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April 22, 1942 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-04-22

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SERVICE OF HIS C O UN T RY-FromAdmiral Ches-
ter W. Nimitz (left), Vice Admiral W. F. Halsey, Jr., accepted the
Distinguished Service medal for the raids he directed on Jap-held
Marshall and Gilbert islands. Ceremony was on an aircraft carrier.

HOW WAR SHAPES UP WITH YANKS IN C HItN A-Five Jap Planes have been bagged by this American-
manned Curtiss P-40, a type plane used by American volunteers flying with, Chinese forces.

W E I C H T Y' MA T T E R-'rhere's more than meets the eye
in the casual -way Ernie Bonhiam, Yankee pitcher at St. Peter sburg-,
Fla., campe tosses that ball.-It's of iron and wei6ghs 3 , ns
Ernie spys it makes a regular ball feel IighP~tr, for the ,,tca.


M EN 0 F S H i P S A N D S E A ST R AT E G Y--Tis Is A picture of I ncle Sam's new strea mlined naval high command at a
recent meetfirin In ashington, Left ton right: Rear Admniral John It. Nevton, sunb-chief' of naval opra~tin; Vicer"Admirarl Frederick .1,
Jiorne. vice-chifF f naal opral~nsAdmiral Ernest .1. KIng, comnnindr-iII-dhierf If, t .t. fleet and chief of 1na1k-l ope-ration's; Vicer
Admniral Russell Wtillkon, chief oif staff to ('omman3der-in1-Chief King; Rear Admniral Richard S. I-Ax.ard"., deputy chief of staff.

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G R EET IN G S, S O LD IER--Pvt. Mario Yon, son of a
composer-father with standing among directors of church music,
Pietro Yon, greets Archbishop Francis .T. Spellman of St. Patrick's
cathedral, New York. The senior Yon directs cathedral music.

A R R I V A --Sir victor Sas-
soon, British catalist reputed
one of world's wealthiest men,
reached N. Y. aboard an Amer-
ican ship that brought 175 pas-
sengers from southwest Pacific.

T H E BIG- E Y EBaby
G;eorge Hubbard Potter III, looks
big-eyed at a cock-eyed world.
Newly adopted, his foster
father, Maj. G. H. Potter, Jr.,
is a prisoner of the Japs, taken
from Wake Island; Mrs. Potter
reached California from Hawaii.

P R 10 OR R I C H T S-.Pre-war tire in lions' cage at Audubon
park zoo in New Orleans is safe from tire-thieves, you can bet.'

B A R E F 00O T B 0 Y--Gangling S. I. Folks, son of a Florid
cattleman, kicked off his high-heeled ranch boots to fire top score
cof 279 in Southeastern Intercollegiate rifle championship at At-
lanta. lie's a junior at the University of Florida.

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