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May 15, 1942 - Image 15

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- ,

even Schools
-Of University
T Open Short
Term June 29
Host Of Visiting Teachers
To Start 49th Session;
Camps ,Outside Of City
Are Scheduled To Begin
Brooks Will Head
Guest Lecturers
With a host of visiting professors
from every part of the country in at-
tendance and seven schools and col-
leges of the University participating,
the 49th Annual Summer Session will
open June 29.
Courses will be offered in the Col-
lege of Literature, Science and the
Arts, the School of Education, the
School of Music, the Horace H. Rack-
ham School of Graduate Studies, the
Medical School, the School of Archi-
tecture and Design and the School
of Forestry and Conservation.
Also in session will be the National
Music Camp at Interlochen, sponsor-
ed by the School of Music and the
Department of Speech; the Institute
of Public and Social Administration,
the Biological Station, the Field Sta-
tion at Camp Davis, and Camp Fil-
bert Roth, sponsored by the Graduate
School; and the University Fresh Air
Summer Session
The Summer Session, which is un-
der the control of the Board of Re-
gents, is a regular part of the Uni-
versity. Courses offered are similar
n iiethod, characte and credit vali#
to those of regular semesters.
Heading the list of visiting profes-
sors who will offer courses in the
literary college will be, in the Eng-
lish department, Cleanth Brooks, of
Louisiana State University, who will
give a course in Milton and a semin-
ar in poetics; and Prof. L. L. Rock-
well, of Colgate University.
In the history department courses
will be offered by Prof. L. V. Brock,
of Waynesburg College, Pa., who will
lecture in economic history; and Prof.
L. F. Hill, of the Ohio State Univer-
Prof. N. W. DeWitt, of Queen's Col-
lege of the University of Toronto, will
be guest professor in the Department
of Latin.
In library science a course will be
offered by Prof. Edmon Low, of Ok-
lahoma State A & M College.
Prof. J. Neyman, of the University
of California, will give a course in
statistics as guest professor in the
Department of Mathematics.
Mlle. Jeanne Rosselet, of Goucher
College, Md., will offer courses in the
Department of French.
Department of Speech
The Department of Speech will
have as guest instructors Howard
Bay, of New York City; C. H. Mere-
dith, Director, Dock Theatre, Char-
lestown, S.C.; Mrs. Claribel Baird,
Oklahoma College for Women; Miss
Lucy Barton, of New York City; Miss
Nancy Bowman, of Mount Clemens
High School; and D. E. Hargis, of
Ann Arbor.
The School of Education has nam-
ed as visiting professors Prof. F. S.
Breed, of the School of Education of
the University of Chicago, specialist
in the psychology of elementary'
school children; Prof. S. M. Brown-
ell, former public schools superinten-
dent, Grosse Pointe, now of Yale Uni-

versity, who will offer courses in
Supervision of Elementary School
Education; and Prof. E. W. Dolch,
of the University Illinois, specialist
in remedial reading.
Other guest professors in the School
of Education will be Prof. W. E.
Blatz, of the University of Toronto;
D. D. Blocksma, Flint, Counselor in
the Institute of Human Adjustments;
A. E. Diettert, of the Public School
System, Cincinnati, 0., and Miss Alice
Evans, Charles Forsythe, J. W.
Menge, Earl Moser, and R. L. Turn-
er, of the State Department of Public
Instruction, Lansing.
Also invited by the School of Ed-
ucation for the Summer Session are
Miss Katherine B. Greene, Sherwood
School, Bloomfield Hills; Prof. E. W
Kni-iht nf the University of North

An Aerial View Of The University Campus In Summer

Pictured above is an aerial view of the University of Michigan campus and surrounding Ann Arbor. In
the center of the picture can be seen the Law Quadran gle with the Medical School and the engineering college
to the northeast and the literary college beyond the Quadrangle.

