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February 19, 1942 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-02-19

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n U r. tJ'A- t ; I L t-- &- U i APT i0- 1;4


- -- - -

Dr. Litzenberg Attacks Lethargy
Of Present College Generation


Uniforms, Swords Seizd

Bishop Hobson
Will Give Talk
Hero Of World War I


Attacking infectious student leth-
argy, Dr. Karl Litzenberg charged
yesterday that it will take educa-
tional "miracles of moral reforma-
tion'' to stem the growth of irrespon-
sibility, born of indiffererke and ig-
norance, in succeeding college genera-
titqts, ,
Dr. Litzenberg said that college
students are not sufficiently con-
cerned with important world prob-
lems and that they have come to re-
gr d "the classroom and library ne-
esary but relatively unimportant
features of college life."
_Alleging that even the events of
Dc 7 have not greatly subdued the
fo-seeking student attitude, Dr. Lit-
zepberg said that reformation must
be. directed toward total destruction
o, the idea that a college student
can borrow four years in an ivory
tower .and forget the world from
which he comes and to which he must
Urging the adoption of measures
that will tend to stimulate student
t.nking and personaldresponsibility,
3R. Litzenberg declared:
'"The axe must fall with deadly
effect upon the superficial and blase
aspects of college life; it must fall
s ~.ply upon the overstuffed and
w1olly unjustifiable college social
program which emphasizes an endless
prcession of parties and dances..'
it is absolutely unthinkable
that succeeding generations of col-
lege students can be allowed to as-
sume that four years of college re-
present a placid interlude between
College Group
T o Meet Here
In Conference
General and war-born educational
problems will be discussed from the
pRInt of view of the' small college
when representatives from nine
M chigan Church-Related Colleges
convene here today in the Union.
Dean Edward Krause is to be
chairman of the morning session
which is scheduled to begin at 10 a.m.
_onsidering a wide range of sub-
jcts, the session'will be divided into
siVeral panels, each of which will dis-
crss' a specific problem in the edu-
cational field.
Topics to be debated include War
Emergency Actions Relative to Fac-
pgtyand Students, Special Defense
Curses, Enrollment Statistics, Sum-
"r Programs, Evaluation of Faculty
, trvices, Status and Tenure of In-
tructors, Elections of High School
inors and Distribution of Transfer
The luncheon meeting of the con-
j4ntion will hear Prof. H. H. Bart-
ett of the botany department dis-
pss "The Rubber Situation."
;I Member colleges of the church-
dlated group include Adrian, Albion,
a, Hillsdale, Hope, Kalamazoo,
Ivet, Calvin and Emmanuel Mis-
inary College.
y'State' ROTC Expanded
'EAST LANSING, Feb. 18.-()-A
uartermasters training unit will be
4ded to Michigan State College's
bTC program under War Depart-
Dant order, it was disclosed today by
president John A. Hannah. -
FiR part time fountain work, either
anale or female help. 1219 So. Uni-
versity. 249c

PQRTABLE wireless record player
.with broadcasting unit including
:microphone, $20. Excellent condi-
tion. Phone Dave, 2-2624, after
5 p.m. 248c
CASH for' used clothing; men and
ladies. Claude H. Brown, 512 S.
1Aain St. Phone 2-2736. 5c
'uits, overcoats, typewriters, musi-
'al instruments, ladies' furs, Per-
sian lamb, mink, watches, dia-
monds. Pay from $5 to $500.
phone Sam, 3627. 229c
1MMEOGRAPHING-Thesis bind-
ing. Brumfield and Brumfield, 308
S. State. 6c
Driveway gravel, washed pebbles.
Killins Gravel Company, phone
7112. 7c
14IIS ALLEN-Experienced typist.
408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935

