SATURPAY, ArPRI1~, 1,192
_. -
French Department Will Give
Ta Belle Aventure' April 29,
With rehearsals for the annual
French play well under way, Prof.
Charles E. Koella of the romance
language department yesterday an-
nounced the complete cast for "La
Belle Aventure," which will be given
April, 29 in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Andre d'Eguzon, dark horse can-
didate for the hand of Helene de Tre-
villac, will be played by Earl Russell,
'45, while Helene herself will be por-
trayed by Jeanne Crump, '42. War-
ner Heineman, '43, has been cast as
Valentin Le Baroyer, the bridegroom-
An orphan, Helene is a ward of her
uncle and aunt, le Comte and la
Comtesse d'Eguzon, played respec-
tively by Jack H. Vaughn, '43, and
Sally C. Levy, '43.In the role of her
grandm~other, Madame de Trevillac,
is Constance Taber. '44.
Other characters include Serignan,
played by Henry C. Barringer, '42,
the Marquis de Langelier, interpreted
by Glen L. Kolb, Grad., and le Doc-
teur Pinbrache, given by Hoe Selt-
zer, '42. Didier and Gustou are played
respectively by James Vizas, '42, and
John Baker, '44.
Marion Batchelor, '44, has been
cast as Jeantine and Jane T. Belden,
'45, as Madame de Verceil, with Shir-
ley Robin;'45, playing Jeanne de Ver-
ceil. Helen Sieg, '44, will be seen as
Suzanne Serignan and Barbara Jens-
wold, '43, as Madame de Machault.
Directeur general of the annual
presentation is Professor Koella.
Staging will be done by Dr. Francis
W. Gravit of the romance language
department and costumes by Virginia
Appleton; '42.
The play selected, a three-act com-
edy by de Caillavet, de Flers and Rey,
was given on this campus on May 11,
1922, by the Cercle. At this time the
French department had a special edi-
tion of the drama printed for mem-
bers of the cast and for use in French
classes in the University. This year
the cast have in their hands an en-
tirely new edition, printed especially
for the occasion.
$ .40 per 15-word insertion for
one or two days. (In-
crease of 10c for each
additional 5 words.)
$1.00 per 15-word insertionfor
3 or more days. (Increase
of $.25 for each additional
5 words.)
Contract Rates on Request
Our Want-Ad Department
will be happy to assist you in
composing your ad. Stop at the
Michigan Daily Business Of-
fice, 420 Maynard Street.
LOST: Heavy gold chain bracelet
with two keys. Vicinity League.
Saturday. Generous reward. Phone
WOMAN'S brown Parker pen Mon-
day. Filled with black ink. Interest-
ing reward. Call Betty Shipman,
2-4514. 302c
1-3-5-7-9 P.M.
pirected by Rich T*.' --p
produced by Joc
"Lure of the Surf"
"Monsters of the Deep"
Hunting Dogs at War
World News
MIMEOGRAPHING - Thesis bind-
ing. Brumfield and~Brumfield, 308
S. State. 6c
Driveway gravel, washed pebbles.
Killins Gravel Company, phone
7112. 7c
LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 2c
6c per lb., rough dry. Shirts extra,
10c each. Handkerchiefs, 1c each,
Phone 25-8441. 295c
FLOWERS-The way to a girl's heart
is to give her flowers. Be sure her
flowers are from LODI GREEN-
HOUSE. Tel. 25-8374.
CASH for used clothing; men and
ladies. Claude H. Brown, 512 S.
Main St. Phone 2-2736. 5c
Ben the Tailor, 122 East Washing-
ton. Phone after 6 o'clock, 5387.
suits, overcoats, typewriters, musi-
cal instruments, ladies' furs, Per-
sian lamb, mink, watches, dia-
monds. Pay from $5 to $500. Phone
Sam, 5300. 229c
RACKHAM BLDG. (opposite). Small
furnished apartment and single
rooth-both newly decorated. Busi-
ness, professional, or graduate
women preferred. Phone 3741.
