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May 15, 1942 - Image 14

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-05-15

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FRIDAY, Y 15, 19414,


- aDAY, .MAY 15r 194.

Coarse Given
Students Will Be Trained
As Industrial Inspectors
Of Ordnance Materials
An increasingly great demand for
trained men to serve as industrial in-
spectors has resulted in the establish-
nent of the Ordnance Materials In-
spection course by the University
which has already graduated one
group, expects to send out a second
section May 22 and begin the train-
ing of a fifth group a few days later.
Set up in sections of nearly 100
men each, the trainees are given a
special "12-week course which will
make them available as trained ord-
nance inspectors. Although the
course is still open for women as
yet none have enrolled, probably be-
cause of the rigid academic require-
ments, A. B. Bishop, representative
of the Detroit Ordnance District said.
Unlike other ESMDT courses now
in progress in seven industrial cities
in this vicinity, the ordnance inspec-
tion course is a full-time proposition,
classes being held eight hours a day,
five days a week for the three month
period. During this period the train-
ees receive $125 a month, whereas
the other courses, meeting at night
for four hours a week over .an eight-
week period, are unsalaried.'
Admission requiremehts stipulate
that the enrollee be credited with a
minimum of one year at an engineer-
ing college, or at least two years in
a literary college, and that he meet
credit requirements in mathematics,
physics and chemistry.
Anyone enrolling for the course
must also agree to serve as an ord-
nance inspector for a specified length
of time following the completion of
the course.
Included in the course is instruc-
tion in mathematics,. blue-print'
reading, industrial methods, proce-
dure manufacture, machine tool op-
eration, visits to industry, inspection
practice and laboratory inspection.
Inaugurated in mid-January, these
courses are under the jurisdiction of
the Detroit Ordnance District.

Engine Course
Will Graduate
Uncle Sam and the University are
making new gains in anti-Axis col-
laboration as the Engineering Science
and Management Defense Training
courses under the sponsorship of the
U.S. Office of Education prepare to
graduate a fourth group of techni-
cally trained war-time engineers this
week and take in a fifth group of men
next week.
Under the present spring program
33 courses are being given under 71
professors, teaching assistants and
students. These courses are designed
to turn out technically trained men
for work in defense industry. As in
past series, Detroit has the lion's
share of these courses, but Ann Ar-
bor, given two courses during the
winter series, is now engaged in
teaching three this spring. These in-
clude a previously offered course in
Descriptive Geometry taught by Prof.
J. C. Palmer of the engineering draw-
ing department, a course in Product
Supervision under R. W. Barkeley, an
industrial engineer, and a mechani-
cal drawing course again conducted
by Prof. M. B. Eichelberger of the
engineering drawing department.
Although in several instances men
have been obtained from outside in-
dustry to teach some of these courses,
College of Engineering faculty mem-
bers are conducting the large part of
them. Instruction is given two nights
a week, two hours per night. These
courses will be continued right
through until the end of the war
emergency, allowing no break for
The ESMDT program is generally
planned for persons with at least
two years in a recognized engineering
college or its equivalent in experience.
Eligibility for enrollment is deter-
mined by the instructors and the tui-
tion charges are borne by the Federal
Government. Other cities participat-
ing in this defense program besides
Ann Arbor and Detroit are Flint,
Dearborn, Grand Rapids and Jack-
This program has been instituted
in very few of the larger colleges be-
cause it proved to have too large a
scope to be handled by most edu-
cational institutions.

