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May 08, 1942 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-05-08

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Faulty Economics
In tax Editorials , .


VOL. LII. No. 165











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University Plans Physical Training Program

{s, _

War Move
To Include
Every Man
Proposal For Compulsory
Student Body-Building
Awaits Regents' O.K.
Criser May Direct
Wide-Scale Project
A huge physical hardening pro-
gram. aimed at conditioning pros-
pective service men for the rigors of
military life and to ultimately em-
brace practically every male student
on campus, is awaiting only final ap-
proval of the Board of Regents be-
fore becoming a compulsory part of
the Michigan curriculum.
The proposed program will sub-
ject the male student body to stiff
body-building exercises upon a scale
more extensive and complete than
anything ever before attempted here.
Specifically, the plan calls for
three 90-minute classes per week for
each male student, a sum-total of
four-and-a-half hours a week of
physical hardening to be undergone
by each individual. Practically the
whole program will be devoted to
gymnastics and calisthenics.
Unspecified is the number of in-
structors that will be needed for the
expanded program, but it is a cer-
tainty that almost the entire physi-
cal education staff, including Varsity
coaches, will be utilized. Just as cer-
tain is the fact that the proposed
program will require a capable direc-
tor of physical education, a post now
held by H. 0. (Fritz) Crisler, head
football coach.
Crisler To Reconsider
In view of this, there is a prevalent
belief that Crisler will be asked to
reconsider any plans that he may
have pertaining to entering the
Navy, in order to have his services
available for organizing and main-
taining the project. It has strong-
ly been rumored that next fall would
see Crisler performing the function
of gridiron mentor at the Great Lakes
Naval Training Station, a rumor
which has received no comment from
Just as strong as this rumor is the
belief that Crisler is debating where
his services would be of the greatest
utility, in charge here or at Great
Lakes. He has neither denied nor
affirmed any approach by the Navy,
and what his decision will be is pure-
ly a matter of conjecture.
Also indefinite is the rumor that
the Board in Control of Athletics
has petitioned the Regents to ask
Crisler to kep his position of Direc-
tor of Athletics in case he does
choose to enter the Naval service, and
what action, if -any, the Regents
have taken upon this proposal has
not been announced.
Regents Decide May 16
The Regents will meet May 16 for
final consideration' of the physical
hardening proposal. But if the Cris-
ler rumors will be cleared up at the
same time is unknown. University
officials decline comment, and Cris-
ler himself has said nothing.
The compulsory physical educa-
tion program to be considered by
the Board of Regents would operate
in cooperation with the Army and
Navy, according to Elmer Mitchell,
head of the Intramural Department.
It will be compulsory for every male
student enlisted in the reserve of
either of the services, and for all
those who have registered for selec-

tive service.
Both the Army and Navy will ul-
timately offer plans to enlist incom-
ing freshmen and graduate them as
reserve officers, and both demand a
stiff prehardening process as a vital
prerequisite. Such sports as swim-
ming, boxing and soccer will be doub-
ly emphasized as compared to today.
Another proposal being considered
by the University is the bringing of
some 1,000 Navy women, known as
"Yeomanettes," to the campus.

