TH MIHIAN Dn A as..,
.:Ea Yw=- staC-mod'
Ford, Kiefer
Break Records;
18 -Year Old
Student Cracks
Medica's Mark
Strother Martin, Holiday
Compete Tonight; Yale
Aces Score 32 Points
NEW HAVEN, Conn., April 3.-(AP)
-An 18-year-old school boy wonder,
Alan Ford of Mercersburg (Pa.)
Academy, who did his first swimming
in the Panama Canal, broke'two rec-
ords as he captured the 220-yard
free style race, a feature of tonight's
National A.A.U. championships.
The sandy-haired Ford churned
through Yale's natatorium in 2:09.3,
three-tenths of a second faster than
it's ever been done, to beat Howie
Johnson of Yale by a margin so
close that there wasn't an y differ-
ence in their times.
Also in the spotlight was the bril-
liant 300-yard medley by Adolph Kie-
fer of Chicago, who broke the accept-
ed American record for the event as
he became the first champion to re-
Kiefer's Time 3:28.2
Kiefer's 3:28.2 cut six-tenths of a
second off the accepted American
record made by Johnny Higgins of
Providence, R.I., in 1936, but was
dimmed somewhat by the fact that
the great Chicago ace has a 3:28.1,
which he did some months ago,
awaiting official recognition.
Ford, whose home is in Balboa,
Canal Zone, and who plans to enroll
at Yale next summer, led most of the
way in the 220, sharing it only for a
second with Johnson in the home
stretch, only to pull away as they
finished in a foam.
The time snipped the pool mark of
2:09.6, made by the University of
Washington's Jack Medica six years
ago, and the meet standard of 2:10.3
recorded last year by Otto Jaretz of
the Pasadena (Calif.) A.C., who fail-
ed to qualify in an upset this after-
Counsilian Wins
Jim Counsilman of St. Louis, an
Ohio State freshman, succeeded
Michigan's Jim Skinner, who didn't
defend his title, as the 220-yard
breast stroke champion. His time of
2:39.4 was a second off the American
record, but easily bested Skinner's
1941 clocking.
After threatening all evening, Yale
finally wound up with two titles, the
400-yard free style relay and the one-
meter dive won by Jim Cook, the
Eastern Intercollegiate champion,
which brought in the Blue team total
to 32 points, 26 more than second-
place Princeton.
The only two Michigan men en-
tered, diver T-Bone Martin and
freshman backstroker Harry Holiday,
did not compete Friday but will par-E
ticipate in the high-board diving and
150 yard backstroke respectively
" Ann Arbor Tale Of Courage
* Little Pete Makes Good
Daily Sports Editor
(The columns this week are being{
written by junior members of the4
staff who are applying for the posi-
tion of sportst editor for the coming
year. Today's Sportfolio is by Bud
IN THE ANNALS 01 track there is
recorded the amazing story of
Glenn Cunningham, the great run-
ner, whose raw courage will live as
long, if not longer, than his prodig-
ious feats on the cinder-strewn track.
Badly burned when a child,
Cunningham turned to running
to build up his pitifully with-
ered leg. The result is well
known to all of us. Refusing to
believe the sage physicians and
medical advisers who told him that
running would only weaken his
flame-scarred tissues, Cunning-
ham, at first with great pain, set
about his task. And despite the
warnings often administered, he
never gave up. The rest is familiar
-the story of Glenn Cunningham
will stand until disproved as con-
clusive evidence of the rehabilita-
tive powers of athletics.
HERE, in Ann Arbor, can be found
a story comparable to the tale
of the courageous Mr. Cunningham.
It, too, is a story of raw courage pit-
ted against a relentless physical
handicap which had defied the ad-
vances of science and medical know-
ledge. It, too, stands as a living
testimonial of the vast benefits to
be derived from the world of sport by
a brave heart and an unfailing de-
We refer to the story of little Peter
Solar, eight-year-old son of Mr. and
Mrs. Reeves R. Solar of Ann Arbor.
