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May 13, 1942 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-05-13

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Russia No Threat
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Nazis Control
French Labor;
Goering, Laval,
Petaii Confer
Observers Fear Meeting
As Collaboration Move;
May Discuss Martinique
Despite U.S. Unconcern
Wave Of Sabotage
Sweeps France


Enemy Sub
Moves Inland
Into Canada.

BERN, Switzerland, May 12.-(IP)-
The German occupying authoritie
in France arrogated to themselves to.
day vast power over French labo
and coincident reports were hear
here that Reichsmarshal Hermani
Goering might meet tomorrow wit
Marshal Petain and Pierre Laval t
reach "final decisions" involving
France's relations with the Unite
States and her future course in the
On the eve of the prospective
meeting-which may steer France
into military collaboration with Ger-
many-information from Occupiec
France tonight told of a new series of
sabotage incidents against the Ger-
Hurled Bombs
These accounts said saboteurs in
night sorties hurled bombs into ho-
tels used by the Germans as bar-
racks. The incidents followed others
of the past ten days, inspired ap-
parently by the appointment of Gen-
eral Oberg, one of Heinrich Him-
mler's right hand men in the Ges-
tapo, as head of the Paris Security
Following such outbreaks hereto-
fore there has been wholesale repri-
sal execution of hostages and depor-
tations. Forty Frenchmen now are
awaiting execution if the killers of
two German sailors at Rouen are
not produced by May 15. Foreign in-
formants here said another 50 likely
would face the firing squad and 500
more deported as a punitive measure
for the Paris hotel attacks.
General Otto von Stuelpnagle, mil-
itary commandant of Occupied
France, promulgated the decree by
which authority to increase working
hours in French plants was taken
into Nazi hands and under which all
French employers were ordered to
turn in the names of workmen who,
as a result of these longer periods,
would be available for other labor.
Labor Laws Annulled
Although the old popular front la-
bor laws had long since been an-
nulled, much of French industry has
been operating on a 40-hour week,
and sometimes no more than 20
hours, in order to spread the limited
employment available.
It appeared that the Nazis intended
to increase their supply of forced
labor simply by throwing out many
of those presently employed in
French industry and taking them in
hand through the reports required to
be made by employers.
As to France's foreign affairs, it
was reported in foreign diplomatic
quarters here that Otto Abetz, Hit-
ler's personal representative in occu-
pied Paris, had met Chief of Govern-
ment Laval yesterday on the French
demarkation line at Moulins to ar-
range for a conference with Goering.
Vichy's Reaction Can't
Affect Martinique - Hull
WASHINGTON, May 12. -(P)-
Secretary Hull made it plain today
that so far as this government is con-
cerned Vichy's reaction has no bear-
ing upon the current negotiations at
Martinique to prevent Axis use of
that island or other Caribbean
French possessions to menace Amer-
The Washington government, he
indicated to reporters, is interested
only in the actual discussions with
Admiral Georges Robert, the French
High Commissioner at Martinique.
He said the government was not en-
deavoring to follow any other phase
of the Martinique situation.
Consult With Laval
In Vichy, Marshal Petain was in
consultation with Nazi-dominated
Pierre Laval, the Chief of Govern-
ment, after interrupting a vacation
on the Riviera to return to the cap-
The discussions at Martinique were
begun on Saturday, when Admiral
John H. Hoover, commanding naval

officer in the area, and Samuel
Reber, the State Department's assis-
tant chief of the Division of Euro-
pean Affairs, arrived at the French-
owned island.

