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(0s /And band
To Play Today
At Triad Dance
Formal Dinners Will Be Held
At All Three Chapter Houses
Before Annual Event At League
With Milton Ross and his orches-
tra furnishing the music, members
of Sigma Chi, Phi Delta Theta, and
Beta Theta Pi will hold their an-
nual Miami Triad from 9 p.m. to
midnight today in the'League Ball-
There will be formal dinners held
at each house preceding the dance,
which is an outstanding event on anyl
campus where there are chapters of
the three fraternities. As is their
custom, members of the houses will
sing their fraternity songs during in-
Celebrates Founding
The Triad, which is a celebration
of the founding of the three frater-
nities at Miami University, located at
Oxford, O., was revived on this cam-
pus two years ago, after a lapse of
ten years or more, and it is well on
the way to becoming an annual affair=
The original purpose of the Triad
was to further cooperation and
friendship between the three houses
while at Miami University.
Pins Are Decorations -
According to the committee in
charge of arrangements for the
dance, decorations will consist mainly
of large replicas of each fraternity's
pin, to be mounted in the panels
around the League Ballroom.
The committee for this year's af-
fair is made up of a representative
from each of the three houses. Buehl
Morley, '43, represented Sigma Chi;
William Angst, '42E, answered for'
Beta Theta Pi; and Bud Rudy, '44,
is the reprsentative from Phi Delta
Blouses Are Replacing Sweaters
As Spring Days Qrow Warmer
There doesn't seem to be much
reason for the young lady in the
photograph to be holding a book,
especially since she is supposed to
reresent an advertisement for spring
clothes and everybody knows that
nobody studies in spring.
But, anyway, there she is. She is
standing up, reading, which seems a
I .
Dance Today
To Be Given
By Wolverines
Gross Receipts Of Benefit Party
In Wolverine Building Will Go
To Bomber Scholarship Fund
rather tiresome procedure to us, but
she is wearing, bless her heart, a
rather tricky warm-weather blouse,
and all of us are interested in warm-
weather blouses right now,,now are-
'nt we girls?-Shut up Gwendolyn
or we'll let you have one up beside
the snoot !
Away With Sweaters!
The weather is getting to the point
where one's sweater begins to shrink
on one's body and to come up and
clutch one's neck in a vise-like grip.
When you feel it happening to you,
don't knit an addition on to your
winter standbys; just pack them all
away in camphor where they belong
and turn your attention to blouses
for spring.
The number pictured is in soft
plaid with a white background. It
has, in addition to its cool colors,
short sleeves, a blessing on sunny
days when you'll want both a breeze
and the sun on your skin.
Match Skirts
She hasn't broken down and bowed
to summer completely by getting out
her gathered gingham and pique
skirts, but they're good things to
talk about, anyway, because they go
so well with soft-colored or white
Easily laundered, convenient, good
locking, and comfortable; you can't
ask much more of any outfit, and
lightweight skirts and blouses have
all four.
- I - ---
Reggie Childs To Play Friday
AtOdonto Ball In League
A committee made up of 78
verine members are donating
efforts to a dance to be held
9 p.m. to midnight today in the Wol-
verine Building.
As a result of their services, and
since the food and use of the build-
ing ' are to be contributed by the
Wolverine, the gross proceeds will go
to the Bomber-Scholarship Fund.
Chairmen Named
"Bomber Scholarship Dance" com-
mittee has at its head Ed Sosnowa-
ski, '43. Assisting him are Jerry Mos-
cowitz, '45E. Paul Gardner, '44, Mur-
ray Gottlieb, '42, Ted Astley, '43,
with whom the Wolverine Board of
Directors, headed by John Schiebe,
'42M, president, is cooperating.
Many Ann Arbor merchants have
become interested in the project and
have contributed funds which will
be used for programs for the dance.
Indorsed By Board
The War Board is reported to be
whole-heartedly behind the project
and is inxious that it be supported by
the various organizations on campus.
The dance is an all-campus affair,
open to every one.
The price of the ticket will include
refreshments. and continuous dane-
"The Rolling Styles" of Reggie
Childs, which will become a reality
at the eighth annual Odonto Ball
which will be held from 9 p.m. to
1 a.m. Friday, May 1 in the main ball-
room of the League, characterize the
life of the orchestra leader as well as
his music.
Born in England, his musical talent
was given early encouragement by
his mother who was a prominent
choir singer. He won a vocal schol-
arship in London and was sent to
sing in the choir of the American
Cathedral in Paris.
Turned To Violin
Thus the "rolling" began, and when
his juvenile tenor voice began to
change, it really "cracked" so that
there was nothing else to do but turn
his musical talents to the violin which
he had studied previously in Lon-
To perfect his technique on this
instrument, Childs attended the Paris
Conservatory of Music for seven
years. Then, when his parents moved
to Toronto, Canada, the "rolling" be-
gan on the American continent.
