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May 17, 1942 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-05-17

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Sir igaA


Attack On Morgan
Is Unfair Lie .. .



Nine Captures
From Illinois;
LeadsBig Ten
Western Coiference Title
Lost When Trackmen
Score Only 191/2 Points;
Ostroot, Thomas Place
Michigan Netters
Take Second Place
Special to The Daily
CHAMPAIGN, Ill., May 16.-Pitch-
ing, the question mark of the 1942
Wolverine baseball team, gave Mich-
igan a double victory over a fighting
Illini nine here this afternoon by
the scores of 3-0 and 3-1.
Pro Boim and Mickey Fishman,
who were on the mound for Michigan
in the bargain-day feature, limited
the Illinois squad to one lone run in
18 innings and never once were seri-
ously threatened by an Orange and
Blue uprising.
By winning both ends of the twin
bill the Wolverines took over undis-
puted possession of first place in the
Big Ten standings and made them-
selves more than an even money bet
to retain their coveted Conference
A capacity crowd was- on hand to
see the Illini close their diamond sea-
son, and they weren't disappointed
because they saw some of the great-
est exhibitions of fielding that have
ever been performed in Conference
competition. Michigan's Bud Cham-
berlain and Paul White and Illinois'
Bill Bartley were responsible for most
of the breath taking defensive plays.
According to Coach Ray Fisher,
Bartley is the finest fielding short-
stop that has ever appeared in Big
Ten competition, and when you con-
sider that Fisher saw Lou Boudreau
play for the Illini that's saying a lot.
Chamberlain was also the hitting
star because it was his home run with
two teammates aboard in the first
inning that accounted for all of the
Wolverines' scoring in the second
Although the Inlini were able to
outhit the Wolverines by one blow in
Turn to Page 3, Col. 1
Netmen Drop Close Game
But Take Four Titles
Special to The Daily
COLUMBUS, Ohio, May 16.-In a
furious final day's play featuring
more upsets than have been seen in
many a year, Michigan rolled up 14
points here today only to finish a
heart-breaking second with Chicago.
Michigan took four individual titles
in placing second, three of them in
the singles by Wayne Stille, Gerry
Schaflander, and Tom Gamon, and
one in the doubles by Schaflander
and Jinx Johnson.
The story of the team's defeat is
that of trying to come back after
suffering the stunning blow of John-
son's defeat in the first round, for a
few moments having victory in its
grasp yesterday, only to lose out
when neither the one or two doubles
was able to defeat its second oppon-
ent. Looking at it another way, it
was the points Northwestern gained
in crucial matches with the Wolver-
Chicago, apparently out of the
tourney when it lost five singles yes-

terday, proved a tartar to North-
western as its Capt. Carl Sawyier gave
the finest exhibition of tennis in the
Conference this year to upset the
great Seymour Greenberg and hand
him his only defeat in three years of
competition, and Walt Kemetick re-
Turn to Page 3, Col. 2
Trackmen Overshadowed;
Place Sixth In Big Ten I
Special to The Daily
EVANSTON, Ill., May 16.--Com-
pletely overshadowed by the powerful
Ohio State team's 66 markers, Michi-
gan's track squad could only scrape
together 19 points to place sixth in
the 42nd running of the Western
Conference track and field cham-
pionships here today.
Illinois and Indiana camerthrough
as expected- with a tie for second
place with 30 points apiece.
For the first time in years Michi-
gan hasn't figured in the winning
stakes at this Big Ten classic. The
Wolverines clinched seven of the last
ter titles and a precedent had been
established of strong Maize and BlueI

Regents Approve Plan,
For PhysicalTraining
Program To Be Compulsory For Selective Service
Registrants And SpecialReserve Enrollees

Soviets Smash To Outlying Areas
Of Kharkov In Mighty Offensive;
Laval Hits Martinique Settlement

