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April 03, 1942 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-04-03

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Student War Board
May Fill Need .. .




RAF Suffers
Heavy Losses
In Paris Raid
To Aid Russia
Loss Of Air Advantage
In Battle For Darwin
May Induce Japanese
To Attack New Guinea
15 Bombers Lost
By English Force
TOWN, Friday, April 3. -(A)- A
strong force of German night raid-
ers strewed bombs over a consider-
able area early today. The attack,
more intense than any for some
time, came about two hours after
a light raid which caused neither
casualties nor damage.
(By The Associated Press)
LONDON, April 2.-Back again
over the suburbs of Paris and into
north and northwest Germany, the
RAF blasted early today at the Mat-
ford works, pre-war Ford factory at
Poissy and at the Reich's railroad
network which is pouring munitions
toward the Russian front.
Fifteen bombers were missing from
these far-ranging raids, interpreted
authoritatively here as primarily
blows to assist Russia. The Paris
factories are reported turning out
vehicles for the Germans in the east
and the German railroads are strain-
ed to the utmost in transporting sup-
plies for spring offensive action
against the Red armies.
RAF's Biggest Loss
It was the RAF's biggest loss in a
single night since the Nov. 7 raid on
Berlin in which 37 British planes
were destroyed, and it was above the
average of 10 to 12 which the RAF
feels it can afford to lose in one night
at the present scale of operations.
Bright moonlight aided the attack-
ers and the German night fighters
Canadian airmen, led by Jhn ny
Fauquier, Ottawa bus flier, told of
blasting debris high into the sky at
Poissy, eight miles west of Paris on
the left bank of the Seine, of setting
bright fires and of feeling the blast
of bombs which made direct hits on
the Matford factory from extremely
low altitudes.
One of the Canadian-flown Well-
ington bombers came out of the tar-
get area at 500 feet, and the pilot
said the bomb blast "nearly lifted us
out of the sky."
Matford Factory Damaged ]
Vichy reports said that the Mat-
ford factory was "damaged slightly"
and that one person was known to
have been killed and several wound-
ed. Paris anti-aircraft defenses were
active during the alert-from 4 to
5:30 a.m., and bombs were said to
have been dropped in several of the
western and northwestern Paris out-
Latest reports from Vichy said that
fairly heavy damage was caused at
Poissy, with the Matford factory the
chief target.
Japanese Bomb
Australian Port
MELBOURNE, April 2.-(P)-The
Japanese bombed the northern port
of Darwin today for the eleventh
time, but their loss of air superiority
in this theatre of war led to predic-
tions that their next move might be
a sea-borne attack on Port Moresby,

key city of New Guinea.
A brief communique from the of-
fice of Prime Minister John Curtin
said that seven bombers with fighter
escorts conducted the Darwin raid
but that no damage or casulaties
were reported and that the action
was the only one reported in the
entire area of the fair southwest
The probability that the Japanese
will switch to a sea thrust at Port
Moresby, less than 300 miles from the
Australian mainland, was raised by
the Sydney Sun. It said that with
heavy rains halting the Japanese
drive overland from the north New
Guinea coast and with the American
and Australian forces having won at
least temporary air superiority, a re-
sort to naval action was "suggested
by recent movements of enemy ships,
which are constantly being attacked
at Lae and Salamaua by the allied
air forces."
Melodrama Concludes
hrma Season Toanim ht

