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May 03, 1942 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-05-03

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Scattered Showers

it grn


Negro Bias Violates
Spirit Of honor Society



T hinelads Win
Meet As Ufer
Stars; Indiana
Loss To Nine
Michigan 'Flyer' Captures
Victory In 440, 220;
Ostroot Takes Firsts
In Shot Put, Discus
Hoosiers Drop 9-8
Tit To Even Count
Streaking across the finish line to
easy victories in the 440- and 220-;
yard dashes, "Bullet" Bob Ufer,
Michigan's indoor quarter-mile king,
stole the spotlight as the well-bal-
anced Maize and Blue cinder squad
crushed an invading Illini outfit,
64 1/3 to 52 2/3, Saturday afternoon
at Ferry Field.
A stiff wind, blowing down the back
stretch out of the west, threw dust
and dirt into the runners' faces and
made the going tough in the distance
races. No record times were recorded.
There was no doubt in the minds
of Wolverine fans that the slim and
bespectacled Ufer was in a class by
himself. "Hose Nose" displayed aI
fine pair of heels to the Illinois ace,
Bob Rehberg, as he bulleted past the
Judges' stand, to win the quarter-mile
dash going away. His time was :48.5.1
Ufer's lead was never seriouslyc
threatened and he was out in front
all the way. Right on Rehberg's heels
was Wolverine George Pettersen who
gamely stood off the stretch' drive oft
Illinois' Don Kelley to grab third1
Doffing his sweat suit a half hourI
Turn to Page 2, Col. 1 s
Hoosiers Drop 9-8
Tilt To Even Count
(Special to The Daily)
Michigan squared the count with In-
diana today when it won an abbre-
viated, see-saw contest 9-8, in seven
complete innings. Rain suddenly
brought the tilt to a halt in the eighth
when the Wolverines were batting.
The game had everything, but good
playing. Both teams made many
mental errors that didn't get into
the score book. But, fortunately, the
Wolverines produced an extra run
to give them a record of three wins
against one defeat in the Big Ten
Mickey Fishman was on the moundt
for Michigan, but apparently he was(
still tired from the game he hurledc
against Notre Dame last Wednesday.
The senior was in trouble in almost(
every inning but his teammates didn't
help him too much at times. Indianai
used two pitchers, Dale Boehm and
Don Spence.1
Michigan took the lead as they
went to work in the third frame.#
Capt. George Harms drew a pass1
from Boehm and Fishman sacrificedc
him to second. Davey Nelson singled
Harms home with a hit to left. Don
Holman followed with a single andt
scored Nelson. After Don Robinson
had advanced Holman with a sacri-t
fice, Bud Chamberlain scored "Whit-
ey" with a hard blow to left-
The Wolverines' big inning came int
the fifth as they scored five times.
'Turn to Page 3, Cl. 3f

Registration For Ration
Books Starts Tomorrow


Students Over 18 With Homes Outside Ann Arbor
To Sign For Stamp Volumes Before Thursday

The most far-reaching emergency
registration in the history of the Uni-
versity will be held - tomorrow, Tues-
day and Wednesday when students
register at campus posts to receive
War Ration Book One.
According to Robert L. Williams,
Assistant Registrar, the University
registration will affect all students
except those who have their perma-
nent residence in Ann Arbor and ap-
proximately 50 others who are un-
der 18.
The former group should register'
at local elementary schools. Those
under 18 should instruct their par-
ents at their permanent home ad-
dress to register for them and to for-
ward the ration book to them here.
The registration procedure will be
"simpler than registration for the
draft." Williams said. Students will
register with their school at a place
and time already designated by the
The time and place of registra-
tion in the various schools and col-
leges of the University for War
Ration Book One will be found in
the Daily Official Bulletin.
"official in charge" of the registra-
tion for that school. Each student
fills out a simple application form
and then receives his ration book and
a leaflet of instructions for its use.
Campus registration posts will be
open from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
War Ration Book One contains 28
War Ration Stamps. The first
stamps will be used for the purchase
of sugar. Other commodities may
be placed on the ration list in the
future by the Office of Price Ad-
ministration. The OPA will publicly
announce the stamps to be used for
the purchase of a particular rationed
commodity, the period during which
each such stamp may be used and