the actualities of teen-age life and
the brutal realities of the world."
Writing in the winter issue of the
Quarterly Reviews, released yester-
day., Dr. Litzenberg championed the
cause of student government in all
colleges and universities.
He said that student ignorance of
world problems was sharply brought
home here last year when a large
group of student leaders told a facul-
ty advisory committee on defense
problems that they "could not, or
would not, discuss defense issues and
international questions." Dr. Litzen-
berg attributed their unwillingness
both to diffidence and ignorance.
Highway Body
Stresses War,
Post-War Plan
Conference Chooses Road
Construction Program
To Combat Depression
War-time and post-war programs
for Michigan Highways were the
main topics of discussion yesterday
as over 300 state highway engineers
met in the Union Ballroom for the
opening day of the twenty-eighth
annual Michigan Highway Confer-
Sounding the keynote of what will
probably be the post-war program,
Charles M. Upham of the American
Road Builders Association told the
morning session that "a highway con-
struction program is the answer to
post war depressions."
Maintaining that this program
would give maximum employment
and would induce new investment,
he' also pointed out that much work
must be left undone during the war,
a condition which will set the stage
for an expanded construction pro-
gram after the war.
Plans Must Be Made
Supporting this contention was L.
B. Reid of the State Highway De-
partment, who also declared that "it
is urgent that we plan now for high-
way projects which may not be un-
dertaken until the end of the war."
Floyd S. Benjamin of the Federal
Work Reserve in Lansing concluded
the morning session with a report on
"The Public Work Reserve as Ap-
plied to County Roads," in which he
too emphasized the need for long-
range planning for post-war years.
Signs Are Important
In a symposium of "New Develop-
ments," R. H. Steketee of the Wayne
County Road Commission told the
afternoon session that signs and
markings are as important in road
construction as the pavement itself.
And "a stitch .in time saves nine" in
highway maintenance, he advised.
In his paper on road construction,
J. G. Schaub of the State Highway
Department revealed that a new
highway to the Willow Run bomber
plant is being planned, and that it
will be the last word in traffic safe-
ty. It will subsequently be expand-
ed to form part of the Detroit-Chica-
go motorway also to be constructed.
Materials Substituted
Concluding the symposium, W. W.
McLaughlin of the State Highway
Department spoke on "Materials,"
presenting a list of materials being
substituted for those needed for de-
fense purposes.
It was also noted that the main-
tenance of roads. is particularly. im-
portant at the present as it enables
motorists to get more use out of their
Concluding maintenance topics
were "Construction of Black-Top
Surfaces" by W. O. Dow of the Em-
met County Road Commission;
"Strengthening Old Bridges" by G.
M. Foster, Lansing consulting engin-
eer, and "Preventive Maintenance of

Motorized Equipment" by Clyde Ma-
this of General Motors Corp.
Yesterday's sessions were conclud-
ed by a smoker held last night at
which Glenn C. Richards, director of
civilian defense in Detroit, recounted
a recent trip to England to study civ-
ilian defense there.
Signal Corps Opens
N ew Commissions
(Continued from Page 1)
employed immediately as civilian en-
gineers. These men receive further
training and are then assigned to a
group of Signal Corps radio techni-
Employment under the non-com-
batant phase of this plan will not
automatically defer students from
military service, although the need
for these men is part of the Signal
Corps' "unprecedented" personnel
Applications for enlistment in the
reserve requires a recommendation
of a professor of military science and
tactics and also a statement from the
Dean of the College of Engineering
on the student's graduation expect-
Main qualifications for this com-
mission are physical soundness, a

To Discuss Emergency
Situation In America

VOL. LI. No. 99
Publication In the Daily official
10ulletn 1. construetlve notlc, to alt
menr of tbe Univ'rsitY.


Deputy Sheriff Rod Campbell inspected a razor-sharp sword, among
several seized from alien Japanese at Sacramento, Calif., in raids by
the FBI and other peace officers. Before him are Japanese army uni-
forms, two aerial bomb casings, a Jap wrestling banner and other swords
New Campus Radio Programs
Will Be Based On War Situation


