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April 05, 1942 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-04-05

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Wev ather


Go Ahead and Wear It.

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I a113

Two-Year Degree
Program Advocated.,.




India Leaders
Seek Further
Of Proposals
Wavell Joins Negotiations;
Aerial Reinforcements
Reach Australian Front
As Allies Mass Power
Japs Report Gains
In Burma Fight
NEW DELHI, India, April 4-(')-
The chances of favorable reception
to Britain's freedom. proposals were
kept alive today by the entry of Gen.
Sir Archibald P. Wavell into the ne-
gotiations, and by evidences that the
two major political elements, the
Moslem League and Congress Party,
were giving careful second thought to
their decisions.
Weighing heavily with dominant
Congress Party leaders, informed
sources believed, was the realization
that it would be catastrophic if Sir
Stafford Cripps, the British special
envoy, left India without a solution
and the country was left to face pos-
sible religious war at a time when
Japanese invasion is threatened.
Leaders Reconsider
Some evidence that the powerful
Congress Party was giving renewed
consideration to the British plan, al-
ready rejected conditionally, was seen
in the statement of Maulana Abul
Kalan Azad, party president, that the
working committee at a two hour ses-
sion had considered the situation in
Bengal and Assam in view of the
warfare approaching from Burma.
Mohandas K. Gandhi, inspirer of
the Nationalist movement, Who had
delayed his departure to give the
committee his advice, told newspa-
per correspondents that he still was
observing "strict silence," but when
asked if he would advise Bengal to
follow his policy of non-violence,
"I would advise the whole world to
do so-not only Bengal."
Wavell, Cripps Confer
General Wavell, commander-in-
chief in India, conferred with Cripps,
then received Azad and Pandit Jaw-
aharlal Nehru, past president of the
Congress Party.
Wavell is expected to see Moham-
med Ali Jinnah, president of the
Moslem League, next week.
It was presumed that Wavell told
the Indian leaders how far Britain
was prepared to go in compromising
on the all-important issue of defense,
the direction of which Britain orig-
inally insisted should be left solely to
New Air Reinforcements
Reach Australian Front
QUARTERS in Australia, April 4.-
(A)-Gen. Douglas MacArthur be-
spoke Easter-tide divine guidance
"in the great struggle that looms
ahead" today as confidence mounted
in Allied quarters that the United
Nations will be able to defend this
Australian springboard for an event-
ual offensive in the Southwest
Much of this confidence, it was
disclosed, sprang from steady aerial
reinforcements now making possible
an air patrol of Australia's approach-
es so comprehensive that it should
give three or four days advance
warning of the appearance of Japa-

nese invasion forces.
Allied aviation continued to dom-
inate the skies, shooting down at least
10 Japanese planes and probably 12.
Six were destroyed in a raid on
Koepang, Dutch Timor, and four
others-bombers-were shot down in
breaking up a raid on Darwin, where
antiaircraft bagged two and fighting
planes two. Two Japanese fighting
planes also were listed as probably
British, Chinese Troops
ill BI tck In Burmra
LONDON, April 4. Uel') Oulnu-
bered British and Chinese troops took
up stronger new positions north of
fallen Prome and Toungoo tonight in
a grim effort to halt fierce Japanese
drives toward the Burma oil fields
and toward Mandalay, already under
heavy fire from enemy bombers.
Military men said there was no
doubt that the Japineseewould con-
tinue without pause their thrusts to
the rich prizes north of the battle-
fields before the monsoon-due with-

