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April 08, 1942 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-04-08

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Concert Band
Will Star Roy,
Johana Harris
Composer - Pianist Team
ho Be Guests In World
Premiere Of Concerto
Glee Club Will Sing
The University Concert Band un-
der the direction of Prof. William D.
Revelli will present literally a family
of guests at its annual Spring Con-
cert Tuesday, as both composer Roy
Harris and his wife, pianist Johana
Harris, will be featured on the pro-
The talents of the two will be com-
bined in the main attraction of the
evening, Professor Revelli revealed,
when Mrs. Harris will act as piano
soloist for the world premiere of her
husband's latest composition, "Con-
certo for Piano and Band."
Not only will this number be played
in public for the first time by the
University Band, but Mr. Harris act-
ually composed it at the suggestion
of Professor Revelli, following a con-
ference at New York University in
the summer of 1940.
A second Harris composition to be
featured on the program will be
"Freedom's Land," a piece written for
band and glee club. The singing will
be done by the University Men's Glee
Club under the direction of Prof.
David Mattern of the School of Music.
Like other band presentations in
the past, the concert will be free of
charge, Band Manager Stuart A.
Park, '42, has announced, and stu-
dents need not worry about procur-
ing tickets.
Catering especially to the more
contemporary compositions for the
latter part of the program, the band
will also present ''When Johnny
Comes Marching Home," the third
Harris number; "Newsreel," a new
selection by William Schman; "Guar-
archa," from Morton Gould's recent
Latin-American Symphonette; and1
Georges Enesco's "Roumanian Rhap-
sody," written especially for band.
Other numbers on the program will
be "Overture to Anacreon" by Cheru-
bini, "The Sorcerer's Apprentice" by
Dukas, "El Relicario" by Padilla and
Sousa's "Stars and Stripes Forever."
Arkansas Forced
To Release Jeep
Transport Trucks
WEST MEMPHIS, Ark., April 7.-
(A)-The controversy between Arkan-
sas and a transport company which
had resulted in tying up transports
hauling Army jeeps was settled today
on request of Army officials at Wash-
Chief Engineer W. W. Zass of the
highway department, who came here
to lead negotiations after ten motor
transports loaded with jeeps were
stopped at a weighing station, said
the trucks were released immediately
upon receipt of the Army request and
left for Little Rock within a short
Release of the transports, each
loaded with seven new jeeps, was
subject to the condition they would
not exceed a 35 mile-per-hour speed
Printers Save Election
RUSSELLVILLE, Ark., April 7.---
()-When precinct officials reported
for duty in today's annual city elec-
tion they discovered nobody had or-

dered ballots printed. The election
was delayed while printers were
called for a hasty print job.
VOL. LIB. No. 139
Publication in the Daily Official
Bulietin is constructive notice to all
members of the Univeraity.
Note to Seniors, May Graduates,
and Graduate Students: Please file
application for degrees or any special
certificates (i.e. Geology Certificate,
Journalism Certificate, etc.) at once
if you expect, to receive a degree or
certificate at Commencement on May
30, 1942. We cannot guarantee that
the University will confer a degree
or certificate at Commencement up-
on any student who .ails to file such
application before tie close of busi-
ness on Thursday, April 30. If ap-
plication is received later than April
30, your degree or certificate may not
be awarded untii next fall.
(Continued on Pagc 4)
T "hree r I)av Coars

With full equipment, including a pair of boxing gloves and a musi-
cal instrument, this German alien was removed from a detention camp
in the Canal Zone and put aboard a train for transfer to the United
States and internment for duration of the war. Army authorities called
him 'Otto' and described him as the unofficial mayor of the German
faction held in the detention camp. This picture came from Balboa, C. Z.
Technical Difficulties 'To Make
Bcteri Warfare Un feasi ble