Extension Service To Continue
Conferences Into Third Semester

Continuing its policy of holding
conferences on into the summer the
University Extension Division has
planned four meetings for the sum-
mer months, according to Dr. Charles
Fisher, director of the Extension
Under the leadership of Arden E.
Hardgrove, superintendent of the
Norton Memorial Infirmary, Louis-
ville, Ky., the Institute on Hospital
Purchasing will hold a five-day meet-
ing here beginning June 1.
Held Last Year
An undertaking of the American
Hospital Association, the first such
Institute was held last year at Johns
Hopkins University. The program
will consist of lectures and seminars
on the theory and practice of pur-
chasing a hospital and will also in-
clude discussions on the hospital's
part in the war effort.
Beginning on June 19 and con-
Borman Heads
Frosh Program
For Summer
Short Orientation Period
To Be Given Freshmen;
Advisers Are Named
Approximately 300 new summer
term freshman men will be aided in
adjusting themselves to campus life
by the Union-sponsored Orientation
Under the supervision of Freshman
Orientation Chairman Marvin Bor-
man, '44, the program will begin'
Wednesday, May 10, and run through
Saturday, May 13.
About 23 freshmen will be assigned
to each of a group of selected stu-
dent advisers. These counsellors will
guide their groups through the some-
what confusing maze of activities
which confronts new students, Fresh-
men, as in the past, will be put
through a series of examinations
ranging from the usual physical and
scholastic aptitude tests through Eng-
lish content exams and a special
chemistry test to determine advanced
standing. Following these they will
confer with their academic advisers
who will counsel them on classifi-
cation and registration.
Realizing the heed for making the
student feel at home in his new en-
vironment, the Union is continuing
its policy of providing a strong social
side to the Orientation Program. Last
year's successful innovation of indi-
vidual coke dates for freshman men
and women will be continued as will
a robust athletic program at the In-
tramural Building and guided tours
designed to acquaintknew students
with campus landmarks.
All the recreational facilities of
the Union-swimming pool, ping
pong and billiard rooms, bowling
alleys, cafeteria, taproom and Pen-
dleton Library-will, of course, be

tinuing until June 28, a meeting of
200 representatives of organized labor
will be held under the sponsorship of
the University and the United Auto
Worker's Division of the CIO.
Termed a "very important" meet-
ing by Dr. Fisher, the labor leaders
will be instructed in labor history,
labor law and economics, consumer's
cooperatives, taxation, conversion to
war work, public speaking, folk-danc-
in, etc.
The precedent for labor meetings
was set some years ago when Prof.
John W. Riegel of the economics de-
partment held a meeting here of the
state AFL officials. The coming con-
ference will be led by University pro-
fessors and CIO leaders.
Final Meeting
The final meeting of the summer
will be the second annual Fire College
held July 14, 15, 16 and 17. Harry
K. Rogers, engineer for the West
Actuarial Bureau of Chicago, will
act as chairman at this conference
and will have complete charge of the
school's direction.
Directed by firemen through their
representatives, courses will be of-
fered in fire prevention and control,
first aid, and civilian defense. The
school is designed primarily for small
town volunteer firemen, but fire
chiefs from Pontiac, Flint and other
cities will also attend.
For the first time in the history of
the University, the Extension Serv-
ice will also offer summer work in
Detroit. It is planned to teach his-
tory, sociology, geography and speech
at the Horace A. Rackham Educa-
tional Memorial Building, as well as
several non-credit courses for wo-

Union To Keep
Facilities Open
In Third Term
Doing its part to make the war-
born Summer Term a social and re-
creational success, the Union, under
the leadership of President Don West,
'43E, will keep its vast facilities open
throughout the semester.
Return of nine members of the
10-ttan Executive Counwl will make
possible a relatively extensive pro-
gram of summer activities. Just how
extensive the program will be de-
pends largely upon the number of
sophomore staff members returning
in June.
Although the weekend Union
dances will be abandoned during the
summer months, a lively social pro-
gram of tea dances, bridge tourna-
ments and coke bars is planned to
help students through the throes of
summer study.
In addition, Union-sponsored func-
tions will have a serious side, repre-
sented by continuation of the drive
for Red Cross blood donors and other
war-inspired activities. Non-credit
courses in leadership and first aid
will be offered and several new war
services will be introduced this sum-
One of the most striking of the lat-
ter will be a giant war chart giving
complete, detailed information about
all branches of the United States
armed forces. Plans are also being
completed for the maintenance of
contact with Michigan men in all
types of war service.