Thirty-Two Engineers
Join Tau Beta Pi Ranks
Highest Campus Engineering Society Holds Formal'
Initiation In Union; 24 Undergraduates Honored
Recognition for outstanding schol- ones to determine the terms of that
arship, character and service went peace when the fight is over, Prof.
to 24 undergraduate engineers, three G. G. Brown of the chemical en-
graduates, two engineering industri- gineering department was the speak-
al men and three engineers from er of the evening.
other colleges yesterday when Tau "There are two types of men," he
Beta Pi Association, highest of the pointed out. "When trouble breaks
campus engineering honor societies, out some men run toward the trouble
held its formal initiation in the and others run away from it. When
Union. things are normal once more it
Junior engineers elected to mem- should be those men who haverun
bership were Roy K. Bradley, Her- toward the trouble who take the job
man S. Chiu, J. Ross Clark, Herman of insuring that the trouble does
Doehner, James M. Edmunds, RobertI not reoccur."
W. Ehrlich, William W. Hutcherson, Reasons For 'Doing'
Benjamin M. Lent-Koop, Kenneth Noting that the Axis nations have
R. Moehl, Duane A. Pagel, Thaine built up teir government around
W. Reynolds, Tom S. Rice, Edward the technical groups, Professor
A. Rutan and Philip E. Sharpe. Brown declared that the leaders of
Other junior members are Fred the nation today "must find reasons
B. Sleator, Robert J. Sundquist, F. for doing things rather than for
Carter Taylor, Charles M. Thatcher, not doing things if we are to avoid
Donald C. West, Paul D. Wingate stagnation."
and Marvin L. Zeskind. Toastmaster for the evening was
Engineers Honored Prof. A. D. Moore of the elec-
Honored senior engineers were trical engineering department. Other
Walter F. Prosek, Raymond I. Schne- speakers on the program were Tau
yer, and Gordon J. Van Wylen, while Beta Pi President Bob Wallace, '42E,
graduate men elected were S. Stan- who welcomed the initiates, and Phil
ford Manson, Cedomir M. Sliepce- Sharpe, '43E, who gave the response,
vich and Robert C. Werner. __
Max W. Benjamin of the DetroitR
Edison. Company and Leonard Bod- ROTC Names
were also given recognition by the Ne
society for their outstanding servicesaNewnitosohernc
and .contribtuions to the advance-
ment of engineering.o R I
Initiated for other Tau Beta Pi For g
chapters were Lloyd E. Brownell, for
New York Theta Chapter at Clark-I
son College; Clarence I. Lewis, for Kennedy Is To Be Colonel;
Texas Gamma Chapter at Rice In- Company And Battalion
stitute, and Paul A. Meyer for the r o na
Kansas Alpha Chapter at Kansas Proniotions Also Made
Emphasizing that the young men In General Order 3 from ROTC
who are now fighting for peace Headquarters, Verne C. Kennedy, Jr.,
should make sure that they are the '42E, was promoted to cadet colonel
and regimental commander, highest


Troops Land At Akyab,


Than 100 Miles From India;

22,000 Germans Slain In Russia


Moscow Reports Many
Enemy Troops Killed
In Ferocious Fighting
Battles Are Waged
STwo aim A reas
(By The AssocateO Press)
MOSCOW, Friday, April 3-The
Russians announced officially today
that more than 22,000 Germans had
been killed in the Leningrad and
Kalinin sectors in a violent Red pre-
lude to Adolf Hitler's threatening
spring attempt to smash the Soviet
Twelve thousand Nazis were slain
in the Leningrad area between March
23 and March 31, a special communi-
que said. A regular communique is-
sued at noon yesterday said that
3,000 Germans had been killed in the'
last two days, indicating the grow-
ing ferocity of the battles around the
approaches to that important Baltic
10,000 Nazi Dead
On the Kalinin, or northwestern
front between Lake Ilmen and Rzhev,
the Russians said, 10,000 more Nazi
dead were counted between March 21

Largest Part Of Philippine Area
Remains Under American Flag
Only Five Of 7,000 Reefs And Islands Are Occupied;
Filipinos,_Bewildered By Retreats, Remain Loyal

QUARTERS in Australia, April 2.-
(/)-By far the greatest part of the
Philippines, both in territory and in
population, still are free of the Japa-
nese invader and still are under the
American flag.
The people are unwavering in their
loyalty to the United States, although
considerably puzzled over the Allies'
continued withdrawals and their fail-
ure to take the initiative against
No Japs
En route to Australia, where I ar-
rived three days ago, I traveled hun-
dreds of miles over Philippine waters
and by car over the islands without
seeing a single Japanese plane, war-
ship or soldier.
It is well to recall that there are
Student Senate
Sells Defense

and April 1. It is in this area, at
Staraya Russa, that the Russians
have been steadily cutting down the
encircled 16th Nazi army despite vast


Men To Get
In First Aid,
As a direct result of the Student'
Defense survey conducted on campus,
several months ago, University men
will get their chance to pitch into
the war effort by enrolling in a first
aid course-for men only-to be
sponsored by the Michigan Union un-
der the supervision of the Red Cross
Any man interested in taking the
course is asked to contact Ed Holm-
berg, '43, of the Union Executive
Council. A certificate will be given
upon successful completion.
When the questionnaires were
passed out among the students re-
cently in order to determine what
courses they wanted the University
to offer in line with defense, many
men indicated their preference for
a program of first aid. Thus, the
new course proposed by the Union
seeks to follow out the suggested
Two first aid courses for men will
be offered, at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday and
Thursday evenings in Room 316 of
the Union for two hours each. The
courses will last a full six weeks and
will be conducted by a professional