L. M. HEYWOOD, experienced typist,
414 Maynard Street, phone 5689.
MISS ALLEN-Experienced typist.
408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935.
VIOLA STEIN-Experienced legal
typist, also mimeographing. Notary
public. Phone 6327. 706 Oakland.
20 ACRES-4 miles, good road. Nice
building spot. Some old material,
$12.500Te ms-n-Farlev. 2-2475.
Russian Relief
After Bazaars
Colleetion Boxes, Daee
Help Inerease Funds
To Proposed Goal
Although figures on private con-
tributions solicited from students and
townspeople on behalf of Russian
War Relief are not yet available, re-
turns from various RWR-sponsored
projects are steadily mounting, ac-
cording to Harry Stutz, Grad., chief
of the student unit, and Prof. Stan-
ley D. Dodge, of the geography de-
partment, chairman of the faculty
The student organization added
to its $1,050 already acquired, $90
from the Victory dance held last
Saturday, and $125 from collection
boxes placed in public schools
throughout the city, bringing the
total up to $1,270, or $730 shy of
the proposed goal. The aim of this
group, Stutz says, is to secure enough
money to save the lives of "100
wounded Red Army soldiers."
The third bazaar of the year pro-
moted by the faculty RWR group, also
held Saturday, netted $270. The
two earlier bazaars brought in $235
and $140 respectively-$645 from this
type of project alone.
Russian War Relief, Inc., lists as
materials destined for the Soviet
and purchased with American funds:
reference ,books, clothing, operating
and surgical implements, drugs, an-
aesthesia masks, hospital tents, sac-
charin, gauze, wound clips, dressing
and instrument sterilizers.
The significance of RWR is best
revealed in the Tass report of Soviet's
Surgeon Smirnov, who states that
over 50 per cent of Red Army wound-
ed have returned to the front over
an eight month period, with two-
thirds of this number returning dur-
ing the last six months.
Maxim Litvinov, Russian ambassa-
dor to the United States, has stated
that it was the assistance rendered
by this country and Britain in sup-
plementing Soviet supplies which
made it possible for the first time
in history to thwart Hitler's plans.
Dr. Emerson
To Speak Here
Eminent Doctor To Talk
Tuesday At Rackhaim
Dr. Haven Emerson, one of Amer-
ica's outstanding doctors, will discuss
"Public Health in Wartime" at 8 p.m.
Tuesday in the Rackham Amphi-
Presenting the third in a series of
five lectures upon issues which have
arisen out of the war, Dr. Emerson
will address his remarks to laymen
rather than to his colleagues.
The lecture is under the auspices
of the University War Board. All
students, faculty members and
townspeople are invited to attend.
Dr. Emerson will draw from his
experience as a colonel in the Medi-
cal Corps of the U. S. Army during
the first World War as well as from
his practicing and teaching.-
At present he is attached to Co-
lumbia University although he is now
on campus as a visiting professor.
Aside from membership in numerous
and world-wide medical circles, Dr.
Emerson is a director of the W. K.
Kellogg Foundation of Kalamazoo.
At the close of his lecture Tuesday
night, Dr. Emerson will accept and
discuss questions which might arise
from the audience.
The fourth in this series of lectures
will be presented on the following
Tuesday. The speaker has not yet
been named.
Miller Will Initiate
Radiw Series Today,
Col. H. W. Miller, of the engineer-
ing drawing department, will initiate
a series of broadcasts entitled "Fight-
ing Tools," at 6:45 p.m. today on Sta-
tion CKLW and Mutual Network sta-
S i onls.
The Garand rifle will be discussed
in the opening broadcast. This gun,
replacing the Springfield rifles of the
first World War, has gained the ap-
proval of Gen. Douglas MacArthur
and his staff for its fine performance
during the Bataan Peninsula strug-
Colonel Miller plans to discuss, one
after the other, the various tools now
being used by the fighting forces.
