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May 16, 1942 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-05-16

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SATURDAY, MAY 16,"1942

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights
of republication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.00, by mail $5.00.
National Advertising Service, ic'
SCollege Publisbers Representative
420 MADisoN Ave. NEW YORK. N. Y.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42
Editorial Staff

T HIS IS THE LAST ONE. That great big old
heart hasn't been in the business for the last
week or so, and now in order that I may enjoy a
brief period in the sun, loafing like senior, also
five more gym cuts and various papers, I am
going the way of all college, up the steps to shake
hands with the boss man, and away to a mem-
ory and a picture in the 'Ensian. There will be
no more columns churlish, not much more coffee
drinking, fewer arguments. Other people will do
all the things I have done-i.e., sleep, take ex-
ams, get papers in late, write columns-and do
them just as well. To be gracious, I should say
"better", but after watching these things go on
for quite awhile, I have reached the conclusion
that nobody does them much better. There will
be an adjustment to fit the times, a different
slant, but just as there has been no better in this
column as compared to predecessors, I can say.
clearing my throat, that there probably will not
be a better to follow. We all start out strong.
Like the poems, God gives us the first stanza,
and the rest is not gravy. Intelligent kids, kids
with more to start with than I had, will slide
gently into my polished chair here, but grinding
them out three a week will tell, mark my words.
Much sweat and a certain curiosity is the best
formula still, and if you rise too far above that,
you don't belong in the newspaper business. A
column doesn't take all you've got. It takes
time, and some work, but it is not by any ex-
cept the most innocent estimates, a great, all-
engrossing task. It is a thing you should be able
to toss off easily if you have an idea, and some-
times even if you haven't an idea. It is finally
the sort of job you leave to go to your room and
write something better. I hope successors will
heed this, at least after the glorious first two or
three weeks when you pour out the things you
have carried on your chest up until. It should
be some consolation to them. It has been to me
known few of them who were not profession-
ally associated with the business, but I assume
there must be others-no great words for the
ending. This is not a climax. That came a long

time ago, I couldn't say just where for sure. Call
this rather a climax of poignance, of that last-
week feeling given to seniors. I had things to
save for a last column, some of them bitter, some
of them schmaltzy. But all that remains now as
I write this is the old regret, memories of the
trees along quiet streets, the way certain boards
creaked each time I stepped on them, a few hazy
mental pictures of pretty girls, of good classes,
small victories and defeats. A thousand times I
have cursed this place in the good ripe language
my father taught me. A thousand other times it
has been a place where wonderful things hap-
pened. It is, I suppose; neither as bad nor as.
good as I have seen it. Whatever it is, my life,
and the lives of all of us, are closely linked to it,
spiritually, and physically. I have not eaten the
Ann Arbor hamburgers, but I shall remember
them. I have not made the most of all my op-
portunities, but I have made some use of many
of them. There is so much, and at the end you
do not say any of it. Good men and bad, bright
and dull, buildings that take on personal signifi-
cance; squirrels and campus dogs, the sound of
the clock as it strikes eleven then falls into si-
lence for the night, the bells of the carillon, soft,
shut off by buildings as you move along to some-
place. The hushed uproar of the libraries, the
scuffing of feet on sidewalks, make your own
list. Two full years to write about it, and now I
can see that it never was said, that there is never
time, that you never know until it is time to go,
and the pattern then is too complex to be com-
municated. You look quickly around, and swal-
low hard, and leave. Repeat performance of
Clarence Day:
Farewell, my friends, farewell, and hail,
Im off to seek the holy grail.
I cannot tell you why.
Remember, please, when I am gone,
,Twas aspiration led me on.
Tiddley widdley, toodle-oo,
All I want is to be with you,
But here I go, goodbye.

Homer Swander .
Morton Mintz. .
Will Sapp
Charles Thatcher
George W. Sallad6 .5
Bernard Hendel
Myron Dann .
Barbara deFries
Edward J. Perlberg
Fred M. Ginsberg
Mary Lou Curran
Jane Lindberg .
James Daniels .

