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February 21, 1942 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-02-21

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Dance Tickets
To Go On Sale
First Of Week
Dance Will Be Held March 6;
Not Restricted To Independents
Assembly Crest To Be Motif;
Bernie Cummins will bring his or-
chestrato Ann Arbor March 6 for
Assembly Ball, the annual formal
dance sponsored by the independent
women on campus. Cummins' band,
which features Walter Cummins,
tenor, Freddy Benson, drum, and
Therman Sheeler, trumpet, carries
with it the slogan, "Swing and Sweet
for Dancing Feet." Bernie calls his
style "businessmen's tempo," which
he describes as "to the ears and feet
rather than just to the ears."
Tickets for the dance will go on
sale Wednesday, Feb. 25, in the
League. They may also be obtained
from the central committee, and will
be widely distributed throughout
campus by the ticket committee it-
Theme Is Given
Tickets will be sold to all women
on campus, not just to those holding
independent identification cards.
Permission for the dance has been
extended to 1:30'by the office of the
Dean of Women, Jane Criswell, '42,
chairman, has announced.
The theme of this year's Assembly
Ball will be centered around the
Assembly crest. This is in the shape
of a triangle representing the three
organizations making up Assembly;
namely, dormitories, league houses,
and Ann Arbor independents. Two
large crests will be included in the
decorations. These are to be placed
on the side walls of the ballroom.
Dinner will be served in the main
dining room of the League. Those
wishing to attend may obtain reser-
vations in the lobby anytime before
the dance. This is a new feature of
Assembly Ball and Miss Criswell
urgesthat all womenkplanning on
attending the dance take advantage
of the opportunity to repay those
J-Hop dinners.
Boutonnieres Sold
In keeping with a seven-year tradi-
tion, Senior Society, honorary wom-
en's group, will sell carnations for
the affair. These may be purchased
the same time as the ticket, and
called for the day of the dance.
Helen Culley, '4, was general
chairman of last year's Assembly
Ball. Anson Weeks and his orches-
tra provided the music for the Inde-
pendent Women's dance which fea-
tured as its theme "Garden Gavotte."
" This was centered around a lively
dance which originated with the
French peasants. The decorations
portrayed an old-fashioned formal
Badminton Matches
Are Posted In Gym
Women's Intramural Badmintoh
Tournament Matches have been post-
ed in Barbour Gymnasium. These
include novice singles and advanced
singles and doubles.
House athletic managers are asked
to notify participants in their houses,
that their matches will be automatic-
ally defaulted if not played on or
before the date listed in Barbour
Gymnasium. For further informa-
tion, women may call Marjory De-
Roo at 2-3225.

Suited For


*$ c>

To Give Dance
Popular Records, To Be Played;
Escorts To Have Boutonnierres
"Pay-Off," sponsored by Mortar-
board, is one of the few college dances!
where the men are the belleshand the
women play the aggressors; the dance'
will present the music men of the
hour, hanging becomingly in carica-
ture from the walls of the League'
Beaming affably at the dancers will
be Kay Kyser, the original king of
the mortar board. He will preside
over the gathering in spirit, if not
in person, from the vantage point of
a huge +piece of poster board over
the awning of the orchestra stand.
Popular Records
Other maestros in caricature will
hear their music played by the spe-'
cially arranged radio system-among
them Eddie Duchin, Guy Lombardo,
Benny Goodman, Vincent Lopez,
Paul Whiteman and Ray Noble.
The rest of the leaders of the or-
chestra world will be present with
their phonograph discs, even though
hidden to view. Virginia Appleton,
'42, in charge of music, guarantees
the latest music of the best bands,
swing, sweet and South American.
Boutonnierres For Men
Upon entering the ballroom, the
women will have a chance to buy
boutonnierres for their dates. The
boutonnierres, by the way, are de-
signed to serve a very practical pur-
pose. They are little bells, attrac-
tively tied, designed to keep little
black sheep from going astray. Wo-
men who feel the need for stronger
measures can bring shepherdess'
crooks with them.
Mortarboard wants to point out
that for those people who have ini-
tiations planned to begin Friday
night, it might be wise to start their
dates an hour earlier than the accus-
tomed time. By doing this, they can
leave the dance at 11:30 p.m., miss-
ing only a half hour of dancing and
gaining an extra half hour of dating.
Betty Ann Macpuff's
Wedding To Hospital
!Intern Is Announced

Group's Trip
Is Organized
For Week-End
Varied Program Is Planned;
Swimming Party, Cook-Outs,
And Canoe Trips Are Included
Taking advantage of the weather
man, the Michigan Outing Club willI
venture forth on a hostel trip to-
morrow and Monday to the Salinej
Valley Farms. Skiing, tobogganing
and square dancing will be included
in the rogram for the two day trip,
Elizabeth Mahlman, '43, chairman of
the club, has announced.
Warm hiking clothes are to be
worn, since the group plans to "walk
it." Maximum cost of the trip will
be $1, including overnight and meals,
and anyone who is interested may
meet the group at 2 p.m. tomorrow in
front of the WAB. Everyone is wel-'
come, for as Miss Mahlman said. "The
more, the merrier."
Plans for the semester will include
hostel trips, breakfast and supper
cook-outs, an all-day canoe trip, Sun-
day morning breakfast horseback
ride, and a swimming party. An
activity will be scheduled for every
weekend from now until exams in
May. Miss Ruth Johnson is adviser
of the club.
Two On The Aisle