Pete was all of five years old
when his dad led him by the hand
into the presence of Wolverine
swimming mentor Matt Mann. At
the time, his parents had almost
despaired of the hope that he
would ever recover from the infan-
tile paralysis attack which had
stricken him when a baby.
Paralyzed at only five months,
Pete had been the subject of a
wide variety of treatments until the
day his father brought him to the
Sports Building Pool. But beginning
with that eventful day, little Pete
found the trail leading to almost
complete recovery. "That day," says
Mrs. Solar, "was a Godsend to us."
FOR the preceding two years, Pete
had lived in the University Hos-
pital under . the constant care of
skilled specialists. Even then, he dis-
played the laudable talents of fear-
lessness and determination. There
was nothing that he wouldn't at-
tempt, no order that he wouldn't
follow, but, still, his progress was
negligible. Then Mrs. Solar thought
of swimming.
She asked the doctors if it was
worth a try, and they answered that
it could do no harm. She then en-
listed the aid of Matt Mann.
When Matt first took charge of
little Pete, he found a puny kid
who couldn't raise his left arm
and whose one leg was in a brace.
The first thing to go was the brace,
and the next thing was to put Pete
under the care of swimmer Bob
Newton. Gradually Newton taught
him how to swim, and gradually
the left arm became stronger, until
today Peter Solar is hardly handi-
capped in any way. Except for a
slight weakness of the stricken arm
and a slightly noticeable limp, he
is a normal youngster who loves the
water and who can swim like a
A FTER NEWTON left school, Pete
was taken in hand by diver T-
Bone Martin, and, technically speak-
ing,.it is still Martin who is respon- ;
sible for his welfare. But little Pete
has been adopted by the entire swim-
ming team, whom he worshipfully
refers to as "my gang." Martin
teaches him diving, Dobby Burton in-
structs him in the free style, Jim
Skinner tutors him in the art of the
butterfly breast stroke. And in the
heart of every Wolverine, there is a
place of respect and admiration for
Peter Solar.
Skinner is the particular idol of
the plucky youngster, and the breast
stroke naturally his favorite mode of
swimming. His endurance is remark-
able, and he can paddle up and down
the length of the pool more than ten
times without stopping. His mother
promised him a bicycle after he was'
able to swim a length, and today Pete
rides a bike as if he had been born on
The sport of swimming and the
Michigan tank crew well deservc.
the gratitude of the Solar family,
and little Pete well deserves a trib-
ute for his magnificent display of.
what we call guts. Go down to
the Sports Building Pool almost
any afternoon and you will see him,
a kid who rid himself of a physical
handicap because he was never
handicapped for lack of determi-
IN Dixie Golf Match,
ASHEVILLE, N.C., April 3.-Her-
man Barron of White Plains, N.Y.,
the Western Open champion playing
in his first tournament in three
weeks, grabbed the half-way lead to- I
day with his second straight par- 1
busting round for a total of 137 in the
$5,000 Land of the Sky meet.
Lawson Little, former U.S. Open
champion who was tied with three
others for the lead at the start of
play today, was in second place two
shots back of Barron.
Co-leaders with Barron and Little,
at 69 after the first round, Byron
Nelson and Jimmy Hines slipped to
73 and 75 respectively,
Hurling Looks
Weak In Third
Intrasquad Tilt
Boim's Performance Is
Encouraging; artmill
Leads Attack At Plate
After y6sterday's practice game in
which the Varsity A team beat the
Varsity B team 4-1, Coach Ray Fish-
er seems to have suffered a tempor-
ary setback in his attempt to re-
build the Wolverine moundstaff.
Of the four pitchers Fisher used,
only "Pro" Boim gave the veteran
Michigan coach anything to be hope-
ful about. Les Parr, Gus Sharemet
and Phil Alex were the other hurl-
ers who saw action, but none of them
looked as if they would give Michi-
gan's opponents any sleepless nights.
Cartmill Leads Attack
Bill Cartmill, who has never been
considered to be a heavy hitter, came
through with a tremendous triple
and a sharp single to pace the Varsity
A team to their third straight win.