Deferring OfEvaluation
Plan Brings Objections
Certain Sectors Of Faculty Maintain Now Is Time
For Investigation Of Local Teaching Problems
(Editor's Note: A controversy overinteualm nrofscmtes
evaluation of faculty services and ten- in the usual manner of such matters
ure has recently arisen in the literary of business and passed by a majority
school. Feeling that the problem is of of the faculty members at the meet-
importance to both faculty and stu- ing.
dents, The Daily will carry a series of He said the reason for the Execu-
articles explaining its various aspects. tive Committee's action ha been
The first of the articles is concerned adequately explained. "Thdy felt
with the general basis for the contro- that it was best to postpone for the
versy.) duration of the emergency any plan
By HOMER SWANDER of student evaluation of faculty mem-
The recent literary college scrap- bers. It would take a lot of time
ping "for the duration of the emerg- to carry out and we just do not have
ency" of plans for student evaluation the amount needed."
of their teachers has met with strong Although there are many other
disapproval among certain sectors of sections to the proposal as it was
the faculty. adopted in the fall, its supporters
Vigorously objecting to the use of argue that the part concerning the
the war as an "excuse to postpone students has from the first been
a thoroughly worked - out plan" objected to more strongly than any
which was to go into operation this of the others.
semester, these men assert that "if In the face of the success of al-
there ever was a time when the edu- most identical plans in other uni-
cational system and the quality of versities and in the engineering
teaching should be investigated that school this, they claim, is difficult
time is now." to understand.
The resentment thus expressed is a Questionnaires asking/ for evalua-
culmination of dissatisfaction which tions of faculty men from the stu-
has been growing for the past decade Turn to Page 2, Col. 5
and which resulted in the adoption
last fall of the first definite and pre- B e wue
cise system in any university for M ae or ucrewer
evaluating faculty men.
At that time, those who had been W ill G ive T alk
vigorously pushing the reform felt
that at last they had accomplished OC ~ W o .,
their aim, but at the February fac- On Utiio 01K
ulty meeting a motion was introduced ____
by the Executive Committee of the
College to postpone indefinitely the iviliai Defense Official
the section on student evaluation To Describe Activities
of faculty members.
Adherents of the plan claim that In Air Raid Protection
the motion was "rushed through
without previous warning and passed In an attempt to acquaint the pub-
without adequate opportunity for lic with methods of self-protection
discussion." against enemy air raids and sabotage,
In reply to this accusation, Dean Major W. A. Brewer, of the National
Edward H. Kraus, chairman of the Office of Civilian Defense, will speak
Executive Committee, says that the at 8 p.m. tomorrow in Hill Auditori-
motion in question was introduced um on "The Nature and Purpose of
Civilian Defense."
All students, faculty members and
Fa[ ea he , residents of Washtenaw County are
F rh invited to attend the lecture, which
is sponsored by the University War
S Extra Serv ices - Boardand the County Defense Coun-
H erald Easter Prof. Glenn L. Alt, chairman of
the committee in charge of the lec-
ture course, said that Major Brew-
Fair weather and the wide variety er's talk will be followed by several
of Easter programs planned for Ann others, all of the topic of home de-
Arbor churches promise to let stu- fense.
dents and townspeople alike forget Alt said that the lecturers would
disquieting war news temporarily to- show how to deal effectively against
day as they observe the anniversary hysteria and disorganization which
of Christ's resurrection. the enemy would attempt to create
The University's role in the Easter through his air raids and sabotage.
festivities will be taken by Prof. Per- In a special message to county
cival Price, University carillonneur, residents, Edwin J. Huntington,
who will present a program of Easter chairman of information for the
music between 10:30 and 11 a.m. County Defense Council, said yes-
today. A second program will be terday that it was time to forego
played from 7:05 to 9 p.m. as a mem- peacetime pleasures and pursuits.
orial to Jef Denyn, late director of Included $among the experts in
the Mechling Carillon School in Bel- civilian protection, air raid precau-
gium. tions, prevention of sabotage and
Among the church services mark- fortification of local resources who
ing the city's observance of Easter will lecture here later in the same
will be a special pageant at the St. series are:
Andrew's Episcopal Church to be Owen J. Cleary, state air raid
given at 4:30 p.m. in addition to warden, who will speak on "The Air
communion services at 7, 9 and 11 Raid Warden and the Citizen-Mu-
a.m. tual Responsibilities."
The First Congregational Church Capt. Donald Leonard, of the
will hold a special Easter service at Michigan Council of Defense.
4:30 p.m., and will also conduct John Bugas, chief of the Detroit
morning services at 10:45 a.m., while branch office of the Federal Bureau
Turn to Page 6, Col. 1 of Investigation.


