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May 06, 1942 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-05-06

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Normal Faced
With Prospect
Of Shutdown,
Dormitories Of Students
May Be Used To House
Willow Run Workmen
The 1,500 students of Michigan
State Normal College at Ypsilanti
yesterday faced the possibility of
having to continue their education
elsewhere as a proposal to house Wil-
low Run defense workers in the
school's dormitories was informally
placed before Dr. Frank Cody, presi-
dent of the state board of education.
Mrs. Josephine Gomon, director of
the women personnel at the Willow
Run bomber plant made the sugges-
tion as a means of providing housing
accommodations for the steadily in-
creasing number of workers and of
relieving already crowded living con-
ditions in Ypsilanti.
If the proposal is carried out it
may ultimately mean that the college
will be closed and that the students
will be forced to transfer to other in-
' When asked what he thought of
the plan, Dr. Cody said, "We're out
first to win this war. This is an emer-
gency and this proposal is a defense
measure." But he also asserted that
no action will be taken until it has
been requested formally by Gov.
Murray D. VanWagoner. Mrs. Gomon
has discussed the matter with the
The college's dormitories house 400
women and 200 men students. Many
rooming houses formerly occupied by
students are now reported filled with
defense workers.
It is believed that the students at
the school will find no difficulty
in readily transferring to other
institutions since college enrollments
everywhere are declining, especially
among male students, because of the
Prof. Snelgrove To Give
Final MiningSeries Talk
Concluding a series of lectures on
"Ore Hunting Criteria," Prof. Alfred
K. Snelgrove, head of the geology
department at Michigan College of
Mining and Technology will speak at
4:30 p.m. today in room 2054 of the
Natural Science Building.
Professor Snelgrove lectured yes-
terday on the various land features,
such as plants, used as guides in the
search for ore deposits, making a
prospector and the ordinary pros-
pracpector and the ordinary pros-,

U.S. To Build
Larger Army,
Patterson Says
Undersecretary Of War
States 6,000,000 ren
To Bear Arms in Future
WASHINGTON, May 5.-(AP)--The
United States is to have an Army
of 6,000,000 men, Undersecretary of
War Patterson disclosed today in
opposing a Congressional move to
ban the commissioning of officers
direct from civilian ranks. -
As a result of the War Depart-
ment's opposition, the House Mili-
tary Committee ditched the proposal
and adopted instead a provision re-
quiring merely that the Secretary 'of
War report to CongreT every 60 days
the name, age, residence and qualifi-
cations of every civilian given a com-
Chairman May (Dem.-Ky.) said
the amendment was satisfactory to
the War Department and Represen-
tative Faddis (Dem.-Pa.), author of
the original ban against civilian com-
missions, said it was agreeable to
Faddis expressed belief that the
requirement for publishing the names
of civilians given commissions would
"serve the original purpose to stop
this practice of handing out com-
missions by the wholesale to persons
not qualified to hold them."
The provision was attached to the
measure providing pay increases for
the armed forces. May said he would
seek House consideration of the
legislation early next week. The Sen-
ate already has approved the pay
increase provisions.
Patterson made only incidental
reference to the 6,000,000-man goal
for the Army and did not dis-
close when it was to be reached. It
had been announced previously that
the Army planned to have 3,600,000
men in its ranks this year.
After telling the Committee that
the Department found it necessary
frequently to go into civilian walks
to obtain qualified personnel for
administrative and technical posi-
tions with the Army, Patterson asked,
"How can you expect them to do
their job unless you give them the
means to do it?"
"Trust the Army leaders in *this
policy," he pleaded. "The fate of
the Nation depends on these men"
and they should not be "hampered
and trammelled" by rules concerning
whom they may or may not use.
"Don't sabotage the whole effort
by putting us in a strait-jacket," he