The Board of Regents, in a -ecial
meeting yesterday, gave official ap-
proval to a physical conditioning pro-
gram for the University designed to
"shorten the necessary period of
training after induction and permit
the development of a more effective
armed force in a much shorter time."
The new plan will begin June 15,
the opening date of the war-born
"Third Term," and will continue
through the war emergency period.
The program, which was recom-
mended to the Regents by the Uni-
versity War Board, will consist of
three one and one-half hour periods
of exercise per week under the su-
Browder Free;
Leaves Prison
By FDR Order
Communist Head Released
By Presidential Action
After 14 Month Term
ATLANTA, May 16. -(A)- Earl
Browder, former General Secretary
of the Communist Party in the Unit-
ed States, was released from Federal
Penitentiary today a few hours after
President Roosevelt had announced
commutation of his four-year sen-
tence for falsifying passport infor-
Browder left the prison after serv-
ing approximately 14 months. Ac-
companying him was Robert Minor
of New York who has been acting as
General Secretary to the Party in
Browder's absence.
Prison officials said Browder
planned to take a night train to New
The Chief Executive signed a com-
mutation of sentence, ordering Brow-
der's immeditae release.
His sentence, in addition to a $2,-
000 fine, was unusually long for the
offense in question, a White House
statement said, adding that Mr.
Roosevelt believed the "principle of
obedience to law had been sufficient-
ly vindicated."
The statement, moreover, pointed
out that Browder would soon have
become eligible for parole, and said
the commutation would have a "tend-
ency to promote national unity and
allay any feeling which may exist in
some minds that the unusually long
sentence in Browder's case was by
way of penalty imposed upon him
because of his political views."
Browder, mild-mannered, Kansas-
born radical, who went to jail as a
conscientious objector during the first
World War, was convicted of having
sworn, in obtaining a passport, that
no previous passport had been issued
to him. As a matter of fact, the
Government contended, he had been
given three previous passports under,
fictitious names.
From the moment of his imprison-
ment, Browder's Communist col-!
leagues have been working unceas-
ingly for his release. Their cam-
paign reached a culmination recent-
ly in large newspaper advertisements
urging readers to write to the Presi-
dent asking that Browder be released.

pervision' of the Department of Phys-
ical Education and Athletics.
Affected by the new plan will be
all students who, at the beginning of
a particular term, are registered un-
der the Selective Service Act, or are
enrolledin special enlistment pro-
I grams, such as the ROTC, NROTC,
V- 1 Naval Reserve, Air Force Enlisted
Reserve and the projected reserve
plan for other branches of theArmy.
The training program will be re-
quired of such students "as a con-
dition to continued attendance in
the University."
In the petition recommending the
program to the Regents, the War
Board cited the experience of the
Army and Navy with selectees and
new recruits which "indicates that
the great majority of the men en-
tering the Army and Navy are not
physically fit for service. Those who
are especially soft not infrequently
become hospital cases because of low
resistance to illness. The others re-
quire an extended program of rigor-
ous conditioning."
Reviewing the University's previous
cetributions to the war effort, which
it described as "pointed primarily to
accelerating intellectual training,"
the War Board pointed out: "The
University owes an equally vital obli-
gation to all potential members of
the armed forces among the student
Turn to Page 7, Col. 2
Mexico's War
Spirit Aroused
By Sub Action
MEXICO CITY, May 16. -(P)-
Public and official opinion appeared
to be aligned on a solid front today
in demanding drastic measures, even
a declaration of war, to obtain satis-
faction for the Axis torpedoing of the
Mexican tanker Potrero del Llano off
Miami Beach, Fla., Wednesday night.
Former President Emilio Portes Gil
declared the government's -1energetic
and patriotic attitude" in demand-
ing "complete satisfaction" from the
Totalitarian Nations for loss of the
7,500-ton vessel deserved "the most
ample support of the Mexican people
in the difficult days just ahead."
Practically every important labor
organization, led by the powerful
CTM, has demanded war on the Axis
on other firm steps to uphold na-
tional honor and avenge the deaths
of 14 seamen. There also were sug-
gestions for confiscation of Axis pro-
perty in Mexico, which the afternoon
paper Ultimas Noticias estimated was
worth $985,000,000.
tralia, (Sunday) May 17. -(P)-
Allied planes in three new attacks
on the Japanese air base at Lae,
northeastern New Guinea, destroy-
ed eight enemy bombers on the
ground, shot down one challenging
Zero fighter and started numerous
fires among buildings, General
MacArthur's Headquarters an-
nounced today.


