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April 14, 1942 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-04-14

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a u a c asi '' -TR MICIIGAN DAILY

reetings' Of Many

Lands Designed For

International Bali

> ...e _

Filipino Artist
Is In Charge
Of" Decoratiorls
Banners Of Eighteen Nations,
Center's Coot-Of-Arms Form
Theme For Ball, To Be Friday
Merrymakers who attend the In-
ternational Ball, to be held Friday
in the Union Ballroom, will be
greeted with a galaxy of welcomes in
eighteen languages, Eduardo Salgado,
Filipino artist Qnd designer of the
ball decorations, promises.
The- decoration theme is built
around the International Center
coat-of-arms and includes banners
of welcome froln Turkey, Lithuania,
Germany, France, Spain, Scotland,
Armenia, Russia, the Philippines,
Hawaii, Portugal, Arabia, Korea, the
Hindus, Italy and others.
Exhibits Work
Salgado is a special student in the
University's College of Architecture
and Design, and has exhibited his
work ina number of places. At pres-
ent he has a showing in San An-
tonio, Tex.
No floor show will be arranged,
thus allowing more time to dance to
the music provided by Bill Sawyer
and his orchestra. Semi-formality in
the form of dark business suits and
any type of long dress, will be the
rule in order that no one will be pre-
vented from attending.
Though foreign students are es-
pecially invited to the affair, Amer-
icans are also welcome, since this is
the only big dance on the campus
where they may meet and mingle for
an entire evening. It is, besides, a
good way to support the student
emergency fund into which dance
proceeds will go, and which, due to
the war, is rather depleted at present.
Date Bureau Open
The International Ball dating bu-
reau under Mrs. Ruth L. Wendt is
still open to women who are inter-'
ested in meeting people from other
Robert Klinger, president of the
Interclub Board which is sponsoring
the dance, finds that ticket sales have
been very satisfactory and that about
25 patrons have subscribed to the af-
fair, so far. Tickets are still available,
however, in the Union, League and
International Center.
The WAA Board will have a supper
meeting at 5:45 p.m. today at the
WAB; Attendance is compulsory.

Annual Matrix Table For Women In Journalism Will Be Held Today



Last Coke Bar
Will Be Held
Today In Union
All men and women on campus
are invited to usher out this year's
series of Union Coke Bars by attend-
ing the last informal dance from 4
p.m. to 5:30 p.m. today in the Union
This is the last chance of the yearj
for students to enjoy these afternoonI
affairs, sponsored by the Union Ex-
ecutive Council for the purpose of
providing an opportunity to meet
"the other half of the campus" and
to dance away the afternoon.
Personal Escort Service
According to Bob Templin, '43,
general chairman, the practice of an-
nouncing occasional no-cut dances
will be continued to give a man a
chance to dance with a woman
"more than 10 seconds." A special
record has been prepared to an-
nounce the no-cut dances.
A staff of civilians (including the
more notable BMOCs) has been as-
sembled to accompany each woman
personally to the dance floor. This
new group will replace the Navy and
Army men who acted in that capacity
in the past.
Miss Milne To Pour
Chief hostess will be Mary Eliza-
beth Milne, '45, assisted by 75 other
selected women who will act as host-
esses for the affair. Ginger-ale,
cookies and coffee will be served by
Miss Milne on the terrace where
there will also be bridge tables forl
those so inclined.
Groups issued special invitations
to the last coke bar are Delta Gam-
ma, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Kappa
Alpha Theta, Betsy Barbour, Phi
Gamma Delta, Beta Theta Pi, Theta
J Delta Chi and Prescott House.
Hostesses Are Named
Hostesses will be Ruth Gram, '43,
Peggy Ross, '44, Margot Thom, '42,
Nancy , Drew, '42, Margaret Dodge,
'42, Nancy Hattersley, '44, Lucy Mil-
ler, '45, Patricia Young, '43, Fran
Tripp, '45, Joyce Collins, '45, Phyllis
Banbrook, '45, Virginia Stover, '43,
Marilyn Moore, '45, Martha Kinsey,
'44, Harriet Boyer, '45A, Ruth Col-
lins, '45, Naomi Miller, '45, Mary
Jane Dyble, '45, Margaret Althouse,
'45, Sooky Schaffer, '45M, Annie
Stanton, '45, Lenore Bode, '44 and
Ruth Maloney, '45.1

