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February 19, 1942 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-02-19

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'P t C t MIt Bat. LJ

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights
of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.00, by mail $5.00.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42


Editorial Stafff

Emile Gel6
Alvin Dann
David Lachenbruch
Jay McCormick
Gerald E. Burns
Hal Wilson . .
Arthur Hill
Janet Hiatt
Grace Miller
Virginia Mitchell .
Daniel H. Huyett
James B. Collins
Louise Carpenter
Evelyn Wright

. Managing Editor
Editorial Director
a . . . City Editor
. Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Sports Editor
Assistant Sports Editor
.Women's Editor
Assistant Women's Editor
Exchange Editor
Business Staff

p RESIDENT ROOSEVELT'S attack two days out the support of their truly disinterested but
ago on the American Cliveden Set was a unwise fellow travelers, these big boys will find
nicely directed but not too scathing affair, that they are not so big.
There are still, apparently, rules of etiquette-- NEXT
set down for the most part by present and for- X on the President's list comes a group
mer members of what might be called the Clive- which is, because it remains always closer to
den Set here-which govern such press releases the public, probably a more dangerous group
by the President or anyone else except perhaps than the anti-Russian outfit. This is the 1930-
a college paper which is not supposed to be re- onward aristocracy of the press. This class,
sponsible anyhow. They order these things which dovetails neatly with division three of
rather over-nicely in the national scene. the first group, has that well-known human
touch to boot, and that is a dangerous combina-
NUMBER ONE on the President's list, from the tion of talents, because when a capitalist be-
rder in the story yesterday, was the large comes coherent it raises hob with the public.
and suspicious group, which I agree with the First on the list of these men comes an anachro-
President cannot be named because it extends nism, a voice from the dead, Mr. William Ran-
right down the social ladder to the hophead who dolph Hearst. In the Hearst papers just before
sits beside you in the bus going to work, of those the President denied that the full damage at
persons who still fear the Bqlshevik world revo- Pearl Harbor had been greater than was re-
lution and people with beards more than they ported, there appeared front page feature stories
fear the sound-principals but unfortunate mili- headlined to the effect that the announced loss
tancy of the Nazis. This group includes large of several battleships, destroyers and all the
portions of the dowdier middle class, consider- other painful truths contained in Mr. Knox's re-
able of our financiers who still see Stalin behind port, was so far an understatement as to make
a picket line, and unfortunately for quite differ- it very likely that we would be fighting the rest
ent reasons, a big part of the religious people, of the war in International Dinghies, Snipes
who do not feel they can trust a Godless coun- and duck boats. What the Hearst papers have
try. To dispose of the least guilty, and perhaps in mind, I confess I don't know. Probably slap
most numerous of these divisions first, let me the Japs, and let Britain dangle, which at this
ask of the religious people just what it is they stage of the game seems a very unworldly atti-
seek, the word or the deed? For verily, though tude to take.
the Japanese are devout perhaps, they are not But that's all for Hearst; let's get on to the
Christians, and whatever is left of religion in more subtle and less notorious laddies, the true
Germany is tame stuff indeed, but in Italy the opportunists of the press. For membership in
profession of faith keeps sticking its head in the this exclusive organization, I propose the name
door and yelling, especially when the going gets of Mr. Henry Luce, whose effect I fear will not
a little tough. I should have thought the old be seen fully until he really gets his hands on
missionary concept of a Godly man was passe, the eardrums, eyeballs, and heartstrings of
for in recent years we have tended to call a man America and starts to run for office. I do not
good and Godly by the way he acted and not trust Mr. Luce. His writings carry a glib air of
the number of sticks of incense he burned. I do authority, and are sent for in reams by various
not believe in atheists; there just aren't any. A patriotic groups, but when examined for content
break with a few sacred cows would perhaps of the constructive and positive sort, they show,
lead to a little more right thinking, an acknowl-, up as a collection of re-worded catch phrases,
edgment of Russia as our ally, and some needed tuned to the smart new Time and Life style, but
pondering on just where religion would be if saying little if anything specific or liable to inch
the Axis should win the war; these things might Mr. Luce out on a limb. Mr. Luce is a great
be helpful to the devout. patriot, and like any self-styled patriot is tot
S TO the other two divisions, there is some quite sure what the word means except mass
S meetings and signed editorials. Before he enters
hope of redemption for the middle class politics, I hope that Mr. Luce will state just
offenders if somehow we can erase the Babbitt what he wants to do as a statesman. He has
in them, and make them worship at some other never said much about what he wants to do as
shrine than the heavy sugar. The store owners, an editor, except that he is For Freedom, and
gas station proprietors, and writers of letters to Americanism, and Equality and other words. And
editors who make up this class should get down at the tail end of things, for reasons which I
to earth, and though I hate to impress it on consider a bit too obvious to list. I append the
them so roughly, realize that they are very small insignificant name of John Knight, publisher of
frogs in a very large pond, led by the big frogs the Detroit Free Press and a chain of other pa-
not into individualism, but the worst kind of pers. Of course, Mr. Knight is just on his
regimentation, that which contributes to their come-uppance.
own harm.
And as for the big boys, the anti-labor boys, THE PRESIDENT mentioned others, but they
the men who belong economically as well as are all gold heiresses, debbies and scions, and
emotionally to the Cliveden Set here, I can only if they can afford the rents, let them stay in
say that a system of conscienceless objector Washington, they aren't a damn bit of force one
camps should be set up for them, with room way or the other. The last graph of the story
service and a few blondes just to maintain the in which the President made his attack on the
status quo, where they could sit and mumble swank set said, "Congressmen and senators
their crusts of zwieback and discuss Calvin Cool- railed privately and some asked whether they,
idge, the crash in '29, and the damn reds. With- 'too, were parasites." Heh heh. So long until soon
Letters To The Editor



