5VYSxr l9;i4
City Officers
To Be Chosen
At Local Polls
Prfesisors Are Running
For Aldermn Position;
Light Vote Is Predicted
(Continued from Page 1)
third or sixth wards have filed. All
other posts, however, will be con-
Five incumbent aldermen seek re-
election. They are: Walter L. Kurtz
(D), of the second ward; Cecil O'
Creal (R), of the third; Lester H.
Pollock (R), fourth; Thoma C. Pew
(R), fifth; and Arthur D. Moore (R),
Opposing these incumbents are:
Mark M. Mayne (R), of the second
ward; Ralph Atwell (D), of the third;
Maurice F. Doll (D), fourth; William
X. Pegan (D), fifth; John L. Brumm
(D), sixth.
Incumbent supervisors running for
reelection-besides Dr. Forsythe and
Mrs. Coller-are as follows: Fitch D.
Forsythe (R), of the first ward; Har-
old J. Finkbeiner (R), of the second;
Fred J. Williams (R), third; Francis
L. O'Brien (D), fourth; and John H.
Pielemeier (R), fifth.
Opposing the incumbent supervis-
ors are: Leon 23. Pierce (D), of the
first ward; J. Alfred Bosworth (D),
of the second; Duane S. Wiltsee (D),
third; Lewis C. Rhoades (R), fourth;
and Mrs. Eckstein (D), fifth.
The constables-to-be will come
out of these contestants: Floyd Ha-
macher (R) vs. Carl Link (D), of the
first ward; G. Richard Ross (R) vs.
Jacob F. Voelker (D), of the second;
Robert W. Temple (R) vs. Nicholas
Pegan (D), fifth; and A. C. Gaston
(R) vs. Herman A. Janowski (D),
seventh. (Mr. Hanacher, Mr. Voel-
ker and Mr. Temple are incumbents.)
Citizens' Corps
122 Future Wardens Sign
In CDVORegistration
University men and townspeople
alike figured prominently in the past
week's civilian defense effort as fur-
ther action was taken towards the
building of an adequate protective
service corps.
One hundred twenty two air
raid wardens, supervised by Chief of
Police Sherman Mortenson, have
been registered for their first training
session, it was announced yesterday
by the Civilian Defense Volunteer Of-
fice. Chief Mortenson is in command
of the Ann Arbor Control Center of
the Citizens' Defense Corps.
Local officials, including Chair-
man Harrison Caswell of the County
Defense Council, have stressed the
need for widening protective train-
ing plans. Caswell cites London and
Coventry as examples of the neces-
sity for building protective services
before, not after, the first bombings.
Prof. Stanley Dodge of the geo-
graphy department has also volun-
teered his services, the CDVO an-
nounced yesterday. Professor Dodge
will train Red Cross Motor Corps
members in map-making, and chart-
ing of road conditions, railroads,
streams, and natural landmarks.
New Cadet Officers Are 4ppointed For ROTC Regiment
German Poet
To Be Stibject
Of Walz Talk i
Pr'of essor Will
I-Iiruanisat iOf
In University
i braryHas Ai
Imagine trying to hide a tower 141/2
feet square and at least 100 feet high
during a bomber raid!
It's no wonder S. W. McAllister,
the General Library's air raid war-
den, is worrying over the problem of
safeguarding more than a million
books and pamphlets, for they would
nake such a tower if piled up.
The library has the, reputation of
having more books in constant use
than any other university library,
and withdrawal of books from circu-
lation-even from the rare-book
room-would be highly inconvenient
and impractical. The library's stock
in trade is service, not storage.
With vault space crammed already,
nevertheless "all irreplaceable scien-
r Raid Problem
Shown assembled for the first time since their appointment are tie cadet regimental and battalion staffs
and company commanders. They are (left to right) Neal G. Sperhake, Douglas G. Knight, Rudolph A. Axel-
son, and Robert G. W. Brown, captains; Robert W. Hadley, Edward B. Harrison and Edward A. McLogan,
majors; George D. Gotschall, lieut.-col.; Verne C. Kennedy, colonel; Lindley M. Dean and Alfred M. Owens,
lieutenant colonels; henry C. Barringer, major; and Harold S. Klein, James H. Garvin, Robert J. Ogden, cap-
tains; Robert A. Carlson, lieutenant, and Robert L. Collins, captain. Absent were Major John F. Sisson, Cap-
tains Joseph W. Pezdirtz and Th'addeus W. Kucharski, and Lieut. Ivan R. Schafer.