or the President and Re-

13-Week Series Includes
'It Has Happened Here,'
'Wilson Family' Story
With the replacement of the
"Youth in the News" and "Of Legal
History" radio serials by new broad-
casts, Morris Hall programs went on
the air Feb. 15 and will continue for
13 weeks.
Making its debut at 3 p.m. Tuesday
over WJR, the "It Has Happened
Here" series is "designed to show
how the relation of events in past
history of the United States might
approximate the current situation;
that appeasers of today were the
copperheads of the Civil War; that
we have experienced treachery, sabo-
tage, invasion before," according to
Prof. Waldo Abbot, director of radio.
Material upon which the series is
to be based will be obtained from the
William L. Clements Library of
American History.
"The Wilson Family," slated for
9 Saturday morning over WJR will
show in dramatic form how various
civilian defense measures, priorities
and wartime restrictions have affect-
ed the average American family.
What United States citizens can do
to aid in defense and all-out effort
will be explained by the Wilsons in
their weekly broadcasts.
Scripts for the Wilson show are be-
ing accepted from all sources, with
many expected from students of the
one-act play writing class of Prof.
Kenneth L. Rowe, of the. English
department, and of the radio play
writing class of Professor Abbot.
Blackouts will be the theme of Sat-
urday's Wilson family story written
by Marian Ritchie, '42, of Professor
Abbot's class.

er adaptations of well-known tales or
original plays-will be heard each
Saturday at 9:15 a.m. over WJR un-
der the title of "The Children's The-
atre." This week "Beauty and the
Beast" will be featured.
Situation Bad


At Willow Run,
Bennett Holds
(Continued from Page 1)
prohibiting counties from establish-
ing one as well. If shacks are to be
avoided, the county must have con-
Dean Bennett said there was a
bill before the state legislature which
would permit "some kind of control
over the promiscuous platting of
lands" but believed it was finding
"the going somewhat rough."
(The bill would reduce the number
of lots which can be subdivided and
sold without a recording of the plat.
It is designed to hit at the farm land
which is being subdivided into 25-
foot lots and sold at $25 down spot-
cash. Under present conditions, those
who buy subdivisions are not com-
pelled to conform to the building reg-
ulations required by the state and the
construction of shacks is given the
The problem here seems to be that
the Washtenaw County Board of
Supervisors can exercise the urgent
housing authority but does not real-
ize it has the power.
Real Estate Companies
Encourage Building
Vego Nelson, president of the Ann
Arbor Real Estate Board, said last
night that local real estate companies
are following a policy of encouraging
private builders to construct homes
for the thousands of workers who
have swelled Willow Run to big-city
proportions almost over-night.
He flatly rejected as "absurd" the
prevailing rumor that the real estate
companies are sub-dividing farm land
to be used for the construction of in-
numerable shacks and shanties by
workers hard-pressed to find room
facilities in the region around the 60-
million dollar bomber plant.
"There are plenty of lots not re-
stricted as highly as those coming
under covenants established in the
boom '20's which require buildings to
be constructed at a cost not under
the $5,400 value which these proper-
ties hold," he asserted.
Spanish Society To Meet
Duane Bird, '44, of Nogales, Ariz.,
will be the speaker at a meeting of
La Sociedad Hispanica at 8 p.m. to-
day in the League. All members are
urged to attend, as the group will
divide up into conversation units
after the meeting.