School Of Education Will Offer
Courses In Safety And Guidance

The School. of Education, in ad-
dition to the courses usually provided
in the summer sessions of previous
years, will have several new offerings
directly related to the needs of a
country -at war.
Two of these offerings are courses
in safety. The first, studies in safe-
ty education, offered by Prof. Orlan-
do W. Stephenson, is a non-techni-
cal course designed primarily for
teachers in elementary and second-
ary schools, but also available to stu-
dents in engineering. This course
emphasizes traffic safety, the intel-
ligent operation of motor vehicles,
elementary motor mechanics, and
behind-the-wheel driving instruction.
The second of these courses is un-
der the immediate direction of Prof.
Marshall Byrn, as a part of the Cur-
riculum Workshop. This course is
more technical and will afford shop
experience in adjusting and servic-
ing a car.
Three Workshops
Three workshops will be offered for
the eight-weeks Summer Session in-
cluding workshops in curriculum,
guidance, and teacher education.
The guidance workshop will differ
from former years in that discussions
by small, informal groups interested
in the same aspects of guidance will
take the place of formal classes. Es-
pecial emphasis will be placed on the
selection and organization of guid-
ance materials so that the maximum
practical value may be gained.
Teacher education is an area of un-
usual challenge and the teacher edu-
cation workshop has been planned to
meet it. It will operate somewhat
like the other two workshops, for
group discussions will replace more
conventional class procedures and'
individuals will study problems of'
interest and importance under the
guidance of a special staff.
Plans are underway to take- care
of persons who hold teacher's certi-
ficates but who have been out of
teaching for some years and will want
to make use of the facilities of the
Summer Session in order to be eligible
for employment in schools this next
The courses in educational psychol-
ogy and in child growth and de-

velopment, the various methods cour-
ses both at the elementary and sec-,
ondary school level, and the work-
shops in secondary school curricu-
lum and in guidance should be of
especial interest to those who are
planning to make their contributionsj
in this emergency by reentering the
teaching profession.
Elementary Schoolj
The University Elementary School,
in the six-week session, will offer
opportunities for directed teaching
and for observation of modern prac-
tices in elementary education. Two
of the required courses for the teach-
er's certificate will be offered for
the 15 week summer term. A10, edu-
cation in the United States will bet
offered intensively during the first
eight weeks from June 15 to Aug. 7,
and if the demand is great will be
repeated during the last seven weeks
of the term. C1, Educational Psy-
chology, will run through the entire
15 weeks term.
Only three members of the School
of Education will be off-campus dur-
ing the summer, but the regular staff
plus prominent educators from other
institutions will be in charge. No
attempt will be made to have fixed
schedules for the workshops, but a
student-faculty planning group will
meet regularly to make such plans
as will utilize available facilities and
services of the school.
Supplementing the regular work
of the Summer Session are various
cultural, professional and recreation-
al opportunities. The Annual Sum-
mer Education Conference, with its
accompanying book exhibit of the
latest and best textbooks and educa-
tional materials, will have an import-
ant place in this supplementary pro-

Latins To Take
New Brush-Up
English Study
An English Language Institute for
Latin American students and teach-
ers of English, will be held during
the University's six-week summer
session under the direction of a spe-
cial administrative committee.
The Institute will provide students
from other countries, who plan to en-
roll in colleges and universities of the
United States at some later time, an
opportunity to improve their use of
the English language and become
familiar with the traditions and so-
cial practices of North American life.
The session will also offer, to teach-
ers of English, a special program
which is devoted to the problems in-
volved in teaching English to people
of Latin American backgrounds. The
first instructional session of the In-
stitute was held last summer and the
work started then will be continued
in this year's session lasting from
June 25 to. August 21.
The course of study offered by the
Institute will afford, to a limited
number of Latin-American students
who plan to study in the colleges and
universities in the United States, the
kind of training and practice in the
use of the English language that will
enable them to enter upon the regular
program of study in their special
fields of interest without the lan-
guage handicaps that frequently im-
pedes students' progress at North
American universities. Work is given
in English pronunciation, oral and
written composition, and vocabulary
building. The teachers' course in-
cludes advanced work in phonetics,
grammar, vocabulary, and a study
of the modes and institutions of the

Michigan will be the first univer-
sity in the country to boast a full
play production staff drawn from the
ranks of New York theatrical profes-
sionals when a guest faculty directs
the Repertory Players in six plays
and a musical and secondary school
laboratory skits during the summer
season, according to Prof. William
P. Halstead, of the speech depart-

Guest Faculty To Direct Plays

Distinguished among the seven
guest instructors-who will serve both
as lectureres and as play production
staff members-is Howard Bay, stage
designer, who will be art director for
the season. "The Corn Is Green,"
". . . one-third of a nation . . .,"
"Brooklyn USA," and "The Moon Is
Down" are among the best-known
productions upon which Bay has

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