Theta Sigma
Phi To Climax
Year Of Work
Miss Myrtle Labbitt To Be
Speaker; Feminine Facsimile
Of 'Psurfs' Will Perform Also
Climax of the year's activities for
Theta Sigma Phi, national honor-
ary fraternity for women studying
or working in journalism, will be
the second annual Matrix Table, to
be held at 7 p.m. today in the Union.
Main speaker on the program
will be Miss Myrtle Labbitt, Women's
Commentator on radio station CKLW
for the last 10 years, who will speak
on "Ten Years Behind the Mike."
Jane Connell, '42, winner of the 1941
Detroit News Fashion contest, will
give the college woman's view on
writing for the fashion field.
The program also will include 12
singers, feminine counterparts of the
famous male "Psurfs."
Guests Named
Guests attending the Matrix Din-
ner will include Dean Alice Lloyd,
Mrs. John Bradshaw, Betty Baili,
Mrs. John L. Brumm, Mrs. L. V.
Brown, Vivian S. Case, society editor
of the Ann Arbor News, Florence E.
Cox, Mrs. Ivan C. Crawford, Grace
H. Carleton, Mrs. S. Beach Conger,
Mrs. Edith Davis, Mrs. W. G. Dow,
Mrs. Fred S. Dunham, Barbara de
Fries and Jean Gilmer, Daily women's
night editors, Myrtle Treezon Geyer,
Nancy Griffin, Bernice Galansky and
Margaret Healy.
The list continues with Mary Has-
call, Janet Hiatt Hooker, Daily wo-
men's editor, Miss E. May Goodrich,
Mrs. Donald H. Haines, Mrs. Otto W.
Haisley, Mrs. Marian Hollway, Bar-
bara Jenswold, Daily night editor,
Mrs. Reuben Kahn. Mrs. S. L. La-
Fever, Mrs. Joseph L. Markley, Mrs.
Frances Miner, Miss Ethel MCor -
mick, Miss Helen Manchester, Mrs.
Wesley Maurer, Genevieve Neville,
Miss Edna Nash, Charlotte Riff, and
Mrs. Leslie Rittershofer.
Conclude List
Mrs. John Shepard, Mrs. E. BWyth
Stason, Mrs. Charles Sink, Mrs. Em-
ory W. Sink, Miss Mildred Sweet,
Helen S. Steinhilber. Donet Soren-
son, Donelda Schaible, president of
WAA, Suzy Sims, Barbara Schoepfle,
Mrs. R. Wallace Teed, Doris K. Trott,
president of the University's Theta'
Sigma Phi alumnae chapter, Mrs.
Armin C. Timm, Bessie Whitaker,
Mrs. Leo J. Whitmire, and Miss Mil-
dred D. Webber conclude the list.
Ten Groups, All
Campus, Invited
To Ruthven Tea
Ten groups number as special
guests at the next Ruthven Tea
which will be held from 4 p.m. to
6 p.m. tomorrow.
These groups receiving special in-
vitations are Alpha Kappa Lambda,
Hermitage, Kappa Delta Rho, Phi
Kappa Tau, Phi Kappa Psi, Sigma
Alpha Mu, Phi Sigma Delta, Theta
Phi Alpha, Adelia Cheever, Alumnae
House, University House, Zone III
and Zone VII.
Pouring from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. will
be Mrs. Nan Riggs and Mrs. Della
Mitchell, while Miss Edith Barnard
and Gloria Nethorp, '44, will con-
tinue from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. Assisting
the pourers from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m.
are Frances Capps, '43, and Molly
Carney, '43, with Miriam Dalby, '44,
and Jo Fitzpatrick, '44, taking over
for the last hour.

At the tea table from 4 p.m. to 5
p.m. are Peg Applegate, '44, and
Marle Gordon, '44, with Marian Carl-
son, '43, and Lorraine Dalzen, '43,
continuing from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m.
June Gustafson, '44, and Violet Cing-
Mars, '44, will attend at the door
for the first and second hours re-
spectively. Groups I and II will be
in the living room from 4 p.m. to 5
p.m. and in the dining room the last
hour. Groups ITI and IV will hr
exactly in r of hi
There will be a meeting of the
freshmen on the Daily Women's Staff
at 5 p.m. today,





All women on campus are invited
to a tea to be held from 4 p.m. to 6
p.m. today in the International Cen-
ter, under the direction of Mrs. R. L.

