Forestry Club
To Hold Danc
'Log Drive' To Be Tomorrow
At Barton Hills Country Club
The Log Drive, annual informal
dance sponsored by the Forestry Club
for students of the School of For-
estry and Conservation, will be giv-
en from 9 p.m. to midnight tomor-
row at the Barton Hills Country
Club, Jim Snodgrass, '43F&C, pub-
licity chairman has announced.
General chairman for the affair is
Chet Ewing, '42F&C, Sam Bellanca,
'42F&C, is finance and ticket chair-
man, Bob Hauser, '42F&C, will take
care of transportation and programs
are under the direction of Al Yor-
man, '42F&C, and La Mont Engle,
Phil Bushe and his orchestra have
been engaged by Dick Kennedy,
'42F&C, and his committee to furnish
the music.
Because the dance is given for the
entertainment of forestry students
and not for profit, 10 per cent of the
gross expense, rather than proceeds,
will be contributed by the club toward
the Bomber Scholarship Fund.
Tickets are on sale to forestry stu-
dents only, at the Forestry School.
'W~eddi ng s
The wedding of Bertha M. Reiff,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Reiff of Ann Arbor, to Milton Stotz,
'39, of Inglewood, Calif., son of Mr.
and Mrs. William Stotz of Monroe,
took place recently in Los Angeles.
Mrs. Stotz is a member of Beta
Sigma Phi, national sorority for
business women, and is also a gradu-
ate of Ann Arbor High School. She
attended Detroit Business Institute.
Mr. Stotz is affiliated with Phi Delta
Favorite For Biking
Senior Ball Car
Returned; Tires
Remain Missin
The return of the Senior Ball's
grand lottery prize, the battle-scarred
"automobile" in which the winning
couple will attend the Ball, yesterday
brought to a head the anti-Ball
movement on campus, though word
was received saying that the tires
were being held for ransom.
"We have your tires safe," the ran-
som note read. "If all plans for the
Senior Ball of 1942 are immediately
abandoned, they will be returned to
you unharmed. Otherwise they will
meet with a horrible fate."
Returned to a parking place be-
hind the Chi Psi house as mysteri-
ously as it disappeared from behind
University Hall early Tuesday, the
car was first discovered by its owner,
Bob Sumierhays, '42E, early yes-
terday morning.
Admitting that it may have been
returned earlier, Summerhays report-
ed that he had looked out previously
and seen a pile of junk, but that he
might have actually seen the car in-
stead, and thought it was a junk pile
in the excitement.
Even as Senior Ball committeemen,
led by chairman Tom Williams, '42E,
prepared to trace the ransom note,
official spokesmen for the College of
Engineering intimated that the law-
yers were behind the abduction.
"It is known that the lawyers are
bitter over our recovery of our patron
Slide Rule," their report stated, "and
it is conceivable 4hat they gave vent
to their predatory tendencies by
stealing the car."
Although still refusing to divulge
any information which might be of
value to the culprit or culprits, Wil-
liams did admit that 5,379 suspects
are being watched constantly, and
seemed confident that the case would
be broken within the next few days,
maybe even before the grand lottery
drawing at 6 p.m. Saturday.
A close check-up of the car proved
that everything but the tires are in-
tact, Summerhays reported, although
the starting rope (the car is equipped
with an outboard motor) was broken
and would have to be replaced before
the Ball night.
PORTLAND, Ore.-(AP)-"When you
get along toward middle age a check-
up is a good idea," said Mrs. Kate
Gage, 110, as she went to a hospital
today. Attendants pronounced her fit
as a fiddle.
Government Proposes Methods
Of Improving vilian Economy
Patriotic students are going to have
to spread their butter a little thinner
and shop a little harder for practical
wardrobe purchases, according to the
latest bulletins from the United
States Government.
Some of the changes which have
been enumerated should be a defin-
ite help to the health and pocket-
book of the student who heretofore
has felt the need of a chocolate bar
every whipstitch and who has thrown
away stockings at the first sign of
a hole or run.
Substitutes Suggested
For instance, the government sug-
gests substituting dried fruits for
candy, since they contain all the
necessary sugars and a good supply
of vitamins that refined sugar and
chocolate cannot give, as well as
insuring plenty of needed roughage
needed to supplement our universal-
ly bland diet.
In clothes it will be a good idea to
mend runs and worn spots as well as
investing in a pair of cotton stock-
Education Roundtable
Will Be Tomorrow
Dean J. B. Edmonson of the School
of Education will speak on the topic
"Federal Aid to the Youth Program"
at the annual Edwin L. Miller Round-
table, tomorrow in the New Rackhiam
Memorial Building. Detroit.