Negotiations To Continue
With French Authorities,
State Department Says
Advises Restraint
On Part Of U.S.
WASHINGTON, May 16. -(p)-
Pierre Laval's declaration today that
he had rejected most of the United
States' proposals regarding Martin-
ique met studied official silence in
Washington, but in authoritative
quarters it was said that this govern-
ment had not received any note from
the Vichy Government leader.
At the same time, the State De-
partment, reiterating that the nego-
tiations were with local French au-
thorities on the Caribbean island,
said that these discussions were con-
Rejects Plan
(In Vichy, Pierre Laval. Vichy's
pro-Axis Chief of Government, an-
nounced he had rejected the greater
part of United States demands con-
cerning Martinique and had warned
the Washington Government that it
would assume heavy responsibility in
the event of any "unjustified vio-
(He said that Admiral Georges Ro-
bert, High Commissioner for France's.
American possessions, had been
warned by the United States that "if
he ceased to have control over the
situation the status of these posses-
sions (Martinique, Guadeloupe and
French Guiana) might be changed
and that the United States could no
longer guarantee their belonging to
the French people.")
Effort To Intervene
Laval's previous statements on
Martinique have been characterized
in Washington as merely efforts to
intervene in a situation in which the1
United States has ignored him.
The State Department previously
had announced that the immobiliza-
tion of French warships at Martin-
ique was underway and that the
negotiators were at work on less im-
portant phases of the problem of re-
moving any possibility of French
Caribbean possessions becoming a
threat to the security of the Unitedc
Will Convene1
Richard Yale Will Discuss
Drug Indlustry In War
Retail pharmacists, teachers andl
representatives of manufacturing
concerns will convene in the eleventh
annual Pharmaceutical Conference,
at 2:30 p.m. Tuesday in the Rackham
Following the address of welcome
by Dr. Emon L. Cataline of the Col-
lege of Pharmacy, Richard M. Yale
of the S. B. Penck Company in New,
York City will discuss "The Botanical,
Drug Industry Under World War
Yale's address, which will be ac-
companied by moving pictures de-
picting methods of collecting various
medicinal plants throughout the
world, will be of special interest be-
cause many of the drugs fonerly
imported are now difficult or ..-
possible to obtain because of the
Dr. Charles F. McKhann, professor
of pediatrics and communicable dis-
eases, will conclude the afternoon
session with "Recent Progress in the
Study of Poliomyelitis." As this is
Dr. McKhann's special field of re-
search, his talk will be an especially
significant one.
Publications' Banquet
To Honor Sunderland

Students participating on Univer-
sity publications, present members
and former members of the Board in
Control of Student Publications and
other invited guests will gather at
6:15 p.m. tomorrow at a banquet in
the Union to honor Prof. Edson R.
Sunderland, of the Law School, who
is retiring after 25 years service on
the Board.
Onetime member himself of The
Daily staff, Professor Sunderland has

Reds Silence Guns In Crimea

Firing at point-blank range, Soviet gunners silence an enemy
machine gun on the Crimean front, where bitter fighting is raging be-
tween Russian and German forces. The Germans claimed yesterday
the capture of Kerch, gateway to the oil fields of the Caucasus, while
the Russians announced successful counter-attacks before that key
city. (This photo was transmitted from Moscow by radio.)
Battered British Hamper Japs
Along Upper Burmese Border
Desperate Rear-Guard Action Is Continued As English
Attempt To Hold Nipponese Hordes From India