Engine Council
Sets Deadline
For Candidates
Petitioniing For Positions
Will Be Ended Friday;
Election To Be April 15
Engineering collegestudents will
observe a double deadline at noon
Friday when petitions both for Engin-
eering Council represeptative candi-
dates and for candidates for Council
officers will be due at the Dean's
Office, Room 255, West Engineering
To be elected in general elections
Wednesday, April 15, are two repre-
sentatives to the Council from each
of the freshman, sophomore and
junior classes, while the Council it-
self will elect its new president, vice-
president, secretary, historian and
treasurer Tuesday
General class petitions should con-
tain at least 15 signatures from the
candidate's class, a list of qualifica-
tions. and a list of proposed activities
for the Council for the coming year,
election director Bob Sforzini, '43E,
has announced.
Council members petitioning for ex-
ecutive positions should submit their
name, class, scholastic average; a
brief resume of their activities; a
suggested plan of a year's activity for
the Council, in schedule form; cri-
ticisms of last year's program, and
plans for attendance in the Univer-
sity up to the time of graduation.
Photographs of all candidates for
the general election will be taken be-
tween 4:30 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. Fri-
day in Room 244 West Engineering
Building, while Council officers are
asked to submit a photograph with
their petitions.
Freshmen will elect their class
representatives in their regular as-
semblies next week, the highest vote
electing a man to a three-year term,
while the runner-up will serve one
Walt To Give
Talk On Goethe
Harvard aeulty IeiibeI
Speaks Here Friday .
Speaking at 4:15 p.m. Friday in
the Rackham Amphitheatre, Dr.
John Albrecht Walz, Professor of
Germanic Languages and Literature,
Harvard University, will discuss
"Goethe, the Humanist."
Born in Kirchbeim, Germany. Dr.
Walz received his A.B. at North-
western and his Ph.D. at Harvard.
During the late nineteenth century
he served as a Latin and German
instructor at NorthwesterIr Academy
and taught German language and
literature at Harvard.
Since 1905 Dr. Walz has been on
the faculty of Harvard and became
a professor-emeritus in 1938. Besides
his contributions to philosophical
journals, Dr. Walz is the author of
"German Influence in American Ed-f
ucation and Culture" and many other
publications. During 1941 he was
president of the Modern Languages
He Wasn't Kidding
CINCINNATI, April 7.-(UP3-One
soldier - participant in yesterday's
Army Day exercises had quite a time
convincing autograph seekers that.
he wasn't kidding. He was Private
Ken Tuckey of an armored force de-
tachment. And he is from Fort Knox,

Vurster Death
Still Qitestioned


Larger Q



Further evidence of the strange
torch death of Orville F. Wurster,
Manchester store clerk, will be
brought to light as the coroner's in-
quest resumes hearings today in
Manchester, it was anounced.
Prosecutor George Meader dis-
closed that two scientific reports con-
taining., important evidence are
scheduled for today's hearing One is
the report of Dr. Robert J. Parsons,
University hospital pathologist, of
his post-mortem examination of
Wurster's body, and the other is a
report from the state crime labora-
tory at Lansing, on its examination
of two kerosene cans and Wurster's
Meader said the inquest would re-
main in session tonight if necessary,
in an effort to complete it in one day.
The location of the hearing was
moved to the Manchester village
council chambers to provide more
room for the public.
Wurster disappeared from Man-
chester on the night of March 15.
His disappearance became known
when he failed to report for work
the following morning at his uncle's
dry goods store.
A searching party found the
burned body on the morning of
March 17 in a woods a mile east of
the village.

_ jr

Mrs. George Backer, 39, is the
new publisher of the New York
'Post, New York's oldest daily news-
paper. She succeeded her husband,
who resigned as president and edi-
tor of the 141-year-old publication
because of prolonged ill health.

University Illic Health
Faculty l i Deunlk
Any Use Of Ger s
The spectre of bacteria warfare-
a basis of wartime horror tales since
1918-will probably remain in the
pages of pseudo-scientific fiction
during the present struggle, Univer-
sity public health faculty men de-
clared yesterday.
Technical difficulties of dissemina-
tion combined with the problem of
quickly reaching an entire popula-
tion have made bacteria highly un-
feasible as a means of attack, it was
asserted in an article published by
the School of Public Health.
The article pointed out the possi-
bility of attempted use of disease
germs but declared that such a
scheme is "fraught with many com-
plications not apparent to the aver-
age person."
With the views of several public
health faculty members as its basis,
the article cited sabotage of public
water, food and milk supplies as the
most effective means of waging bac-
terial warfare.
"However to make such a venture
worthwhile would require that the
bacteria reach thousands of people
in a very short time," it was asserted.
The use of aviation to scatter
Bridge Teanm Finls
To Be Held Saturday '
Play-offs to decide what bridge
team will represent Michigan in the
national bridge contest, sponsored by
the National Association of College
Unions, are scheduled for 2 p.m.
Saturday in the Terrace Room of the
Registrations are being taken all
this week in the Student Offices of
the Union and it is urged that those
teams planning to enter the contest
do so as soon as possible.
The winners of the national play-
offs-which are to be played by a
mail system worked out by the Asso-
ciation-will be presented with a
Ends Wednesday Night
"r Y :?110R1
N EjjOrOj
SC" sa

germs either through sprays or bac-
terial bombs was debunked on the
ground that "there could be no way
of assuring that the organisms would
get into the air in sufficient quanti-
ties to provc harmful."
Anti-aircraft fire and weather con-
ditions are sufficient to make germ
spraying impractical. and bombs
would be no improvement. "Explosive
bombs would scatter the bacteria,"
the article declared, "but at the same
time would destroy many of the or-
Non-explosive glass or cellophane
containers dropped from the air
would only pollUte a smal area in
the immediate schduilc, it was
pointed out.
On a less wvierd level, the article
assured that modern methods of can-
ning, food inspection and pasteuri-
zation are protection in themselves
against any possible Axis bacteria.
Wil1lReApril 17
University.foreign students will
join with their fellow American stu-
dents in a colorful all-campus dance
Friday, April 17, in the Union Ball-
The Internat ional Ball. featuring
the music of Bill Sawyer and his
orchestra, will this year donate all
its lroc(edt)l ite " "emerecwy1 Fund
for ,Forein Students. Semi -formal,
this affair offers another opportunity
for the general campus to get ac-
quainted with all foreign students.
Many of the foreign students at-
tending the dance wear their colorful
p; tive cO. umes. Decorations are be-
ing designed by Eduardo Salgado.
Gad., a ,stidcnt from Manila. Sal-
gado has had aintilgs exhibited in
many of the leading art centers of
the United States.
The dance is being sponsored by
the Interclub Board of the Inter-
national Center.