'V'Progrm Is DesignedToSuppl
U. S. Navy Wit h Skilled Manpowr
All those who. have followed the
war in the southwest Pacific realize
the now obvious conclusion that
ships, men and bases are interde-
pendent, but many are not aware,
however, that it takes almost as long
to make a sailor as it takes to build
a warship and that the Navy's great-
est need, at the moment, is skilled
manpower. ".,
To aid both the Navy and the'
undergraduates interested in volun-
teer naval service, The Daily today
presents the A B C's of the Naval
Reserve "V" program.
V-1 Preindoctrination Training
This is the latest procurement
plan-a plan whereby the Navy hopes
to obtain 80,000 pre-indoctrinated1
trainees per year. College freshmen
and sophomores between the ages of
17 and 19 who are of goodmoral
character and in good physical con-
dition may enlist in Class V-1 as
apprentice seamen.
After approximately three semes-
ters, during which they will study
related Navy subjects, taught by the
regular college faculty, V-1 men will
be given a general examination.
Those ranking sufficiently high in
the examination may transfer to
Class V-5 or V-7 and continue their
inactive status until completion of
the academic requirements for those
Those whose scores on the exam-
ination are too low to warrant V-5
or V-7 training will be allowed to
complete the four-semester indoc-
trination course and then be called
to active duty as apprentice seamen.
For further information or enlist-
ment consult the registrar's office or
Naval Recruiting Office.
V-2 Naval Aviation Mechanics
This is an opportunity for men
between the ages of 17 and 28 with
limited experience of demonstrable
interest in internal combustion en-
gines or metal work. They will re-
ceive 26 weeks intensive training
which will qualify them for petty
officers' ratings as aviation machin-
iAs and aviation metalsmiths.
Naval Communications
This is an opening for men inter-
ested in wireless and visual signals.
They must enlist as apprentice sea-
men, but will be sent to a communi-
cations service school if, at the con-
clusion of their recruit training, they
show a preference and aptitude for
this classification.
V-4 Naval Intelligence
College men of "outstanding char-
acter and unquestioned reliability"
were formerly enlisted as yeomen in
this classification. Quotas were filled
shortly after Pearl Harbor, but may
be reopened.
V-5 Flight Training
Applicants must be between the
ages of 19 and 26, unmarried and in
good physical condition. If they
have not yet finished the required
experience they may be enlisted as
storekeepers. If they have a radio
operator's license or know radio, they
may be enlisted as second-class petty
officers. Other ratings open to qual-
ified men in this class range all the
way from bugler to welder. Even
faculty men (an enlist since the class
is open to all sound male citizens
between the ages of 17 and 50.
V-7 Midshipman Training
Juniors, seniors, or graduates be-
tween 20 and 27 may enlist now and
be deferred from active duty until
Dr. John Albrecht Walz, Professor
Emeritus of Germanic Languages
and Literature, Harvard University,
will speak at 4:15 p.m. Friday in the
Rackham Amphitheatre on "Goethe,
the Humanist."
The lecture is being sponsored by
the Department of Germanpc Lan-!
guages and Literature, and the pub-
lie is cordially invited to atend.
Born in Kirchbeim, Germany, Dr.
Walz came to the United States in
1889. He received his A.B. at North-
western in 1892 and his Ph.D. at
Harvard in 1897. From 1897 to 1899
he returned to Germany where he
attended the University of Berlin.
During the late nineteenth century
Dr. Waltz served as an instructor of
Latin and German at Northwestern
Academy, and taught German lan-
guage and literature at Harvard.
Since 1905 he has been on the fac-
ulty of Harvard and became a Pro-
fessor Emeritus in 1938. Besides be-
ing a contributor to philosophical
journals, Dr. Walz is a member of
the Modern Languages Association
of America, the Goethe Society, Phi
Kappa Psi, Phi Beta Kappa, and a
corresponding member of the Deut-
sche Akademie, at Munich.