The roundtable, which is held in
the spring and fall by principles of
southeastern Michigan high schools
and professors of secondary educa-
tion, will take place at a luncheon
meeting. Other Michigan men who
will attend include Dr. George E.
Carrothers, professor in the educa-
tion school and chairman of the
Bureau of Cooperation with Educa-
tional Institutions; Ira M. Smith,
registrar of the University, and Prof.
Raleigh Schorling, of the education
SEATTLE.-(P)-Chief storekeeper
W. F. Burnett is the public relations
officer for the Navy recruiting sta-
tion, where rivalry with the other
services is friendly but nonetheless
That's why Burnett was an un-
happy man when he saw a picture of
two boys and a pretty University of
Washington coed displaying an Army
Air Corps recruiting poster.
The girl was Burnett's daughter,
ings. They're good for wear at home
if your vanity outweighs your patrio-
tism, and the time will probably
come when silk will be worn Sun-
days only, if then.
Other private economy measures
are to unravel old sweaters and skirts
and save the wool to knit into some-
thing else, watch the moths in your
closet and put all your old clothes
into condition. Those old shoes that
are gathering dust in a corner can
be repaired or given away to someone
who needs them.
Save -Electricity
Saving electricity is a real problem
in dormitories and houses where hall-
way lights and corner lamps have to
be on all the time; not to mention
irons being constantly heated and
left on and radios blaring hours on
end. When you're not listening to
the radio, turn it off. Try to do your
pressing all at once to eliminate the'
terrific waste that is entailed in heat-
ing and reheating.
Last but not at all the least, may
it be suggested that you try to get
out of debt to the obliging merchant
who is carrying the cost of that ir-
resistible little suit you bought and
put on your charge account. Try
to keep ahead of your pocketbook.
These are emergency times, and a
nation of people who are always using
up their reserves cannot put out the
extra effort'that crises require.
German Club Votes
To Donate To Fund
The Gernhn Club, holding its final
meeting of the term last Friday,
voted to donate 10 dollars to the
Bomber Scholarship Fund.
The club, which met as an infor-
mal picnic group in the Arboretum,
decided to suspend election of offi-
cers until it could be determined
whether or not its activities would
be continued through the summer
Similar to those of other campus
foreign language groups, the activi-
ties of the German Club include var-
ious social and cultural functions.
Don't Come Back...
SEATTLE.-(/P)-Plucky, 12-year-
old Ann Lindberg, alone at home,
heard a night prowler.
Shed_ got a flashlight and caught
the intruder squarely in the beam as
he was climbing in a window.
"Scram, buddy, before I call the
police," blurted Ann.
The prowler scrammed.
Speaking on "Theory of Limit De-
sign," C. M. Goodrich, consulting
engineer for the Canadian Bridge
Company of Walkerville, Ontario,
will lecture at 10:30 a.m. Saturday
in Room 402, West Engineering
11i_ -- __ __ - -- - --_- -__---_-_if
* Hosiery * Jewelry *"Dresses Blouses
Sunday is Mo/her's Day . . , remember her with
a lasting and practical gift - one which will
prove useful to her long after Mother's Day is
past. Come in and make your selection from
our wide variety of dresses, hosiery, blouses, and
( /It Iuesday adw dhursday 'lit 8:00 P.M.
" , r .
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Town & College Shop
1108 South University
I, _ a . _ __ _ _ _
S4 4
Governmental priorities and the
advent of spring weather have made
bicycling increasingly important this
year. Just the thing for riding to
work or to class; or for wearing on
a "bike hike" or on a picnic are these
gabardine culottes which are avail-
able in all of the newest colors.
Those in pastel are suitable for class-
room wear and the darker shades of-
fer the added advantage of not show-
ing the dirt. With their narrow lea-
ther belts and careful tailoring, these
culottes present as pleasing an ap-
narance as the best of skirts.
i ,:
3-Day Sale
Coats anSut
Attend Here t.Oj± tU.tU.3 ink...w
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Cox, of Bona- Wear them to class with a tailored
parte, Ia., recently announced the white silk or rayon shirt, and add a
engagement of their daughter, Ina, jacket or jerkin for cool days. For
to James Osburn, son of Mr. and sport choose one of those new print
Mrs. Lawrence Osburn of Flint. Miss sport shirts like the one shown here.