the amount which may be bought with
each stamp.
The period covered by War Ra-
tion Book One will be approximately
six to eight months, Williams said.
Other books may be issued in the
future, but no more than one book
will be used at any one time. When
the date of issue of a new book is an-
nounced, every person will turn in
his old book and receive the new
book without further registration.
Every person should keep a record
of the serial number of his book.
When a person buys any rationed
product, he must detach the proper
stamp in the presence of the store-
keeper, his employe or the person
making delivery on his behalf. If a
person enters a hospital or similar
instittuion and expects to be there
Turn to Page 7, Col. 5
Damage Heavy
As Storms Hit
Western Area
Many Are Injured, Dead
As Tornadoes Batter
At Residential Sections
SPRINGFIELD, Ill, May 2.-vp)
-At least four communities were
struck by a tornado tonight, and
11 persons had been brought to a
Springfield hospital. The tornado
was reported to have hit Elkhart,
Riddle Hill, Curran and Andrew.
First reports did notindicatethe
extent of damage.
PAWHUSKA, Okla., May 2.-A)-
Tornadoes wrecked a residential sec-
tion in this city of 5,500 population
and battered rural areas in north-
eastern Oklahoma and eastern Kan-
sas today, killing at least eight per-
sons, injured scores and causin
heavy property damage.
One twister swept a 12 square
block area of the Lynn addition on
the southeast edge of Pawhuska,
leaving three known dead and from
50 to 75 injured.
Three children were missing and
believed dead after a tornado cut
a mile-wide path across northern
Tulsa county, mowing down rural
homes and farm buildings.
Mrs. Othul Spence huddled in her
four-room home with her baby in her
arms and her four other children
gathered around her as the wind
picked up the house, carried it 300
feet through the air and dropped it
into rain-swollen Bird Creek.
The baby, Othul, Jr., and two of
the other children, Lucille, 8, and
Francile, 6, disappeared in the swirl-
ing current. Mrs. Spence and two
daughters, Noreta, 15, and Mary, 13,
were rescued by Eugene Coleman, 14-
year-old boy scout, who took a raft
into the stream.
A Tulsa fire department crew went
to the scene and was dragging the
creek in an effort to find the missing

Squad Cars Comb City
For Unlicensed Bikes
"Beware of the cops" was the
warning that went out today to all
Ann Arbor bicycle owners who
haven't purchased their 1942 li-
censes as yet
Whether you are a student from
Siberia or a city resident you are
still subject to the city license or-
dinance. Police squad cars are on
the lookout for bicycles on the
street bearing old license plates.
The licenses have been on sale
for a week and the department re-
ports that there are still some bi-
cycles that have not been regis-
Anyone caught riding a bicycle
bearing last ,year's plates will be
subject to having his vehicle con-
fiscated until hie purchases new
ones. The department alsoswarned
that violators may face a short
period of imprisonment.
However, it isn't as if the police
were doing this with malicious in-
tent, the department explained,
for.the licenses are a safeguard
against bicycle thiefs.
Army Trucks
Salvage Plane
Crash Victims
17 Persons Are Removed
From Ridge Where Big
Airliner Split Wide Open
Bodies of 17 persons, every occupant
of a sleeper transport plane which
crashed and burned last midnight,
were brought down today by crawling
Army trucks from a rough ridge at
the city limits.
A crew of three and 14 passengers,
one a child, died in the flaming
wreckage of the United Airlines plane
that struck the hill within sight of
the Salt Lake City airport.
Ruins On View
Scars on the hillside showed the
giant airliner hit the ground, split
open, then bounced and came to rest
in a tangled heap. Bodies and wreck-
age were scattered over a wide area.
Those near the main wreckage were
seared by blazing gasoline.
None could explain the accident.
The east-bound San Francisco trans-
port had reported visibility good only
a few minutes earlier.
The Civil Aeronautics Authority
sent Inspector Perry Hodgen from
Oakland, Calif., to investigate and
called a public hearing "soon." United
Airlines officials investigated also,
but clues were meager.
Guards On Watch
Guards watched throughout the
night to keep curious away while
officials discussed plans to salvage as
much metal as possible
Fate played a grim joke on the
child, J. A. Lloyd, 3rd, 10-month old
son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lloyd, Jr.,
of Burlingame, Calif. Mrs. Lloyd, en-
route to Grosse Pointe, Mich., to visit
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William
Lowery, decided to take the plane
because the trip would be easier on
the baby than a ground journey. The
father is an insurance broker.
Two other victims. Comm. John G.
Burrow, U.S.N., and Lieut. Claire
Tucker, U.S.N., were enroute to
Washington after inspecting a pos-
sible site for a cadet training station
at Reno, Nev.