Dr. Walz is the author of "German
influence in American Education
and Culture" and many other pu h-
Receiti[ Stc'r pi g
Of Reform Plans
Arouses ObjectiOM
(Continued from Page 1)
dents have been used at irregular
intervals in the engineering school
for some time.
SWhile such surveys will be discussed
in full in a later article in this series,
it can be said at this point that they
have been designated as a success
by both Dean Ivan C. Crawford
and Prof. E. M. Baker, chairman of
the permanent Committee on Co-
ordination and Teaching.
Professor Baker also said he "saw
no reason why the war should make
any difference in carrying out sur-
veys of this nature. Of course, it is
a little more difficult to do anything
about them because trained men are
so scarce at the present time. This
might apply more particularly to the
engineering school, however. Many
of the things which are brought to
light by the surveys can be corrected
even during wartime.''
Whether or not the literary school
adherents of the plan will succeed
in getting it put back into operation
is not certain. Most of them, how-
ever, much as they would like to, do
not see much hope for their cause
in the near future.
$ .40 per 15-word insertion for
one or two days. (In-
crease of 10c for each
additional 5 words.)
$1.00 per 15-word insertion for
3 or more days. (Increase
of $.25 for each additional
5 words.)
Contract Rates on Request
Our Want-Ad Department
will be happy to assist you in
composing your ad. Stop at the
Michigan Daily Business Of-
fice, 420 Maynard Street.
CASH for used clothing; men and
ladies. Claude H. Brown, 512 S.
Main St. Phone 2-2736. 5c
Ben the Tailor, 122 East Washing-
ton. Phone after 6 o'clock, 5387.
suits, overcoats, typewriters, musi-
cal instruments, ladies' furs, Per-
sian lamb, mink, watches, dia-
monds. Pay from $5 to $500. Phone
Sam, 5300. 229c
TAILORED SUITS and coats. cus-
tom-made. Daytime and evening
gowns made and remodeled. Phone
3468. 252c
MIMEOGRAPHING - Thesis bind-
ing. Brumfield. and Brumfield, 308
S. State. 6c
Driveway gravel, washed pebbles.
Killins Gravel Company, phone
7112. 7c
_ _ ,, .
two years of college, they may enlist receipt of their degree. In earning
now and continue school until they the sheepskin, they must complete
have. two semesters of mathematics, inclu-
Accepted applicants will receive 90 ding a course in plane trigonometry.
days training at one of the reserve They will then be given 30 days
aviation bases, then be sent to Pen- indoctrination at Notre Dame Uni-
sacola, Jacksonville or Corpus Christi versity and sent to one of the mid-
for advanced training. Any Navy shipman schools- at Northwestern or
recruiting office will steer applicants Columbia University or aboard the
(transportation paid) to the nearest USS Prairie State. Upon completion
Naval Aviation Cadet Selection of this 90-day course in seamanship,
Board. navigation, ordnance and gunnery,
V-6 Volunteer Specialists midshipmen will be commissioned
This classification covers nearly ensigns in the Naval Reserve.
all of the Navy's 55 petty officer Any Navy recruiting office can,
ratings. Students who know typing accept preliminary applications for
or shorthand may be enlisted as yeo- V-7 training.
men. If they have had bookkeeping Whether or not they are called to
-immediate active duty, all men are
Sp~eech Contest Platnneddraft-exempt after enlisting in the
_ n . DNaval Reserve. All agree to serveI
Representatives of all the Speech ifor the duration of the war except
31 classes will meet in a preliminary aviation cadets, who agree to serve
speech contest at 4 p.m. tomorrow in for four years unless released sooner
Room 4203 Angell Hall. by the Navy Department.
Seniors -
Order your
Cap and Gown
MOE Sport Shops
. . .
irt Todsy.
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Served in the Main Dining Room- :00 until 7:30 O'clock
Pecan Waffle, Maple Syrup
Grilled Little Pig Sausage
1French Vanilla Ice Cream
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Shrimp Salad Bowl, Delmonico
'foastecd Cocoanut Layer Cake
or lnun Custard Icy r'~u
at fjftll jive rejoin
Spanish Omelette
French Fried Potatoes
Peach Shortcake
Whipped Cream
Chicken a ]a King Pattie
Candied Yams
New LiIma Beans
Boysenberry Pie
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