post attainable in the University
Named as cadet lieutenant colonels
in the same general order were Lind-
ley M. Dean, regimental executive;
officer; George D. Gotschall, com-
manding officer, first battalion, and;
Alfred M. Owens, commanding offi-
cer, second battalion.
Cadet captains, company com-
manders, are Harold S. Klein, Co. A,'
Robert J. Ogden, Co. B, James H.
Garvin, Co. C, Thaddeus W. Kuchar-
ski, Co. E, Joseph W. Pezdirtz, Co. F,
Rudolaph A. Axelson, Co. G, Doug-
las G. Knoght, Co. I, Robert L. Col-
lins, Co. K, Neal G. Sperhake, Co. L,
and Robert G. W. Brown, Band.
Ivan R. Schafer and Robert A.
Carlson were assigned as adjutants
of the first and second battalions,!
These appointments were made up-
on the basis of recommendations of
their instructors, the result .of four
years work in military science,
The cadet officers exercise direct
command of the regiment of cadets,
organized on the lines of an infantry
rifle 1egiment less heavy weapons
companies, and are responsible for
the maior part of drill instruction.
Ap)lpoin tmnents of cadet non-coi-
missioned officers, made during the
last few weeks by verbal order of the
professor of military science and tac-
tics, were made official in this same
general order.
Previous appointments not men-
tioned in the order are unchanged.

numberstof German reserves thrown -" Stam psToday
agains the Rdcordon.
After days of official silence, the
Russians issued a series of communi- First In Projected Weekly
ques listing an enormous haul of Drives To Be Conducted
German booty, captured or destroyed.
Among the items reported de- In Center Of Diagonal
stroyed on both fronts were 58 Nazi
airplanes, 642 ammunition and sup- The :first in a proposed weekly
ply trucks, 108 trench mortars, 39 series of Defense Stamp Days will
tanks, 100 guns and machine-guns, be inaugurated today with the sale
six ammunition dumps, one food of war savings stamps from 8:45 a.m.
warehouse, and a great number of to 4:15 p.m. in the center of the
blockhouses and reinforced Nazi dug- Diagonal.
outs. Sponsored by the Student Senate
Material Listed and approved by the Student War
The Russians listed this haul in Board, Defense Stamp Day is aimed
captured material: seventeen tanks at stepping up campus purchases of
and armored cars; 515 machine guns; war savings stamps by making them
86 trench mortars; 62 guns: 1,347,300 a "habit."
rounds of ammunition; 9,000 shells The stamps will be sold today in
and 158 cases of shells: 165 trucks; ten and twenty-five cent denomina-
17 motorcycles; 5,300 hand grenades tions, in addition to albums for those
and 54 cases of grenades; 11,300 who have not as yet joined the drive.
mines and 220 cases of mines; 15 Today's drive is the outgrowth of
radio transmitters; 130 horses; 3,000 a Student Senate plan to reawaken
flares; 300 pairs of skiis; eight oil campus interest in the defense sav-
tanks, and other equipment. ings program. Sales have fallen off
As usual, the Russians refrained harply since the first major drive
from identifying the specific locali. several months ago. Permanence of
ties where their armies were fighting, this service will depend on student
but insisted they retained the initia- response today.
tive begun last December when the "This is one of the best opportuni-
Germans were rolled back from the tics offered men and women students
gates of Moscow. alike to do something concrete for
the war effort," senate president Bob
Krause, '43BAd, declared yesterday.
Standard1 d U iead(L Stamps purchased today should be
tit gpaced in an album and turned in
-afterthe proper amount has been
£11 I)1L) gg accumulated for an $18.75 Series E
bond. They may also be obtained at
. .the post office and from University
WASHINGTON April 2.----/[P--Of- cashiers.