LONDON, May 16.-VP)-A hardy.
handful of the sorely-tried British
Army in Upper Burma is preparing
a last desperate rear-guard action
against the Japanese along the
Chindwin River parallel to the In-
dian border while its spent and
wounded comrades are withdrawn
westward through the savage hill
country, a London military commen-
tator declared today.
For the second successive day the
New Delhi military spokesman said
there had been no contact with the
enemy during the past 24 hours, but
the London commentator said Gen.
Harold Alexander was posting those
of his men who still had equipment
to hold the Japanese back from India
as long as possible.
The wounded and those who have
lost their equipment are making their
way into India to vest and reorganize.
This movement led to reports here
yesterday that the Army already had
retired into India, said the commen-
tator, but there has not yet been a
general withdrawal.
All the remnants of the British
who have fought rear-t,1ard actions
all the way up from the Bengw: Coast
are estimated to total only 5,000,
Distribution of the remaining
copies of the 1942 'Ensian will take
place tomorrow only. Students not
obtaining 'Ensians then must wait
until Friday afternoon. Part pay-
ments not collected will be con-
sidered forfeited.

however, and the number available
for the latest stand was deemed to be
pitifully small.
The scene is in the forested hills
through which the Chindwin races
southwestward at distances varying
from 30 to 50 miles from the frontier
of Manipur State, in India.
British Airmen
Blast Convoys
U.S.-Built Bombers Attack
GermanSupply Ships
LONDON, May 16. -(P)-Round-
ing off a week of intensive day and
night attacks on German shipping
off the continental coast, United
States-built Hudson bombers blasted
at two convoys off the Frisian Is-
lands off the northern coast of the
Netherlands last night, leaving three
supply ships burning and four others
probably damaged from hits.
Calling the attacks "the most dev-
astating of the week," Air Ministry
sources admitted, however, that five
of the British bombers were lost in
the fierce anti-aircraft fire that
greeted their low-level assault.
The Air Ministry New Service said
one bomber crew saw a pilot of one
of the Hudsons, on fire from a hit,
"drive his blazing machine straight
into the deck of the nearest ship, the
aircraft exploding."
"The ship is believed to have been
destroyed," the service added.

Timoshenko's Tank-Paced
Forces Advance On Big
Ukraine Industrial City
Seizure Of Kerch
Reported By Berlin
MOSCOW, Sunday, May 17.-(P)-
The Red Army was reported today
to have hacked, battered and blasted
its way into many of the outlying
communities of the Ukraine indus-
trial center of Kharkov in a mighty
offensive which, uncurbed, would fold
back the southern wing of Germany's
invasion line.
(Still without confirmation were
advices current in London that the
attackers had cracked the Kharkov
inner defense'line in two places and
battled their way into suburban
Kharkov on the northeast while other
forces, flanking Kharkov 70 miles
to the south, drove into the network
of the.Germans' southern communi-
Tank Forces Continue
Tank-paced forces of Marshal Se-
meon Timoshenko continued their
slashing advance upon Kharkov yes-
terday while on the Kerch Peninsula
heavy fighting raged in the vicinity
of the city of Kerch, on the narrw
strait across from the Caucasus, the
Russians announced officially.
"In the Kharkov direction our
troops waged ofensive battles, suc-
cessfully advancing and capturing
booty and prisoners," the midnight
Soviet communique said.
"On the Kerch Peninsula our
troops waged stubborn battles in .the
region of the city of Kerch."
70 Tanks Disabled
The Russians listed 70 more Ger-
man tanks disabled-presumably on
the Kharkov. front where more than
400 of the Nazi vehicles have been re-
ported damaged or destroyed pre-
viously in the uninterrupted Red
Army drive.
In the Barents Sea, the communi-
que said an 8,000-ton enemy trans-
port and a destroyer were sunk and
a second destroyer heavily damaged
and apparently sunk by Soviet planes
and warships.
Kerch Peninsula Overrun,
German Sources Claim
BERLIN (from German broad-
casts), May 16.-(A)-The German
Army has captured the ancient town
of Kerch and its harbor and has
overrun- practically the entire Kerch
Peninsula after beating down stub-
born Soviet resistance in a week-
long battle, German authorities re-
ported today.
The German High Command twice
announced the capture of the ancient
Crimean port, first in a special bulle-
tin and again in the regular com-
Later the Berlin radio declared
that the final report on the capture
of Kerch (called the Russian Pom-
peii) probably would be issued to-
morrow and added, it had learned
that nearly all the Kerch Peninsula;
just four miles from th oil-rich Cau-
casus at one point, is in German
Farther north, the High Command
reported, Russian attacks on the
Kharkov front were repelled in hard
fighting and "German counter-at-
tacks were successful."
(A dispatch from Bern, Switzer-
land, said the Berlin correspondent of
the Basler Nachrichten quoted Ger-
man sources as saying the Russians
made "local penetrations" in the
Nazi line in the Kharkov sector,
obliging the Nazis to throw in fresh
Hopwood Prizes
To. Be Awde d