It was Sharemet's first appearance
of the season on the mound and al-
though he only gave up one run and
four hits in the three innings he
worked, the big fellow lacked much
of the speed that Fisher has been
counting on.
The weakspot in the Wolverine
infield -- the shortstop position -
seemed to have been greatly strengti-
ened by the excellent fielding that
Bob Stenberg and Johnny Erpelding
have turned in during the past few
Stenberg Shows Speed
Stenberg hasn't developed a strong
enopgh throwing arm yet, but he
shows plenty of speed and spirit. Be-
cause of these qualities the fans are
starting to compare the little fellow
with the colorful Mike Sofiak.
Parr, who pitched the first four
innings for the B team, showed a
nice curve ball and a little speed,
but apparently lacks the control that
a Conference pitcher must have. He
has the potentialities however and
with a coach like Fisher around,
Parr can be counted upon to win his
share of victories before he finishes
playing for Michigan.
Don Boor, one of the leading con-
tenders for the first baseman's posi-
tion, continued his heavy hitting by
helping himself to a healthy triple,
while Paul White, probable right-
fielder for the Wolverines this sea-
son, turned in several fine fielding
At Lakeland, Fla.
St. Louis (N) . . 002 040 403-9 16 2
Detroit (A) . 00 000 050-5 10 3
M.Copper, Lohrman (8) and Man-
cuso; Fuchs, Rowe (6) and Tebbetts.
NeKrk (Nk1s.Gr00'k07)Oxnd He-
gan; Carpenter, C. Hubbell (7) and
Chicago (A) 100 020 400-7 13 5
Chicago (N) . 201 002 3x-8 9 2
Lyons, Haynes (6) and Tresh;
Mooty, Hanyzewski (6), Fleming (8)
and McCullough.
Boston (A) .. 200 400 023-11 14 2
Cincinnati (N) 201 030 000-- 6 9 01
Chase, Judd (5) and Peacock;
Riddle and Lakeman, Lamanno (6).
Maple Leafs To Face Detroit
In Final Stanley Cup Playoffs.
TORONTO, April 3. --(P)- Tor- ew York series because of injuries,
onto's Maple Leafs and the Detroit is expected to take his regular turn
Red Wings, survivors of the prelim- against the Wings.
inary rounds in the Stanley Cup Goldup has turned in his best per-
hockey playoffs, collide here tomor- formances the past season against
Detroit. He rapped in four goals in
row night in the opening game Of one game against the Red Wings
a best-of-seven series for the trophy last season.
emblematic of the world's profes- On the other hand, Detroit has
sional championship. been a jinx to the Leafs in past post-
The Red Wings, who eliminated season playoffs.
the Montreal Canadiens and the de-
fending champion Boston Bruins on Indians Get Buster Mills
their way to the finals, were due to In Deal With Kansas City
arrive late tonight.In el __K ssi
The Maple Leafs, who finished sec- CLEVELAND, April 3.-(AP)-The
ond to New York in the regular sea- Cleveland Indians acquired outfielder
son's play in the National League Colonel B. (Buster) Mills"from Kan-
and then ousted the Rangers in a sas City of the American Association
six-game class "A" semi-final, breez- in exchange for 9utfielder Larry
ed through a light workout today. Rosenthal and cash, Roger Peckin
Clarence (Hap) Day, Toronto paugh, Indian vice-president, an-
coach, said he would depend on the nounced tonight.
same 15 players who carried the team Mills, who joins the Indians im-
through the Ranger series. All the mediately, has seen service with the
Toronto players reported in top shape Boston Red Sox, St. Louis Browns
after the practice. and New York Yankees. He batted
Halk Goldup, who was used only .307 with the Kansas City Blues last
sparingly in the latter part of the season.
Competes In A.A.U. Today
McCarthy Is
Most Versatile
Of Cinulcrimen
When "Ironman" Frank McCarthy
: amassed 14 points in the dual track
meet with Pittsburgh two months
ago and placed in each of his four
special events, he came one step
closer to a goal set up for himself
eight years ago as a .junior high
school athlete.