Business Manager
Associate Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager
Women's Business Manager

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Living Standard
Must Be Decreased . . .
LTHOUGH labor's right to maintain
and raise its standard of living in
normal times is not to be questioned, it cannot
continue its policy of demanding that hourly
wage rates keep pace with the rising cost of
In the first place, if we grant labor's conten-
tion that past raises in hourly wages have been
more than wiped out by increases in prices, the
fact still remains that the great increase in the
number of employed persons and the numbers
of hours worked per week by each person, has
at least maintained the real weekly income of
the so-called working class. As a matter of
fact, real income for labor has probably in-
creased in the last few months.
More important than the fact that labor may
maintain its standard of living in the face of
a disparity between wage and price increases
by working harder, is the fact that the people
must face an actual lowering in their real in-
come for the duration of the war. So long as
we make our primary concern the , successful
prosecution of the war, so long as more. than
50% of the national production is devoted to
tanks, planes, and guns, we must reconcile our-
selves to a decrease in the amount of available
consumers' goods.
AND MUCH of this decrease must come at the
hands of laboring classes who are responsible
for two-thirds of our consumption. It will prob-
ably be effected by a price rise greater than the
increase in money incomes, and the higher wages
are forced by unions, the higher the cost of
living will go. The inflation of World War I has
been to a large degree attributed to the in-
creased pay rates during that period.
Forced saving might afford a chance for in-
creased wages without inflation, but labor lead-
ers have thus far demanded payments in cash
rather than bonds, and even under such a sys-
tem, with price control and taxation acting as
further deterrents to inflation, one fact remains
unalterable. The standard of living must fall,
and increases in monetary income will only
make things harder for the employed class.
-Robert Preiskel