Managing Editor
Editorial Director
City Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Sports Editor
AsMXiate Sports Editor
Women's Editor

Business Staff
Business Manager
Associate Business Manager
Women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager
SPublications Sales Analyst

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily arc written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Rabble-Rouser Smith
On GOP Ticket? . - -
O NE of America's ablest demagogues,
Gerald L. K. Smith, the late Huey
Long's country-style rabble-rouser, is getting
ambitious for the better political things in life.
On April 9 he began his campaign for the
Republican nomination for Senator from Michi-
gan. His campaign got under way with the aid
of his Committee of One Million, one of the sub-
marginal reactionary organizations of America.
At a meeting of his committee he took a poll
of the members who came to indulge in a re-
freshing evening of Red-baiting, Roosevelt-
hating and denunciation of "boondoggling and
bureaucratic politicians." Of course his follow-
ers accepted their gaulefter as a candidate.
Gerald L. K. Smith is well-equipped for ora-
tory along the Winrod, Coughlin, Pelley, Long
line. As Long's lieutenant, he had ample oppor-
tunity to develop his backwoods, fire-and-brim-
stone style into full-fledged independence.
In the 1936 presidential campaign, Smith toed
the line, speaking for William Lemke, who ran
under the fortunately forgotten National Union
banner. He spoke on the same platform with
Charles E. Coughlin. For a sideline he spoke
for the Townsend movement.
SMITH has a complete political program
planned. Its very comprehensiveness is amaz-
ing. He says in his new publication, The Cross
and the Sword, "I shall support the war effort
100 percent." No doubt that will make the
Washington bureaucrats very happy.
The rest of his platform contains a few more
original planks. He promises "tires for every-
body." He will campaign for one-hundred-dollar
pay for soldiers as a continuation of his com-
mittee's program. He will be the voice of the
oppressed people. He will support labor's right
but "oppose the conspired attempt on the part
of the Reds and the Communists in America to
capture the pivotal positions in the organized
labor movement." He will side with the farm
leaders who oppose the experiments of "bureau-
cratic dictatorship." He will give a fair hearing
to the Townsend movement.
All cheers should go to Gerald , K. Smith for
his stanld o1n thle ,sulpression of his colleaguc,
"I tnall defend the right of free speech and
free press for Father Charles E. Coughlin. The
treatment that this minister of Christ is receiv-
ing at the hands of the bloodthirsty Reds is un-
Social ;lusticer, Coughlin's weekly newspaper,
has been barred from the mails because of its
seditious content and recently suspended pub-
Add to Smith's own words the fact that he was
a member of the Silver Shirts whose leader,
William Dudley Pelley, is in jail for sedition, his
hate of Roosevelt and his opposition for every-
thing progressive and one obtains a rather good

chief, his head bowed
So long.

waving his handker-
low. One final effect.
- Jay McCormick


(Continued from Page 3)
for admission to candidacy for the
teacher's certificate, which is to be
returned by Monday, May 25.
German Table for Faculty Members
will meet Monday at 12:10 p.m. in
the Founders' Room Michigan Union.
Members of all departments are cordi-
ally invited. There will be a brief
report by Mr. H. W. Nordmeyer.
Automobile Regulation: The fol-
lowing schedule will mark the lift-
ing of the Automobile Regulation for
students in various colleges and de-
partments of the University. Excep-
tions will not be made for individuals
who complete their work in advance
of the last day of class examinations
and all students enrolled in the fol-
lowing departments will be required
to adhere strictly to this schedule:
School of Dentistry:
Freshman class; May 25, at 12 noon
Junior class, May 26, at 12 noon
Senior class, May 22, at 10 a.m.
Hygienists, May 25 at 4:00 p.m.
Law School:
Freshman class, May 25, at 5 p.m.
Junior class, May 26, at 12 noon
Senior class, May 26, at 12 noon.
Medical School:
Freshman class, May 26, at 12 noon
Sophmore class, May 26, at 12 noon
Junior clas, May 26, at 12 noon
Senior class, May 23, at 5 p.m.
College of Architecture:
All Classes, May 26 at 12 noon
School of Business Administration:
All Classes, May 26, at 12 noon
School of Education:
All Classes, May 26, at 12 noon
College of Engineering:
All Classes, May 26, at 12 noon
School of Forestry:
All Classes, May 26, at 12 noon
Graduate School:
All classes, May 26, at 12 noon
College of L., S., & A.:
All classes, May 26, at 12 noon
School of Music:
All classes, May 26, at 12 noon
College of Pharmacy:
All classes, May 26, at 12 noon
Office of the Dean of Students
Any male student of the University
who has completed four complete
years of work is eligible to receive his
Union life membership pin. These
pins may be secured at the Union
business office.
Freshmen and Sophomores, College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
Students who will have freshman or
sophomore standing at the end of the
present semester and who plan to re-
turn either for the summer term or
the fall term should have their elec-
tions approved for the next semester
that they expect to be in residence,
as soon as possible. There will bei
little or no time to sign up returningi
students during the registration peri-
ods preceding either of these semes-
ters, so it is strongly urged that this
be taken care of now. You may
make an appointment with your
counselor by telephoning Extension1
613 or by calling at the Office of the1
Academic Counselors, 108 Mason(
Arthur Van Duren, Chairman,c
Academic Counselors.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of the following
Civil Service Examinations. LastI
date for filing application is noted
in each case:
Detroit Civil Service
Technical Aid (Male - Female)
(General) (Business Admin.) (Med-
ical Science), salary $1,716 per year,1
June 8, 1942.
Jr. Engineering Aid- -Male & Fe-
male, salary $1,914 per year, June
8, 1942.
Jr. Traffic Engineer- Male, salary