British Seize
French Diego
Suarez Base
Defenses Of Madagascar
Crumble; Surrender
Talks Are Begun
LONDON, May 7. -()-- British
troops and warships took possession
today of Madagascar's great naval
harbor of Diego Suarez after twodays
of brisk fighting and began negotia-
ting the terms of a surrender by
which they hoped to obtain the-
peaceful capitulation of all that
Vichy French island.
This tough, quick occupation-ac-
complished in less than 48 hours af-
ter the establishment of the first
British bridgehead at a loss of around
1,000 of the British force-was an-
nounced in Commons by Prime Min-
ister Churchill, who appealed gravely
to the French people thus to consider
the episode:
.... A recognizable fact in the
liberation of their country, including
Alsace-Lorraine, from the German
He told of the surrender of the
French military and naval command-
ers, but there was no immediate in-
dication here as to whether the
Vichy-controlled Governor-General
of the island, Armand Annet, had
himself joined in capitulating or whe-
ther he intended to try to organize
some sort of guerrilla resistance in
the interior.
At all events, it was regarded most
likely here that in view of the spirited
though brief defense the great bulk
of effective French troops had al-
ready been accounted for.
What the Vichy government would
now do raised the most intense in-
terest, but late in the day there had
been no sign of action from that
Sphi x Taps, Initiates
Thirty Men At Banquet
Sphinx, Junior Men's Honor So-
ciety, tapped and initiated yesterday
the following men:
Jack Flagler, Edgar Orr, Howard
Baumgarten, Clayton Dickey, Ken-
neth Kardon, Richard Kopel, Charles
Pinney, Ernest Leonardi, John Rox-
borough, William Dance, Robert
Schwyn, Richard Ford, Marvin Bor-
man, Jack Wiese, Jack Hooper, Louis
Kivi, Alex Canja, Carson Grunewald,
Martin Feferman, Donald Robinson,
Donald Boor, Irving Boim, Burnett
Crawford, Julius Franks, Mervin
Pregulman, Paul White, Thomas
Kuzma and William MacConnachie.
Chosen as honorary members were
Richard C. Boys, of the English de-
partment, and Chester R. Stackhouse,
freshman track coach.
At the society's initiation banquet
held yesterday in the League, Mervin
Pregulman was elected Pharoah, and
Charles Pinney secretary-treasurer,
for the coming year.

Polling For Athletic hoard,
Union Posts Starts Today
Eight Voting Booths To Be Open From 9 A.M.-5 P.M.;
Publication Board Elections Are Eliminated

Michigan students will go to the
polls today to select one student
member to the Board in Control of
Athletics and six vice-presidents of
the Union.
Eight voting places will be open
from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in various parts
of the campus, and students may'
vote only for candidates from their
own school. Voting by proxy is pro-
hibited, and no electioneering may
Axis Officials,
Nationals Sail
For Portugal,
900 Will Be Exchanged
For U.S. Counterparts
In Europe And Orient
JERSEY CITY, May 7.-(M-More
than 900 Axis officials and nationals
sailed for Lisbon at 7:30 p.m. EWT
today aboard the Swedish liner
Drottningholm to be exchanged for
American officials and nationals
homeward bound from Germany,
Italy. Hungary, Rumania and Bul-
It was the first group to leave this
country under exchange arrange-
ments which eventually should bring
home all American diplomats and
consular officials and many other
American nationals awaiting ex-
change in Europe and the Orient.
Six special trains carrying the 948
persons assigned to the Drottning-
holm arrived this morning and were
taken by bus from the Pennsylvania
Railroad Station to the American Ex-
port Line pier where they boarded
the liner immediately.
The departing group included the
former German Charge d'Affaires,
Italian Ambassador, Hungarian and
Bulgarian Ministers to the United
States, with their families and other
officials and nationals; also a num-
ber of Axis diplomats and nationals
One of five Michigan residents
to return onvthe ship is Clinton B.
Conger, United Press correspond-
ent, of Ann Arbor. He was sta-
tioned in Berlin and later in Switz-
erland. Conger, who joined the
United Press in Detroit, was grad-
uated several years ago from the
University of Michigan.
from other American republics which
have broken relations with Germany,
Italy and Japan.
After returning from Lisbon with
a group of Americans the Drottning-
holm is scheduled to carry a second
company of Axis passengers to Eur-
ope for exchange.
For an exchange later of Japanese
and Americans at Portuguese East
Africa the United States has char-
tered the Swedish liner Gripsholm.