Luebeck Street After Attack By RAF


VOL. LI. No. 163
Publicationin the Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of th euniversity,
Student Tea: President and Mrs.
Ruthven will be at home to students
this afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock:
University Council: There will be
a meeting of the University Council
on Monday, May 11, at 4:15 p.m., in
the Rackham Amphitheatre.
LouisA. Hopkins, Secretary
To the Members of the University
Senate: There will be a meeting of
I the University Senate on Monday,
May 18, at 4:15 p.m., in the Rack-
ham Lecture Hall.
Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary

Debris-filled Broad Street in Luebeek, Germany, a fter the RAF raid on the German Baltic port the
night of March 28. This picture was published in the "Hamburger Fremdenblatt" with a caption that
the British called the raid one of the "most devast ating of the war." The caption added: "England
may be assured that we shall remember it."


Dr. Wickenden
Will Address
Engine Dinner
Explanation Of Slide Ri de
MI(ysIery Will Ie Given;
300 Engineers Exp)ectewd
Dr. William E. Wickenden, presi-
dent of the Case School of Applied
Science, Cleveland, will address an
expected crowd of more than 300 en-
gineers at the annual all-engineer-
ing banquet which will be held at
6:30 p.m. today in the Union.
Although "The Engineer in the
Post-War World" will be the discus-
sion topic of Dr. Wickenden, another
subject-the disappearance and re-
turn of the engineers' famous slide
rule-will also occupy the table talk,
Bob Collins, '42E, general chairman.
Dr. Wickenden, who has long been
connected with both the operative
and educational phase of his field,
will discuss various aspecLs of the
employment problem ior the engineer
after the war is over. He will be in-
troduced by Ivan C. Crawford, dean
of the College of Engineering. Toast-
master for the evening will be Ted
Kennedy, 42E, retiring president of
the Engineering Council which is
sponsoring the banquet. Tickets will
be sold all day today in the Engineer-
ing Arch and the lobby of the East
Engineering Building.
Resulting from expert sleuthing
done by some Michigan engineer-de-
tectives, the "thrilling" inside story
on the disappearance and return of
the engineers' slide rule will at last
be told, Collins reported. The slide
rule was stolen from the annual ball
given by the engineers and since then
has been the subject of many rumors.
The details concerning the execu-
tion of its daring return have been
purposely withheld until banquet
time, the chairman also mentioned.,
Jim Edmunds, '43E, menu chair-t
man, specifically pointed out that
this year the banquet menu will be

Shots Don't Exaggerate :
Former M' Student Appears
Here In Dramatic Season Play

Lauren Gilbert, former Michigan
student now appearing with Francis
Lederer in the 1942 Dramatic Sea-
son offering, S. N. Behrman's "No
Time for Comedy," opening May 11,
is one actor who really looks like his
publicity shots.
Moustached, greying at the temples,
actor Gilbert readily talked of his
rise in the theatrical world.
Born in Nebraska, Gilbert attend-
ed Nebraska Wesleyan and the Uni-
versity of Chicago, "majoring in zo-
ology and minoring in physiology
and chemistry," for according to an
early belief, he was destined to be a
doctor. But late in the game as it
was, he changed his plans and arrived
at Michigan in 1933 to get his Ph.D.
in speech.
On campus Gilbert played opposite
actress Martha Scott, then a Michi-
gan student, with the Repertory
Players and with the Play Produc-
tion group, while acting as assistant
business manager for the former or-
ganization. Gilbert and Miss Scott
appeared together in "Mr. Pim Passes
By," "Round the World in 80 Days,"
A. . Anderson
Named Honor
Group Leader'
Arthur G. Anderson, Grad., was
elected president of Phi Lambda Up-
silon, honorary chemical fraternity,
for the coming year, at a meeting
held last night.
J. Louis York, Grad., is the new
vice-president succeeding Torsto P.
Salo, Grad.; John Wynstra, Grad.,
was elected secretary to replace Arth-
ur C. Stevenson, Grad.; George W.
Preckshot, Grad., will succeed George