7,000 islands and reefs in the Archi-
pelago, and that so far the enemy
has landed on only five.
The Japanese control the princi-
pal cities and highways in central
and northern Luzon and a few ports
in southeastern Luzon. However, the
main prize, Manila Bay, still is be-
yond their reach.
Recently the Japanese occupied
five points on northern Mindoro.
Theydmaintain a small force on the
island of Masbate; occupy Davao and
Zamboanga, at the eastern and west-
ern extremities of Mindanao, and
also hold the island of Jolo.
The Japanese do not control the
inner Philippine Islands or the in-
land waters. Occasionally an enemy
warship raids shipping and ports in
the so-called "inland sea." But the
Japanese apparently are afraid. to
keep a destroyer or a light cruiser on
patrol there.
Torpedo Boats Needed
From what I have seen of the
American torpedo boats in action, I
believe a few squadrons of those
hard-hitting, speedy vessels in which
Gen. Douglas MacArthur began his
trip to Australia could keep the is-
land's inner shipping lanes entirely
clear of the enemy.
There are dozens of airfields and
scores of ports in the inner Philip-
pines from which American planes
and ships could operate. There are
American and Filipino fighting forces
on almost every island.
The war goes on not only on Ba:.
taan but on Mindanao, where the
Moros, under U.S. officers, frequently
attack the Japanese.
Group Revises
Officer List
Bomber-Scholarship Body
Includes Congress Head
Replacing the chairman of the
now-defunct Committee of 1942, the
president of Congress will be a perm-
anent member of the Student Bomb-
er Scholarship Committee, it was an-
nounced yesterday.
The nine-member committee, rep-
resenting heads of major campus or-
ganizations, will also take over the
functions of collection and publicity
previously allocated to the Commit-
tee of 1942.
This bomber scholarship commit-
tee will become effective May 1, when
it replaces the present body headed
by Art Rude, '42.
Rude also announced that plans,
have been made to facilitate contri-
butions from individual students. He
declared yesterday that "the plan
will not attain ultimate success un-
til every student recognizes the neces-
sity of using the plan as a medium
of sacrifice to the war effort."

Compromise On Question
Of Indian Independence
Indicated AsPossibility
Proposal Rejected
By Congress Party
(By The Associated Press)
LONDON, April 2. - Japanese
troops protected by cruisers and de-
stroyers have landed at Akyab, the
chief,,western Burma port within 100
miles of the Indian frontier, and
thus have raised a menace to the
whole of the present right Allied
Burmese Line, a Chinese Army
spokesman announced today in
British and Chinese communiques
indicated meantime that action afield
in Central Burma had fallen into a
lull on both the right and left Allied
anchors, the one about Prome on the
Irrawaddy River and the other above
Toungoo in the Basin of the Sittang.
Mountains Intervene
Between Akyab and tie Irrawaddy
Basin a mountain range intervenes,
but a trail leads from the city across
the mountains to Minbu, 100 miles
north of Prome and only 20 miles
below the center of the Burma oil
fields at Yenangyaung.
A heavy enemy flanking movement
over that trail, it was pointed out,
might soon make indefensible the
present British positions about
Prome, aside from putting the oil
fields in imminent danger.
The enemy naval forces reported
to have effected the Akyab landings
were presumed to have operated eith-
er from fallen Rangoon or from the
recently seized Andaman Islands in
the Bay of Bengal.
The Chinese spokesman said the
enemy units comprised two heavy
cruisers, three light cruisers, five de-
stroyers, four transports and two
supply ships.
No Substantial Change
From the Prome front, the Brit-
ish Command reported no substan-
tial change since yesterday and said
there had been none other than
patrol action.
Already outnumbered, the British
forces-English and Scottish troops
and some Indians-were faced with
a rising threat by traitorous Burm-
ese. Four thousand such mercen-
aries were officially reported now to
be in action in aid of the Japanese
on the Prome front alone, 1,000 of
them standing on the west bank of
Irrawaddy in a threat to the British
right flank.
On the Chinese-held front above
Toungoo, said a Chinese communi-
que from New Delhi, quiet had fallen
after the heavy and bloody fighting
that preceded the establishment of
the present Chinese positions around
Nangyun, 12 miles above Toungoo.
Compromise Is Possible
For Great Britain, India
(By The Associated Press)
NEW DELHI, India, April 2.-With
Japanese invaders reported barely
100 miles from the Bengal border,
the pressing problem of India's fight-
ing participation in the war ap-
peared tonight to have been saved
from a cold stalemate by indications
of willingness to compromise on de-
tails of the independence issue.
The executive committee of the
powerful All-India Congress Party
rejected; point by point, Britain's of-
fer of post-war dominion status in
return for full war participation un-
der British direction, but it was re-
ported to have advanced its own
counter proposals which might keep
the discussions going.
Sir Sttfford Cripps, special envoy
who brought Britain's offer to India,
changed his mind about leaving for
home next Monday. He declared, in-
stead, that "I think I can possibly do

something useful next week."
He had before him already the pre-
vious rejections of Britain's proposals
by the Sikhs, warriors of the Punjab,
and by the extremist Mahasabha
group of Hindus.
Yet to be heard from formally,
however, was the Moslem League,
second largest of India's complex pol-
itical and religious groups, whose
working committee meets tomorrow
at Allahabad.