Spring Dance
Frills' Halted
By West Quad
Voting to the Bomber-Scholarship
Fund 50 dollars ordinarily used to
embellish its annual Spring Formal,
the West Quadrangle Council yester-
day suggested that dormitories and
fraternities reduce the splendor of
their social activities while the emier-
gency lasts.
"We feel that by cutting the ex-
travagance which a formal entails,
and using our own facilities, we can
lower expenses considerably," Frank-
lin Powers, '42, treasurer of the
Council, said in explaining the move.
"We hope other organizations will
consider our policy."
The Council, representing almost
1 one thousand students; recommended
in adition that each of the eight
houses in the West Quadrangle con-
tribute at least ten dollars to " the
Michigan House yesterday pre-
sented twenty-five dollars and Lloyd
and Chicago Houses have agreed to
contribute ten dollars, according to
treasurer Powers.
Other houses, working individually,
previously had pledged support to the
Scholarship campaign.
With its frills shorn away, the
dance will be held during the first
week of May in the West Quadrangle,
instead of at the Union or League
where it originally was scheduled.

Seven Voters
.Put Candidate
In Ward Post
Crusading Wertley Palmerton
broke the back of the city's election-
eering machines Monday as he swept
to victory in a one-cornered election.
No fuss and bother over nomina-
tions, no elaborate campaigning, no
politician's promises from him. No
In Monday's city election he was
named constable of the third ward
at the behest of exactly seven voters
-whether or not they were relatives
is a secret that no man may discover
without violating the sanctity of the
Secret of his success was the fact
tha both Democrats and Republicans
neglected to nominate anyone. Thus
Palmerton rode to triumph on the
strength of a tremendous wave of
popular approval despite the fact
that a slumbering press completely
ignored his candidacy.
All but the shouting is not over,
however. The city's solons must ap-
prove this man of the people.
In the opinion of City Clerk Fred
Perry there is little fear in that quar-
ter, for as he remarked, "The man
got seven votes, didn't he."
We're betting on him too. He may
never be President, but he sure knows
all the short cuts.
Wil low Rut oad
I sReconimeniied
LANSING, April 7.-(,UP)-A motor
expressway connecting Detroit and
the Willow Run bomber plant should
be ready by the time Henry Ford's
bombers begin to roll off the produc-
tion line, Robert Moses, famed New
York park expert, recommended to-
day to the state highway department.
New York commissioner of parks
and an authority on access road con-
struction, Moses was employed as a
consultant by the department and
the Huron-Clinton Parkway Author-

MIMEOGRAPHING - Th6sis bind-
ing. Brumfield and Brumfield, 308
S. State. 6c
Driveway gravel, washed pebbles.
Killins Gravel Company, phone
7112. 7c
WOMAN'S brown Parker pen Mon-
day. Filled with black ink. Interest-
ing reward. Call Betty Shipman,
2-4514. 302c
CASH for used clothing; men and
ladies. Claude H. Brown, 512 S.
Main St. Phone 2-2736. 5c
Ben the Tailor, 122 East Washing-
ton. Phone after 6 o'clock, 5387.
suits, overcoats, typewriters, musi-
cal instruments, ladies' furs, Per-
sian lamb, mink, watches, dia-
monds. Pay from $5 to $500. Phone
Sam, 5300. 229c
NAVY CALLS ME. Am offering ex-
tensive Esquire wardrobe of zoot
suits and accessories at unbeliev-
able prices. Call Sid Stoller, 6539,
7:00-9:00 a.m., 8:00-12:00 p.m.
MISS ALLEN-Experienced typist.
408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935.
VIOLA STEIN-Experienced legal
typist, also mimeographing. Notary
public, Phone 6327. 706 Oakland.


LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox, darned.
Careful work at low price. 20
6c per lb., rough dry. Shirts extra,
10c each. Handkerchiefs, 1c each.
Phone 25-8441. 295c
WANTED: Boys to work for meals.
1223 Hill. No phone calls. 31c
New under-arm
Cream Deodorant
Stops Perspiration
1. Does not rot dresses or men's
shirts. Does not irritate skin.
2. No waiting to dry. Can be
used right after shaving.
3. Instantly stops perspiration
_ for 1 to 3 days. Removes odor
from perspiration.
4. A pure, white, greaseless,
stainless vanishing cream.
5. Arrid has been awarded the
Approval Seal ofthe American
Institute of Laundering for
being harmless to fabrics.
DEODORANT. Try a jar todayl
At all stores selling toilet ko'-dr
ajar (also in 1 0¢and 59 jars)





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i i


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