FBI Agents
Take Pelley
Into Custody
Leader Of Silver Shirts
Arrested For Sedition
Under Espionage Act
'Promoted Enemy
Success' Is Charge
NEW HAVEN, Conn., April 4.-(P)
-William Dudley Pelley, anti-Sem-
etic publicist and advocate of totali-
tarianism for America, was arrested
by FBI agents today on charges of
sedition, waived examination and
was held for trial in the U.S. District
Court at Indianapolis.
The grey-goateed leader of the Sil-
ver Shirts, who left here this after-
noon for the mid-western city in the
custody of U.S. Marshal Bernard P.
Fitch, was charged specifically under
the Espionage Act of 1917 with dis-
tributing false statements intended to
harm the United States and "pro-
mote the success of our enemies." If
convicted, he faces a possible sen-
tence of 20 years in prison, a fine of
$10,000, or both.
Routed Out Of Bed
Pelley was arrested this morning at
the Darien home of George B. Fisher,
a self-described "old friend" who told
the Dies Committee in 1940 that he
had contributed $20,000 over a period
of 18 months to the Silver Shirts.
Four "very gentlemanly" FBI agents,
said Fisher, routed them out of bed,
notified Pelley he was under arrest
and confiscated manuscripts and
magazines in his possession.
At Indianapolis, U.S. District At-
tor B. Howard Caughran asserted
that Pelley, former editor of "The
Galilean," recently suspended publi-
cation, was charged with three counts
in the formal complaint.
Aided Enemies
The first alleged that he attempted
to aid enemies of the United States
through publication of "The Gali-
lean," and the second and third that
on two occasions he "knowingly and
feloniously did attempt to cause in-
subordination, disloyalty, mutiny and
refusal of duty in the military and
naval forces of the United States."
Before a House committee two
years ago, Pelley expressed approval
of Adolf Hitler's anti-Semeticism. He
testified that he probably would have
been running the government then
if his Silver Shirts had succeeded in
enlisting sufficient support to wipe
out what he called subversive ele-
If he had taken over the govern-
ment ,he added, he probably would
have put into effect something re-
sembling Hitler's anti-Semetic poli-
Recruits Join1
New Air Unit
First Wolverine Squadron
Takes University Men
Thirty Washtenaw County men,
slated for air corps training as a
unit, have completed the first Wol-
verine Squadron, it was announced
yesterday by W. M. Strickland, chair-
man of the Washtenaw County Air
Force Sponsors Association.
Sufficient to form a 20-man squad-
ron with ten replacements, the group
is composed of University graduates
and students in addition to local resi-
dents. About 30 additional students
qualified in Ann Arbor have been

credited to their home town areas,
according to Strickland.
The Wolverine Squadron will be
trained as a unit by the air corps
with Washtenaw County replace-
ments available to fill any gaps left
by "washouts."
Plans for forming two more Wol-
verine Squadrons are already under
way, Strickland declared yesterday.
The air corps traveling board for fly-
ing cadet examinations will be in Ann
Arbor for the entire week beginning
April 30,
'h1 afdy Vanirshs'
To lBe Shown Today
"The Lady Vanishes"-one of Di-
rector Alfred Hitchcock's most suc-
cessful productions--will be shown
at 6:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. today in
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre by
the Art Cinema League.
Tickets for the film, which will be
presented along with two short sub-
jects, are on sale at the League desk.

U.S. Submarines Destroy
Jap Cruiser, Other Ships
As Enemy L osses Mount

Commanders Of Sunken Ships Saved

Commander E. P. Abernethy (left) of the fleet tanker Pecos and
Commander R. P. McConnell of the seaplane tender Langley, are shown
during an interview in San Francisco, Calif., where it was disclosed that
the two vessels were sunk by the Japanese in the Pacific.
Knudsen Claims Overtime Pay
HoldsUp Production Program