Organized Band
When he finally decided to organ-
ize his own orchestra, Childs se-
cured engagements at hotels and
vaudeville houses in Canada, and in
this country, playing at the El Fey
Club where Texas Guinan was mis-
tress of ceremonies and Ruby Keeler
was in the dancing chorus.
Rogers and Hart, two of the famous
song-writers of today, came to Childs
for advice and criticism of their first
song-writing efforts. And, Harry Ar-
cher who wrote, "I Love You" tore up
the original three times before Childs
was able to persuade him to use it
in the musical comedy "Jesse James"
-p.s. the song became the hit of the
show and of the nation.
Went On Air
Child's bookings took him to the
San Diego Country Club, and it was
there that he broadcast his first pro-
gram on the airwaves. The manage-
ment of the Hotel Roosevelt in New
York City heard one of his broad-
casts, decided that his musical style
was just what they wanted and wired
him an offer to play in their Grill.
Although his contract was only for
three months, he scored such a hit
that he remained for over a year.
While there, he took an attractive
youngster from the chorus of a
Broadway show and placed her be-
fore his band as vocalist. After
coaching and training and some
months with the orchestra, she was
snatched up by the motion picture
scouts and whisked off to Hollywood
where she went on to stardom. Her
name? Dixie Dunbar.
Orchestra Is Adaptable
Always alert to the country's musi-
cal pulse beat, Child's orchestra is
the type of musical aggregation
whose qualities can be quickly adap-
ted to the changing tastes of his audi-
ence. From his solo /violinist days
with Paul Whiteman, Vincent Lopez
and Wayne King, Childs has cap-
tured a bit of the showmanship of
each famous bandleader-swing from
one, syncopation from another, show-
manship from the third.
Featured with Childs in his ap-
pearance at Odonto will be Betty
Carter, Neil Courtney and Mal and
Paul Carley, plus the "Three C's"
trio as soloists.
L arbour 5cholar Explains Hep
Given Indian Women By Fund
Qroups To Hold
Dinner Dances,
Picnics Today
Celebration Of Spring Defeats
Studies As 10 Organizations
Hold Outing Parties, Formals
This weekend's celebrations are
showing the effects of weather that
is too nice for indoor recreation, and
also of the fact that finals are only
a month away and all those five-
thousand-word theses must be in.
Adelia Cheever, however, is hold-
ing up its end with a picnic supper
and radio dance to be held from 6
p.m. to midnight today at the Island-
and the chapter house. Mr. and Mrs.
Marion McArtor and Mrs. Morse
Kimball will chaperon.
Alpha Xi Delta is giving a dance
from 9 p.m. to midnight in the
League. Prof. and Mrs. Jose Albal-
adejo and Mrs. Mary Brenner have
been invited to chaperon.
The League will also be the scene
of a dance given by Beta Theta Pi,
Phi Delta Theta and Sigma Chi
from 9 p.m. until midnight, Mr.
and Mrs. Wirth of Detroit and Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Boynton of South
Bend, Ind., chaperoning.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ungar and Mr.
and Mrs. B. Ungar, all of Cincinnati,
O., will be present as chaperons at
the last of two dinner dances given
by Phi Epsilon Pi from 7:30 p.m. to
midnight yesterday and today.
Phi Kappa Psi is giving a dance
from 7 p.m. to midnight today. Dr.
Wm: Brace and Mr. and Mrs. Reed
Bachman of Birmingham, Mich.; will
Shauman League House is work-
ing off spring fever with a radio
dance to be held from 9 p.m.to
midnight. Mr. and Mrs. Shauman
and Mr. and Mrs. 0. T. Coffilt of
Jackson, Mich., have been invited
to be chaperons.
Sigma Phi Epsilon is doing some
real celebrating with a dinner
dance to be held from 7:30 p.m. to
midnight today at a local hotel.
Mrs. Neila Veibert and Mr. and
Mrs. S. M. Purdue will chaperon.
A radio dance will take place at
Victor Vaughn House from 9 p.m. to
midnight today, Dr. and Mrs. L. S.
Scurry and Miss Irene Boelts chap-
Zeta Beta Tau will hold its second
party of the weekend from 9 p.m. to
midnight today. Mr. and Mrs. I. A.
Simon of Pittsburgh and Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Ackerman will chap-
Zeta Tau Alpha will hold a formal
dance from 9 p.m. to midnight in the
Henderson Room of the League. Mr.
and Mrs. John Roe and Dr. and Mrs.
Emory Sink have accepted' invita-
tions to be chaperons.
