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February 18, 1942 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-02-18

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_THE lICHIGAN DAILY _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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Edited and managed by student93 of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer. Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Assocted Press is exlusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights
of republication of all other ,matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class nail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.00, by mail $5.00.
National Advertising Service, Inc,
College PxbtIshers Representative.
420 MADisON AvE. NEW YORK. N. Y.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42
Editorial Staff

Emile Ge16 . .
Alvin Denn
David Lachenbruch
Jay McCormick
Gerald E. Burns
Hal Wilso .
Arthu HHill . .
Jan~et Hiatt
Grace Miller
Virginia Mitchell

. . . . Managing Editor
.E.ditorial Director
* . . .City Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
* . . . Sports Editor
. . Assistant Sports Editor
* . . .Women's Editor
. Assistant Women's Editor
. .Exchange Editor

Daniel H. Huyett
James B. Collins
Louise Carpenter
Evelyn Wright

Business Staff
. . . . Business Manager
. . WAssociate Business Manager
. . Women's Advertising Manager
* . Women's Ausiness Manager,

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
ShoudAwaken U. S . ..
S INGAPORE - Britain's worst defeat
since Dunquerque - might serve to
jar the American people out of their steadfast
sense of security in the word "impregnable" and
to focus their startled attention to the full sig-
nificance of the unconditioned surrender in-
evitably determined days ago. "Before the fact,"
the American people were inclined to pooh-pooh
the Japanese offensive which aimed a pincers
drive on "the fortress that would not fall," be-
cause they made a habit of reading newspapers
wd Iistenring to the radio. The newspapers car-
ied convincing articles of Singapore's impreg-
nable defenses and the radios allowed time to
military experts who read carefully-prepared
speeches showing why Singapore could not fall.
But the Japanese went back to an ancient
war maxim to accomplish the Singapore rout -
"he who gets there fustest with the mostest will
win." It took them only ten weeks to sweep
through the 400-mile Malayan jungle, to cross
the causeway of Johore Strait and to bottle up
the British -."who resisted fiercely through-
out the last hours of their back-to-the-sea strug-
gle" - in their isolated island retreat. Thus
was shattered the invincibility of Singapore just
as convicingly as was that of Pearl Harbor be-
fore it
This latest blow to the Allied hope of victory
can be attributed mainly to Britain's bungling
war policy. During the present campaign against
the Axis not one solitary major triumph can
be entered on the credit side of the ledger for the
Imperial Government. The other side is gloomy
and reads like a death-warrant: the evacuation
at Dunquerque, the battle of Crete, the Libyan
merry-go-round, the escape of Germany's big
warships from under John Bull's very nose at
Brest and now Singapore. From this, the con-
clusion follows that Britain is hopelessly unable
to take. the leadership .n an Allied drive that
will ultimately destroy the Axis war-machine.
ROYCE HOWES, in his Monday article on the
front page of the Detroit Free Press, effec-
tively summarized Britain's impotence in this
WAr when he declared: "There was plenty of
galentry, but not enough guns. Tea at tpe Raf-
fles Hotel couldn't substitute for tanks. No
miracles happened. Singapore fell."
Winston Churchill, in his radio address of-
ficially announcing Sigapore's surrender, im-
plied the sanme thing in more grandiose style.
"When I survey and compute the power of the
United States and its vast resources," he said,
"and feel that now they are in it with us - with
the British Commonwealth of Nations all to-
gether - however long the war lasts, until death
or victory, I cannot believe there is any other
fact in the whole world which can be compared
with that."
THIE WHOLE MATTER reduces itself to
this: if victory must be achieved, if a
new world. must be created with the blight
of Nazi Germany and Japan removed, then
the United States must realize its duty to
take over the lead in the war. But "no
amount of threats or tall talk would help
the people to see, in the need for world lead-
ership, their inescapable opportunity."
A recent Gallup poll disclosed that 78% of
the American people believe the United States