Australia Fears Invasion
As Japs Seize Mandalay;
India Urged Not To Fight



Congress Party Decides
On Return To Gandhi's

Famed Historian



Paul Lim-YuenI
Captures First
in Oratorical
Eloquent Plca For Faith
In World Delnocracy
ins Very Judg4
Eloquently pleading for a reaffir-
mation of faith in world democracy
by the American people, a University
Chinese student, Paul Lim=Yuen, '43,
captured first place honors in the
52nd annual contest of the Northern
Oratorical League Friday in North-,
western University's Harris Hall Aud-
Lim-Yuen was awarded $100 for his
prize-winning oration, "The Pacific
Charter." He was the second con-
testant in 20 years to receive first
place honors on the unanimous de-
cision of the judges. The only other
unanimous winner was Fred Greiner,
who represented the University in
the contest in 1938,
In his speech Lim-Yuen declared(
that not only his China but all ofI
Asia was looking towards America
for dynamic leadership. He referred
to the Pacific charter as "not written
in ink but, written in the blood. of
five millions ofeChina's manhood,"
and asked this country for more evi-
dence of its belief in the thesis that
conceives of democracy as an inter-
national and universal concept. The
address was greeted by a spontaneous
ovation from the audience.
Students competing in the contestj
were from the universities that are
members of the Northern Oratorical,
League. One representative each+
came from Northwestern University,
the University of Wisconsin, Western
Reserve University, the University
of Iowa, the University of Minnesota'
and the University of Michigan.
Student Senate
Positions Opel]
The student senate will take the
first definite step in building up its
administrative machinery when it
holds interviews at 4:30 p.m. today
in the Union for the positions of di-
rector and assistant director of the
administrative branch.
Next year's seniors are eligible for
both of these posts, which are to be
the senior administrative jobs on the
sennte each vear. The two students

Reveal Americans
Active Near Cairo
ALLAHABAD, India, May 2.-(P)--
The All-India Congress Party's
Working Committee decided today to
urge the masses of India not to fight
if their country is invaded by Japan.
With Japanese armies in Burma
ready to turn toward India or China,
the dominant Congress leaders threw
their great influence with the people
of India on the side of resistance only
by "non-violent non-cooperation."
The Congress thus returned to the
ideas of Monhandas K. Gandhi, the
man best known to all of India's
millions, despite the views of Jawa-
harlal Nehru and other party leaders
who of late have declared India must
fight. Gandhi in recent utterances
has advanced his policy of non-vio-
lence to the point of opposing the
scorched earth policy in case India
is invaded.
Days Of Debate
The Committee's resolution, adopt-
ed after days of debate ona new
policy following failure of Sir Staf-
ford Cripps' mission, said its course
was dictated by the attitude of the
British Government.
"In case invasion takes place it
must be resisted. Such resistance
can only take the form of non-violent
non-cooperation, as the British Gov-
ernment prevented the organization
of national defenses by the people
in any other way," the resolution said.
It added that this policy must be
followed even if It means death.
"We may not bend the knee to
an aggressor, nor obey any of his
orders. We may not look to him for
favors, nor fall to his bribes. If he
wishes to take possession of our
homes and our fields we must refuse
to give them up, even if we have to
die in an effort to resist him (by non-
cooperation) ."
American Troops
Active In Egypt
CAIRO, May 2.--W)-Construction
of the great United States-built ar-
senal in Eritrea on the Red Sea is
"well under way," Maj.-Gen. Russell
L. Maxwell, commander of the United
States North African mission said to-
Disclosure that operations could be
expected to start there before long
were given at a press conference With
General Maxwell, at which it was
disclosed here for the first time that
United States service troops in stead-
ily increasing numbers are in posi-
tions supporting the main British
desert army and air forces ranging
against the threatening German
Afrika Korps of Marshal Erwin Rom-
'Trucks Rol I
American uniforms and huge
trucks bearing the "U.S.A." letters
have been seen in growing strength
for several weeks
'One officer of the U.S. mission is
Major Elliott Roosevelt, son of the
President, who started his military
career as a captain in Ohio less than
two years ago.
General Maxwell emphasized that
the soldiers stationed in this torrid
area, barring the Axis from conquest
of Egypt and the Suez Canal, were
entirely service personnel-mechan-
ics, technical experts, supply special-
ists and trainers.
Washington Orders
Further Reductioi
Of Fuel Ol Output
mediate readjustment of refinery op-
erations in the east and middlewest
to increase industrial fuel oil output