Atkinson To Speak
Lieut. Archibald Atkinson, of the
local NROTC, will give a short talk
and conduct a discussion for actives,
pledges and guests of Alpha Kappa
Psi, Business Administration fra-
ternity, at 5:45 p.m. tomorrow. Lieu-
tenant Atkinson's subject will be "Op-
portunities in the Navy For College
"In a recent census taken in India
only two percent of the women and
12 percent of the whole population
are literate." declared Mrs. Fran-
Theta. cesca Thivy. a Barbour scholar from
India, while pointing out in an in-
terview why India needs the Barbour{
H or scholarships, which are awarded tol
onorar G ou Oriental women who intend to go1
back and help their country when
they finish school. "Only since 1914
have Indian women even gone to
T his high school," she added.
This eekEnd By way of education Indian schools
offer only liberal arts and pure (not
Pi Lambda Theta, national honor- applied) science, which causes a gen-
ary sorority for women in education eral impracticality and lack of in-
will initiate 25 women at 5:30 pm iiative among the people, claimed the
loliay at the League. A formal mBarbour scholar, after which she ex-
4ue~ay ttheil o ea niAtforaln ban- plained that contact with Western
quet will follow the initiation cere- learning helps to overcome this
sonys.sI handicap. "The people of India must
The purpose of the sorority is to learn to translate their thoughts into
Prom ote professional training, grad- ;ato, a e mhtcsaeet
uate work and the interests of wo- action, was her emphatic statement.
men in education. Both graduates Education Is Lacking
and undergraduates are eligible for Mrs. Thivy noted that "tlfere are
membership which is based on high many fields in which Indian educa-
scholarship, character and profes- tion is lacking and that India's needI
sional interest, is not entirely scientific; art and
Noma Reid, president, Judith Jim- ! music are not university subjects, al-X
enez, vice-president, and Elizabeth ;though private instruction may be
Walker, treasurer, will conduct the I had." Indian women, according tof
initiation ceremony. her, also need to know more aboutG
Charlotte Woody, chairman of the recreation.C
banquet committee, has announced Another subject that is lacking inc
that yellow and blue, the colors of the curriculum of Indian schools isc
the organization, will predominate social service, which Mrs. Thivy saidr
in table decorations, programs and is "badly needed in India, as is alsos
flowers. Yellow rosebuds will be public health." She adds that bac-
given to guests and chapter officers. teriology is not offered as a course
Toastmistress at the banquet will of study outside of medical schools,c
be Harriet Marcus, and Marian Stowe which will not admit non-medicalq
of Michigan State Teachers College students. According to her observa-r
will speak on "Dramatic Readings." tion, there is not even adequate train-
Katherine Truax will greet the new ing in home economics in India.
members and Betty Dahlem will Points Out ProblemsF
speak on behalf of the new initiates. The Barbour scholar pointed out b
All India Women's Conference and
through the social programs of the
women's colleges which send out stu-
dents to teach the country people.
"Every Barbour scholar," she de-
clared, "incluences many others upon
her return to her native country, and
thus by educating a few individuals a
whole nation is uplifted."
Alpha Xi Delta
Meets Today
Over one hundred representatives
from Alpha Xi Delta sorority will
meet here in a Province Convention
over the weekend.
Events will begin this morning
with a panel to be held at the League
on "Women in Defense" led by Mrs.
Leslie Putnam of Grosse Pointe Park,
during which representatives will re-
port what their chapters have been
doing in the national war effort.
Other panels will also be held, which
are of interest more to the members
of the sorority and principally con-
cern that organization. The panels
will be followed by a luncheon at
noon, after which Mrs. Preston Slos-
son will address the delegates on
"Life in England."
During the afternoon there will be
discussions. At 6:45 a formal ban-
quet will be held in the League Ball-
room at which Dean Alice Lloyd will
speak. Following the banquet there
will be a 9 to 12 dance in the Hussey
Room. After a Suncay morning
breakfast a model initiation will be
held. The initiates are Ann Maloney,
'45, of Camden, N.Y., and Eugenia
Schwartzbek, '45, of Bryan, O. The
ceremony will conclude the conven-
tion, which started on Friday.
a ,fr c hmanalac mci i,'LLUnI i C w Ihn
ing is promised by the committee.
Tickets may be purchased at the
door or earlier in the day at the Wol- Serious
verine. This dance is one of a series,
the total funds of which will go toF
the Bomber Scholarship project. For
Room Shortage Feared
Visitors During May Festival
Members Of Scroll
To Be Clerks Today
At Rummage Sale
The Scroll women, having perfec-
ted their best sales-lines, attired in
Their oldest "bibs and tuckers" and
fortified with a bottle of cologne will
be the "yes-women" today at their
rummage sale which will be held
from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. today at the
Chamber of Commerce Building on
200 N. Fourth Ave.
This sale, some of the proceeds of
which will go to the Bomber Schol-
arship, is the first one to be given by
this honorary senior women's society.