Drew Pedroa
Rbert S. Alen
WASHINGTON-With Japan ex-
tending long lines of communications
down to the Dutch East Indies, it has
become more and more evident that
the only way the United States
is going to win the battle of the Pa-
cific is (1) by cutting off Japan's
supply lines via China; (2) by strik-
ing direct blows at the main islands
of Japan.
Regarding the first of these, it is
already planned to bolster the Chi-
nese army in order to disrupt Japa-
nese operations. With the Burma
Road closed, however, this would be
a long, tedious job of shipping and
flying half-way around the world.
SECOND STEP, bombing the paper
and bamboo cities of Tokyo, Kobe
and Osaka is more practicable. So
far, the Russians have held out
against using Siberia as a bombing
base, for the reason that Vladivostok
is squeezed between the Japanese
army on two sides-and a lot of Rus-
sian soldiers from the Siberian Army
have been sent to the Moscow front.
However, almost unbelievable ob-
stacles have been thrown in the path
of developing Alaska. For instance,
one thing which Secretary Ickes has
wanted for two years is to build a
highwvay from Seattle to Alaska. At
present there is no way of reaching
Alaska except by boat, which is pre-r
carious in wartime, or by airplane.
O the Interior Department got the
State Department to write both1
the Canadian. Government and the
U. S. War Department about building
the road. The Canadians didn't en-
thuse, but they didn't say no.
Assistant Secretary of State Berle
wrote Secretary of War Stimson a1
very tactful letter in which he as-t
sumed that the War Departmentt
wanted the road built, and therefore,
he inquired which of several routes
Secretary Stimson considered to be1
of greatest strategic value.1
To the amatement of everyone,I
Secretary Stimson wrote back that.
the War Department didn't considerf
any of the proposed routes of mili-t
tary value and didn't want a road
built to Alaska.r
This letter, believe it or not, was
written in May. 1941, less than a
year ago.
TODAY, however, the situation is
reversed. The War Departmentt
is actually clamoring for a road tos
Alaska. It can't be built fast enough.
However, the Canadian Government,
while not vetoing the plan, still ise
not enthusiastic. Its position is that
the United States can build it if it
pays for it, and if Canada maintains
all rights to it (since it is Canadian
soil) after the war is over.
(Continued from Page 2) ]
Graduate Students in Speech: All
applicants for advanced degrees in
Speech will be required to take the
qualifying examinations in Speech on
Friday, March 6, starting at 3:00 p.m.
in room 3212 Angell Hall.

Biological Chemistry 111: Refund
slips may be obtained at the Stock-;
room on Tuesday, Wednesday, andI
Friday, 4:00-5:00 p.m. Each student
must call in person to receive his
refund slip.+
English 5, The Popular and Tech-
nical Lecture: The extra section in
public speaking for engineers and
architects known as English 5, The,
Popular and Technical Lecture, has,
been scheduled to meet Tuesday and
Thursday mornings at 10:00 in Room
15, East Hall.
Thursday Home Nursing Classes:
Because of inability to obtain an in-
structor before that time, the Thurs-
day Home Nursing Classes will not
meet until March 5.
Physical Education-Women Stu-
dents: The following classes will be
goods to the end of avoiding infla-
tion and diverting half of our na-
tional income to war production.
Buying defense bonds helps to ac-
complish both of these objectives.
The contributions to the Bomuer-
Scholarship Fund shall be used to
buy defense bonds until such bonds
are equivalent in value to the cost of
a bomber. After the war, the bonds
will be turned in and, the money re-
ceived will constitute a scholarship
fund for the students returning from
war service.
All campus organizations are in-
vited and urged to join in the cam-
paign. The Abe Lincoln Cooperative
is sponsoring a Victory Party this

heft4U he I' t 0 1.All . t$L
"Why, no, I know nothing about fixing a tire--I just stopped
to ask if you want to sell the other three!"

(In yesterday's Daily the writer attempted at
some length to establish points in which our for-
eign policy has departed from that of 'isolationism'
and 'interventionism.' Assuming that the readers
grasped that much, and are now avidly asking 'So
what?', the writer continues at even greater length.)
CARRY the isolationist point of view to
its logical conclusion we should have kept
hands off, no matter who was attacked, no mat-
ter what atrocities were committed, no matter
how much our conscience was bothered. Any
violation of this code seems weak and vacillating
in an isolationist. As an isolationist one should
be prepared to live independently of the rest of
the world, and should at all times be perfectly
capable of defending one's self against the rest
of the world.
As an interventionist, on the other hand, I
feel that we should be prepared to sacrifice
some of our comforts, some of our trade advan-
tages, some of our sovereignty, and be ready at
all times to espouse the cause of truth and hon-
esty whether it costs us men or money or ma-
Boiling it all down to its elements, neither
isolationism nor interventionism was really
tried. We were good isolationists as long as our
cupidity overcame our consciences, when the
chips were down we hated the names that we
were calling ourselves and our consciences got
the upper hand. It appears to me that we are
in the war not because of a policy, but because
of the lack of clearly defined policy. Sloppy
thinking, the lack of courage to carry a policy
through no matter how unpleasant the results,
and lack of over-all planning have gotten us
into the war.
"So what?", is the very logical reaction, "we
are in it and there is no reason to bring up
ancient history now." Much to your surprise I
have now sneaked up on the second statement
which is really the one that bothers me most.
When the last war started I am certain that
the popular reaction was much the same as it
is now. Though I was at the strongly tender age
of 1 when we entered, I feel pretty confident
in stating that nobody wanted to think about
the peace terms then either-they too were will-
ing to leave it to the 'big boys.' We found out
then, just as I hope we will find out at the end
^f +1~ Y. var f'in ta i h r i n amn._a_