Axis Submarine Attacks,
Sinks Canadian Boat;
Waterways Violated
(By The Associated Press)
Axis submarines, creeping closer
to the shores of the Western Hemi-
sphere from Canada to Mexico, have
violated waters impregnable in the
last world war.
The first submarine attack ever
reported in the St. Lawrence River
between the United States and Cana-
da was announced Tuesday by the
Canadian navy minister who revealed
thatra freighter had been sunk by
the raider.
Canadians, who have feared such
operations, prepared to put into effect
special combative plans prepared long
Yesterday survivors of a British
ship revealed that a submarine at-
tacked them within a mile and a half
of an Atlantic beach, the explosion
bringing hundreds of people to watch.
Reports of at least two ships sunk
in the Gulf of Mexico showed that
this body of water, harboring vital
supply and industrial areas, had been
dared by theAxis under-sea raiders.
Instruct Ships
The Mexican Navy Ministry also
took notice of the German operations
in Gulf waters by instructing their
merchant ships to keep lights burn-
ing' at night and the Mexican flag
flying by day. One Mexican news-
paper reported that a tanker met a
German submarine in the Gulf and
"saluted the Nazi ship with its flag
and the salute was returned."
An enemy submarine stealthily
penetrated the heavy outer coastal
defenses of Canada and for the first
time in history torpedoed a ship in
the inland waterways of the Domin-
ion yesterday, injuring some members
of the freighter's crew.
Forty-four survivors of the vessel
sunk in the St. Lawrence River prop-
er, inland from the spacious gulf ofi
the same name, were reported to
have drifted to safety in the nearby1
tiny fishing coves.I
Forty-two of them landed at one
point today and a woman and child
in another lifeboat turned up at a
fishing village not far away.1
Crew Injured
Reports here said none was miss-1
ing but that some of the crew were
injured, not seriously.
All the survivors were taken to a
nearby town where the injured were
treated in a hospital, and it was in-
dicated all would leave later for
The first announcement of the at-
tack was made at Ottawa by Navy
Minister Angus MacDonald, who
withheld the name of the vessel and1
the locality of the sinking.
In making the distinction that the
ship was sunk in the river rather 1
than in the gulf outside, Navy sources
said Anticosti Island was consideredt
the division point between them.
The river widens as it approaches r
Anticosti and the southern channelk
between that island and Gaspe Pen-
insula, the larger of the river's twoc
mouths, is about 50 miles across; the1
northern channel is 25 miles-wide.
Two Million Dollar Park
Project Plan Proposed a
ANN ARBOR, May 12. -OP)- Al
two-year program calling for expen-r
diture of $2,000,000 to provide recre-
ational facilities for 3,000,000 personso
in the area of the Detroit-Huron-r
Clinton Parkway was proposed today.I
Harry B. Earhart of Ann Arbor,
chairman of the Parkway Authority,a
said $425,000 of this sum would bec
spent on a park for Willow Run$
bomber workers near Belleville Lake, f

Nazi Airmen
Sink Three
New British Ships Blaste
In Mediterranean Sea
100 Seamen Are Los
Malta's Defenders
Score New Victory
LONDON, May 12.-UP)-The Ger-
man Air Force, broadening its cam-
paign to drive the British Navy from
the middle sea, dive-bombed and sank
threepowerful new British destroyers
yesterday in the eastern Mediterran-
Loss of the ships, the 1,920-ton
Lively and the Kipling and Jackal,
of 1,650 tons each, was announced
today by the Admiralty which said
500 officers and men-all but about
100 men of the total complement of
the sunken vessels-were rescued.
Rescue Survivors
A fourth destroyer picked up the
survivors, carrying out its gallant mis-
sion in seas littered with wreckage,
splashed with blazing oil and rent
with exploding bombs.
Avenging the naval losses, Malta's
defenders today boosted to 128 their
four-day total of Axis planes de-
stroyed or damaged over the island
fortress. The day's bag included five
enemy fighters destroyed, one bomb-
er and three fighters probably de-
stroyed, four fighters and three
bombers damaged.
Timing this attack with large scale
raids on Malta, swarms of Heinkel
and Junkers bombers assaulted the
British flotilla just after three o'clock
yesterday afternoon.
Hit With Bombs
The Lively was hit with four bombs
in the first assault and sank within
a few minutes, according to today's
Berlin version of the battle.
British Beaufighters repelled a sec-
ond attack, shooting down one Hein-
kel and damaging seven other enemy
bombers. After this check the Ger-
mans returned a third time to the
assault, scoring two bomb hits each
on the Kipling and Jackal.
The Kipling went down at once
but the Jackal stayed afloat and the
fourth destroyer towed her out of the
battle area. It was necessary, how-
ever, for the British to sink the
wounded destroyer this morning.
Wider Tax Range
Suggested In Bill
WASHINGTON, May 12. -()-
A last-minute suggestion that single
persons who earn between $9 and
$10 a week be asked to pay Federal
income taxes waskpresented to the
House Ways and Means Committee
today as the members prepared to
vote soon on the questions of lower-
ing personal exemptions, raising
rates, or choosing a combination of
Colin F. Stam, head of the joint
committee on internal revenue, pro-
posed informally that if exemptions
were to be lowered, the action apply
only to normal taxes, with present
exemptions retained so far as surtaxes
are concerned.
Just before Chairman Doughton
(Dem.-N.C.) expressed the hope pub-
licly that "we might start voting to-
morrow" on individual taxes, Stam
was reported to have suggested this
alternative to a previous program he
recommended and to the Treasury
Department's scheme.
Lower the personal exemption of
a single person from $750 to $500 and

of married couples from $1,500 to
$1,00; retain the present $400 credit
for each dependent.



