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April 22, 1942 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-04-22

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____ ~ TRE MICLIIGAN DAILY _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _

Library Rare Book Room Adds
Homer Lea Work To Collection

Type Of Plore Japanese Say Bombed Tokyo.

The general library owns two books
by Homer Lea, the frail hunchback
who dreamed of being another Na-
poleon, and over 30 years ago planned
and predicted to the smallest details
the Jap campaign against the Phil-
ippines, Hawaii, Alaska and Cali-
fornia in the present war against
A recent article in the Saturday
Evening Post relating the strange
career of "General" Lea, as he called
himself, has brought so many calls
for the two copies of "The Valour of
Ignorance" that one copy is now

being kept in the rare-book room.
The other is now on the waiting lists.
He based his political premises on
democracy not being prepared in
time to lick the Japs, but he didn't
count on the courage and military.
genius of General MacArthur, nor
had planes been invented yet. Never-
theless, his plans have been remark-
ably accurate so far.
Aided Chinese
At Stanford University he was re-#
garded as quite mad, for how could
a frail hunchback only five feet tall
and with monstrously long arms be
a soldier? Yet he not only did so.
but became Chief Military Advisor
of Sun Yat-sen during the Boxer
Rebellion, and furthered the _,use
of the Chinese Revolutionists against
thre Manchiu reign.
In July. 1899. he set out for China,
gathering tremendous amounts of in-
formation on military affairs through
incessant questioning of army and
navy men. For the Philippines he
predicted the first Jap landings at
Lingaven andsaid "thecity of Ma-

Patients Fed
(Continued from Page 1)


a complicated and time-taking ad- nila will be forced to surrender in
justment of patient rates. less than three weeks." (It was oc-
'At this time," he explained, "the
finances of the hospital will not per- cupied in less than four.)
He expected San Francisco to be
mit us to meet their demands, but bombarded from either Goat Island
we hope to give them a raise when or Sausalito, and if so, "it wou'
the n w budget goes into effect be destroyed within a single day.-
July k s." Included are detailed maps and ac-
frMrs. Marie stiesiHarkness at,deospokesman counts of where the Japs will land '
for the strikers, said that the demon-ndtefuw rec aips ase
strators would like three hospital- and the future occupation of eastern
furnished meals a day as a substitute ashington and Oregon.
for the raise. She charged that the Te Predicted Wars
hospital "throws away so much foodin 112, i aylo ltedain th pulied
each dy that it wouldbeno e i"Ei
pes., sstnieco r .oand deals with the inevitable comring
pen~. Asitnt irecor r. . 'or. va.r between the British ki ie
Kerlikowske asserted that -no foo and Germany in both World Wars I
save leftovers from the patients'adGIId
plates were thrown away and refused 1fld II.
the offer. He said that the hospital Despairing that the United States
would rather pay the workers in would ever see in time that "the
casl than in food. British Navy, not the Monroe Doe-
"If the pay raise demand is not trine is our true protection," he fig-
met," Mrs. Harkness said last night, ured that the day of the Saxon was
the majority of the strikers will not drawing to an end. He believedtirat
come back but will seek employment Great Britain would lose its emire
in more lucrative defense work." Lo Russia and Japan.
"Most of us have families," she ex-
plained, "and we cannot support Professor Will Talk
them on less than 50 cents an hour."
Mrs. Harkness assailed lower-brac -On Russia And WarI
ket hospital wages as "pitifully low" W
but Dr. Kerlikowske said that the-
University Hospital wage rate was Concluding a series of lectures
$10 a month higher "for this type of sponsored by Athena, honorary liter-
work in this class of hospital"' ary society, on vital countries in-
volved in the war, Prof. Mentor Wil-
liams of the English department will
Prof. Katiper To Speak speak on Russia at 9 p.m. tomorrow
O Price ( ;onlto Today in the Kalamazoo Room of the
e League.
Objectives of the Emergency Price These talks have been approved
Control Act, the limitations on the by the Student War Board, as help-
administrator's powers, the tech- ful in fostering interest and study in
niques of price control employed and the war effort. Although Alpha Nu,
the methods of enforcement avail- Zeta Phi Eta, Delta Sigma Rho, and
able will be discussed in a lecture by Sigma Rho Tau are specially invited,
Prof. Paul C. Kauper at 4 p.m. to- anyone who is interested is urged to
day in Room 150 Hutchins HalL. attend. --_