and "The Importance of Being Earn-
Writing copy, handling production
and announcing for the New York
Broadcasting Company "where I was
merely official bat boy, was another
phase in Gilbert's career. Work with
the Red Network and Columbia
Broadcasting System followed.
Experience gained in this period
of speaking over the microphone was
utilized later when the actor made
"talking books" for the blind with
the Library of Congress.
Shakespearean roles opposite Mar-
tha Scott and Jackson Perkins (who
later became Mrs. Gilbert) in Chi-
cago's Globe Theatre found Gilbert
in 15 plays, including "As You Like
It," "All's Well That Ends Well,"
and "Hamlet" - "all the juvenile
leads," Gilbert added.
Starting in New York in 1936, Gil-
bert rose rapidly in the dramatic
field. He played major parts in
"Twelfth Night," with Helen Hayes;
"Hamlet," with Maurice Evans;
"Dame Nature," a Theatre Guild
Production; "The Mother," with Naz-
imova; "and several other flops,"
Gilbert admitted.
Most discouraging of the "flops"
was Gilbert's first vehicleton Broad-
way-a Max Gordon production of a
George S. Kaufman play, starring
Laura Hope Crewes, on which $60,000
had been expended.
"I never knew what the reason
was," Lauren Gilbert said sadly, "but
I had such a good part-and it folded
in a week."
ROTC Cadets
Honor Rithven
(Continued from Page 1)
Association Medals for scholarship
and leadership, and the Scabbard
and Blade Cup to the outstanding
Cadet Colonel Verne C. Kennedy,
ranking cadet officer, announced the
invitation of Governor Murray D.
Van Wagoner, Mayor Leigh D. Young
and other state and local officials to
the ceremonies.
President Ruthven, honored guest
at the rally, will have as his staff
the Deans of the University, while
Cadet Lieut.-Col. Lindley Dean and
Cadet Sergeant Phil Sharpe will serve
as his military aides.
The drill will be featured by a
special performance by crack drill
Company L.
A special box will serve as a re-
viewing stand for the President, the
Regents, and other University offi-
cials as well as for the visiting In-
spection officers.

Seniors: The firm whicl furnishes;
diplomas for the University has sent
the following caution: Please warn
graduates not to store diplomas in
cedar chests. There is enough of the
moth-killing aromatic oil in the av-
erage.cedar chest to soften inks of
any kind that might be stored inside
them, resulting in seriously damag-
ing the diplomas.
Shirley W. Smith
Commencement Week Programs:
Programs may be obtained on request
after May 11 at the Business Office
Room 1, University Hall.
Herbert G. Watkins
Notice: University Commencement
Announcement: The University Com-
mencement Exercises will be held in
Yost Field House, Saturday after-
noon, May 30. The gates open at
5:30 p.m. Audience should be seat-
ed by 6:15 p.m., when procession en-
ters the Field House.
The public address system will be
interfered with by outside sounds, and
the audience is therefore requested to
avoid conversation and moving about.
Automobile owners are asked kindly
to keep their machines away from
the vicinity of Ferry Field during the
In case of rain the power house
whistle will be blown at intervals
Detween 5:30 and 5:40 p.m. to notify
all concerned that the Commence-
ment procession has been abandoned.
Herbert G. Watkins,
Assistant Secretary
Notice to Forestry Students and
Others Interested in Photography:
An assembly of the School of Fores-