$3,168 per year, June 8, 1942.
Assistant Traffic Engineer, salary
$3,900 per year, June 8. 1942.
Senior Traffic Engineer, salary;
$2,376 per year, June 8, 1942.
Student Public Health Nurse,. sal
ary $1,584 per year,
Applications will be accepi ed until
further notice,
General Staff Nurse, Relief -Fe-
male, salary $1,848 per year. Appli-
cations will be accepted until furthei
Motorman (Male), salary 79c toJ
84'c per hour, depending on assign-
ment. May 22, 1942.
Auto Repairman, male, salary 90c
per hour, May 21, 1942-
Intermediate Typist (Male), sal-
ary $1,650 per yeas', May 20, 1942,
Assistant Public Service Attend
ant (Male & Female), salary 35c to
65c per hour, May 19, 1942.
Assistant Public Service Attend-
ant (Male & Female), salary 35c to
65c per hour, May 19, 1942.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of corrections in
salaries announced for recent Michi -
gan Civil Service positions. They
are hereby corrected as follows:
Vessel Porter Cl, $110,00 per month.1
Vessel Steward B, $132.00 pert
Cabin Steward T1, $126.50 per
Ordinary Seaman Cl, $110.00 peri

"Now be sure those blackout curtains hang rignt!-the tiniest
sliver of light will give us away to the air raid warden!"


By Lchty

WASHINGTON-In the office of Federal
Trade Commissioner March is a sign which
That advice would be most beneficial, if
heeded, in certain high offices vital to the war
Before Pearl Harbor, the American public was
sickened by the jurisdictional fights between
labor unions; the sight of vital defense projects
stymied while a CIO union fought an AFL union
over who should collect dues.
Since Pearl Harbor labor rows have dwindled.
But behind the scenes in Washington, jurisdic-
tional fights, just as bad as those between rival
labor unions, continue. And, as in the case of
racketeering labor czars, prestige or personal
vanity is often the_ sole issue between rival
For instance, Army and Navy Intelligence
fought Col. Donovan's committee to the last
ditch on counter-espionage. The head of Mili-
tary Intelligence, Gen. Sherman Miles, was
transferred before full cooperation was created.
Later the Donovan Committee actually sent
electricians over to the State Department and
ripped out the teletype machine by which the
Sta te Depal'tment was receiving news for its
propaganda broadcasts to occupied countries,
This, the Donovan Committee contended, was
its job, not thLe State Departinent's.
AGAIN when the Rockefeller Conmitce was
appointed to propagandize in Latin Amer-
ica, the State Department fought it tooth and
nail. Latin American propaganda, the State
Department said, was its job, and could not be
delegated to the Rockefeller Committee or any-
one else.
But Later, when the Donovan Coinnittee
wanted to send short wave broadcasts to Latin
America, the State Department and the Rocke-
feller Committee suddenly got together. They
united against the common enemy, the Donovan
"Latin America," said both Rockefeller and
the diplomats in effect, "is our stamping ground.
Keep out!" -
Then there was the quarrel between Justice
and the Treasury as to which should handle
alien property. The argument lasted so long
that it delayed seizure of certain important
German patents, and finally was settled when
Roosevelt appointed Leo Crowley to be Alien
Property Custodian, independent of both de-