War Courses
Will Be Given
By University
Emphasis Will Be Placed
On Courses In Science,
Language, Mathematics
Carver Will Instruct
Air Navigation Class
Specialized courses to aid the war
effort will be added in the College
of Literature, Science and the Arts
with emphasis on mathematical, lan-
guage and science courses.
For future navigators a course in
Nautical Astronomy will be taught.
The course will concern the theory
and method of navigational calcu-
Another course in navigation, in-
troduction to air navigation, will be'
taught by Prof. Harry C. Carver who
took the Air Corps instructors course
in navigational mathematics at Kelly
Field, Tex.
Courses In Geography
New geography courses focused on
the Far Eastern area of conflict will
be added. Two courses are the geo-
graphy of Malay and the Philippines
and the geography of Australia and
the South Pacific.
To expedite the raising of food
products and industrial farm pro-
ducts, applied botany, a course of
practice in cultivation and breeding
of plants will be taught.
Intensive courses in languages will
be continued in addition to new lan-
guage courses. The courses are for
both advanced and beginning stu-
Beginning Russian
Intensive courses in Russian will
be taught for beginning students and
for those who have had one, two or
three years of Russian. Six hours
credit will be given.
A new course in German, special
training in German for national serv-
ice will be added. The course will be
for beginning German students.
New courses in Modern Greek and
Modern Norwegian will be added in
the Summer Term. Materials from
contemporary books and newspapers
will furnish teaching material.
Far Eastern Languages
Courses in the little known lan-
guages of the Far East will be taught
for the first time. Two courses, ele-
ments of Malay and beginning Thai,
will be added.
Japanese courses will continue as
in the past with students receiving
five or eight hours credit depending
on whether teaching in writing the
language is taken. Beginning Chinese
will be taught in the Summer Session.
A feature of the literary college
courses will be free tuition for the
eight-week Summer Session which
will run concurrently. Many of the
more advanced courses will be taught
only in .the Summer Session.

Regular Fees
To Be Charged
For Summer
Tuition Rates Of Out-State,
State Residents To Stay
Same During Session
Tuition fees for the war-conceived
summer term and for the regular
Summer Session will remain the same
as in ordinary times.
Tuition feos for the summer tem
in the College of Literature, Science
and the Arts will be $60 for Michigan
students and $100 for non-resident
students. The same fee will be re-
quired in the School of Education,
the Horace H. Rackham School of
Graduate Studies, the School of Busi-
ness Administration, the School of
Forestry and Conservation and the
School of Music.
The summer term fees in the Col-
lege of Engineering will be $65 for
Michigan residents and $120 for non-
resident students. Fees in the Col-
lege of Architectureand Design will
be $65 for Michigan students and
$100 for non-Michigan residents.
School of Dentistry tuition fees will
be $115 for residents of Michigan
and $160 for non-residents. Fees in
the Medical School will be $100 for
Michigan residents and $200 for non-
resident students.
Law School fees will be $80 for
Michigan students and $125 for non-
resident students while tuition in the
College of Pharmacy will be $65 for
residents of Michigan and $100 for
School Of Nursing
The first semester fees in the
School of Nursing will be $100 for
both resident and non-resident stu-
Tuition fees in the eight-week Sum-
mer Session which runs concurrently
with the summer term will be free to
those students registered in the sum-
mer term.
Fees for Summer Session students
in the College of Literature, Science
and the Arts, the College of Engineer-
ing, the School of Education, the
College of Pharmacy, the Horace H.
Rackham School of Graduate Stud-
ies, the School of Business Admin-
istration, the School of Music and
the College of Architecture and De-
sign will be $35 for Michigan resi-
dents and $50 for non-residents.
Fees In Medical School
Fees in the Medical School wil
be $55 for Michigan residents and
$90 for non-residents while in the
Law School enrolled in the 10-week
course will pay $45 if they reside in
Michigan and $75 if they are non
residents. Enrollees in the five-week
courses in the Law School will pay
$25 for resident fees and $40 if non
Biological Station fees will be $5
and $65 for residents and non-resi
dent students respectively. The sam
fee will be charged at Camp Filber
Roth, the forestry camp. ,
Fees at Camp Davis, surveying
and geology, will be $45 and $60 fo
residents and non-residents respec
tively. Fees for field courses in geog