Northern Australian


Second Japanese Armada Masses

Nazis Renew Drive Against ercl

102 Axis Planes Bagged
In Eastern Crimea Area,
Russian Report Claims
Drive loward Oil
Wells Is Renewed
MOSCOW, Wednesday, May 13.-
(W)- German troops again were
hurled against the Red Army's lines
in the Kerch area of the eastern Cri-
mea yesterday in a renewal of the
sharp fighting in which the Soviets
announced they had destroyed 102
Nazi planes over a two-day period.
After a Monday night lull in the
Nazi drive toward the Caucasus oil
wells across the narrow Kerch Strait,
the Soviet's midnight communique
"During May 12 on the Kerch Pen-
insula severe battles took place with
the enemy.
Germans Counter-Attack
"On other sectors of the front there
were no significant changes."
A supplement to this communique
said that reinforced German units
counter-attacking on the Kalinin
front northwest of Moscow had been
beaten off by Soviet troops with
heavy casualties to the Nazis.
Red troops commanded by Com-
rade Demenyuk "drove the Germans
into a bog and almost completely an-
nihilated them," the communique
said in describing that action.
The bag of 102 Nazi planes occur-
red Sunday and Monday, and pre-
sumably most of them were knocked
out on the Crimean front.
Nazi Offensive
The Soviets announced the first
big Nazi spring offensive in the
Kerch area on Monday, then yester-
day afternoon tersely said that "no
important changes'"had occurred-
an official indication that Red in-
fantrymen were holding their posi-
tions after a Monday night lull in
that vital sector.
Red infantrymen were said to have
broken the first German lunge and
to have sent the Nazis reeling back
to their original positions in all but
one sector of the 12-mile front.
Sixty-two of the destroyed German
planes were identified as belonging
to the 77th Nazi air squadron.
Yearbook Hits
Campus Today
New 'Ensian To Feature
The new 1942 Michiganensian, fea-
turing complete campus coverage and
emphasis on art and photography,
is out today and distribution has al-
ready begun.
Receipt holders may call for their
copies at the first floor of the Stu-
dent Publications Building, all day
'Ensian staff meeting today. Pic-
nic for entire staff follows at 4:00
until 5 p.m. The sale will last till
Friday or until all the yearbooks are
An identification card will serve
in place of a lost receipt, if any have
been mislaid.
Balance payments must be paid to-
day or the book will have to be for-
feited as the supply is limited and
the demand is high. Any books left
unpaid for can be used immediately
so it is essential that back payments
be completed today.

Government Halts Proceedings
Against Pacifist Harold Gray

DETROIT, May 12.-(P)-Criminal
proceedings against Harold Studley
Gray, prominent 48-year-old Ann
Arbor farmer and pacifist who had
refused to register for the Selective
Service, were averted here today but
Federal officials said Gray would be
in difficulty again if he failed to fill
out and return a draft questionnaire
that will be sent him later.
When , Gray, a conscientious ob-
jector who served 11 months in Fed-
eral Prison during the World War,
appeared in the U.S. Marshal's Of-
fice today at the behest of the At-
torney General, he refused to sign a
registration form filled out for him
by U.S. Marshal John Barc. As pre-
scribed by law, however, Barc signed
it for him and forwarded it to the
State Director of Selective Service.
Gray was released on his own rec-
ognizance after Bare explained an-
other could register for him but that
Gray would have to fill out and sign
his own draft questionnaire.
Bare pointed out that Gray, well-
to-do and grandson of the first pres-
ident of the Ford Motor Company,
would not be called for combat duty
but probably would be assigned to
continue his farming.
"f you try to conscriptsme," Gray
told the Federal officials, "I won't
go on raising food. Without con-

be used in the war because I am not
responsible for another man's acts
just because Irput milk onhissdoor-
Asserting he was acting because he
believed war to be anti-Christian,
Gray said that, should Ann Arbor
be bombed, he would help the wound-
ed just as he would aid wounded
Germans or Japanese.
But, he said, he could not be forced
to help.
"Conscription leads to totalitarian-
ism," he said. "Oh, yes, I'm opposed
to Fascism-I'm with our government
100 per cent. But if we engage in
violence we'll probably be captured
by the Nazi philosophy rather than
by the Nazis themselves.
West Virginian
Mine Explosion
TakesBig Toll
13 Lives Lost, 40 Missing
In Tragic Osage Blast;
Rescue Work Continues