A soldier-clergyman's viewpoint on
the national emergency will be heard
Monday in Rackham Lecture Hall
when the Rt. Rev. Henry W. Hobson
delivers a Committee to Defend
America lecture on "America In
Head of the Diocese of Southern
Ohio, Bishop Hobson has strongly
supported the Allies' cause as an
advocate of the principles of inter-
In 1917, when America declared
its first war on Germany, Bishop
Hobson was a student in Episcopal
Theological Seminary in Cambridge,
Mass. He enlisted in the ROTC and
rose to be major in command of the
3rd Battalion, 356th Infantry.
Once overseas, Bishop Hobson dis-
tinguished himself from Thiacourt
to the Meuse-Argonne. He was
awarded the Distinguished Service
Cross for keeping his post while
wounded twice during action near
St. Mihiel.
Bishop Hobson returned to peace-
time life as assistant to the Rector
of St. John's Church in Waterbury,
Conn. In 1931 he rose to the bishop-
ric of Southern Ohio.
Long a worker towards unity in
the church, Bishop Hobson was
named chairman of the national
Forward Movement of the Episcopal
Church in 1934.
Bishop Hobson was also responsi-
ble for the "Wayside Cathedral," a
church on wheels equipped to reach
areas cut off from organized
churches. This "mountain-to-Mo-
hammed" plan has resulted in regu-
lar religious instruction to over a
thousand children.
Naval ROTC
'Orients' V-7,
V-5 Students
A stairway is called a ladder, you
say "aye,aye, sir" when replying to a
command that is understood; a bulk-
head is an upright partition separ-
ating the compartments of a ship.
Thus in a program every bit as
pertinent as Freshman Orientation
Week, future officers of the U. S.
Naval Reserve are receiving their
first, though unofficial, introduction
to the service this semester in a series
of lectures and instruction drills be-
ing sponsored by the NROTC unit on
Instruction Given
Twice a week, on Wednesdays and
Fridays, from 4:10 to 5 p.m., holders
of probationary Naval Reserve com-
missions and those enrolled in Class
V-7 and Class V-5 convene in North
Hall for instruction in naval nomen-
clature, Navy regulations, customs
and traditions of the Fleet, seaman-
ship, gunnery, communications, navi-
gation and a host of other subjects.
The purpose of the program, Capt.
R. E. Cassidy, Commandant of the
NROTC, told the first lecture group
last week, is to skim the surface of
a number of naval subjects so as to
give prospective officers a speaking
acquaintance with the Navy.
Aids Future Work
"In no way," he cautioned, "is it
to be considered as replacing the
courses and intensive training you
are required to take in active duty;
but it is felt that anything you learn
here should stand you in good stead
in the future"
Captain Cassidy emphasizes that
attendance at the lectures is entirely
voluntary. Over 40 students reported
to each of the two meetings last week.
Ward Woods To Present
Paper On Hypertension

Ward Woods of the surgical de-
partment will read a paper on the
Surgical Treatment of Hypertension
at the meeting of the Society of
American Urologists scheduled for
Feb. 26 in New York City.
He will also speak before a meet-
ing of the Central Surgical Society
in Chicago Feb. 28 on the topic
"Subdural Air Injection."

In view of th emergency, from
and after the date of this publication
all automobiles and trucks owned by
the University (excepting Hospital
ambulances), by whatever depart-
ment previously operated, are to be
regarded as pooled and under the
entire control and direction of Mr. .
E. C. Pardon, Superintendent of
Buildings and Grounds. Mr. Pardon
will allocate the use of these cars
and trucks to such University pur-
poses as are appropriate during the
war emergency and will supervise
such use to any desirable extent. The
pooling of this University equipment
is for the period of the emergency
or until further orders from the un-
Public Exhibit
Of Type Faces
Shown Here
Consisting of books, panels, labels
and posters, a display of the work of
the Pynson Printers is currently be-
ing shown in the lobby display cases
of the College of Architecture and
This exhibition, sponsored by the
American Institute of Graphic Arts,
will be open to the public daily from
9 to 5, Sunday, through March 2.
Pynson Printers of New York was a
firm of artists banded together un-
der the leadership of Elmer Adler,
one of the country's foremost type
Although they no longer function
as a group, the Printers have been
well-recognized as having made a
major contribution to type design.
They took their name from an early
English printer of the 16th century.
Singer To Give
Illustrated Talk
Scholar-Vocalist Tinayre
Will AppearMonday
Acclaimed throughout the country
as a musical scholar and an out-
standing vocalist, Yves Tinayre will
appear in an illustrated lecture en-
titled "Confessions of a Musical
Treasure Hunter" at 8:30 p.m. Mon-
day, Feb. 23 in the Lydia Mendels-
sohn Tneatre.
Born in France, Mr. Tinayre has
done extensive research in vocal liter-
ature, and for the past several years
has been sharing his findings with
enthusiastic American audiences. His
remarkable interpretations of a libra-
ry of more than two thousands works
and illustrations in his fine bari-
tone voice have won the praise of
critics in New York, Philadelphia,
Washington and Detroit.
His engagement in Ann Arbor is
sponsored by the School of Music
and complimentary tickets are ob-
tainable in its office.
Hillel Foundation Head
Will Lead Discuss ion
Hillel Foundation's Fireside Dis-
cussion Group will hear Rabbi Je-
hudah M. Cohen, director of the
Foundation, speak on "Youth and
Our Time" 8:15 p.m. tomorrow.
Discussing the fuure for youth,
Rabbi Cohen will analyze the psy-
chological effects of the war. The
problems of youth ahead in the post-
war reconstruction will be presented
in detail.
Following Rabbi Cohen's talk the
discussion will come from the audi-
ence, participating in a forum.