Wainwright 'Mops Up':
U.S. -Filipino Troops Stop Jap
Attempt To Crack Bataan Line

savage onslaught by Japanese as-
sault troops succeeded today in pne-
trating the defense line on Bataan
Peninsula before the invaders were
halted by a fierce American -Filipino
counter attack.
The War Department reported re-
assuringly, however, that. the line was
restored, and a "considerable num-
ber" of enemy units trapped. These
were being mopped up late in the day,
LieutL-Gen. Jonathan M. Win-
wright advised ..
Meantime, the anti-aircraft gun -
ners of Corregidor fortress off the
southern end of Bataan destroyed
three Japanese heavy bombers and
a fourth bomber blew up in mid-air.
The attack which penetrated the
defenders' main line was the second
launched in 24 hours, a late day com-
munique said. The first, made near
the center, was readily masred by
heavy artillery fire and counter-at-
tacks which regained outposts that

bef n restor'el and the enenmy advaiIce
ha: d, the communique reported,
adding that while Japanese losses
were heavy, the defenders' casualties
were "surprisingly small.
The onslaugh ts were ihe secod ici
and thurd to be made ri rapd suc
(essol) by ULIeiit.-Ge'ii. 'T)iioyuki
Yrnashitar's reinforced invasion for-
r('cs111( an d ca tedstrongly to observ
e 11' 0 thtthe r.1Japaneu( .: wre rintent
onl efiding t(Ie he lippim, ,sta1lemalte ol
more than three mouths.
The four bombers raised the def-
inite Japanese losses over the Manila
Bay fortifications to 32. The air
raids were accompanied by further
artillery duels with Japanese batter-
ies oul the south shore of the bay.
Enemy air raids on beach def enses
of Ba ta an put General Wainwrig lit's
forces on iltme alert for an attepited
Japanese flanking attack by sea.
The War Department reported that

ficials of Standard Oil Company
(New Jersey) acknowledged today
that the company sought in 1930-40
to prevent individual companies from
undertaking development of Stan-
dard's synthetic rubber for use in
tires, but said this policy was adopted
in the belief that large scale develop-
ment could be achieved only by coop-
erative action of the major rubber
This testimony was give to the
Senate Defe; use Investigating Com-
mittee by W. S. Faris]i, president, and
F. A. Howard, vice-president, of the
Denying that the obrjetive of the
company's policy was to maintain
a monopoly control over synthetic
rubber llrocesses acquired from I. G.
anpany' Geman asso-
(late, the othejas ssertd (hat they
had taken the id in attempting to
develop synthhet it(rubber in the
United States and had followed a
policy recommended by the Army and
Navy Munitions Board.
IIIA*I(Od P ie Ire
r AppearSumLay
S-t:1 P-L-N-S-E!
That's "The Lady Vanishmes," Al
fred Hitchcock's "super spy drama,"

The Graduate Council will meet
at 5 p.m. today in the East Lee-
ture Room of the Rackham

Michigan's Supreme Penalty:
Murderer Of Three is Given
Life Imprisonument Sentence

PONTIAC, April 2.-G(y)For two
years Dominick Piccone fretted in
prison and planned his vengeance
against his 71-year old benefactor.
Tonight he is back in prison, sen-
tenced to spend the rest of his life
at hard labor and solitary confine-
nent because he carried out his ven-
Picoone had promised to return
and kill Cassius Barber when he got
out of prison, and he did it-one of
three killings carried out in a 24-hour
period Tuesday and Wednesday, dur-
ing a 900 mile tour of the State,
Taken into Circuit Court before
Judge H. Russel Holland, he pleaded
"Since nothing I could ,say would
have any efect on you, I have no

old man over spending money; how
he finally beat the old man and fled;
how he stole a pistol from Barber
and later used it to force a young
school teacher to drive him from De-
troit to near Barber's farm where he
intended to kill the farmer; how she
had fallen and he was convicted of
felonious assault because of her in-
jury, and how Barber at his trial
had identified the stolen gun. All
that was two years ago,
Then, March 17 of this year he was
released from prison at the expira-
tion of maximum sentence and with
$18 in his pocket, he bought a gun.
Tuesday night he went out to the
Barber farm in the rain and sleet.
He stopped first at the home of Ro-
maine C. Potter. 75. Barber's eousin,

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