'M' Students
Place Police
In Dilemma
Blue-Coats Register Plea
Asking That Activities
'Be Toned Down'
It was a close contest at police
headquarters last night as police at-
tempted'to decide to whom the title,
"public nuisance No. 1 in Ann Arbor"
should be attached, to mad dogs or
to equally mad students.
Almost every other complaint that
is made either involves a dog who
is supposedly foaming at the mouth
or students playing ball in the streets,
breaking windows and causing other
public disturbances.
As a last resort the police depart-
ment has pleaded with The Daily to
ask ball playing students to refrain
from playing in the streets. Ferry
Field and the various parks through-
out the city are suggested for all
Yesterday a complaint was filed
with police that some students on
White Street were making an unusu-
ally loud "racket." A squad car hur-
ried to the scene and found it was a
fraternity initiation. New pledges
were being dragged from their room-
ing houses and cooled off under a
garden hose. Police did not stop
the ceremony but asked the boys to
tune it down a little.
John Troppi, of Battle Creek, who
has been confined in University Hos-
pital for the past two weeks was re-
leased yesterday to find that the
tire shortage situation has become ,a
pretty serious affair.
When he had been admitted into
the hospital two weeks ago, Troppi
had parked his car in the Hospital
parking lot. Yesterday he found
that someone had not only removed
his tires and wheels, but had also
taken his hub caps and log nuts.
What makes him angry is that the
thief did not even leave the car
jacked up.
Episcopal Bishop Dies
Unexpectedly At Home
The Rt. Rev. Herman Page, D.D.,
Episcopal bishop of Michigan from
1924 until his retirement in 1939, died
at 6:30 p.m. today at his home here.
He would have been 76 years old
May 23.
Dr. Henry Lewis, rector of St. An-
drew's Episcopal Church, said that
Bishop Page had been ill for six
weeks but that his condition had been4
so improved that death was unex-

Will Meet Here
For 56th Time
Conclave Ends Saturday-
Keynote Of Discussions
To Be War Education
(Continued from Page 1)
of the golden anniversary meeting in
1936: "It has been the special func-
tion of the Schoolmasters' Club
to bring together teachers of all
kinds, to impress upon the' educators
of the state the oneness of their gen-
eral purpose, and to afford the op-
portunity for the college -teacher to
gain a better understanding of the
difficulties encountered by the sec-
ondary schools,while the high school
teacher in turn may profit by the
results of the studies and researches
carried on in the laboratories and li-
braries of the college."
This year the Schoolmasters' Club
is bringing a number of outstanding
educators to Ann Arbor to address
the meetings. Out of state guest
speakers will come from Philadelphia
and Washington, D.C., and from Pur-
due, Ohio State and Iowa State uni-
versities and from the Illinois Insti-
tute of Technology, Northwestern
University and the Universities of
Minnesota and Kentucky.
Leading the Schoolmasters' Club
as president is President H. A. Tape
of the Northern Michigan College of
Education. Vice-president is Super-
intendent of Schools F. W. Frostic of
Wyandotte;secretary-treasurer is L.
L. Forsythe, principal of the Ann.
Arbor High School and filling the
editorial adviser post'is Registrar Ira
M. Smith of the University.
Blucher To Speak
Walter H. Blucher, executive dir-
ector of the National Association of
Planning Officials, will speak on "Ad-
ministration in City Planning" at
4:15 p.m. tomorrow in Room 101,
Architecture Building.
Case System
Three-Year Day Course
Four-Year Evening Course
Member Assn. of American Law Schools
Completion of Two Years of College Woric
with Good Grades Required for Entrance
On June 15th and Sept. 28th, 1942 and
February 1st, 1943..
With summer work, Day Course may be
completed in 2 calendar years and evening
course in 2 years and eight months.
. For further informnation address
Registrar Fordham Law School
233 Broadway, New York