ried through logically and completely would
keep us out of war. I favored isolationism be-
fore this war because we had been working on
the policy for many years, and it was the only
one of the two that could be carried through
logically. Since we are going to start from
scratch at the end of this war on a brand new
policy, my present reaction is that interven-
tionism would be the more decent of the two.
My present opinions are of no importance to
this letter-or probably to anything else. The
essential point is that soon, 'possibly sooner
than you think,' we shall have to decide. Our
decision will be more important to ourselves,
to our children, and to our country. The deci-
sion may even be more important than the out-
come of the war. I hope we give it the considera-
tion that we give buying a new hat, or making
sure that we have a few pipes in our schedule.
Thinking about the peace is not only our duty
but our privilege. By all means remember Pearl
Harbor, but don't forget Versailles, and as good
Christian gentlemen, don't forget Gethsemane.
Charlie Heinen
Bomber-Scholarship Fund
To the Editor:
N O AXIOM is more fundamental to the pres-
ervation of America than the following: The
possibility of victory varies directly as the will
to sacrifice. Many have realized this funda-
mental truth. Many have not. To the latter is
applicable a prediction of a day of awakening.
The former share the words of Shiller: "Often
do the spirits of great events stride on before
the events and in today already walks to-
It is with a grim determination and under-
standing that the Michigan students of the
former category face the darkness of future
months. The hovering shadow of war has
brought to them in stark reality the necessity
of leaving their campus, their loved ones, their
security, their student friends, and of aban-
doning their educational pursuits. Can America
assure them that they shall be justly rewarded?
An affirmative answers entails more than mili-
tary victory. It necessitates careful planning


.. #

. g '

By Lielaty

offered for upperclass and graduate1
women students:t
Body Mechanics, 4:15 p.m. Friday.
Ice Skating, 3:00 p.m. Friday.
Elementary Swimming, 4:30 p.m.1
Monday and Wednesday.J
Any students interested shouldj
register in Office 15, Barbour Gym-
German 160 will meet 4:00-6:00
p.m. today, 407 Library.
Choral Union Concert: Joseph
Szigeti, Violinist, will give the Ninth;
program in the Choral Union Series,
tonight at 8:30 o'clock, in Hill Audi-1
torium. A limited number of tickets
are still available,
Alec Templeton, Pianist, will be
heard in a special concert Thursday,
February 26, at 8:30 o'clock, in Hill1
Auditorium. Reserved seat tickets
at popular prices, including tax: main
floor 95c; first balcony 75c and the
top balcony 55c. May be purchased
at the offices of the University Musi-
cal Society, Burton Memorial Tower.
Charles A. Sink, President
Exhibition, College of Architec-
ture and Design: The work of Pyn-
son Printers, consisting of books, pan-
els, labels, posters. Ground floor
corridor cases. Open daily 9 to 5,
except Sunday, through March 2.
The public is invited.
University Lecture: Dr. Eduardo
Braun-Menendez of the Instituto de
Fisiologia, University of Buenos Aires,
will lecture on the subject, "The Me-
chanism of Renal Hypertension"
(illustrated) at 4:15 p.m., Friday,
February 20, in the Rackham Am-
phitheater, under the auspices of the
Department of Physiology. The pub-
lic is cordially invited.
University Lecture: Yves Tinayre,
noted authority on vocal art, will give
an illustrated lecture at 8:30 p.m.
on Monday, February 23, in Lydia
Mendelssohn Theater, under the
sponsorship of the School of Music.
Complimentary tickets are obtain-
able at the office of the School of
University Lecture: Dr. A. I. Lev-
erson, of Tulsa, Oklahoma, Past
President of the American Geologists,
will lecture on the subject, "Petroleum
Reserves and Discovery" (illustrated),
under the auspices of the Department
of Gelogy on Tuesday, Feb. 24, at
4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphi-
theater. The public is cordially in-
University Lecture: Professor Lau-
rence H. Snyder of Ohio State Uni-
versity will lecture on the subject,
"Heredity and Modern Life," (illus-
trated) under the auspices of the
Laboratory of Vertebrate Genetics, on
Tuesday, February 24, at 8:00 p.m.
i, the Rackham Amphitheatre. The
public is cordially invited.
University Lecture: Dr. Carl G.
Hartman, Professor of Physiology at
the University of Illinois, will lecture
on the subject, "Two Decades of Pri-
mate Studies and Their Influence
on Gynecological Thought and Prac-
tice" (illustrated), under the auspices
of the Department of Anatomy and
the Medical School, at 4:15 p.m. on
Tuesday, March 3, in the Rackham
Lecture Hall. The Public is cordially
Mr. LeRoy Colby of the Romance
Language faculty will be the next
speaker in the series of lectures spon-
sored by La Sociedad Hispanica. His
lecture in English, on "Some Similari-
4.4a . la ,Yha}v in flartf fll aa .a nd n rnn-