Cox is a senior in the School of Add a pair of new sandals that are
Public Health, while Mr. Osburn is not only cool, but practical and,
working for his Ph.D. in chemical to complete your costume, sling one
engineering. of those shoulder-strap bags over
The engagement of Jeanette Hof- your shoulder to carry all of your
man, '42, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. lipsticks, combs, pencils, keys, and
O. H. Hofman, of Grosse Pointe, to other miscellaneous accumulations.
William M. Todd, Jr., '42, son of Mr.
and Mrs. W. M. Todd, of Toledo, O., ing in March with the medical de-
was announced Sunday at a dinner partment, 12th General Hospital, at
at the 'Delta Gamma house. Fort Custer.
Worked On JGP Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Kingsbury of
Miss Hofman has worked on the Ann Arbor have announced the en-
JGP dance committee, Mimes cos- gagement of their daughter, Doris
tumes committee and was a member Elaine, '42SN, to Howard J. Nunes,
of the Daily business staff. Mr. Todd '41, son of Mrs. Julia Nunes of Cape
is affiliated with Alpha Tau Omega, Cod, Mass. The wedding will take
and is also a member of Mimes, Dru- place in the near future.
ids, and Alpha Nu. No date has been Studied In Boston
set for the wedding. Miss Kingsbury is a menfber of
Mrs. R. E. Chambers, of Ann Arbor, Alpha Lambda Delta honor society.
has announced the engagement of Mr. Nunes studied in Boston before
her daughter, Christine Chambers, coming to the University. He is a
'42, to John Wallace Brown, '43, son research assistant in the University
of Mrs. Moses Wilette of Claypool, clinical laboratories and plans to en-
Ind. The wedding has been set for roll in the medical school in the fall.
June 6. Suzanne Potter, '40, daughter of
Miss Isaacson Engaged Mr. and Mrs. Clark B. Potter of
The engagement of Iillian Isaac- Ann Arbor and Archibald Lourie of
son, '44, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Baltimore, Md., will be married at
Henry' Isaacson of Ann Arbor, to 4 p.m. Saturday, May 23.
Pvt. Myron Wilder, of Fort Custer, Miss Potter was treasurcir of Wy-
son of Mr. and Mrs. Flavius M. Wild- vern, a member of Senior Society, a
er of Ann Arbor, has been announced. member of The Daily staff, and on
The date of the wedding has not League Council when she was a Uni-
been set. Mr. Wilder entered train- versity student.
( Spr ing
20 oLess
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Wcvc ;j lot of, IIcV/"I'M I lIs':, jl
ill -- rc(JcjcrEc)n, IUoalzc, Irose, Vlit~c or
trl ,1at
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;' ry.
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a s ; '
a ¢ s
S f
*j t , I J
9 r,. j'
V'i .
Extra s pecifl valuc cvcnt fir our
customers! Practically our entire
coat and suit stock to be sold at re-
duced prices through Saturday only,
in an attempt to clear our stocks and
make room for summer merchan-
At extr! pe cvalvtc brcmuse
thescCoats And suits are made of
beaiiiifil wool fabrics in a wide
range of weaves, colors and fashion.
wise styles. Excellcnt investmnenhs
for this sesiio i and seasons t comc.
* Dr e-- ker Stylks in Wool Crepes
and Twills
Tailored Styles inPlaid Tweed,
Monotone, Checkd or Striped
i f
SUITS, Regularly
COATS, Regularly
Junior Sizes
25.00 to 69.50
22.95 to 150.00
's 1 7 .,Is).)
AJho o; ad 'buys"' in ever sibles of
all wool covert s, 'het lands, tweeds, wih b
abard i jne l ning s from 11 1 .95 . S z ,
.. ,4
Hansen Costume Gloves
for Mother
f H ansflex rayons, cottons, kid, cipcsk in,
docskin, and pigskin - in pastels, white and
all dark colors, also combinations. Make
your gift a wardrobe instead of a pair,
I'ABRICS from $ 1.00
L1EATHERS from $2.5 0
} .< i
$ ~rj
/ ::
Beautiful Fur-Trimmed Coats
Many Styles in Forstmann Fabrics
* Classic Coats in Natural Wool and
Camels Hair, Also Tweeds
Man-Tailored Coats with Zip-in Linings
Entire Stock of
Ch ildren's Coats
20% 'Less
Toddler Coat Sets, Sizes 1 to 4
Reg. 8.95 and 10.95
Girls' and Boys' Coat Sets, in
sizes 3 to 6, Reg. 7.95 to 14.95
Girls' Coats, Sizes 7 to 14 .
Reg. 10.95 to 17.95
Girls' Coats, Teen Sizes 10 to 16
Reg. 15.00 to 22.95
For Mother.,.*
Sheer new waterproof, washable, "'IPlicose" rayon packablec
raincoats with umbrella to match. The coat s $5, the uni
hrclla 2.50. Other umbrelhLs of all kinds and colors
from X1,50.
1' it