take place within 50 feet of thespolls,
according to Robert Matthews, '43,
president of the Men's Judiciary
Election of members to the Board
in Control of Student Publications,
originally scheduled for today, has
beenhrendered unnecessary since six
of the nine nominated declined to
run in favor of the other three.
The three new members of the
Publications Board, authorized as
elected by the Men's Judiciary Coun-
cil, are James Allen, '43L, Holbrooke
Seltzer, '42, and Karl Kessler, Grad.
One Union vice-president is to be
selected from the literary, dentistry,
medical and law schools, one from
the engineering or architecture col-
lege and one from the business ad-
ministration or forestry school.
Literary school candidates for Un-
ion vice-president are Andrew Caug-
hey, '43, Fred Ginsberg, '43, Carl
Riggs, '43, Edward Tann, '43, Robert
Templin, '43, and Jack Vezina, '43.
Engineering and architecture can-
didates are Roy Bradley, '43E, Stew-
art Gildart, '43A, David Keller, '43E,
Bruce Renaud, '43E, William Schoe-
dinger, '43E, and Richard Schoel,
Dentistry school hopefuls are John
Polls for the all-campus elections
today in the various schools are:
Literary School, lobby of Univer-
sity Hall; Engineering College, first
floor lobby of West Engineering
"Building; Dental School, first floor
lobby of new dental building; Med-
ical School, first floor lobby of East
Medical Building; Law School, lob-
by of Hutchins Hall; Business Ad-
ministration, main floor Tappan
Hall; Forestry School, 2039 Natural
Science Building; Architecture Col-
lege, main lobby of the Art School.
Golden. '43D, Harry Luton. '43D, and
Howard Stafford, '43D.
Candidates from the business ad-
ministration and forestry schools in-
clude Walter M. Bury. '43BAd, La-
Mont G. Engle, '43F&C, John Mur-
ray. '43BAd, James Snodgrass, '43
F&C and Ralph G. Stewart.
Forest Hainline, '43L, Clarence
Sahlin, '43L and Richard Wade, '43L,
are Law School candidates.
Medical school candidates are
George Brooks, '43M, Charles E. O'-
Brien, '43M, Harvey Sparks, '43M,
and Joseph Warzniak, '43M.
One student member will be select-
ed from the two candidates for the
position on the Board in Control of
Athletics. Vying for this office are
William MacConnachie, '44, and
Donald Robinson, '44.
Carroll Glenn
To Open Third
Day Of Festival
Today will be the first of two days
of "concentrated music."
At 2:30 p.m. Carroll Glenn, sensa-
tional young American violinist will
perform the Tschaikowsky violin
concerto with the Philadelphia Or-
chestra under the direction of Saul
Caston, associate conductor of the
group. On the same program Juva
Higbee will lead the Youth Festival
Chorus in a presentation of Flet-
cher's "The Walrus and the Car-
The rest of the program includes
the overture "Romeo and Juliet" by
Tschaikowsky, the "Polovetsian Dan-
ces" from "Prince Igor" by Borodin
and Glinka's overture, "Russlan and
At 8:30 p.nl. Helen Traubel, the
"Brunnhilde from Missouri" will sing
with the orchestra under Eugene Or-
mandy in an all-Wagner program.
Miss Traubel will sing "Schmerzen,"
"Traume," "Elsa's Traume" from
"Lohengrin" and Brunnhilde's Im-
molation and closing scene from

Japs Threaten
New Assaults
On Manila Bay
Report Tells Of Invaders'
Demands For Complete
Surrender Of Troops
unofficial and unconfirmed report
that the Japanese required surrender
of the small units of American-ili-
pino forces still fighting on various
islands of the archipelago as a con-
dition for ending their attacks on the
Manila Bay forts was announced to-
day by the War Department.
In a communique worded carefully
to make clear the completely unoffi-
cial nature of the report, the Depart-
ment said a broadcast from a Japa-
nese-controlled radio station in Man-
ila said that Lieut.-Gen. Jonathan M.
Wainwright had acceded reluctantly
to this condition to avoid further sac-
rifice, and had issued appropriate
orders to his field commanders.
It was recalled immediately here
that when resistance of the Ameri-
can-Filipino troops on Bataan Pen-
insula ceased April 9, there was a
similar unconfirmed report that the
Japanese had demanded the surren-
der of Corregidor and the other Man-
ila Bay forts before they would cease
their pounding of the collapsing de-
fenders of the peninsula.
If the Japanese High Command in
the Philippines did attempt to im-
pose such a condition at that time,
obviously it was not met, since the
fortified islands continued to hold
out against the invaders for another
In some of the last reports re-
ceived by the Department from
Wainwright before communications
with Corregidor were interrupted
early in the morning of May 6, the
general said the Japanese were re-
ported to be bringing up reinforce-
ments at several points on the island
of Mindanao in an aggressive at-
tempt to wipe out resistance on that
large southern island.
Travel Rations
Loom Closer
Transportation Efficiency
Plans Sent To Cities
tioning of passenger travel on rail-
roads and buses was described offici-
ally today as "definitely in prospect"
while the Government sent every
city of over 10,000 population a blue-
print for efficient use of public and
private transportation.
In addition, it planned an appeal
to motorists having more than five
tires to sell the extras to the Gov-
In a day which found Congress
and Government departments in-
creasingly concerned over the rub-
ber and transportation situations,
there were these developments:
Robert Patterson, Undersecretary
of War, told a press conference that
Americans must quit using their auto-
mobiles for "Sunday driving, visiting
to cousin Joe and petting parties"
because their tires must be saved for
possible war use.