can public, not the bureaucrats, which suffers.
And the result of the Wallace-Hull jurisdic-
tional row may be that the public will have less
Brazilian rubber, less Bolivian tin, less of other
Latin American materials.
The row dates back to last summer when the
White House created the Bureau of Economic
Warfare to use the power of American dollars,
trade and loans to hit the Axis abroad, particu-
larly in South America.
Secretary Hull at that time was wrathful that
the job was given to Wallace, and referred to
the Vice President in strong and picturesque
language. Hull also blamed Undersecretary
Welles and Lawrence Duggan, his Latin Ameri-
can adviser, for letting Wallace get the job while
he, Hull, was on vacation.
Then came Pearl Harbor and the need for
rubber, tin, quinine, hemp, vegetable oils. Some-
thing was supposed to be done about filling
some of these needs at the Rio de Janeiro Con-
ference in January. But though the State De-
partment sent experts to discuss rubber at Rio,
nothing happened. Three months passed. And
not a single pound of rubber reached us from
So .a t his point Wallace's Bureau of Economic
Warfare step~ped in with a plan for doing what
tie Amerwan Chicle Company has done in Cen-
tral America -send U.S. experts into the jungle,
r~etum)camps3, transportation, and r'ush Out the
goods-- by airplane if necessary.
Wallace's men pointed out that to tap rubber
trees in the Amazon jungles required steamboat
transportation, barracks, quinine, food and or-
ganization. They planned to use American Chicle
rnen to do it, in cooperation with Brazil,
St(1, De (,Wi'-fei Say$ No
the State Department said no. 'They ob-
jected that this would offenid Brazil, that it
would be invading that nation's sovereign rights,
would hurt the Good Neighbor policy.
The Bureau of Economic Warfare countered
that they would work closely with Brazilians,
would do nothing to interfere with Brazilian
But the State Department continued to say
no. Foreign relations, it argued were the tradi-
tional prerogative of the Secretary of State,
And after the question was subjected to much
Iheniming and hawing, the President backed tip
tIe career boys.
So today the State Department can refuse a
passport to any man Wallace wants to send to
Brazil if it so chooses. And all negotiations

Vessel Operating Engineer II,
$230.00 per month.
Complete announcements on file
at the Bureau, 201 Mason Hall. Office
hours: 9-12 and 2-4.
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information
Lockers in the Intramural Sports
Building are to be vacated on or be-
fore May 27.
A cademic Notices
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
meet today at 10:00 a.m., in Room
319, West Medical Building. "Panto-
thenic Acid" will be discussed. This
will be the last seminar meeting of
the current semester.
English 45, Section 1 will not meet
today. K. T. Rowe
English Honors Course for Seniors:
Applications for admission to this
course are due in the English Office
(3221 A.HJ not later than today at
W. R. Humphreys.
Education C1 Final Examination:
Tuesday, May 26, from 2:00-4:00 p.m.
Defense training course for women
in Surveying, Mapping and Photog-
rametry: A thirteen-week E.M.S.D.T.
course will be given at the Univer-
sity beginning July 6 to train women
for U.S. Government positions as En-
gineering Aid, Photogrametric and
Topographic option. Civil Service
positions beginning at $1,440 to $1,800
per year are assured to those suc-
cessfully completing the course. En-
trance requirements are two years of
college training with major study in
engineering, architecture, physics,
chemistry, mathematics, forestry, or
geology. Three and one-half years
of college study in any other field
will be accepted if the applicant has
had trigonometry in high school or
college. Further information may be
obtained from Miss Ethel A. McCor-
mick, Michigan League.
Final Examination, English I and
II, Wednesday, May 20, 8-10 a.m., as
English I
Arthos, 35 AI; Bacon, 35 AH; Cal-
ver, 406 MH; Peake, 35 AI.
English II
Bader, 201 UH; Baum, W Phys Lee;
Bertram, W Phys Lee; Boys, W Phys
Lee; Copple, W Phys Lec; Engel, 305
SW; Everett, 1025 AU; Faust, 1025
AH; Fletcher, 209 AH; Fogle, 2054
NS; Garvin, 2054 NS; Green, 202 W
Phys; Greenhut, E Haven.
Haugh, 205 MH; Helm, 205 MH;
McClennen, 1025 AH; McKelvey, 205
MH; Millar, 3011 AH; O'Neill, 1121
NS; Schenk, 302 SW; Schroeder, 3056
NS; Stibbs, 2203 AH; Thein, 3209
AU; Walker, 2234 AU: Weimer, 203
UH; Weisinger, 101 Ec; Wells, 1025
Makel-up examination, for unavoid-
able examination conlicts only, will
be given Friday, May 22, 7-9 p.m.,
in RIooms 25 A.l. and 1025 A.H.
Rooin Assignments, Gerinau I, b,
31, 32: Friday, May 22, 1942, 10:30-
German I. All Sections: 101 Eco-
nomics Building.
German 2. Pott, Diamond, Philipp-
son: 25 Angell Hall. Ebelke, Winkel-
man, Willey: C Haven Hall. Van
Duren, Gaiss: D Haven Hall.
German 31. All Sections: 1035 An-
gell Hall.
German 32. Van Duren: D Haven
Hall. Wahr: 301 U. Hall, Eaton: 306
U. Hall. Diamond, Graf: 2225 An-
gell Hall
Doctoral Examination for Herbert
Reuben John Gosch, Astronomy;
thesis: "Integration Orbit and Mean
Pamanz Tn i g tnr'c o mh s a