Preceding the Discussion Group,
regular conservative religious services
will be held at 7:30.

Monday, February 23,
holiday for the University
ington's Birthday which
Sunday. Feb. 22.

will be a'
for Wash-
comes on

Shirley W. Smith,
Vice-President and Secletary
Notice to Deans, Directors, Ad-
visers, and Counselors: You are re-
minded that the Student Plans In-
quiry forms are to be completed and
delivered to Room 106 Rackham
Building this week. It is hoped that
you will find it possible to get in
touch with every student who does
not turn in a form and urge him to
do so. This includes Seniors as well
as members of all other classes.
University War Board
To All Faculty Members and Staff:
Special Employment Time Reports
must )e in the Business Office on
Friday, February 20, to be included
in the roll for February. Pay day
will be Friday, February 27.
Edna G. Miller,
Payroll Clerk
Engineers: Special assembly-Uni-
versity questionnaire, Room 348 W.
Engineering Bldg. today.
Sophomores at 1 o'clock.
Juniors at 11 o'clock.
Seniors who graduate in August
or October, 1942 and graduates at
10 o'clock.
Bring your announcement and war
training pamphlet.
Ivan C. Crawford, Dean
Students, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: Students whose
records carry reports of I or X either
from the first semester, 1941-42, or
(if they have not been in residence
since, that time) from any former
session, will receive grades of E unless
the work is completed by March 9.
Petitions for extensions of time,
with the written approval of the in-
structors concerned, should be ad-
1 dressed to the Administrative Board
of the College, and presented to Room
14, University Hall, before March 9.
E. A. Walter.
Choral Union Members: Members
of the Choral Union whose attend-
ance records are clear will please
call for their pass tickets to the Jos-
eph Szigeti concert today between 9
and 12 and 1 and 4, at the offices of
the University Musical Society, Bur-
ton Memorial Tower.
Charles A. Sink, President
The approved closing hour for wo-
men attending the Medical Ball is
1:30 a.m.
Jeannette Perry,
Assistant Dean of Women
Identification cards for new stu-
dents who enrolled the second sem-
ester may be obtained by calling at
Room 2, University Hall.
Academic Notices
Change of Deadline for Hopwood
Contestants: All manuscripts shall
be in the English Office, 3221 An-
gell Hall, by 4:30 p.m., Monday,
April 13, 1942. R. W. Cowden
Students who competed in the
Hopwood contests for freshmen
should call for their manuscripts at
the Hopwood Room not later than
Friday, February 20.
R. W. Cowden
English 136, The Analysis of Poetry,
will meet in Room 2225 A.H. (instead
of 2215 A.H. today, 4-6.
W. H. Auden
(Continued on Page 4)

Dramatic skits for


Girls Will Debate
Control Of Unions
A t AdrTian Today
Under the direction of Glen E.
Mills, the girls' debate squad will par-
ticipate in their first meet of the
new semester when they encounter
Adrian College today at Adrian,
There will be no decision rendered
at this debate, because it will serve
as a practice meet for the squads.
Representing the affirmative team
for Michigan will be Dorothy Blicke,
'44, and Mary Jane Plumer, '43, and
Janet Grace, '42, and Rosebud Scott,
'42, will take the negative side.
The proposition the teams will con-
sider is the National College question.
It is, Resolved: That the Federal
Government should regulate by law
all labor unions in the United States.
The debate squad has recently been
augmented by four women debaters.
They are Shelby Dietrich, '45, Elaine
Dorfman, '45, Nancy Filstrup, '43,
and Dorothy Servis, '45. With these
additions, the team now has 16 active

JA "f PIG0




2-4-7-9 P.M.

IOLA STEIN-Experienced legal
typist, also mimeographing. Notary
public. Phone 6327. 706 Oakland.


r f abIrirf rsrr4


* ~ ,. '~....-Producedi by Gottried. Reinhardt

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