U.S. Naval Units
Sink Eight Ships
Ships, Planes Smash Enemy Squadron
In Furious Battle Near Australia;
Nipponese Supply Boats Torpedoed
WASHINGTON, May 7.-(/P)-An American Naval Force, intercepting
a Japanese squadron apparently striking at the flank of the life line to
Australia, sank eight enemy vessels, damaged four and destroyed six planes
at a total United States cost of only three planes, the Navy announced today.
Battle Occurred Monday
The furious sea battle, authoritatively regarded here as possibly the first
in which strictly American forces have engaged the Japs in a general naval
encounter, occurred last Monday in the vicinity of the Solomon Islands,
lying northeast of Australia and northwest of the supply route bastions of
New Caledonia and the New Hebrides Islands.
The Naval communique reporting the results of the battle also disclosed
that U.S. submarines operating in the western Pacific had sunk three
more Japanese ships. Thus, the en-

emy's total ship losses announced
today were 11 sunk, including seven
warships, and four damaged, as fol-
In the Solomons:
Sunk-one light cruiser, two de-
stroyers, four gun boats and one sup-
ply vessel.
Damaged-one 9,000 ton seaplane
tender, one light cruiser, one cargo
vessel and one transport.
In U.S. submarines operations:
Sunk-one medium sized cargo
ship, one medium sized tanker, and
one small cargo ship.
Jap Losses Now 250
The sinkings raised the unofficially
tabulated total of Japanese ship loss-
es due to United Nations operations
to 250, including 195 warships of all
types and 55 commercial vessels. They
also raised the bag of Japanese ships
successfully attacked by far rang-
ing U.S. undersea raiders to 39 sunk,
12 probably sunk and 11 damaged.
Not since thecombined Australian-
American bombing of an enemy ship
concentration off Lea and Salamaua,
New Guinea, had such a United States
success been reported by the Navy.
That action, carried out mostly by
American Forces, resulted, the Navy
announced March 18, in the sinking
or damaging of 23 Japanese ships in-
cluding 12 war vessels.
Allied Losses Avenged
The Solomon Islands action com-
pensated to a considerable extent for
the American-British-Dutch losses in
the great battle of the Java Sea in
late February when the Allies lost
13 warships and the Japanese had
seven sunk or damaged.
The exact nature of the battle in
the Solomons was not shown by the
Navy's communique, wl ch was re-
stricted to a relation of results ob-
tained. A fuller account, officers
said, must await later reports from
the Pacific.
But on the basis of what the com-
munique indicated, Naval experts said
that the Solomons action appeared
to have been a large scale sea battle
between strictly American and Jap-
anese forces and since results were so
clearly known to the Americans it
may have occurred in daylight. The
use of the term "naval engagement,"
it was said, definitely meant that
American surface ships as well as
aircraft had participated.'
High Strategic Importance
The battle was regarded as having
high strategic importance because of
its relation to the vital necessity of
keeping open the supply line to Aus-
tralia. A Japanese attack on some
of the Allied bastions protecting the
line had been expected for several