aminations and he may grant per-
mission to those who for sufficient
reason might wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakm
Doctoral Examination for John
William Lederle, Political Science;
thesis: "The National Organization
of the Liberal and Conservative Par-
ties in Canada." Monday, May 18,
East Council Room, Rackham, 3:00
p.m. Chairman, J. K. Pollock.
By action of the Executive Board,
the Chairman may invite members
of the faculties and advanced doctor-
al candidates to attend these exam-
inations and he may grant permission
to those who for sufficient reason
might wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakun
The University Musical Society an-
nounces the following concerts for
Choral Union Series:
October 20, Don Cossack Chorus,
Serge Jaroff, Conductor.
October 29, Gladys Swarthout,
November 8, Cleveland Orchestra,
Artur Rodzinski, Conductor.
November 19, Albert Spalding, Vio-
December 3, Artur Schnabel, Pian-
December 9, Boston Symphony Or-
chestra, Serge Koussevitzky, Conduc-
January 18, Josef Hofmann, Pian-
February 16, Jascha Heifetz, Viol-
March 2, Detroit Symphony Or-
chestra, Sir Thomas Beecham, Guest
March 17, Nelson Eddy, Baritone.
Golden Jubilee May Festival
May 5, 6, 7, 8, 1943. Six Concerts.
The Philadelphia Orchestra, Uni-
versity Choral Union, the Youth Fs-
tival Chorus, and soloists
Handel's "Messiah." December 13.
Choral Union, University Orchestra
and soloists, December 13.
Third Annual Chamber Music Fes-
tival. The Roth String Quartet, three
concerts, January 22 and 23.
Alec Templeton, Pianist, Febru-
ary 25.
Charles A. Sink, President
Student Recital: John Wheeler, a
pupil of Palmer Christian, and ac-
companist for the Men's Glee Club
and Choral Union, will present an or-
gan recital in Hill Auditorium at 8:30
p.m. Tuesday, May 19. His pro-
gram will include works by Fresco-
baldi, Bach, Franck and Sowerby.
The public is cordially invited.
Carillon Recital: Professor Perci-
val Price will be assisted by Mr. Hugh
Glauser in his carillon recital at 7:15
p.m. Sunday, May 17, at which time
a mixed program of compositions for
carillon will be presented. Professor
Price will play Old Italian airs, varia-
tions on an air for carillon by Sibe-
lius and Blue Danube waltzes by
Johann Strauss. Mr. Glauser's co-
tribution to the program will be the
playing of Henry PurcellsSuite 1 and
Compositions for a musical clock by
Band Concert: The last appear-
ance of the University of Michigan
Concert Band for the current semes-
ter will be made at 8:00 p.m. on Sun-
day, May 17, when Professor William
D. Revelli will direct the group in
patriotic marches as well as classical
and semi-classical numbers. The con-
cert will be given on the steps of the
library on the campus.
Student Recital: Miriam Leaflang,
mezzo-soprano, will givearecial in
partial fulfillment of the require
merits for the degree of Master of

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