Peace-Duty, Privilege
written to you are written because somebody
doesn't like something or other. This is no ex-
ception. The reason for the following orgy of
words is that two rather popular statements
bother me, they are:
1. "The fact that we are in the war proves
conclusively that, (a) isolationism is a flop,
or (b) interventionism is all wrong."
2. "Our sole job is to win the war, to hell
with the peace, let the big boys worry about
ET US TAKE statement 1, division a (this is
beginning to sound like a textbook). Those
that hold that isolationism is a flop point to the
following history:
1. After the last war we did not join the
League of Nations-this was certainly isola-
2. We set up the world's highest tariff bar-
riers-not exactly an interventionist attitude.
3. We made no particular effort to make our
allies stick to the many promises which they
made about disarmament, self-determination
of peoples, etc.-chalk up one more for the
4. We passed reams of legislation about
such items as cash and carry, neutrality, etc.
-this was all perfectly logical.
5. We stood by while Japan attacked China,
recognized a government that came into power
by revolution-Soviet Russia, and in general
followed the isolationist policy of, to hell with
everybody as long as they don't directly bother
N GEfiERAL, our record, with the exception
of a couple of battleships sunk for the sake
of disarmament, was consistently isolationist.
Those that say isolationism is a flop point to
this record in order to prove their contention.
Let us look a step further, however, and see
what happens:
1. Our government does a complete about-
face on the matter of cash and carry. They
definitely decide that certain countries are
saintly and others are demons, and that the
others are sprouting horns and hooves at reg-
ular intervals. They feel that the 'good' coun-
tries should have everything down to our last
shirt if necessary and proceed to give them all
but the obsolete shirts. This may be right, or
it may be wrong-but in either event it is not
2. Our government then goes further and
keeps the 'bad' nations from buying anything
for their war, and meanwhile carry our goods
at the point of a gun to the other countries.
This also could not be interpreted as isola-
3. We do everything possible to starve our
'friends' to death (for we insisted up to the
last moment that we were neutral as all get-
out), and then at the last moment are very
much surprised indeed to find that they do
not like to be starved to death, and would
rather 'stab us in the back'. This attitude on
our part was neither interventionism nor iso-
lationism, it was just plain unrealism.
THOSE that say that interventionism is a flop
point to my last three statements for evi-
dence. They forget that these facts are not in
accord with everything that had gone before.
-Charles Heinen
(Part two will appear tomorrow)
Legislature's Action
Was Regrettable . .
GOVERNOR Murray D. Van Wag-
oner's decision to veto the bill
passed by the state legislature returning Michi-
gan to the old time system should receive hearty
acclaim from all patriotic Michigan residents.
The legislature's action was indeed a regrettable
The Congress of the United States, at the be-
hest of the administration, recently passed an
act putting the entire nation on daylight savings

time. Every state of the Union has followed its
recommendation. The plan was undertaken to
aid our war effort. The British in the early
days of this conflict took a similar step.
BUT for some reason or another Michigan is
different. Several communities in the state
had the disgusting audacity to refuse to comply
with the ruling. Then the farm bloc of the legis-
lature secured permission from the Governor to
debate the subject and finally pass the present
The new war time was designed to conserve
electric power and give the public more time for
daylight recreation. It has been estimated that
the new schedule would save Detroit power con-
sumers more than $400,000 a year. Early that
city indicated its desire to remain on the new
THAT the rest of the state should have differ-
ent time from its largest metropolitan and
industrial area is almost fantastic. That the
"arsenal of democracy" should have its trans-
portation system disrupted because interstate
commerce is on one time and intrastate com-
merce oh another is equally fantastic. With train
schedules disturbed by another time switch and
outstate traffic further complicated by the dif-
ferent times, vital defense transportation might
be seriously impaired. Michigan's citizens would
also find their radio program listings an unintel-
ligible hodgepodge.
It certainly must be inspiring to the American
troops in barren Iceland, to the Americans dying
in the Philippines, to the sailors on patrol in
the cold North Atlantic and on watch in the