Members of the outgoing League
Council, as their final get-together
of the year, enjoyed a steak dinner

Petites Pommes de Terre

Wyvern and Sphinx, junior honor societies on campus, being honor
societies as they are, were allowed to give a dance with the general atmos-
phere of the bomb shelter as a theme. The whole thing has the sound of
a nameless orgy, but it wasn't. It turned out to be just a dance with Bill
Sawyer up on the stand and maybe just a few less lights and decorations
than usual in the ballroom, and certainly with Buck Dawson working like
mad to be eccentric (word used, courtesy of Tom Thumb) all over the place.
Buck outdid himself in cleverness this issue. His was the mighty idea
of giving door prizes, "dead or alive." His, also, was the idea of making the
dance's theme that of a bomb shelter. But the piece de resistance of the af-
fair was the gag he pulled before the dance. His date, who lives at the
Kappa house, received, before the dance, two live chickens. We don't know
what the particular significance of the idea was, but Buck says it was very
funny, and if anything could prove it, that certainly should.
Among the couples present were Dotty Johnson and Ben Douglas,
Daphne Silhavy and Bob Morrow, Gloria Nishon and Bill Van Gieson,
Barbara White and Jim Wolfe, Barb DeFries and Will Sapp, Mot
Wright and John Fletcher, Rosemary Ryan and Hoe Seltzer,
and Phyl Present and Mel Comin.
flopwoods And The Cotntestants..
Yesterday was the final day for 1opwood manuscripts, and
we have no doubt but that other columnists will have a few
words to say about the final, horrible hours of typing stuff that seemed
pretty red-hot when you wrote it, but now sounded.-like a low-grade pulp
Most of the Hopwood circle have been taking either an English course
conducted by a man who assigns them poetry to memorize, and puts a large
emphasis on mysticism in literature, or a course in classic drama. The boys
aren't objecting a bit to the assignments in either of them. Rather, they're
going through an interesting sort of metamorphosis. Hitherto they all be-
longed to the modern, fearless school. Their writing had always been stark
and verbless and had dealt principally with corpses and the smell of cooking
cabbage. But these two courses have opened their eyes, it seems, to the
possibility that there is something else in life besides Joyce and the odor of
stale vegetables.
the classic drama course has the best story to offer. The professor was
speaking about some particular trend or treatment which could be noted in
the lines of Aristophanes or one of his cohorts, and when asked if it was a
significant note in the history of drama replied that, "Yes, it can be seen in
some of the writings of even our modern English playwrights. Now take
Shakespeare or Beaumont and Fletcher, for example-"
'Spot Hop' Date Bureau To Begin

P eQ Q # 9 "
WAR COMMENTATOR for the Detroit News
Speaking on
Rackham Auditorium 8:15 P.M. Tues., April 21
Proceeds to Women's Field Army for Control of Cancer
Tickets 54c (tax included)
On Sale at
State St. Wahr's Bookstore, League, Union, Allenel Hotel
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Measles or no measles, the Date
Bureau for the "Spot Hop" is going
into action today so that each and
every individual who ought to attend
this year's Freshman Project just
can't use his "Dateless" state for an
The project is to be held from 9
p.m. to midnight Saturday, April 18,
so there really isn't too much time
left to just think about the idea of
getting a date for it; at least that's
what the ' Bureau, under Anne Stan-
ton's direction, says.
Consequently, it will open, full-
fledged, at 3 p.m. today to continue
until 5 p.m. It will also operate on
Thursday at the same hours. Regis-
tration will be handled at the League
Drcsk, for women, and at the Travel
Desk in the Union for men.
Tuesday in the Union, Naomi Mil-

ler and Kay Klintworth will hold
forth, while Sherry Roop and Louise
Whipple will manage the bureau at
the League. Mary Jane Janiga, Nan-
cy Northrup and Jane Farrant will
take over the Union Thursday and
Naomi Miller again, this time with
Ruth Maloney, will be at the League.

G ( n:r hut .,l,,,r III)
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