The first three items will concern
army equipment, the next three navy
equipment, and then back to army
tools again. The two weapons to beI
discussed next are the machine gun,
and the 75 millimeter field gun.
A pointed silence on the possibility
of a new engine-law feud Thursday
marked simultaneous announcements
of the lawyers' annual Crease Ball
and the senior engineers' annual pic-
nic, both to be held May 1, but ten-
sion mounted in the Law Quad with
the knowledge that engineers would
at least be organized the night of
their 'dance.
Although no word, either official
or unofficial, could be obtained from
either faction, it is known that the
lawyers are still in possession of the
ten-foot slide rule they purloined
from the recent engineering Slide
Rule Ball, and that indignant engi-
neers have vowed revenge.
Contrary to the belief of some that
the theft was merely a publicity
stunt, not only the giant rule but
miniature slide rule favors for the
engineers' dance as well were taken,
from the Union Ballroom shortly be-
fore the dance.
A flippant telegram from the mar-
auders to Ball chairman Burr J.
French, '42E, clinched the case:
"Deepest sympathy in your great loss;
if there is anything we can do don't
hesitate to call on us. The Lawyers."
Since then hastily organized en-
gineering vigilantes have determined
where the rule was hidden the night
of the Ball, French disclosed, but
have been unable to locate it further
and effect its return to its rightful
With the announcement of the
picnic for the same night as Crease
Ball, it was rumored that a mass
game of "Lawyer, Lawyer, Who's Got
the Slide Rule" is intended, and that
vengeance-seeking engineers might
steal the taw Quad in retaliation.
"It's the Crease Ball now, but it
will be a Grease Ball before we get
through," one engineer is reported
to have said.
strong objection was raised in the
engineering college Thursday to a
Daily statement to the effect that
the slide rule hung at the Crease Ball
last \year following successful pilfer-
ing by the lawyers.
"Actually," French reported, "the
lawyers did steal the rule, but heroic
action on the part of the engineers
rescued the slipstick from the kil-
nappers, and it hung where it was
supposed to at the Slide Rule Ball."
Feud flames were fanned further
shortly after the Slide Rule Ball
when it was rumored that the barris-
ters planned to raffle off the giant
rule at their own dance. "Such ac-
tion would be practically suicidal,"
unofficial engineering spokesmen
The rumor was. promptly ..dis-
counted, however, when the engineers
decided that no lawyer could possibly
think of anything so original.
Co-Op Forum To Be Held
The Intercooperative Council will
sponsor a forum on "Cooperatives in
the War Effort" at 3 p.m. tomorrow
in Rochdale H1ouse. The speakersin-
elude Marvin Lerner, '43, George
Wills, '43E, Dave Tyner, '44, and
Betty Zunk, '42., A buffet supper is
to be served. The public is invited.
Rafaelita Hilario, Grad., president of the Philippine Michigan
Club and chairman of the International Ball Committee, is shown above
with Raymond C. F. Chen, '44, president of the Chinese Students Club.
The International Ball will be held
on Friday, April 17, in the Union
Reser ve Fuutd
Save Stdent
Fr or__Starvig
(Editor's Note: This is the first in a
series of articles explaining cases for
which the Emergency Fund for Foreign
Students has been used. The Inter-
national Bail which will be held on
Friday, April 17, in the Union Ball-
room, will donate its proceeds to the
The Emergency Fund for Foreign
Students has saved at least one Uni-
versity foreign student from starva-
One morning a call came into the
International Center that a foreign
student had been admitted to the
Health Service infirmary suffering
from a severe case of malnutrition.
An investigation showed that the
student had not heard from his home
or received any money from there in
He had been attempting to take a
full scholastic schedule, having made
a "B" average the past semester, and
had borrowed money for his tuition.