At Talk Tuesday I
The presentation of John Crowe
Ransom's address, "The Primitive
Language of Poetry," at 4:15 p.m.
Tuesday, in the Rackham Auditori-
um, will be followed by announce-
ment of major and minor award
winners in the eleventh annual Hop-
wood literary contest and distribu-
tion of $8,000 in prize money.
Ransom is editor of the "Kenyon
Review," author of "The World's

Madge Evans, Michael Whalen
To Appear In 'Petticoat Fever'

Rarely do two such outstanding
stars as Madge Evans and Michael
Whalen appear at the same time in
a Dramatic Season production, but
such is the case when Mark Reed's

husband Sidney Kingsley's play, "The
World We Make." Her dramatiza-
tions in the films "Picadilly Jim" and
with Bob Montgomery and in "David
Copperfield with Freddy Bartholo-
mew were acclaimed by critics.
One of Hollywood's most promising
young artists is Whalen, who has
been released by 20th Century Fox
for his appearance in "Petticoat
Doris Dalton, who starred in the
New York production of this play
and who enacted the red-robed siren
in last week's "No Time for Comedy,"
appears with the co-stars.
"Petticoat Fever" is an idiotic ro-
mance laid in a snow-bound Labrador
wireless station. The ennui of Das-
comb (Whalen) Dinsmore, the wire-
less operator, is dispelled by the ad-
vent of his former fiancee (Miss Dal-
ton) and the fiancee of Sir James
Fenton, Miss Evans, when their plane
crashes enroute to social functions
in Montreal. Dinsmore's scheme for
shifting his fiancee into Sir James'
care and taking the other girl for
himself comprises the frolicsome plot.



Six-Member Panel To Appraise
Federal Bomber City Project

Although lots have been surveyed
and stakes have been driven in prep-
aration for the building of the wide-
ly disputed 6,000 home bomber plant
city at Cherry Hill Road, the issue
did not appear to be a dead one in
Ann Arbor yesterday as announce-
ment was made that the project will
be appraised objectively by a six
member panel before a public meet-
ing at 8 p.m. tomorrow in Pettengill
Audtorium of Ann Arbor High School.
According to Dr. John A. Perkins,
of the political science} department,
who has arranged the meeting, the
discussion will be centered on the
question of "how to cooperate" with
the Federal Government in housing
the several thousand Willow Run

Among the other members who will
take part in the panel discussion are
Prof. James K. Pollock of the politi-
cal science department who is chair-
man; Prosecutor George Meader, who
will represent the Washtenaw County
Board of Supervisors and Karl J.
Belser, lecturer in landscape architec-
ture in the University College of
Architecture and Design.
Ann Arbor's city planning commis-
sion and its emergency housing com-
mittee will be represented by Edward
M. Couper: Paul Ungrodt, secretary
of the Ypsilanti Board of Commerce,
will represent that city.
Dr. Perkins said the panel would
also debate thevarious effects the

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