scription I would not object to farm- OSAGE %W.Va., May 12.-(AP)-A
ing, even though my products might terrific blast deep in a big West
Virginia coal mine apparently took
53 lives today, with thirteen bodies
55 U'Students recovered and the word of rescue
workers there was almost no hope for
40 others trapped underground.
The estimate of 53 caught in the
blat asevn i hn an official an-
Into Air Force nouncement at the mine.
Seventy men escaped death when
they fled from the workings.
In the largest public induction in One crew late tonight announced
the state since the war began, more it had at last reached the scene of
than 55 University students will be the explosion and discovered ten
sworn into the Army Air Forces at more bodies. The members said an-
7:30 p.m. today on the steps of Angell other crew would bring them out
Hall. shortly.
Led by All-American Bob West- Oxygen-helmeted rescuers coming
fall, the new inductees will enlist as out of the mine reported the opera-
aviation cadets, and will be deferred tion badly shattered near the center
until after graduation, of the explosion and said it might
Also present at the ceremonies will be many hours before more bodies
be the ROTC Drum and Bugle Corps, were brought out.
a color guard for the local American T. E. Griffith, U.S. Bureau of Mines
Legion Post, and Prof. Harry C. Car- engineer who acted as spokesman for
ver, University adviser to the Army the Christopher Coal Company, con-
Air Forces, firmed that there were 110 men in
The induction ceremony will im- the pit when the disaster occurred
mediately precede a mass meeting at about 2:30 p.m.
8 p.m. at the Rackham Building, The three whose bodies were re-
where Lieut.-Col. Joseph H. Carr and covered by members of four mine res-
Lieut. Rondel Cox, Mitchell Field of- cue teams-working in shifts at the
ficers, will explain the Air Forces task of clearing away rock, coal and
new deferred service enlistment plan, timbers-were found near the main
The program will also include the driveway.
latest sound pictures on Aviation The best estimates were that one
Cadet training. entire section of the mechanized
For those interested the traveling mine, one of the biggest producers in
examination board will be at the northern West Virginia, was effected.
Health Service until tomorrow to The condition of the gassed miner,
examine candidates for both active Roy Williams, was not considered
and deferred status. Mental exam- serious.
inations will be given at 9:30 a.m. N. P. Rhinehart, State Mines De-
and 12:30 p.m. each day while inter- partment chief, said just before leav-
views for those interested in the re- ing Charleston for Osage that he
serve program will be held from 9 was informed there is "practically no
a.m. to 5 p.m. each day. chance the others are alive."
Eye-Witness Account:
Last Weary Burma Defenders
Withdrawing Slowly To Assam
CALCUTTA, India, May 12.-(P)-have been completely supreme in the
CAunkwtTwainia, Mayloggin aoo Burma sky, knifed from ambush by
Drunk with weariness, slogging afoot blood-crazed bands of native trai-
in both desert dust and the oozy tors, the haggard British riflemen,
slime of dank teak forests, and swim- tank crews and wiry Sepoys from the
ming muddy, swollen streams, the Indian units are now approaching
last companies of the British and within a few score miles of the rugged
Indian armies of Burma are fighting Assam border, which must and can
on toward the mountains of Assam bsambdergihmunad a
in the toughest withdrawal of this be held against the invader.
How to save them? The final an-
war. swer is not yet known. Back there
Thirteen hundred miles and 13 in Burma the cruel lesson that some-
days back I left them, and drove a thing more than willingness to mud-
U.S. Army jeep from Schwebo to Cal-% dle through is needed to win this
cutta over trails fit only for goats, war is still being taught.
mules-and jeeps. Boys with matchless courage are
No other type of motor vehicle in being slaughtered because they are
Burma could have made the trip, in inadequate numbers, ill-trained,
The exhausted remnants of two Im- poorly equipped. The last tired com-
perial divisions which have been con- panies of what four months ago were
tinually in action during the whole nrr n nd a,.t- i,,i- - i