L. M. HEYWOOD, experienced typist,
414 Maynard Street, phone 5689.
MISS ALLEN-Experienced typist.
408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935.
COTTAGE at Carp Lake, Michigan,
by week, month, or season. Double
garage and boat. Phone 3357.
distance moving. Call Godfrey's.
6927. 410 N. Fifth Ave. 350c
passenger to Colorado. Leaving
June 5. Dial 2-3307, Miss Rich-
ards. 362c
Ben the Tailor, 122 East Washing-
ton. Phone after 6 o'clock, 5387.
CASH for used clothing; men and
ladies. Claude H. Brown, 512 S.
Main St. Phone 2-2736. 5c
TWO BICYCLES. One man's and
one woman's. Preferably English
type. Down payment now, full
payment on delivery any time
before Commencement. Ogden.
Phone 8735. 359c
Pay $5 to $500 for Suits, Overcoats,
Typewriters, Saxophone, Fur Coats
(Minks and Persian Lambs),
Watches, and Diamonds. Phone
Sam, 5300.
TWO May Festival tickets Thursday
and Friday nights-Section Three,
main floor. Phone 3718.

try and Conservaiton will be held at
10:00 a.m. in the Amphitheatre of
the Rackham Building on Thursday,
May 7.
Dr. William M. Harlow, Professor
of Den drology at the New York State
College of Forestry, will speak on
"Exploring With a Miniature Cam-
era" and show, colored views of leaf
scars, buds, and other close-up sub-
jects upon which he has done spe-
cial work.
Certain important announcements
will be made at this time.
All forestry students are expected
to attend this assembly, and others
who may be int~rested are invited.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of the following
Civil Service Examinations. Last
date for filing application is noted
in each case:
United States Civil Service
Junior Meteorologist, salary, $2,000
per year, June 30, 1942.
Junior Multigraph Operator, sal-
ary, $1,440 per year, until needs of
service have been met.
Technical Assistant (Engineering)
salary, $1,800 per year, June 30, 1942.
Superintendent of Construction,
salary, $3,200 to $6,500 per year,
May 11, 1942.
Junior Calculating Machine Oper-
ator, salary, $1,440 per year, May 26,
Further information may be ob-
tained from the announcement which
is on file in the office of the Univer-
sity Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information, 201 Mason
Hall. Office hours 9-12 and 2-4.
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information
Staff Travel by Automobile: As a
measure of economy it is requested
that faculty and staff members who
have occasion to travel on Univer-
sity business by personally owned or
University owned automobile report
their plans in advance to the office
of Dr. Frank E. Robbins, Assistant to
the President (Campus telephone
328), in order that, when feasible,
persons going to the same place at
the same time may ride in the same
car and save both tires and expense.
A record of such plans will be kept
in the President's Office, and those
who find it necessary to make a trip
may inquire there as to the possi-
bility of riding with others. Waste
is sabotage.
LaVerne Noyes Scholarships: Pre-
sent holders of these scholarships
who desire to apply for renewal~ for
1942-43 should call at 1021 A geh
Tall and fill out the blank forms for
application for renewal.
Frank E. Robbins
Freshmen and Sophomores, College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
Students who will have freshman or
(Continued on Page 4)

LAUNDRY-2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 2c
6c per lb., rough dry. Shirts extra
1Oc each. Handkerchiefs, 1c each.
Phone 25-8441. 295c
MIMEOGRAPHING - Thesis bind-
ing. Brumfield and Brumfield, 308
S. State. 6c
Driveway gravel, washed pebbles.
Killins Gravel Company, phone
7112. 7c
GIRL WANTED for rental library
and sales work. Good salary. Apply
at Follett's Michigan Book Store,
322 S. State St. 358c
YOUNG MAN wanted for retail sell-
ing and stock work. An excellent
opportunity. Apply Follett's Mich-
igan Book Store, 328 S. State St.
Company will interview students
who desire summer vacation jobs,
in room 304 Michigan Union on
Wednesday, May 6th. 365c
LOST-Shell-rimmed glasses in black
leather case. Call 2-2539, Dorothy
LOST - Brown Amity keyholder-
On or near campus-Reward-
call University 337. 368c
LOST: Gold-rimmed glasses May 2.
Eyeballs sadly inflamed. Frank
Clarke, 416 Winchell, Phone 2-4401.