If the enterprise proves successful, it
may become an annual affair.
After ransacking dormitories, sor-
orities, fraternities, and any other
vulnerable spots with a fine-tooth
comb, the Scroll women have made
quite a collection. "We have a lot of
stuff," said Millie Radford, '42, "Some
of it is even good enough to buy our-
Reunion To Be Held
At Luncheon Today
By Gamma Phi Beta
Mrs. Robert E. Fitzgerald, inter-
national presiden tof the grand coun-
cil of Gamma Phi Beta sorority,
arrived in Ann Arbor yesterday from
Wauwautosa, Wis., to attend the bi-
ennial reunion of Beta chapter
Between 125 and 130 alumnae and
active members of the Beta chapter
will attend a luncheon at the League
today. Mrs. Fitzgerald, the former
Alice Young Weiber, who received
her bachelor's and master's degrees
in the literary college in 1917 and
1918 respectively, will speak at the
Other speakers will include Ruth
Wood, '43, president of the actives;
Margaret Ihling, '43, and Eleanor
Williams, '42. Mrs. Edward L. Ad-
ams will preside.
The undergraduates will have a
tea at the house at 1520 S. Univer-
sity, following the luncheon and
business meeting, in honor of alum-
nae returning for the biennial.
University Musical Society is in a
quandry; and, the Office of the
Dean of Women is in a similar "stew."
Their problem might be solved by the
individual effort of the residents of
Ann Arbor.
With May Festival, there is always
a great influx of people from all
parts of the country and most of
them have a temporary residence
here for the "duration" of the con-
cert series. This year, there will be
a serious shortage of rooms because,
firstly, the University admitted 150
to 200 more women this year than
last (a fact which is of considerable
importance in a town of this size),
and secondly, the Willow Run fac-
tory workers have rented a consid-
Blackout Bracelets
Will Maintain Morale
As Well As Makeup
This summer, the new cosmetic
bracelet will be seen. In each of them
are hidden powder, rouge, lipstick,
three powder puffs and two mirrors.
The bracelet looks to the unknowing
one like an interesting piece of gold-
trimmed jewelry. But if the band
running around it is given a turn
our wrist charmer becomes a com-
plete make-up kit, for which refills
may be had.
erable number of rooms here.
Because of their capacity of pro-
viding the campus coeds with room-
ing facilities, the Dean of Women's
Office has contacts with all the house
heads in town. This body has acted,
purely through courtesy, as an infor-
mation center for women who have
sought rooms but are not connected
with the University. Thus, quite
naturally, the responsibility for find-
ing rooms for May Festival visitors
has fallen on their shoulders.
Charles A. Sink, president of the
University Musical Society which
sponsors May Festival, is quite con-
cerned with this problem and has
requested that the Dean's Office act
as a clearing house for inquiries for
rooms and for the information of
available rooms.
Said Mr. Sink, "Although we can
not determine the exact number who
will be seeking rooms on May 6, we
are already besieged with requests
for temporary lodgings. We have
in turn, directed these requests to
the Office of the Dean of Women
which is doing all possible to locate
rooms that would be available for
those four days.
"We would be very grateful if
residents of Ann Arbor, who have
empty rooms suitable for May Festi-
val guests, would file their names
and number of possible accommoda-
tions with the Office of the Dean of
The little "shortie" sort of coat
which was so popular two or three
years back is seen less and less this
season. Gals-especially the younger
ones-have turned to the long, fig-
ure-flattering pastel box coat with a
cut in the back.
that "some of the major problems of l
India are (1) elementary education,
(2) contagious disease, particularly
leprosy and tuberculosis. (3) infan-
tile mortality." Women have played 1
an important part in the campaign __ _
to solve these problems, as Mrs. Thivy1
stated, through an organization, the Graduates To Hold
Radio Dance Today
Graduate students will have an op-
portunity to dance to the world's
most famous bands, via records, from
9 p.m. to midnight today in the ball-
room of the Rackham Building.
F lorence Wa Ish The committee has announced that
the terrace will be open, and re-
freshments will be served. Dates are
TI not necessary.
7 j~-~-2Z. 1~
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Court classic designed by this
famous maker of active sports
clothes, Streamlined for ac-
tion, with buttOned sleeves,
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white rayon sharkskin with
matching panties. Similar
styles in pi(qtI6, also 8.95.
New Modern Fur Storage Vault
1. Jacobson's own cold storage vaults are humidity con-
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2. A personal fur policy protects your garment against
fire and theft 12 months of the year.
3. All garments handled by fur experts.
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With current restrictions, your furs are now
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Fortunately we stocked sufficient skins as well
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