Working for his room, he had allotted
only 35 cents per day for his ex-
penses-food, personal, recreation
and everything else included.
Even though he spent the entire
amount foi food, his diet was still
inadequate. Another agency of the
Center secured a summer job for him
and the only remaining problem was
to provide him with enough money
for the basic necessities for the rest
of the semester.
Money was loaned to the student
by the emergency fun. His malnu-
trition was cleared up, and he took
the summer job. The following se-
mester he was the recipient of a sub-
stantial fellowship which eased his
financial situation. So far he has
been unable to secure enough money
to repay the Emergency Fund.
Arbor Day Speech
Will Be Broadcast
By P~rof. S. Alleni
Advocating increased high school
observance of Arbor Day which a
Michigan graduate, J. Sterling Mor-
ton, '54, first set aside, Prof. Shirley
W. Allen of the School of Forestry
and Conservation will speak at 9: 15
a.m. today over WJR on "Arbor Day
-A Symbol of the Positive Nature
of the Conservation Movement."
The purpose of Professor Allen's
speech will be to stimulate high
school programs which emphasize the
significance of this national holi-
day in relation to forestry's part in
national defense. He will speak on
the University program.
In discussing his speechtopic, Pro-
lessor Allen pointed out that it was
just a lifetime ago (70 years) when
Morton, who later became Secretary
of Agriculture, founded Arbor Day
while serving as a member of tie
Nebraska State Board of Agricu
Hodges Will Broadcast
On Cancer control Foday
Dr. F. J. Hodges, head of the roent-
genology department of the Univer-
sity Hospital, will speak on "War
News from the Cancer Front" at
1:30 p.m. today over WJR.
Dr. Hodges' talk is 0 parr of te
Gargoyle's April Issue
To ExplainSports Form
To explain the intricacies of
good form which produce admir-
able athletic performance-on the
cinder paths, the tennis courts,
the diamond and the golf links-
is the aim of Garg's April issue.
The Garg staff has prepared a
careful study of form in track,
tennis, baseball and golf. This
newest issue of the campus maga-
zine is to appear Thursday.
Under the scrutiny of the cam-
era's eye, Michigan's stars in the
four sports have performed for
the enlightenment of Garg's read-
With spring trying hard to get
a foothold on the campus, this
harbinger of spring sports will be
most timely.
Flag Blessing At Chapel
Capt. R. E. Cassidy and Chief .Jolly
of the U.S. Navy will direct the flag
blessing and presentation ceremony
immediately following 10 o'clock
mass Sunday at St. Mary's Chapel.
1 a
Mighty Cavalcade of Adventure
Inter naional!Ball Officials
FlAgine-Law Feuding Flames
Fanned As Tension Mounts
Frances Langford
Johnny Downs
Sunday... "BALL OF FIRE"
s "
. .
, 4,
.,,.... , ., 4
_ ~
' ~
, 4
1S A
1 ca aa~r -1. a a y . u- - : 111
Things To Look At.
The sports enthusiast will go for the magic eye sequence action photos of
SIX beautiful, glamorous, all-around COEDS who'd brighten anyone's exist-
ence, not only adorn the APRIL ISSUE, but adore it! (Honest, you'll love
it too) . .. Contrasts of the UNION and LEAGUE, and pictures of B.D.M.O.C.
JIM KEHOE add to our other photo features,
Remember the student "lounge lizard"? He's back again in an article by
a famous physical culture man. A prize short story "A Doctor's Dilemma,"
by Harry Anderson. Letters from former students now in the Army, and
numerous other features make this month's Gargoyle the best yet.
Thngs o Do..
H ERE at the University of Michigan, it has long
been a tradition to partake in a glass of BEER. Everyone
enjoys the smoothmess, the mellowness and the goodness of
extra-fine BEER. A tall glass of BEER, with its rich body and
flavor will hit the spot on these warm spring evenings.
Se Your Campus Salesman, Thursday, April