Ex-Head Of OPM Scores
Forty-Hour Work Week
As Defense Obstruction
WASHINGTON, April 4. - W) -
Lieut.-Gen. William S. Knudsen,
Army Production Director, entered
the controversy over. the 40-hour
week today with a statement that
while it had caused little delay to the
war production program, heavy pay-
ments for overtime work had proved
a hindrance.
But, where the latter were con-
cerned, he noted, in a letter to Rep.
Robertson (Dem.-Va.), that "labor
leadershave publicly offered to rem-
edy this, -and if they do it will be
constructive." Knudsen put his views
on paper at Robertson's request, and
the House member made them pub-
Meanwhile, with Congress in a vir-
tual Easter recess and no action on
the labor question in sight for more
than a week, the Administration was
authoritatively reported to be sound-
ing out labor leaders on the possi-
bility of a voluntary agreement to
make 44 or 48 hours the basic work
week, to be worked without overtime

pay. Premium payments would be
given for work in excess of the figure
agreed upon.
Vice-President Wallace was under-
stood to be active in this effort, bent
upon quieting the agitation which
has surrounded the controversy.
Uniformed ROTC Men
To Honor Army Day
With observance of Army Day
tomorrow spread over the entire
weekend, the only visible evidence
on campus will be the wearing of
uniforms by all members of the
University ROTC.
This year the occasion will mark
the twenty-fifth anniversary of
our entrance into the last world
war. To prevent interference with
production for the present war,
many communities scheduled their
observance for yesterday and to-
In many cities war preparation
will be suspended for the day by
Army units, with the permission
of President Roosevelt, to stage
the parades and reviews tradition-
al in past years.

Russian Reserves Advance
To Front From Interior
For SpringsCampaign
29 Jap Warships
Destroyed To Date
WASHINGTON, April 5. - (P) -
Hard-hitting 'American submarines
have sunk or damaged four Japanese
warships in recent days to keep the
score of ship losses heavily in favor
of the United States.
The Navy announced today that
the submersibles had:
Sunk a Japanese light cruiser near
Christmas Island, south of Java.
Da raged another light cruiser with
two torpedo hits in the same vicinity.
After scoring its first hit, the sub-
marine trailed its victim, and scored
with the second on the following
Damaged two seaplane tenders
near Bali.
Other Ships Damaged
Besides these sucesses, the Navy
also reported the subs had damaged
a Japanese naval supply ship near
Lambok Island, not far from Bali,
and one unidentified ship, in addi-
In all the Army and Navy have
classified 29 Japanese warships as
sunk, seven as "sunk or probably
sunk," four "believedsunk," and two
"possibly sunk." In addition 40 have
been damaged.
These successes helped offset the
bad news in last night's announce-
ment that the U.S.S. Aircraft Tender
Langley and two smaller American
warships had been lost in the battle
of Java with a tollof some 700 offi-
cers and men.
Meanwhile 25 American naval ships
of all types have been listed as
Shipyards Increase Gain
The score is weighted in favor of
the United States, too, by the factor
of speed of replacement. American
shipyards are working at top speed.
Launchings since the war began have
exceeded losses. Dozens of warships
are on the ways. The exact rate of
Japanese replacement is unknown,
but is officially considered to be a
fraction of that of the United States.
In types of vessels lost, the United
States stands well ahead, too.
The Japanese losses are composed
only in part of two battleships, an
aircraft carrier sunk, another be-
lieved sunk, four cruisers sunk, with
three sunk or probably sunk, one de-
stroyer leader sunk, eight destroyers
sunk, with two others probably sunk
and three possibly sunk, three sub-
marines sunk, and one aircraft ten-
der sunk.
Newly Trained Reserves
Move To Leningrad Front
LONDON, April 4.-(A')-The first
of several million Red Army reserves,
freshly trained and brought from ev-
ery part of the Soviet Union, were
moving into the line from Leningrad
to Taganrog on the Black Sea tonight
in a plan designed to throttle the
German spring offensive with a total
force of 7,000,000 Russians.
Russians here said the reinforced
Red Army had no intention of relin-
quishing the initiative which has car-
ried it westward since early Decem-
ber, although it was apparent that
the Soviet counter-offensive had lost
momentum in recent weeks.
Soviet dispatches reaching London
said reinforcements had been moved
into the Leningrad garrison over a
double-track railway laid across the
ice of Lake Ladoga.
Besides capturing another popu-
lated center in this area, the Russians
were described as steadily advanc-
ing in the Kalinin region northwest
of Moscow, making continued cav-
alry sorties that cost the Germans
One cavalry unit in two days of

fighting on this front was said to
have put out of action 1,630 Nazi offi-
cers and troops, while artillery fire
destroyed six enemy tanks and 37
Daw son To Speak
On Civil Liberties