A broadcast of an announcement by the Japanese imperial headquarters claimed that the planes par-
ticipating in the April 18 bombing of Tokyo and three other cities were 10 bombers of the B-25 type like theI
one above. This picture of a B-25 in flight was released by the makers, the North American Aviation plant
at Los Angeles.
Speech Department To Hold Fiftieth

Honoring Dr Thoma Clarkson
Trueblood, tirough whose work the
Speech Department of tle University
was started and enlarged, the cele-
bration of the fiftieth anniversary of
this department will be held at 3
p.m. Friday in the Lydia Mendel-
ssohn Theatre.

tation' of the Speech concentrates. I the time of his retirement in 1926.
This will be followed by the intro- Since that period the department has
duction of graduate students by Prof. continued its growth, until at the
L. M. Eich.
After the addresses by President present time it consists of 23 mem-
Ruthven and Dean Kraus, Dr. bers.
Thomas Clarkson Trueblood, now Since Dr. Trueblood's retirement,
Professor Emeritus of Public Speak- the department has been under the
ing, will deliver a response to Presi- administration of three chairmen.


President Alexander G. Ruthven dent Ruthven's speech. Dr. True- They are James O'Neill, 1927-1931;
and Dean Edward H. Kraus will both blood will be introduced by Prof. Henry A. Sanders, 1931-1939 and G.
pay tribute to the department and Richard D. T. Hollister. The program E. Densmore, 1939-.
its founder. President Ruthven in will be concluded by a presentation During the years from 1892, the
his speech "Dr. Thomas Clar kson to Dr. Trueblood by Prof. Carl G. department has broadened its cur-
Trueblood and the University" will 1 Brandt. ricular study from its original courses
describe the work of Dr. Trueblood Founded in 1892 in public speaking, debating, and in-
when tihe latt.er was head of the Among the leading universities, the terpretation to include play produc-
speech department, and Dean Kraus University of Michigan was the first tion, speech science, and radio. In
will present a picture of the depart- to offer credit-bearing courses in the field of graduate study the de-
ment through the fifty years in his Speech and the first to establish a grees of Master of Arts, Master of
address "Development of the De- separate department of speech. This Science, Doctor of Science, and Doc-
partment of Speech." department was founded in 1892 with tor of Philosophy are offered in
With Assembly Dr. Trueblood as head. Speech.
This celebration is being held in Dr. Trueblood was invited to the Equipment Expanded
tCnjunction with the Speech Honors University by President James B. The physical equipment of the de-
Assembly which is under the direc- Angell in 1584 for a course of lec- partment has expanded from the one
tion of Prof. Henry M. Moser. This tures in speech. In each year that classroom in Mason Hall, used by
assembly is sponsored annually in followed, Dr. Trueblood continued his Dr. Trueblood for his class in 1884,
order to honor the outstanding mem- lectures until 1889, when his services to the present facilities,, which in-
bers of the department and speech were demanded for the full academic clude not only a number of class-
contests. year. rooms in Angell and Mason Hall, but
The program will be opened Fri- For the ten years following the ap- a laboratory theatre, a broadcasting
day by Prof. G. E. Densmore, head pointment of Dr. Trueblood as head studio, a phonetics laboratory and a
of the Department of Speech. Pro- of the department, the courses of- complete speech clinic.
fessor Moser will then conduct a pre- fered were conducted entirely by him. In its fifty years of existence, the
sentation of the Speech 31 and 32 As a result of the growing interest department has also aided in estab-
contestants, and Prof. Willam P. Hal- in speech, Dr. Trueblood's staff had lishing several speech associations
stead will also preside at a presen- been increased to nine members by and leagues.





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"traffic jam" of calls might tie up a central office so
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to oidd to central office capacity ns-fally as we shouuld





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