Nine To Play
Netmen Battle Weakened
Wildcats; Foes' Forces
Minus ThreeTop Men
Northwestern's Wildcats come to
town today to meet the Wolverine
nine at 4 p.m. at Ferry Field in the
first of a two-game series and Coach
Ray Fisher's squad is on the spot
for this battle.
Michigan must sweep both tilts this
weekend if they are to stay in the Big
Ten title race. After losing one battle
to Indiana last week, the Fishermen
must keep winning from now on out
because Iowa is setting a fast pace
in their efforts to dethrone the Wol-
verines from the 1941 championship
Hillsdale Game Cancelled
Yesterday Michigan's game against
Hillsdale was cancelled because of
cold weather and wet grounds. This
was the first time that the Varsity
has had a game postponed since
June, 1940. In that time they have
played 48 consecutive ball games that
have appeared on their schedule.
Ordinarily Coach Fisher wouldn't
be worrying over these games with
the Wildcats. But Michigan has lost
three out of its last four games and
have looked badly in doing so. Pitch-
ing is the Varsity mentor's big head-
ache. In the last week he hasn't
had a, hurler that he could count
on as they have all been hit hard.
As a result, Coach Fisher hasn't
decided yet whether he will start
Irv 'Pro' Boim or Bill Cain. Neither
was effective in their last appearance
on the mound. Michigan will prob-
ably face the slants of Frank Hob-
lick. If Michigan wins the first tilt,
Mickey Fishman is likely to get the
nod for the starting assignment on
Wildcats Lack Power
Coach Maury Kent's squad lacks
both offensive and defensive power.
In the Conference they have a .500
average as they have won two from
Chicago, split a pair with Minnesota
and dropped a couple to Iowa. The
Iowans beat them easily allowing
the Wildcats a total of only two runs
and seven hits in two games.
The boys from Evanston started
the season with an inexperienced
squad and Coach Kent has been jug-
Turn to Page 3, Col. 4
Michigan Netters Face
Northwestern Today
What was expected to be a crucial
test for Michigan's tennis team from
the standpoint of both the vital seed-
ings and the Wolverines' chances in
the Big Ten meet a week from today
may well turn into a walk-away in
the Varsity matches with Northwest-
ern and Ohio State today and to-
The news ha lut ben received,

Citations Given To 15 Cadets
At Annual ROTC Inspection

Chilly weather and the threat of
rain failed to keep a large gathering
of students and townspeople away
from the Annual Federal Inspection
yesterday at the Stadium, as 1,100
ROTC cadets passed in review in
honor of President Ruthven.
Standing stiffly at parade rest, the
regiment saw 15 cadets go forward
to receive citations and awards from
President Ruthven and other mem-
bers of the reviewing staff.
Cadet Colonel Verne C. Kennedy,
commanding officer of the regiment
received five awards and citations,
including the American Legion sabre,
presented by Erwin Prieskorn Post
No. 46, to the cadet holding the high-
est rank. Kennedy also received the
Chicago Tribune medal as the out-

United States Army. Owens also re-
ceived the Chicago Tribune medal as
the outstanding senior of the In-
fantry Corps.
Other recipients of Chicago Trib-
une medals as junior and senior
cadets outstanding in scholarship,
leadership, and military efficiency
were: A. E. Volz, Infantry, junior;
R. W. Hadley, Signal Corps, senior;
R. W. Ehrlick, Signal Corps, junior;
C. M. Thatcher, Ordnance, junior;
T. W. Kucharshi, Engineer, senior;
and R. L. Cole, Engineer, junior.
Recipient of the Army, Ordnance
Association medal for the outstand-
ing junior was Charles M. Thatcher.
Cadet George D. Gotschall received
the Sons of American Revolution
Medal presented for outstanding abil-
ity in campus activities.

SBomber City' Won't Be 'Ghost
Town', Prof. Whittemore Says

The much abused Cherry Hills
bomber city' housing project found
new support today as Prof. Harlow
J. Whittemore, chairman of the land-
scape architecture department, term-
ed claims that it would become a
'ghost town' after the war contra-
dictory to all comparable experience
in emergency housing.
Climaxing a day which saw Wash-
tenaw county supervisors-much per-
turbed about a project which would
bring thousands of CIO workers into

ed that the Cherry Hills location was
close enough to largely eliminate the
transportation problem, and satis-
factorily filled requirements for
drainage and sewage disposal.
He further stated that the com-
munities which were protesting the
erection of the 'bomber city' of Wil-
low Run were unable to house enough
workers to adequately handle the
situation, and cited the fact that a
shack town was already growing up
on the outskirts of Ypsilanti.
Another protest directed against

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