-which would mean a reduction in
gasoline production-was called for
today by the Office of Petroleum Co-
ordination in a new move to relieve
the heavy oil supply situation along
the Atlantic seaboard.

* * *
Prof. Schuman
To Speak Here
On War Issues
Noted scholar, lecturer and author,
Frederick L. Schuman, professor of
government at Williams College, will
speak at 8:15 p.m. today in Rackham
Auditorium under the sponsorship of
Hillel Foundation and the Michigan
Post-War Council.
Dr. Schuman will lecture on "The
Road to Victory," an analysis of the
methods of winning the war.
Author of many books on world
affairs, Dr. Schuman has made re-
markable prophecies of future events.1
His studies have takh him to most
of the countries of Europe.
Interested in post-war reconstruc-I
tion plans, Dr. Schuman has studied
and observed the workings of the.
League of Nations and is connected
with the Inter-Democracy Federal1
Union work.
Teaching now at Williams College,
he received his doctor's degree at the
University of Chicago. He holds the
Woodrow Wilson Professorship of
Government at Williams College.
His books have brought him wide
acclaim for accuracy and political
knowledge. His latest work published
is "A Primer of Power Politics."
Ganz To Direct
Public Concert
Mammoth Civic Orchestra
Will Feature Grainger
A huge 500-piece civic symphony
orchestra under the direction of Ru-
dolph Ganz and world famous com-
poser-pianist Percy Grainger, will
present a public concert at 4:15 p.m.
today in Yost Field House under the
auspices of the Michigan Civic Or-
chestra Association and the Univer-
sity Extension Service
The concert, which is being given
as a festival concert in honor of
National and Inter-American Music
Week, May 3-10 will be played by an
orchestra composed of 500 represent-
atives of 18 different orchestral
groups throughout Michigan. Each
group has rehearsed the selections
separately, but today's pre-concert
rehearsal will be the first time these
groups will be coordinated under one
Ganz, noted orchestra leader of
Chicago and New York, will be guest
conductor and in charge of the major
portion of the program. Grainger is
to be included as guest soloist and
will also direct two of his own com-
William Norton, conductor of the
Flint Symphony Orchestra, will lead
several choral numbers in which the
entire audience will participate.
More Than 35 To Enter
Air Forces Here Sooni
Responding to the new Army Air
Forces deferred enlistment plan,

