upon peti-
tion, waive parts of these rules, but
no petition will be received by the
committee after March 1, 1942."
R. W. Cowden
Academic Notices
English 159, Sec. 2: Make-up for
the final examination will be given
today, 3:00-5:00 p.m., in Room 2225
Paul Mueschke
History Make-Up: The make-up
examinations in all history courses
will be given from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m.,
in Room C, Haven Hall, Friday, Feb-
ruary 27. All students taking an
examination must present written
permission from the instructor in the
Physics 25 and Physics 71: Make-
up final examinations in West Lec-
ture Room Wednesday afternoon,
March 4, beginning at 2:00 p.m.
Political Science 1: Make-up ex-
amination for students who were ab-
sent from the final examination will
be given today, 3:00-5:00 p.m. in room
2203 Angell Hall.
H. M. Dorr
Psychology 31, Sections I and III:
Makeup examination will be given
Monday, March ,. af 7:30 .m. uin

um. Before intermission the pro-
gram will consist of numbers by
Handel, Bach, Chopin, Franck, and
Debussy. After intermission five
numbers composed by the performer
will be included. The program will
be supplemented by humorous and
satirical contributions, for which the
public address system will be utilized.
Reserved seat tickets may be pur-
chased at the offices of the Univer-
sity Musical Society in Burton Me-
morial Tower, at the following prices:
main floor 95c, first balcony 75c and
the top balcony 55c (including tax).
Charles A. Sink, President
Faculty Concert: The public is in-
vited to attend a piano recital by
Paul Van Katwijk, Dean of the School
of Music of Southern Methodist Uni-
versity, at 4:15 p.m. today in the
Assembly Hall of the Rackham
Building. The program will include
works of Brahms, Beethoven, Cho-
pin, Rachmaninoff, Debussy and
Exhibition, College of Architec-
ture and Design: The work of Pyn-
son Printers, consisting of books, pan-
els, labels, posters. Ground floor
corridor cases. Open daily 9 to 5,
except Sunday, through March 2.
The public is invited.
Ann Arbor Art Association: An ex-
hibition of regional art and craft as
represented by the work of Jean Raul
Slusser and Charles Culver, painters,
and of Mary Chase Stratton and
Grover Cole, potters. The Rackham
Galleries. Open daily 2-4 and 7-9
except Sunday through March 4. The
public is cordially invited to see this
important exhibition. No admission
French Lecture: Professor Antoine
J. Jobin, of the Romance Language
Department, will give the sixth of
the French lectures sponsored by the
Cerele Francais on Wednesday,
March 4, at 4:15 p.m. in Room D,
Alumni Memorial Hall. The title of
his lecture is: "L'epopee francaise de
I'Amerique dans la litterature cana-
Tickets for the series of lectures
may be procured from the Secretary
of the Department of Romance Lan-
guages (Room 112, Romance Lan-
guage Building) or at the door at the
time of the lecture for a small sum.
Holders of these tickets are entitled
to admission to all lectures, a small
additional charge being made for the
annual French play.
These lectures are open to the gen-
eral public.
Events Today
American Institute of Electrical
Engineers will meet tonight at 8:00
at the Michigan Union. The main
business will be the election of new
officers. Before the election, sound
pictures furnished by the Underwrt-
ersiLaboratories on "Safety in Indus-
try" will be shown. Refreshments.
It is important that everyone attend
the election.
" Varsity Glee Club: Regular rehear-
sal this evening, Report prompt-
ly at 7 o'clock. There will be a close
check on absences and tardiness.
Members are reminded that failure
to present eligibility cards will pro-
hibit further participation in any
Glee Club activity. Get eligibility
cards immediately from Room 2, Uni-
versity Hall by presenting report of
grades at that office.
La- Sociedad Hispanica conversa-
tion group will meet tonight at 8
o'clock in the League. All members
are urged to attend. See Bulletin
in League for room number.
- At the Phi Delta Kappa Coffee
flour this afternoon at 4:15 in

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