A Voice From 1Te Far Esft:

From Professors To Politicians:
3,500 Voters Expected To Cast
Ballots In Elections Tomorrow

Native Of India I
Of People For
(llitor's Note: The Daily, in view of
the present crisis in India, will attert
to bring to its readers the opinions of'
University students rorm India At
pr-esent thre are only three ntive In-
dians heure. one dlrined cco rnnient
The statement or the outhr will ap-
Mrs Francesca Iivy, Grad, is a
I) nnbeliever i India's sincere as-
piriions for remocracy and her will-
ingne";s s ucces'fully 5shoullder "anry
task that may fall to hee as at oieni
her of the United Nations."
Charming and friendly, Mrs.
Thivy was a resident of Madras and
is now doing research work in botany
at the University. Before leaving In-
dia in the spring of 1939, she was
,on the staff of awomen's college
Mrs, Thivy predicts that if the
proposals set forth by Sir 9tafford
Cripps were adopted, cooperation of
all sections of the country with the

pholds Desire
Dominion Status
in the British proposals for safe-
guarding minorities are more than
sufficient. Although one of the Mos-
1em leaders, Ali Jinnah, yesterday
rejected the British plan, Mrs. Thivy
poilnted out that the general opinion
of the country is that the present
prop)osals provide enough time during
which an agreement between the two
groups vwil be reached.
Declaring that India is a young as-
pirant to democracy and is eager to
go out against the enemy, Mrs. Thivy
explained that attainment of virtual
Dominion status would satisfy the
demands of the people for a real
democracy. Should Great Britain
transfer the portfolio of defense to
an Indian Minister, thereby acqui-
escil(g to the present demand of theI
Indian National Congress, Mrs. Thivy
feels that her nation will have won
the goal it has been striving to reach
for centuries.
The interval between the last war!

Ann Arbor will play the game of
politics in its own quiet way tomor-
row when approximately 3,500 voters
are expected to go to the polls and
register their votes for seven alder-
men, seven councilmen and five con-
stables in the annual city election.
Five University professors are in
the running--two of them pitted
against each other for the position
of alderman in the sixth ward.
Busy making final arrangements
for the election, City Clerk Fred C.
Perry stopped long cnough to predict
that the vote will be light in spite
of the mild spring weather and said
that final tabulation of votes will
be official an hour after the polls
The reason for the speed-up in re-
turns is due to the re-introduction of
voting machines after a pencil-and-
paper siege of 16 years. It was in
1926hthat voters last used voting
machines in this city.
Polls will open promptly at 7 a.m.

votes by the city election commission
total 36-less than half the number
of officials hired to tabulate paper
ballot votes in the past.
Advance indications point to a
hotly-contested battle for the posts
of aldermen in the fourth and sixth
wards. One hundred fifty five ab-
sentee ballot applications have been
received for the entire city. Of this
total, 47 are from the fourth and
sixth wards.
In the fourth ward, the race is be-
tween Lester H. Pollock (R), incum-
bent, and Maurice F. Doll (D). The
contestants for alderman of the sixth
ward are Prof. Arthur D. Moore (R),
incumbent of the engineering depart-
ment, and Prof. John L. Brumm (D),
of the journalism department.
The battle for alderman of the
first ward is between Prof. Lewis G.
Vander Velde (D), of the history de-
partment, and Herman D. Allmen-
dinger (R). Contestants for the post
of alderman in the seventh ward are
Prof. Shirley W. Allen (D), of the

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