In regular semesters. Students who
merely wish to complete their edu-
cation before being called by the
amed forces, in addition to those
who are receiving training of value
in some particular branch of war
service, will be able to follow their
normal programs.
In the College of Literature, Sci-
ence and the Arts courses will be
offered in every department. Some
new courses, such as Mathematics
20: air navigation, will be offered
for students preparing for future
duty in the armed forces.
The College of Engineering will of-
fer a full schedule of courses, in-
cluding a number of special defense
AThe School of Medieine-will offEr-
a full 16 week semester for upper-
classmen and a special 8 week session
for entering medics.
School of Pharmacy
Approximately 90 percent of the
present juniors and 40 percent of
the other classes in the School of
Pharmacy will take courses in the
Summer Term. Juniors will be given
advanced pharmacy training, and
members of the other classes will be
encouraged to take non-professional
The School of Public Health will
run two summer terms, one begin-
ning June 29 and lasting six weeks,
the other beginning early in August
and continuing for six and a half
The School of Dentistry will oper-
ate +on a full 16 week schedule for
present freshmen only. Students in
the second and third year classes wille
attend the dental clinic and part of
the Summer Term.
The School of Business Administra-
tion will offer a summer semester in
two eight-week periods. Beginning
with the summer term the school
will put into effect its new Bachelor
of Business Administration Degree
Program, which students may enter
with two years of undergraduate
The summer term of the School of
Music will emphasize undergraduate
instruction by the regular teaching
The School of Nursing, unaffected
by the war speed-up s4 far as its
schedule is concerned, will continue
its usual year-round program.
The School of Architecture will
offer courses to both advanced and
entering students.
The Law School will offer both
full-term and half-term courses dur-
ing its 16 week summer semester.
The School of Forestry will operate
on a full semester basis for both ad-
l vanced and entering students.
The Graduate School and the
School of Education will also partici-
s pate in the University's Summer
SThe Army and Navy ROTC units
will function throughout the Sum-
mer Term for advanced students.
New students will not be admitted
to the NROTC until the Fall Term.
t Foresters Offered Full
Credit At Summer Camp
r Running from June 15 through
- June 26, the forestry school's summer
- camp. Camp Filibert Roth will this

Will Approximate 3,500 With

400 Freshmen

In an all-out effort to adjust higher education to wartime exigencies,
the University of Michigan, for the first time in its history, will open its
doors June 15 for a full-length summer semester.
With every school, college and unit of the University offering courses in
the "Third Term," students will be able to accelerate their curricula in re-
sponse to the Government's urgent needs for college graduates In every
phase of war activity.
The recent students' plans survey conducted by the University War
Board revealed that an enrollment of 3,000 to 3,500 may be expected for
the Summer Term. This figure does not include an estimated 300 to 400
entering freshmen.
Essentially the same type of courses will be offered in each school and
:?college during the Summer Term as

niversity Opens
First Full-Length
Summer Program
Curricula Designed To Emphasize Defense Needs;
War Board Announces Prospective Enrollneft

UnvriymrTann rga Designed To Help National Effort

The University of Michigan, prov-
ing itself to be no academician's
ivory tower, has adjusted itself to
the requirements of a nation at war'
and adopted its War Training Pro-
gram in order to better fit its stu-
dent for the country's service.
The new program, designed to help
its students equip themselves not only
for citizenship but to aid them in
finding their places in the new na-
tional scheme, has to objectives: first,
to train personnel, and second, to
carry on research upon problems the
solution of which will help the nation
to win the war.
Emphasizing the necessity for stu-
dents to select courses that help pre-
pare them for their patriotic duty,
the new program not only includes
certain subjects in the regular cur-
riculum which are definitely helpful
in preparation for wartime service,
but a number of courses which deal
with the background, causes, and spe-
cial phases of the present world con-
f1;.~ Alerv 4..,,. nnr ,a~famiin(

which deal with the war in general.1
Listed in the former group can bet
found such courses as those for1
chemical laboratory technicians, me-;
teorology work, mathematics and
ballistics, photography and aeriala
mapping, radio communications, and
surveying and mapping.
Prominent among the subjects
which are designed to give students a
Morris Hall To Resume
Radio Programs
University radio programs, off the
air on May 9 for the remainder of
the semester, will be resumed on June
29 at Morris Hall and will continue
for five of the eight summer session

better understanding of the nature
of the war are such as diplomatic his-
tory, military law, industrial man-
agement and relations, war econom-
ics, minerology, government and so-
ciology courses.
Also, the Department of Military
Science and Tactics offers an oppor-
tunity to supplement the regular mil-
itary academics in keeping up the
supply of trained Army officers
through the Army ROTC. This unit,
now boasting of an enrollment of
more than 1,100 students, has an
eight semester program which upon
its completion the graduates receive
second lieutenant's commissions in
the Officers Reserve Corps.
Not to be surpassed by the Army,
the Naval Reserve Officer's Training
Corps is now in its second year of
operation at the University, train-
ing male students to become ensigns
in the Volunteer Branch of the Naval
Reserve. This course is also four
years in length.
Opportunities for commissions orI
cnprnl e nltmntsare. also on to

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