Japanese Planes Sighted
Over Coast As British
Burma Troops Retreat
English Bombers
(By The Associated Press)
New fears struck Australia today
as the Japanese, climaxing one of
their swiftest campaigns since the
start of the war, announced the cap-
ture of picturesque, storied Manda-
The fear in Australia was based on
the flight of two Japanese recon-
naisance planes over the railroad
town of Townsville on the populous
southeast coast, obvious possible in-
vasion point.
With elimination of the Burma
front, which to all intents and pur-
poses has been accomplisJ~ed, the
Japanese would thus be left free for
what may be the much larger task
of invading the South Pacific con-
tinent, already stoutly defended by
American troops under Gen. Doug-
las A. MacArthur.
American Troops Arrive
The American hero of Bataan has
set up his command of all United
Nations forces-land sea and air-
in Australia, where large numbers of
American troops with equipment have
There was no question of the seri-
ousness of the Allied situation in
Burma, where the British were re-
treating, but blowing -up bridges and
roadways behind them.
London authorities failed to con-
firm the fall of Mandalay, made fam-
ous by the Kipling song, but it was
tacitly admitted that if it has not
fallen, there was every indication
that the fall was not far away.
Lashio, Burma end of the Burma
Road to China, already has fallen
but the Chinese are continuing to re-
sist, Chungking reporting tonight
heavy casualties against the Japa-
nese northward toward the Chinese
Japanese Close In
With the famous Burma Road al-
ready cut and Japanese troops with-
in 40-odd miles of the Chinese bor-
der, Emperor Hirohito's High Com-
mand was on the verge of disclosing
a fateful decision: whether to try to
knock China out of the war by in-.
vasion from the west, to march east-
ward toward the tempting land of
India, or to attempt both simultane-
It was in ravaged Burma that the
war burned fiercest as the Japanese
sped ahead in the face of the first
vagrant breezes and showers of the
imminent monsoon season.
The Chinese announced that the
Japanese had reached a point some-
where north of Hsenwi, which is only
45 miles from the frontier of China's
Yunnan Province, but said they had
repulsed the enemy there in hard
English Bombers
Cripple Destroyer
LONDON, May 2. -(}P)- British
bombers crippled a swift Nazi de-
stroyer off the Norwegian coast and
chopped away at enemy airdromes
in northern France overnight, buti
the weather intervened again to keep
the great swarms of RAF and Ger-
man planes tied to the ground.
The pilot of an American-made
Hudson bomber glided silently down
on the fast-moving German war-
ship, loosed two bombs which hit
the deck squarely, and flew away
before the astonished enemy seamen
could fire a shot. Another destroy-
er hurried to the aid of the stricken
Heavy Channel mists held sky skir-
mishing to a minimum during the
day as the great British bombers,
some capable of packing eight tons

of explosives, stayed in their hang-
ars while their crews waited impa-
tiently for clearing weather to allow
further raids on the tortured Ger-
man industrial targets.
It was the second night of com-
parative inactivtiy after eight fruit-
ful nights in which the RAF had
spread vast destruction over three
quarters of Hitler's Reich.
Photographic evidence released to-
night disclosed that the chimney-ton

Mariaii Anderson Will Appear
In First May Festival Concert

To Hold Sing
High notes, low notes, and long
ones will pierce the campus air at
7:15 p.m. tomorrow from the library
steps when 10 fraternities give forth
their sweetest and most melodious
songs in the annual Interfraternity
Feeling that sororities should not
be ignored in this all-fraternity event,
the Interfraternity Council has again
invited them to act as cheering sec-
tions for the manly warblers. Bleach-
ers have also been erected around
the library steps where the fraterni-
ties, sororities and on-lookers can sit,
but the Council asked that the spec-
tators be in their seats by 7:05 p.m.
so the "Sing" can begin as sched-
As an added attraction the Ann
Arbor Surf-Riding and Mountain
Climbing Society, better known as the
"Psurfs," will present several special
selections, as will Adelia Cheever.


"A voice like hers is heard only
once in a hundred years," said Arturo
Toscanini of Marian Anderson, and
Ann Arbor audiences apparently agree
with the maestro, for Miss Ander-
son's appearance in the opening
program of the May Festival concerts
next Wednesday will make it her
fifth year here.
This distinguished Negro contral-
to comes to Ann Arbor with the im-
pressive all-time record of 92 con-
certs in more than 70 cities in one
season. Concert goers will long re-,
member her historic concert given
in 1939 on the steps of the Lincoln
Memorial, Washington, D.C., after
the use of Convention Hall had been
denied her by the Daughters of the
American Revolution. Following this
action, Mrs. Franklin Roosevelt re-
signed from that organization and
the United States Government of-
fered Miss Anderson the use of Lin-
coln Memorial-an honor unparal-
leled in musical history.
Miss Anderson will be heard in Hill
Auditorium in a concert with the
Philadelphia Orchestra under the
direction of Eugene Ormandv. The

of six concerts include Carroll Glenn,
popular young American violinist,
Emanuel Feuermann, 'cellist Sergei
Rachmaninoff, great Russian com-

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