Be Chic In Church



Don't be a slouch-buy a spring
suit. This one has everything-
herring bone, pleats, pockets, but-
tons, sleeves, cunning lapels, etc.
--in fact everything necessary in a
Three Fraternities
Plan Radio Dances
To Be Given Today
The demands of National Defense
haven't slowed down campus activity
entirely as several houses will "keep
'em flying" today with radio dances.
Alpha Kappa Sigma will hold a
radio dance from 9 p.m. to midnight
at the chapter house. Chaperoning
the affair will be Mr. and Mrs.
George Quelette of Detroit and Mr.
and Mrs. Fred DeWitt of Detroit.
Another radio - dance will be held
by Alpha Kappa Psi from 9 p.m. to
midnight. Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Ashton of Detroit and Mr. and Mrs.
Ernest Monroe of Flint will chaperon.
Phi Delta Epsilon is in vogue be-
cause they also will have a radio
dance from 9 p.m. to 12. Dr. Jacob
and Dr. Wilma Sacks and Mr. and
Mrs. Lazebnick have been invited to

Michigan Student Blood Donors
Give 208 Pints To Red Cross

Spring's ahead, so step out in a
gay compliment-provoking charm-
er. Hat is tipped at a precarious
angle and accented by a swirl of
veiling spotted with chenille dots.
The body consists of white pique
cleverly designed. It's just cre-
ated to fit over the new short
feminine hair-dos and will prove
added gaiety for midwinter out-
Positions Open
On Committees
For Freshmen
Petitioning for positions on the'
central committee of the 1942 Fresh-
man Project, to be held late in April,
will continue through noon Monday
in the League.
All eligible freshman women may
petition for the position of general
chairman oi for the chairmanships
of the following committees; cos-

Michigan studentsHgave 208 pints
of blood last week, according to Mrs.
James D. Bruce, who is local chair-
man of the blood donors project for
the American Red Cross. Answering
the call of need, she said further that
the students were quick and easily
taken care of.I
Mrs. Bruce is inclined to believe
that with the war situation as it is
there will be a continued oppor-
tunity for students to give blood,
and she now has a reserve list of
students who have indicated that
they are ready to be called upon.
Most Women Normal
In regard to blood donors in the
women students group, Dr. Margaret
Bell, head of the Department of
Physical Education for Women, and
Medical Adviser to Women, said that
even though a number of students
have been temporarily rejected as
donors, the majority of these bloods
fall within the range of normal.
She said, further, that a number
of women were below the standard
of hemoglobin set because of recentI
infections, colds, glandular fever,
measles and pneumonia. "In addi-
tion, some hemoglobins are held in
check by such focuses of infection
as infected teeth, septic tonsils;
while it is also realized that poor
eating habits have their effect on
the blood level and that fatigue will
play its part. Improved habits of
living will line up many dependable
blood donors among the women."
Klett Machine Used
University Health Service equip-
ment, Dr. Bell added, has an advan-

tage in taking blood levels over most
laboratories because a Klett machine
is used and the hemoglobin is read
off objectively on a scale, thus not
depending upon the judgment of in-
tensity of color by the operator.
All women are encouraged by Dr.
Bell to think of themselves as po-
tential blood donors and to see to
it that they use every device for
achieving a satisfactory blood level
to permit them to perform this small
Can-Opener Thief
Is Tracked Down;
Settles For Dime
Police spent some busy moments
yesterday trying to locate and con-
vict a thief--and it all happened over
a ten-cent can-opener.
The manager of one of the local
super-markets notified the police de-
partment that one of the customers
had stolen a ten-cent can-opener.
The customer asserted that he had
bought said can-opener at a store in
Ypsilanti. The police checked with
the store and found it did not sell
can-openers. Then the suspect
claimed he had been using the opener
for more than a month. But police
again called his bluff and pointed
out there was only one small scratch
on the metal.
Not only did the customer confess
to the crime but he also paid the
complaining manager a dime to settle
the account.


Youth Hostel
To Be Held In


The Ann Arbor Branch of the Na-
tional Youth Hostel will hold dances
tonight at 8:30 p.m. in the Barbour
Gym. The program for the eve-
ning includes folk dancing, commun-
ity singing and refreshments.
The dance is open to the public
and all members are urged to bring
their friends.





Thurs., Feb. 26, 8:30


Alec Templeton, the pianistic wizard, made a return engagement
at Robin Hood Dell, before the largest audience which ever forced
its way into the outdoor music house, last night. More than 13,000
were able to find a nook or cranny inside the gates of the outdoor
concert hall, while 3,500 were turned away by the harried guards
who directed the goings-on . . . And evidently this is the music that
America wants to hear. -Philadelphia Daily News


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