Drew Pedrsc+
Robert S.Alleti
WASHINGTON - Agricultura advisers are
urging the President to veto the Guayule Rubber
Act just passed by Congress giving a lush rubber
bonanza to the International Rubber Company
in Arizona and Southern California.
(Editor's Note: President Roosevelt yesterday ve-
toed the Guayule Rubber Bill.)
By this act the government would lease lands,
materials, and guayule seedlings from the Inter-
national Rubber Company for $2,000,000 and at
the end of 10 years would turn them back to
the private company with all the improvements;
and since it takes several years for rubber plants
to develop, the government presumably would
turn the rubber plantations back to the private
company just about the time they become a
thriving and profitable business.
Even the contracts for synthetic rubber fac-
tories, being built through Jesse Jones' loans,
contain safeguards for the government's future
property interests.
Most interesting thing about this Guayule Act
is that the bill as originally passed by the Senate
went quite far in safeguarding the public's in-
terests. It provided that the government might
"purchase" the land from the International
Rubber Company and thus not be under obliga-
tion to return it after 10 years of improvement.
The Senate bill also provided that the govern-
ment might acquire the property by condemna-
tion instead of having a maximum figure of
$2,000,000 fixed. The Senate bill also provided
that lands might be acquired in any part of the
Western Hemisphere, thus letting Mexico in on
the deal under the Good Neighbor Policy-a
country where guayule already grows. However,
when certain Southwest Congressmen got
through with the bill in the House, it was purged
of all these protective provisions and confined
the Secretary of Agriculture to leasing the land
and relinquishing it after 10 years of improve-
Note-During the final Senate debate, Senator
Downey of California stated that the emas-
culated House bill had been okayed by Assistant
Secretary of State Breckinridge Long. Other
State Department officials, it is known, did not
agree with Long.
Tom Dewey And USO
Main reason for the resignation of Tom Dewey
as national chairman of the United Service Or-
ganization was that he wanted to throw his full
energies into campaigning for the New York
governorship. However, this isn't the whole
Inside fact is that Dewey has been fed up with
the USO job for some time. tells friends that it
might prove more a liability than a help in the
gubernatorial campaign.
The New York rackeet-buster plans to make
the governorship (if he wins) a springboard to
the GOP presidential nomination in 1944, and
the USO chairmanship seemed like an excellent
publicity sideline when he first took over. How-
ever, it hasn't worked out that way.
The USO has failed somehow to catch the
public fancy, though Dewey himself has done a
remarkable job raising funds. To friends, Dewey
has made no secret of his dissatisfaction.
Last fall Dewey furiously served notice on the
Federal Works Administration that he would de-
mand an investigation if the FWA didn't ex-
pedite the building of recreational centers for
service men. These centers are operated with
USO funds and personnel.
Later the War Department took charge of
construction, and things began to move-but
still not fast enough for Dewey. Recently he
complained to intimates:
"I'm just about fed up with the whole busi-
ness. I've gone out and raised 15 million dollars

and we still have a lot of it in the treasury,
where it's doing no good, simply because we
haven't received the proper cooperation from
government agencies. As head of the USO, I'd
be in an embarrassing position if donors started
asking questions about what happened to the
money they contributed for the boys in uniform."
* I See By
;-AThe Papers
- tie h

Monday, February 23,
holiday for the University
ington's Birthday which
Sunday, Feb. 22.

VOL. L11. No. 98
Publication in the Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University.

To Members of the Faculty, Staff
and Student Body: Attention of
everyone is called to the Lost and
Found department of the Business
Office, Room 1, University Hall. In-
quiry concerning lost articles should
be made promptly at the above men-
tioned office. Articles found on the
campus and in University buildings
should be turned over immediately.
Those articles not called for within
60 days will be surrendered to the
Shirley W. Smith
Communications to the Regents:
Those who wish to present com-
munications for consideration by the
Regents are requestedtopresent them
at least eight days before the next
ensuing meeting at the office of Miss
Edith J. Smith, Budget Assistant to
the President, 1006 Angell Hall. Fif-
teen copies of each communication
should be prepared and left with,
Miss Smith. (Please note that one
more copy is requested than in previ-
ous years). A uniform type of paper
is used for communications to the
Board of Regents, a supply of which.
may be procured at the Office of
the Vice-President and Secretary.
To All University Students: A
student Plans Inquiry is being con-
ducted in order to enable the Uni-
versity to plan the program that will
be offered during the war period. The
University and the Regents specific-
ally request and urge that every stu-
dent fill out one of the forms that
has been prepared. The procedure
must be completed at the earliest
possible moment.
It will be necessary for you to ob-
tain your form from the place desig-
nated below, fill it out and return ita
to the place where you obtained it.
Forms will be available today. They
must be returned within 24 hours,
after they are received.
College of L.S. and A. Freshmen
and Sophomores-Office of the Aca-
demic Counselor Juniors and Seniors
-Concentration advisers.
College of Engineering: In class
assemblies to be announced in the
Graduate School: Classified stu-i
dents-Office of the department of.
specialization. Unclassified students,
1014 Rackham Bldg.
School of Bus. Adm. Office of Pro-
fessor M. H. Waterman.
All other Schools and Colleges:
Office of the school or college.
All counselors and advisers are
prepared to assist you in filling the
form. All information will be held
strictly confidential. Please act
The University War Board
School of Music: An assembly of
all students is called for this eve-
ning at 7:15 in the School of Music
Auditorium, to fill out questionnaires
prepared by the University War
Board in connection with the accel-
erateed program.
Attendance is obligatory for all
students registered for degrees in
this school.
Earl V. Moore
Engineers: Special assembly-Uni-
versity questionnaire, Room 348 W.
Engineering Bldg. TlMrsday, Feb. 19.
Sophomores at 1 o'clock.
Juniors at 11 o'clock.
Seniors who graduate in August
or October, 1942 and graduates at
10 o'clock.
Bring your aunnourlceme1rlit and war
training pamphlet.
Ivan C. Crawford, liean
Choral Union Members: Members
of the Choral Union whose attend-
ance records are clear will please
call for their pass tickets to the Jos-
eph Szigeti concert on the day of the
performance, Thursday, February 19,
between 9 and 12 and 1 and 4, at
the offices of the University Musical
Society, Burton Memorial Tower.
Charles A. Sink, President