Air Fleet Reinforcements
Bolster Enemy Navy;
Port Moresby Raided
Efforts To Check
Drive To India Fail
tralia, May 12. - (P) - Apparently
forced to postpone an invasion
attempt because of damages inflicted
by the Allies in the Coral Sea battle,
the Japanese invasion force was be-
lieved tonight to be lurking in island
hideouts north of Australia, waiting
for seaborne plane reinforcements.
The invasion fleet itself, particu-
larly the transports, was believed
comparatively intact, observers said.
They added that it probably was well
dispersed, but ready to reassemble
Fleet In Mandated Islands
Japan's mandated Caroline Islands
lie just north of the Bismarck and
Solomon archipelagoes and earlier
reports have indicated that the grand
fleet was somewhere in that area,
probably at Truk.
The Japanese apparently already
have reinforced their aerial squad-
rons operating in the invasion ring
above Australian. waters, military
correspondents reported.
Reports from Port Moresby, New
Guinea, which the Japanese would
like to gain as an invasion base, said
that bombers raided that port yes-
terday for the first time since May 4.
Japanese Zero fighters carried out
intervening raids.
The bombers apparently replaced
those destroyed or damaged by Allied
planes in a ten-day series of attacks
which practically drove Nipponese
bombers out of the New Guinea sky.
The Allies suffered no losses at
Port Moresby, where the hurried Jap-
anese, aiming carelessly, dropped
bombs into the jungle or at]Horn
Island, off Australia's northeastern
Gives Warning
Meanwhile, Australian Army Min-
ister Francis M. Forde warned in an
interview against complacency re-
sulting from the Coral Sea fight and
the new Australian Minister to Wash-
ington, Sir Owen Dixon, said it was
i great mystery why the Japanese
did not take advantage of Australia
in the time of her greatest weakness.
Sir Owen, speaking at a reception
given by Melbourne's Lord Mayor,
Frank Beaurepaire, declared that the
time for the Japanese had passed,
largely because of the numbers of
men and planes from the United
Drive On India Unchecked
By Chinese Resurgence
LONDON, May 12.-(P)-The Jap-
anese who have swept northward
through Burma surged back and
forth in desperate ,battle with the
Thinese along the tortuous Burma
load in western Yunnan Province
oday 'and met another check in
,heir simultaneous drive toward In-
lia in the other direction.
But the unforeseen resurgence of
,he Chinese and the furious stand of
,he British both appeared to be too
'ate either to retrieve Burma or to
:emove the increasing threat to In-
lia as the Japanese quickly brought
ip reinforcements for both main ven-
tures, on thedeastern and western
forks of, their drive.
Japs Driven South
The Chinese early in the evening
innounced that the main force of
the invasion column which had pene-
rated Yunnan through China's back
door had been driven back south-
westward to Wanting, on the Burma
border, but a later communique ack-
nowledged that the Japanese had
brought up reinforcements and were
renewing the attack.
This apparently was in the region

between Chefang and angshih, 25
and"55 miles inside China, respective-
ly. There the Chinese had said they
were heavily engaging remnants and
rear guards of the first Japanese
force after having forced them back
30 miles from their deepest penetra-1
tion near Lungling.
There will be an important
meeting at 4:45 p.m. Wednesday

: ;

Netmen Defeat Broncos,


Nine Leads As Rain Intervenes


Playing both good and bad tennis,
Michigan's brilliant tennis team de-
feated Western Michigan yesterday
afternoon, 5-3, to close the most suc-
cessful season in its history.
For a while it looked as if the
match would have to be played in-
doors but fortunately the rain let up
in time and the courts demonstrated
their ability to withstand rain very
satisfactorily. Rain got the last say,
however, and forced the cancellation
of the number three doubles in the
second set.
For the Wolverines the high spot
of the match and the thing which
carried them to victory was as usual
the impressive performance of the
last four singles.

DETROIT, May 12.-Michigan's
baseball team seemed headed for
victory against Wayne today but the
skies darkened and a downpour cut
loose to halt the tilt. The Wolverines
were leading, 4-0, with Wayne bat-
ting in the third inning when the
rains came.
Playing on the Northwestern field
here, Coach Ray Fisher's squad wast-
ed no time in scoring as Davey Nel-
son started by beating out a bunt
down the third-base line. After the
"Mite" had stolen second, Don Hol-
man walked and Don Robinson ad-
vanced both runners with a sacri-
Bud Chamberlain, next up, drove
a long fly into center field and Nel-

Police Don't
Hearing a noise at her front door
yesterday, an Ann Arbor woman
opened it to find a dead rabbit with
green and red ribbons around its
neck and this note: "To Hamu, In
the Name of Hasan and Husain,
From Your Shite and Alyite Friends,
To Hell with Abbas."
Police were as mystified as she was
until she expressed the belief that
it might have been a joke played by
some Turkish students who live near
her. Checking up, the police found
that Hasan. Husain and Abbas were



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