the best in many;
mittee members
arrangements are
ticket chairman;
Bob Summerhay
chairmen, and
'43E, publicity ch
Defense 4
Warni Ag(
Trade I
High defense of
States today to g
essential laws hi:
portation and pro
alternative of hGve n en t
Govern mEt sten
Joseph B. Easti

years. Other com- 1-H. Hanson, Grad., as treasurer, and
in charge of thy: Elmer Carlson, Grad., is the new re-
Tom Poyser, '43E, I porter taking the place of Lawrence
Ted Kennedy and E B. Scott, Grad.
s, '42E, program At their initiation banquet, held
Howard Howerth, last Saturday at the Union, the fol-
airman. lowing were taken into active mem-
bership: Robert R. Beckham, '42E,
/ . . Stanley J. Beyer, '42E, Kenneth F.
Broueck, '42E, Victor J. Caldecourt,
,42, Elmer Carlson, Jr., Grad., Wil-
liam G. Collamore, '42E, Richard W.
Cummins, '42, Jack P. Doan, ,42,
Sestricti.OtIS Nicholas Fatica, Grad., James C.
Gearien, Grad., John Z. Hearon,
. May 5. {,p Grad., Milton Heller, '42, Carroll Kar-
ficials told the 48 kalits, Jr., Grad., Charles W. Lillie,
et rid of their non- '42E, Richard N. Lyon, Grad., Robert
ndering war trans- A. Reiners, Grad., Bernard Schep-
)letion or face the artz, Grad., John W. Steedley, Grad.,
Sin ; the Federal Andres Torre-Arregue, Ray A. Trit-
in and do the job. ten, '42E, Robert T. Wallace, '42E,
nan, director of de- and Rbert J. Wineman, Grad.

The City Beat:
Today's Ann Arbor News
In Summary
New Federal occupational ques-
tionnaires have been sent to 2,249
Ann Arbor men between the ages of
20 to 44 who registered for the draft
Feb. 16.
This survey is designed to create
a war labor pool by determining what
each man is able to do in war pro-
duction. Wherever possible, skilled
laborers will be placed in defense in-
dustries instead of in military service.
Action was taken by the city
council at its last meeting to permit
the city government to negotiate
with Federal authorities in under-
taking the removal of all the old
steel car tracks embedded in Ann
Arbor streets.
It is estimated that approximately
46,000 feet of steel rail, weighing
nearly 600 tons are in the city streets
and can be removed for utilization
in war production.
Dr. Harry A. Towsley, of the Uni-
versity medical school, has been ap-
pointed to the Ann Arbor board of
health by Mayor Leigh J. Young.
Professor At Meeting
Dr. Thomas Francis, Professor of
Epidemiology, is attending a meeting
of the Association of American Physi-
cians at Atlantic City, N.J., this week.


For Catajog and booklet,
"StudyofLawand Proper
Preparation", address:
Edward T. Lee, Dean.


Afternoon and Eve-
ning, 3'/2 years-
2 years College re-
quired for entrance.
Courses in Practice
Evening-i year
Evening-i year
Law degree or ad
mission to Bar re-
quired for Post Grad.
or Patent Law
courses. All courses
lead to degrees.
Offers 2 yrs. College

315 Plymouth Ct., Chicago, Its.


fense transportation, told a confer-
ence of governors and their repre-
sentatives that he believed most
states could and would ease the re-
strictions voluntarily. But in some
cases, he said, this might be imprac-
ticable and:
"In that event, the only alterna-
tive seems to be to accomplish it
through Federal action under the
war power."
Eastman urged the delegates to
participate in drafting an emergency
law to supersede restrictive state
regulations for the war duration.

Re-point your house now
. . . with quality PON-
TIAC paints. We carry


Stocks of oll

1- --7-9 P.M.
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HIGAN Now! layintgThroug
IMICHIA Wednesday at Regular Prices




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