To All Faculty n Members and Staff:
Special Employment Timu 1epo'ts
must be in the Business Offi'e ou
Friday, February 20, to be included
in the roll for February. Pay day
will be Friday, February 27.
Edna G. Miller,
Payroll Clerk
Househeads, Dormitory Directors,
and Sorority Chaperons: Closing hour
for Sunday, February 22, is 12:30 a.m.
and for Monday, February 23, is
10:30 p.m.
Jeannette Perry,
Assistant Dean of Women
All women participating in League
activities or attending Defense cour-
ses must procure their eligibility cards
from the Dean of Students office and
have them signed in the Social Direc-
tor's office of the League before Feb-

"Marcia always did have a tendency to overdress!"


By Lichity

above groups on Thursday, Februaryo
19. in Room 214 West Engineeringv
Interview blanks are available in
the Mechanical Engineering Office.
Interview schedule is posted onb
the bulletin board near Room 221
West Engineering Bldg.r
The American Association of Uni-
versity Women Fellowship, in honor
of May Preston Slosson, is to beF
awarded for 1942-43. Open to womens
for graduate study...
Application blanks may be obtainedr
at the Graduate School- Office, and
must be returned to that office, to-
gether with letters of recommenda-c
tions, before Monday, March 2, 1942.d
Notice: All university women en-c
rolled in Volunteer Defense courses
must have eligibility cards, signed in
women's League, between the hourst
of 3:00 and 5:00 any day this week
or next.
Academic Notices
Seminar in Physical Chemistry willp
meet today in Room 410 ChemistryI
Building at 4:15 p.m. Dr. J. D. Kur-c
batov, Ohio State University, wille
speak on the topic, "Recent Work ina
Chemistry of Minute Concentrations."
All interested are invited.-
Seminar Ch.E. 109 today at 4:00j
p.m. in Room 3201 E. Engr. Bldg. a
Mrs. Charles O. King will speak onf
the subject: "Solvent Extraction oft
University Oratorical Contest: The
University Oratorical contest will be
held on April 3. The preliminary
contest will be held March 13. This
contest is open to all sophomores,f
juniors, and seniors. Further in- 1
formation may be had at the Speech|
Office, 3211 Angell Hall. x
All interested are cordially invited.r
Change of Deadline for Hopwood1
Contestants: All manuscripts shall
be in the English Office, 3221 An-
gell Hall, by 4:30 p.m., Monday,
April 13, 1942. R. W. Cowdent
Students who competed in the1
Hopwood contests for freshmen
should call for their monuscripts att
the Hopwood Room not later thanr
Friday, February 20.-
R. W. Cowden
English 136, The Analysis of Poetry,
will meet in Room 2225 A.H. (instead{
of 2215 A.L) Thiursday, 4-6,
W. H, Auden
English 5, The Popular and Tech-
nical Lecture: The extra section in
public speaking for engineers and
architects known as English 5, The
Popular and Technical Lecture, has;
been scheduled to meet Tuesday ;and,
Thursday mornings at 10:00 in Room
15, East Hall. .
Mathematics 10 will meet, begin-
ning today, in Room 405 South Wing.
German 160 will meet 4:00-6:00
p.m. Thursday, 407 Library.
'l'o 1Chose students who have signed
for the special reading clinic course:
The class will meet Monday and
Wednesday at five o'clock, room
4009 University High School Build-
ing, School of Education. First meet-
ing today.
There will be room to accommodate
a limited number of additional stu-
dents for this short term, non credit
remedial reading work.
Arabic Class, International Center:,
The International Center, in cooper-
ation with Al Thaqafa, the Arabic
culture society, offers a beginning
class in modern Arabic at 7:30 to-
night in Room 23 of the Center. A
small tutorial fee will be charged.
Portuguese Conversational Classes:

offered for upperelass and graduate
women students:
Body Mechanics, 4:15 p.m. Friday.
Ice Skating, 3:00 p.m. Friday.
Elementary Swimming, 4:30 p.m.
Monday and Wednesday.
Any students interested should
register in Office 15, Barbour Gym-
Thursday Home Nursing Classes:
Because of inability to obtain an in-
structor before that time, the Thurs-
day Home Nursing Classes will not
meet until March 5.
Attention, All women's defense
classes: If any woman enrolled in a
defense course wishes to drop that
course she may do so this week with-
out penalty. Kindly report it to the
Social Director's Office, Michigan
League, before the second meeting of
the class.
Choral Union Concert: Joseph
Szigeti, Violinist, will give the Ninth
program in the Choral Union Series,
Thursday, February 19, at 8:30
o'clock, in Hill Auditorium. A limit-
ed number of tickets are still avail-
Alec Templeton, Pianist, will be
heard in a special concert Thursday,
February 26, at 8:30 o'clock, in ,Hill
Auditorium. Reserved seat tickets
at popular prices, including tax: main
floor 95c; first balcony 75c and the
top balcony 55c. May be purchased
at the offices of the University Musi-
cal Society, Burton Memorial Tower.
Charles A. Sink, President
Organ Recital: Palmer Christian,
University Organist, will present the
first in a series of second-semester
recitals at 4:15 p.m. today in Hill
Auditorium. The program as ar-
ranged by Professor Christian will in-
clude works of Bach, Gluck, Martini,
Stanley, Guilmant, Copland and De-
The public is cordially invited.
Violin-Piano Recital, International
Center: Miss Thelma Newell will of-
fer a violin recital tonight with Miss
Helen Titus, pianist, at the Wednes-
day music program of the Interna-
tional Center. The recital will be at
7:30 p.m. in the lounge of the Center
and will consist of: Beethoven, Sona-
ta No. 1, Op. 12.
Mozart, Concerto No. 5 in A major.
Hindemetb, Sonata No. 2 in D,
Op. 11.
All interested are invited to at-
Exhibition, College of Architec-
ture and Design: The work of Pyn-
son Printers, consisting of books, pan-
els, labels, posters. Gruond floor
corridor cases. Open daily 9 to 5,
except Sunday, through March 2.
The public is invited.
University Lecture: Dr. William H.
Weston, Professor of Cryptogamic
Botany, Harvard University, will le-
ture on the subject, "Fungi and Fel-
low Men," under the auspices of the
Department of Botany in the Natur-
al Science Auditorium at 4:15 p.m.,
today. The public is cordially invited.
University Lecture: Dr. Eduardo
Braun-Menendez of the Instituto de
Fisiologia, University of Buenos Aires,
will lecture on the subject, "The Me-
chanism of Renal Hypertension"
(illustrated) at 4:15 p.m., Friday,
February 20, in the Rackham Am-
phitheater, under the auspices of the
Department of Physiology. The pub-
lic is cordially invited.
University Lecture: Yves Tinayre,
noted authority on vocal art, will give
an illustrated lecture at 8:30 p.m.
on Monday, February 23, in Lydia

will be a
for Wash-
comes on

A soldier wrote a letter to his
lived in the hill country, telling
was coining home on a furlough.
She immediately wrote a letter
son's commanding officer:
"Please don't let my. son come
of them furloughs. It might turn

m11other W130
her that he
back to her
home on one
over and kill


Also overlooked in the f4urry of important
news over the week-end: A man in Graustark,
Alabama, digging a well in his back yard, dis-
covered that he had struck oil. He installed a
small pump and called in several oil experts
who found that the oil being pumped up was
refined motor oil. He dug deeper and found an
unopened 60-gallon oil drum.
During my encounter with draft officials I

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