today at 4:45 p.m. Please bring your
new eligibility cards with you.
La Sociedad ilispanica will meet
tonight at 8:00. Mr. Duane Bird,
from Nogales, Arizona. will speak to
the group. Everyone is invited. See
Bulletin in League for Room Num-
"The Art of Shipbuilding," a mo-
tion picture filmed by Newport News
Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Co., il-
lustrating modern methods and tech-
niques of ship construction, will be
shown at the Rackham Amphithe-
atre tonight at 7:30 sponsored by
Quarterdeck society. Everyone in-
terested is invited. This is the see-
ond of the series to be shown.
Pitch and"Putt Club will meet to-
day at 4:30 p.m. in the basement of
the Women's Athletic Building. All
women golfers interested are urged
to attend.
JGP Tryouts today in the League,
3:00-6:00 p.m. Room will be posted.
The Science and Belief Seminar
will meet today at Lane Hall at 3:00
The Seminar on "The Bases of a
Just and Durable Peace" will meet
tonight at Lane Hall at 7:30.
Inter-Guild Luncheon today at
Lane Hall at 12:15 p.m.
The next duplicate bridge tourna-
ment will be held tonight in the
League, from 7:15 to 11:00. Faculty,
students, and townspeople are invited.
JGP make-up committee meeting
today at 5:00 p.m. Please bring eli-
gibility cards.

Tea will be served at Pilgrim
for Congregational students
their friends from 4:00 to 5:00


Coming Events
The Suomi (Finnish) Club will
have a meeting Saturday, February
21, at 8:00 p.m. in the International
Center. Everyone interested is urged
to attend.
Michigan Outing Club will have a
Hostel Trip this week-end to the
Saline Valley Farms. The group will
leave from the Women's Athletic
Building at 2 o'clock on Sunday,
February 22, and will return Mon-
day. Small charge. If interested in
more details, call either Dan Saul-
son (9818) or Libby Mahlman (2-
International Center: The French
Round Table will meet at 8:00 p.m.
Friday at the International Center.
The discussion, "Languages: Where
a Little Knowledge Is Not A Danger-
ous Thing" will be led by Robert
The meeting of the J.G.P. usher-
ing committee is postponed until Fri-
day at 4:30 p.m.
Ushering Committee for Theatre
Arts: Sign up for ushering for the
Cinema Art League Movies. The De-
serted Village will be given tonight,
Friday and Saturday night at 8:15.
Also sign up for the movie The Em-
perior Jones given Sunday, Feb. 22.
There will be two shows at 6:30 and
8:30 p.m. The sign-up lists are post-
ed on the bulletin board in the Un-
dergraduate Office of the League.
Ballet Club meeting on Friday at
3:15 p.m. in Barbour Gymnasium.
Men and women students with some
ballet training are invited to join
this group.

Le Jazz Hot
And Not So Hot

OVERNIGHT Blues in the Night has become
the sensation of the year. Easily the two
best recordings of this whammo number are
those by Jimmie Lunceford (Decca) and Dinah
Shore (Bluebird). The Lunceford disc is- one of
the solidest put out by any organization in mod-
ern times, with one side instrumental and one
side vocal. Dinah Shore's platter of same is one
of the umphiest that the Southern songstress has
produced - her best record to date, it is safe to
say. Why not get 'em both?
LE JAZZ HOT: Freddie Slack's Decca boogie
r ne m"at and Cfa"n Por- n-. ~~a

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