That goal-competition in the na-
tional decathlon championships dur-
ing his senior year at Michigan-
may never be realized because war
comes first. Nevertheless, Varsity
Coach Ken Doherty's chief point-
getter will keep plugging.
There have been many moments
of temptation when Mac wanted to
chuck this ambition aside to con-
centrate in one event. And he could
become a champion in one of his four
events--high and broad jump and
high and low hurdles-if he chose to
do this.
Watson Sets Example
It wasn't until the State AAU meet
at East Lansing in 1937 that Mc-
Carthy pulled his first ironman stunt,
taking first place in the high jump,
second in the high hurdles and third
in the broad jump.
The following year he returned and
grabbed a second in the highs and
third places in the high and broad
j ps. His feat of setting a new
rc-ord in the decathlon at Cranbrook
Prep in 1939 goaded him on toward
11e national decathlon meet.
'Thisyear, as a junior member of
the Wolverine track team, Mac has
twice piled up 14 points in indoor
lI'ets. Mac A Football Star
This desire to become an all-
around athlete has robbed Michigan
1 fa potentially grreat end. Mac won
three football letters at Baldwin High
School in Birmingham and made his
numeral as a freshman at Michigan.
But track was more interesting.
Because there1ar 10 events in the
decathlon 100 and 440 -ya rddashes,
120-yard high hurdles, mile, shot put,
broad .jump, high jump, discus, jave-
lin and pole vault-he decided to go
out for it.
"Sometimes I get mighty tired be-
fore my four events are completed
l and wish I w"s an ordinary one-event
I man," Mac reported during a work-
ou y(sterday, "but the show must
go on."
You can do three important things
First Be sure
to vote.
Vote for
Vote for
0 alert.
* Well-informed.
* Effective.
* No ax to grind.
Shirky W. Allen
Democratic candidate
for alderman - 7th ward
Election Mon., Apr. 6, 1942
Gamon, Big Ten Champ Of Last
Year, Should Have Good Season
('lis Is the second of a series of
articles on the men who will represent
Michigan on the tennis courts this
A short, stocky individual picked
up his tennis racquet and slowly
walked to one of the University of
Chicago's four courts.
This scene took place last May in
the Windy City where the Western
Conference tennis championships
were being held, and the person in-
volved was Michigan's Tom Gamon,
senior netter from Red Bank, N.J.
That year marked the second time
Tom had gone in quest of a division
championship, but it was the first
time he had gotten as far as the
finals. The previous year he played
in the third bracket matches, but
now he was battling for the fifth di-
vision championship.
Gamon had had a successful sea-
son as far as victories go, but he was
having a tough time of it now. Al-
though he had won his first round
match with apparent ease, he found
the going quite hard. His second
round opponent was a cagy netter
from Wisconsin, Bob Bruce, and the
Badger athlete had taken the first
set, 6-4. When he finally got going,
however, Tom won the next two sets,
6-4, 6-2, and "entered the final round
against Ralph Johansen, a sopho-
more from Chicago.
Gamon Takes Title
When the smoke of battle had
cleared away, Gamon had won in
straight sets, 6-3, 6-2, and had cap-
tured one of the two individual titles
won by the newly-crowned Big Ten
net champions.
That was Michigan's first tennis
championship and much of the credit
for the Wolverine victory was duly
given to Tom Gamon, who also got
points for the Maize and Blue by go-r
ing to the finals in the third division
hand at tennis instead of baseball
and found he' could hold his own
with almost anybody he faced.
Competition Keener
After he went out for the freshman
net squad and won his numerals, he
took over one of the top singles posi-
tions on the team his sophomore year,
alternating in the second and third
spots, and the fact that he played
fifth singles last year has nothing to
do with his ability. The competition
was just keener and Gamon's playing
at the fifth spot made the team es-
pecially strong in the lower brackets.
This is Tom's last year under the
Wolverine colors and if the past is
any criterion for the future, Michi-
gan net fans will still continue to
see plenty of good ;ennis from Tom
Gamon this season.
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